• Published 18th Nov 2013
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Hetalia: Journey to The Strange World - IamtheRazgriz

The countries of Hetalia get sucked into a portal to Equestria! How will they escape?

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Seriously... ANOTHER World Conference?!

Everybody was sitting around the oval table as America kept rambling on about whatever it was. No one knew. He kept talking about the same thing for what seemed like hours. Although it was only a few minutes. But, those minutes seemed to forge into hours as he talked and talked. He was like an annoying little dog- one that always barked at everybody and everything that came within viewing distance of it. Like a bird that doesn't stop cheeping and making noise, only it to piss you off it seems.

Everyone was either falling asleep, bored out of their minds, or just angry at him. Germany especially. He was feeling very fucking pissed at America. He felt a deep anger inside, a deep, deep anger which had felt just like a Doberman Pinscher that was about ready to rip open a stranger's neck, because she was protective of its owner. Just like the stranger was going to attack at any second.

England felt the same way, but with less ferocity and with a headache in place of it. He felt more like misery was the victim and he was the misery. And the fact that the torturer and host was America, his younger-cheeseburger obsessed-more annoying brother didn't help at all.

Italy, the only exception of everyone being annoyed or bored, was as happy as a lark, as he had started to play with one of the many white flags he had in his possession. He was imagining he was in a place where there was all-you-can-eat pasta, and it tasted something like a rainbow coming out of your mouth. He was imagining that it tasted extremely delicious.

Japan, with his hobby of refraining from speaking and analyzing the situation to find the way to speak in the least offensive way possible was just saying little tidbits of answers like, "possibly", "I'll think about it", and "I will look into the problem", had also been getting annoyed by the second because of America. But he was also the calmest, and most cool-headed of the bunch, which made him the best for sitting through long lectures by America.

England, now easily the most upset had just started to argue with America, and he wasn't the only one, as France was feeling very much the same as England- with a killer headache. And then there was Russia. No matter what, he always kept a cheery disposition. He was also the most evil-like of them all.

America stopped his speech, and got sucked into the argument. "Why don't you just shut up already!?", screamed England.
America turned his head and looked at England, in his olive drab colored suit. He was also wearing a red tie.

He answered, "Yo, dude! Why don't you chill? It might really help! Being you're so uptight and all!"

"What!?! I am not uptight! If anyone is uptight, it is most definitely not me!"

"Why don't you two just settle down and be more relaxed like me?", asked France.
Simultaneously, England and America yelled, "Why don't you stay out of it!? You're the weird one!" France was then shocked by what they said.

He felt anger begin to well up inside of him, and his mouth dropped open. His eyes had opened wider than his mouth. His heart skipped a beat, and he felt like he was just shot- like he was playing a game of some sort and out of nowhere was kicked for no reason, as if everybody else had decided he wasn't welcome.

He was from then on sucked in as well. "I am not weird! You're just jealous because you're not me!"
America and England cut him down saying, "Shut up!"

Japan agreed with America's argument, about England chilling out. When he said, "I agree with America.", England yelled at him. England was now in a full-blown fit of anger, and his headache was gone, because he was doing something to take his mind off of it. He was now angry at Japan, and yelled, "How in the hell could you possibly agree with him!?"

China couldn't take anymore of the arguing, his ears felt like they were bleeding. "Ai Ya! So much fighting between three countries! How do they stay allies? Hey, would you like to try some snacks now?" Although he tried it before, it never worked, he didn't suspect his trick to try now, but in an odd turn of events, they stopped fighting to try some. As they opened up the packets and slipped them into their mouths, they actually enjoyed them. They said, "Thank you for the snacks!" China was happy, and said, "You're welcome!"

It was perfect, the snacks stopped their fighting, and everybody else became happy. It was perfect, or at least China thought it all was. The three turned down the snacks, like always, and did not stop fighting. They actually said, "Keep your stale snacks!"

China now had a reason to argue too. "What!? My authentic Chinese snacks are not stale! Look at the expiration date! It says... EXPIRED!!!" After looking at the expiration date, China felt defeat when the expiration date said that they had expired two weeks ago. He felt the same way he did when he took in Japan, and tried to teach him about his culture, and failed. That is how he felt, and he didn't bother fighting anymore.

Russia, he was not showing his anger like anybody else, since he didn't need to. In fact, what he really wanted was to be able to live with everybody in peace. He spoke up, and everybody shut up to listen, since they were all afraid of him. "I think so it would be best if you kept quiet, no? Kol, kol." Now they knew he was pissed. They could sense his dark, aura without even needing to see.

Russia was equally like them because he had a thing or two which he absolutely adored. America loves cheeseburgers. China is obsessed with Hello Kitty. Germany's most favorite things in the world were beer and bratwurst. England loved tea. Russia loved an alcoholic beverage like Germany, but his was even stronger. It wasn't liquor, it was not hard lemonade. It was vodka. He adored vodka and sunflower seeds.

