• Published 18th Nov 2013
  • 4,332 Views, 28 Comments

Hetalia: Journey to The Strange World - IamtheRazgriz

The countries of Hetalia get sucked into a portal to Equestria! How will they escape?

  • ...

Same Old, Same Old

"Awww man! This is gonna take forever!" Spike had been cleaning the library for three and a half minutes since he first saw the big mess of books. So, was it really going to take forever? He couldn't really actually tell himself. But those three and a half minutes had felt like three and a half hours. So, he asked Owliscious-- Twilight's personal pet-- if he would like to help. "Hey Owliscious," he said to the owl that was the same size as Spike, with a little size difference. Though it was a bit of a strange size equivalency. Although they were about the same size, the owl was stronger than him.

The owl also seemed to have more intelligence than Spike did. He could find something right away, and easily do Spike's jobs with more results in a shorter time than Spike himself. But he was also quite gullible at many times. Spike had more than once fooled Owliscious at many things, and even caused him to go off doing an errand that never even existed in the first place.

So Spike was about to ask Owliscious if he could help him clean up the books. And so he said, "Hey Owliscious," in a tone that almost sounded menacing, but not exactly. And well, because he's an owl, all that he said was, "Hoo". Spike always forgot that the only thing Owliscious said was, "Hoo". And because of this, he constantly got into an unneeded argument that was always one-sided; it always seemed in turn of Owliscious's favor. "You," Spike said back to him, slightly irritated. "Hoo," the smug owl replied back. Spike got more upset and it showed through his voice and gestures. "I said," Spike started to yell, "you!" He threw books in the air when he said that. Must've forgotten that he was holding those in the first place, thought Owliscious. He let out a small laugh, but he didn't let Spike notice it.

He proceeded to help Spike Clean up the books, and so they cleaned. With him helping, it all went by much quicker. Spike was wondering what was going on. Why was he helping him now? He was just getting him angry a minute ago, right? So, why? "Hey, Owliscious? Why are you helping me?"








"I said YOU!"

Just then one of the worst things happened. It was bad enough that this cleaning was happening. But this was actually worse. Now they had a whole 'nother problem on their hands.

"Spike," Twilight yelled. Her voice echoed through the tree like they were actually in a prison cell rather than the Library.

"Hoo." The owl just face-palmed in bewilderment of how weird Spike really was. By now, five more minutes had passed by so quickly. The library did look noticeably cleaner than it had from when he started to pick up.

"Yes," asked Spike. Of all the things that could happen, why did she have to wake up? They were so close to finishing now, why did she wake up? "What's up with all the noise down there?! I'm trying to sleep!"

Spike pondered for the words he needed to say. He couldn't think of anything. He started to say something so it seemed like he was answering right away. He said, "Uhh... Well, uhh... Owliscious and I were just hanging out! After all, we ARE best buds, haha... Right?!" The last part was in a more cynical tone than before. He sounded more like a guy talking through the radio, on the other side. He probably couldn't have sounded any worst than he did right there.

"All right," Twilight said. "Just try and keep it down, okay?" Spike replied back with a more upbeat tone now, "Yes ma'am!" He was looking at the owl now, and looked relaxed. "Whew, that one, was close! Now let's finish cleaning up this mess."


"You guys are all idiots!" Germany was yelling at everybody for their time wasting skills. If they were put into the Guiness Book of World Records, they would be the record holders of the biggest time wasters ever! These guys never made actual damn good use of the time! He continued yelling, "God damn! You guys are the worst at coming up with plans! You fucking seriously just wasted hours of time to do nothing but come up with a plan that takes two seconds to come up with! You know, we're all going out there right now, and we will at least see what this place is like, yet we will not let our guard down!"

"Yessir," everyone yelled. Germany yelled, "Align your ranks!" And so they complied. They just looked like they were going to war now. It was a little bit weird. It was actually kind of funny to look at. Hell, it's just funny thinking of this situation. Everyone was still arguing about almost everything. "Everyone Shut Up!" Germany yelled at the top of his lungs to everyone.

"I get it! You all want to go home, well I also do, but we can't just sit here arguing about the problems that we face every other day. Now if we want to get back home, we have to work together. We don't get anywhere fighting with each other like this. So there can't be anymore of this crap!" Italy seemed to be very unhappy about this speech, and he was scared. Look at him. So handsome. It's no wonder that he can get the ladies so well. Soon, enough, he'll belong to me though!, France thought to himself as they stood there. He was thinking of Italy. He wanted Italy to belong to the French territories so bad!

