Rarity was in her home-slash-workplace, "The Carousel Boutique", when she heard the news from Twilight. She was busy trying to come up with a new design for her new dress in her new collection. As she sat at her little kitchen table, with her designer glasses on, pencil held in magic, she heard a knock on her door, which sounded a lot more like pounding, according to her standards.
So, with a frustrated sigh, she got up from the table, and marched over to the door in anger (She already was interrupted three times before, once when her sister Sweetiebelle left to play with Applebloom and Scootaloo, another time being a browsing customer, and the third a package for her, which she didn't order, until she found it was from Spike, and reluctantly accepted the letter). While she was walking across the showroom floor, which had string and fabric strewn all over the place, she thought to herself, "I must clean that mess up right away when I'm finished working."
Rarity thought of just denying the visitor, saying that she was closed for the day (She was so baffled when the one pony showed up wanting to look at designs for clothing, she couldn't even refuse then), until she realized it was Twilight.
Rarity reeled back for a moment, before she caught herself and welcomed her friend inside. She spoke to her friend in the voice she spoke with when she was slightly distressed, saying, "Twilight, I didn't know you'd be coming over! Well then, what is it?"
Twilight didn't answer her question, but rather asked her where she was, and why she didn't come to the library. "I didn't know my presence was requested a the library, Twilight, so may I ask you this: How was I supposed to know I was wanted there?"
"Didn't you get the letter from Spike, giving you specific details about what was happening today, at this time? You should have received it about 15 minutes ago," Twilight retorted.
Rarity said, defenseless, "Yeah, about that letter..." She had no idea of how to reply to that, since she didn't even open it, let alone read it. She just threw it in the trash. Although it was obvious that he had a crush on Rarity, he didn't know that every other pony in Ponyville, and Celestia, knew about it. And although she felt quite ungainly about the fact a baby dragon– well, not so much a baby dragon– had a crush on her, she actually found it quite amusing, and dare I say, cute.
Twilight asked Rarity, "What about the letter?" But Rarity just said, "Nothing. It's nothing." With that she put on her bad poker face, you know, the horrible smile they use when trying to cover up a lie.
"Well there's no time to worry about it, we've got to get back to the library, stat! Everypony is waiting for us there." Before she knew it, Rarity was following Twilight out of the door, and to the library, but not before she locked up the door to "The Carousel Boutique", and flipped the sign so it read 'closed'. Well no wonder why that pony wandered in looking for clothes, even though they didn't buy! It was because she forgot to flip the small sign!
At the library, five of the six friends were talking about the big problem. Pinkie Pie was more worried about problems like parties she absolutely had to throw. After all, being the most active, happy, and ADHD-all-over pony in all of Equestria meant that even she had big responsibilities.
Pinkie Pie was worried about the problems she had, so she barely heard what was happening. She was busy working out her own problems, until she was brought over to the circle forcibly by Twilight's magic. This frustrated her greatly, enough that she yelled the following question really loud, "What was that for?!?"
"You weren't listening to me earlier when I asked you to come over here five times, so I had no other choice," Twilight answered. "You were too caught up in your own things. Now you should stay sat here. Now where was I...?"
"Ah think you were busy tellin' us 'bout what Rainbow Dash an' Fluttershy 'ere told ya they saw over by the Everfree Forest," Applejack reminded her.
"Thank you, Applejack. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were over at the Everfree Forest trying to find out what happened to the thing in the sky, because it's gone. Well, what they found was very strange. They saw bipedal creatures: creatures that can walk on two legs." Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack all gasped, then Rarity asked, "Well, how many of these creatures did they see?"
"Eight of them! They were all in a big group, and looked like they were coming up with some sort of plan. They can also talk! One said something to us! It yelled something like, 'Hey, what's up,' or something like that," Rainbow Dash quickly said.
"Yes, thanks for that, Rainbow Dash. It was useful," Twilight said.
"What do you think we should do?!? Should we throw them a party? Or maybe ambush them, and then tie them up and question them? Or maybe we cou-"
"No, Pinkie, we can't do either one of those things! It could be too dangerous," Applejack told Pinkie. Applejack then looked at Twilight, and asked, "What do ya reckon we do, Twilight?"
Twilight answered, "I think we should approach them nicely, and avoid any confrontation that may be hostile." She continued to speak, "If we are going to attempt any contact, it better be friendly. We don't know how they may act."
"I agree with Twilight," Fluttershy said. "So how are we going to do it?"