He was completely different from everybody else though, in the case that he was really scary to be around, and he did the most dangerous things sometimes, like jumping out of a plane with no parachute, even when China tried to do his best to make him jump with one. Many times Russia had sat down in the cursed chair which kills whoever sits on it, and he broke it. He was downright evil, but he really meant good.

At this point, Poland said, "Russia, don't make me go out on you!" Poland was they only country not afraid of Russia. He was not afraid because of all the border disputes they've had over the years. Poland thought of Russia as a big pest, like roaches. A pest like field mice that are living inside your house and eating your food. Russia thought of Poland as the same.

It also is funny how the only person Russia fears is his little sister, Belarus, while he concerns for his big sister Ukraine. "You know: You're really annoying.", Russia said to Poland. "You are too!", Poland said back.

Just like that, everyone started to argue all over again. This pissed off Germany even more, and he was about ready to snap. He was walking on a thin tightrope, and it was about to snap. The tightrope was his mind, the atmosphere his anger, and he was the trapeze artist. He was being swallowed up by his anger, and his mind would snap at any moment, so would he, and he'd start screaming at everyone to shut up, before he wore them as his clothes. Well, except for Italy, seeing he didn't misbehave in these stupid world conferences.

Yes, Italy behaved like a good boy who was always getting good grades in school, who was a little boy that was too young to realize the fun of misbehaving. On top of that, he was completely defenseless. He wasn't stupid, he was not weak- well, he was a little bit, no not a little bit. He was very weak. The only thing he did was wave a white flag when it came to battling. And if he wasn't battling, he was mass-producing them. Germany once attempted to keep a diary for the sole purpose of figuring him out. It took him twenty-eight days, and he never figured him out.

"Poland, please don't get beaten up by Russia again!", Lithuania said to him. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever. So I'll protect you from Russia if he does anything to you, alright?"

America yelled, "Oh yeah? Well at least I don't make horrible tasting food like you!"
"What!? My food is not bad!", England said in defense. France, in his strange, soft voice, said, "I must agree with him. You don't have any taste for food at all. You make food that is simply bland! Wouldn't you agree, little brother Italy?"

Italy looked towards France, confused, and said, "Huh?"
"England's food is simply terrible, wouldn't you agree?", he told Italy. "Dammit! I told you my food doesn't taste bad, you ass! You only want it to!"

"Yeah big brother France! His food tasted terrible!"

"Hey, guys! Please calm down!", exclaimed China, with some fear in his voice.

Germany had it worse on his end. Since the end of World War II, things weren't turning out the best for him. He couldn't get anybody to stop fighting like he used to be able to do. His power slowly fell out of his grasp like a slippery bar of soap that had just barely been wet. He just wasn't as scary as he used to be. No one feared him as much as they did during that era that felt as if it were long ago. The only nation that still feared him was Italy. Italy depended greatly on Germany, and Germany still even held onto him as a friend, despite his questionable abilities on the front lines. He had something to make up for it, however. He was a great cook.

Italy had that thing about his food that caught on to you like a cat caught on to catnip. The only way he could describe it was as this: Italy could make a meal, and no matter how much his mind told him to throw it into the trash as he could, he couldn't, for he knew that it would be one helluva tasty meal. However, the fighting in the room was getting to him quickly. He gritted his teeth, and tapped his foot as much as possible, but he couldn't forget about the situation around him.

He finally snapped, and his mid-to-low, firm voice filled the room. "I've had enough of this nonsense! Every time we hold one of these world conference meetings, it always comes down to this damn fighting between all of you! Do I need to remind you that we hold these meetings to try and solve the world's problems!? Just once, I wish that we could hold a successful meeting without all of you asses bickering and arguing over what, how badly England's food tastes? You all need to grow up, and mature a little."

Everybody in the room had quieted down, as he had hoped.

"I know most of you hate each other, but it doesn't always have to come down to us arguing like children. I can tell that you aren't happy to be with your enemies in the same room, but please, just try to show some hospitality towards others for a change. And if you don't want to stop fighting, then I'm not taking any role in this argument. I'll be leaving if it stays like this, and I won't attend these silly little meetings."

After his speech, he got out of his chair and left the room, the door staying open slightly ajar, not closing all the way. The first to make amends was Russia. The second was China, and third were England and France. Then it was Japan, America, Poland, and Lithuania. They all took a break, and the only one who stayed was Canada, the country nobody cared about.

"I guess I'll just wait here for my turn.", Canada said in a soft, quiet voice. At the same time, the little bear he was always holding said, "Who are you?" Canada always said back to him the same answer, "I'm Canada." His pet bear always was forgetting who his owner was.

After they had all returned, they decided it was time to get started. After they all took their seats, Germany spoke. "Alright, what's on the agenda for today?"

America suddenly said, "Whoa! Check this out! Page number five says something about a strange looking thing that looks like a portal! That's totally awesome!"

Author's Note:

Sorry! No pony until chapter 4 of the book!