Look at him, all smug with his stupid face! Who does he think he is?! Eyeballing Italy like that, what a pervert!, thought England. "I heard that...", France said. "Wha...?! How?! That was all in my hea-- unless... Although we hate each other to the grave, it's possible that these feelings of hate have somehow manifested into a mental link," England exclaimed quietly. To himself.

Okay now, they were getting somewhere... Despite all the arguing. At least they managed to start their way out of the forest, albeit in an ungainly way. They weren't exactly marching, and they also weren't sneaking, they just were walking. They walked like this for a little while before they made it out of the forest. "Wha...?! I don't understand this at all! Wh-Where in the world are we?!", Germany asked rhetorically. America then said, "Whooaaa! Hey dudes, check that out! It's some weird looking horses, look!"

America pointed off to their right and everyone but England looked off in amazement. Germany, still reeling from the shock they had actually ended up in some other world, was almost going insane. Okay, keep calm now. Nothing good will come if I'm pent up like this, Germany thought. "Hey, are you alright Germany", Italy asked. Germany looked up, became aware, and kept his composure. "Yes, I'm very fine. I'm just so damn dumbfounded at what the hell this all is--"

"Hey, what's up?"

America yelled out to the strange creatures, which the group just now noticed had some strange markings on their flanks. England got up and smacked him upside the head so hard he felt the shock throughout his entire body. "Fool! You don't just yell out to those things we have no idea about; especially not when we just happen to show up to their world and pop out of a forest!"

"Well sorry for being nice and social! Is it really that bad to be nice to strangers?"

"In this case, I'm not sure, but don't be going around talking to random things we don't even know about! What if they're hostile you dumbass?!"

America retorted with, "Dude, look at us! I doubt two creatures that we just met are going to kill us or anything with numbers like these!"

"Well there are obviously more of them you, idiot! Compared to them, we're the two creatures that we just saw over there compared to us! Understand what I'm saying," He said. France then decided to contribute: "I must agree with England right now. We can't just start gallivanting off talking to creatures we don't know. They might not even speak our language!"

"Wait a second, you would never agree with me! What are you up to now, fascist?!"

"I'm not up to anything! I'm simply agreeing with you in the matter at hand."

Japan said, "Hey guys! They're leaving, look!" Japan pointed out the one thing nobody was worried about at all in this moment. He was the only one who payed attention to the new creatures after everyone else got caught up with France, England, and America. "Alright, Japan! Way to go dude," America cheered. Germany said, "Enough!" Russia decided he would speak as well. Screw it, why not just forget the meaning of 'staying under the RADAR'? He said, "Why don't we just dispose of the evidence that we're here in the first place?" He had his water pipe in his hands now.

England freaked at the suggestion of this. "A-Are you suggesting we kill them?!" Russia, still smiling and happy said, "No. Just knock 'em unconscious and put them in this forest here!"

"We can't do that!" England was questioning the sanity of Russia. Who in their right mind acted so brash? Oh yeah... America. But Russia was a different story. He wanted to solve things with violence, he wanted things to be done right. And he really wanted things to be done right the first time. But they couldn't do that. They had to let them go. They can't just go knocking things out cold. "I'm sorry, but we can't do that Russia. We have to leave them be. We should tail them, if anything," he said.

"Alright then. Kol kol..." Russia put his water pipe away. "Now we need to choose someone to tail them. And fast," England said.

"America's too noisy," France said.

"Italy's too scared," Germany stated.

"Russia isn't stealthy at all," America said.

"England could go... But he wouldn't be the best choice," said China.

"China cant go either," Russia said.

"France is good at sneaking up on people, but he's too noisy when he speaks to himself," England said.

"Germany just doesn't cut it either. He can get a short temper, and he gets angry really, really quickly," Italy exclaimed.

Everybody stopped and looked at Japan at once. When he noticed, he started to sweat and feel insecure.

"Wh-Why are you looking at me like that?" Japan, just catching on, said, "Alright, I'll go, but we can't risk detection, so obviously I go alone."

With that, he started to walk off towards the direction of the creatures. "Hey Japan!" Japan heard Germany yell and turned around to listen to what he had to say. "Stay alert, and stay alive," he said.