The fellow countries were all at the small clearing still, and it was starting to get dark out. Japan made it back just a few minutes ago, while the sun was still setting. They decided they would start a small campfire to keep warm, and that China would cook this time, since he could do anything almost instantaneously. They were surprised when he got all his stuff for cooking right out of his bag on his back.
"Do you carry all your stuff in there wherever you go, China," America asked him. China just answered him without looking up, "Yeah. It helps to be prepared, you know. Why do you think I carry this bag? It isn't just for my panda friend."
They were going to have some of them go out to gather up supplies, but China had enough, of course.
"Wow, China. You can fit lots of things in your bag, can't you," Italy asked.
"Yeah, sure. I don't always have these things with me, because that's when I don't need them. But when I leave home on potentially dangerous mission, I take them with just to be safe."
"Hey, what's that over there? Do you see that," England asked everyone. He pointed over towards the darkness behind America, who was sat right across from him at the fire. He noticed that there were six beings in the darkness approaching. In fact, they looked to be some sort of equines, all about the same size. America quickly turned around to find that England wasn't actually hallucinating, but in fact, he was actually seeing something real.
America said, "Woah! Hey guys are you seeing this?!"
Germany answered, "Yes, I can see this as well."
Everyone else gasped, and Italy hid behind Germany. Just then, the strange creatures actually spoke. One of them spoke, in a female voice.
"It's okay, we're not going to hurt you." The one that spoke was purple, with a mane that was a deep bluish-indigo-violet, with light purple and pink streaks, while the tail was the same way.
"They can talk," Germany exclaimed out of pure shock.
"Yes, we can talk."
England said, "Well we weren't thinking of hurting you, either." The one that was flying, which was blue with a bizarre rainbow colored mane, said sarcastically, "Can we get this over with?" That made it clear at least two of them were females. The purple one spoke again, "Yes, Rainbow Dash, just be patient."
The one called Rainbow Dash crossed her hooves, something that amazed the countries still, and pouted. "Why don't we speak? Isn't that why you came here," Germany asked.
"Perhaps we ought to introduce ourselves. Well then, my name is England."
"I'm Twilight Sparkle, but everyone calls me Twilight."
America pointed out Rainbow Dash and the yellow one, saying, "Hey, you two are the ones that I saw earlier!" Twilight said, "Right, you've already 'met' Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy." As she said their names, she pointed to them, respectively. England then said, "This obnoxious one is America."
When England told them his name, he exclaimed, "And I'm the hero!"
"What did I say? He can be quite obnoxious and arrogant."
Italy came out from behind Germany and said, "I'm Italy! And this guy here is my friend, Germany! And he is my other friend, Japan!" He pointed to Germany and Japan, respectively.
"H-hello, I'm Japan. It's nice to make your acquaintance," Japan barely managed to say.
France then introduced himself, and said with his suave voice England hated so much, "I'm France. Nice to meet you."
"Hello, I am China. It's a pleasure to meet you," said China.
And then there was Russia..., "Hello, I am Russia! I like Vodka and Sunflower Seeds. I hope we can become great friends." It wasn't so much what he said, as the way he said it... (I leave that one for you to figure out by yourself) Everyone felt a sudden, strange chill run down their spine, except for a particular pink pony, which in fact became very happy.
"That is Pinkie Pie. She's the crazy friend who loves to throw fun parties!" Pinkie Pie then chimed in, "Oh boy, he seems really nice and friendly!" (She doesn't realize he has ulterior motives, which in fact are him wanting to be friends with everybody, but with them all 'one with Mother Russia'. He just wanted the whole world to be Russia.)
"Please allow me introduce myself. I am Rarity, the most fashionable pony here in Ponyville," the white one with the curly, purple mane said.
Then, the orange one introduced itself, talking in a southern accent, and said, "Mah name is Applejack. It sure is a pleasure to meet y'all folks! Ah'm the most honest pony 'round these parts. Ah help run Sweet Apple Acres, the family apple farm, with Big Macintosh, mah older brother, Applebloom, mah younger sister, and Granny Smith, our granny."
"Well then, it sure is nice to meet you all. Hello," England replied. Germany then said, "Yes", then mumbled under his breath, "If that's how you put it, I guess..."
"Well, what do you say we get down to business," Germany asked.
Twilight agreed, and they all sat down and spoke.
Well, glad I could be of service, then! :D
Suddenly, Discord...

I should definitely put him in the story. I completely didn't even think of that!
Will this be continued?
Yep, it sure will be
I bet Discord was the one who made the portal in the first place!
I agree