• Published 18th Nov 2013
  • 4,331 Views, 28 Comments

Hetalia: Journey to The Strange World - IamtheRazgriz

The countries of Hetalia get sucked into a portal to Equestria! How will they escape?

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The Extreme Demands of Russia

Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia, the three Baltic states under control of Russia, received the phone call from Russia nearly thirty minutes, giving them the details of what they must do that day.

Estonia had blond hair, it was sort of like a short version of a mop haircut. The outfit he wore was an Infantryman's uniform that was grey. He wore a tie and white undershirt underneath it. He was the oldest, and tallest of all the Baltics. Lithuania, the second eldest, and second tallest, had the same hairstyle as France, except it was light brown. He also had brown eyes to compliment the look. It looked just like Estonia's, except for the fact it was dark green. And then there was Latvia. He was the youngest, and shortest of them. He had blond hair that resembled Sealand's and America's. He also wore a red general's battle uniform. He had blue eyes.

The phone was ringing. It was the phone call they were dreading all day long. A few times the phone rang, before Latvia finally picked up the receiver. Visibly shaken by who it might be, he stammered, "H-hello?"

"Hello Latvia!" As their suspicions were confirmed, it was in fact Russia on the other end of the line. Lithuania asked him who it was, and was immediately filled with dread the second Latvia put his left hand over the microphone end of the old-fashioned receiver and said, "It's Russia!"

Estonia told Latvia to give him the telephone. "Yes, what is it, Russia," he asked. Russia answered him with his usual cheery voice. It was the one thing that made everyone think he was so scary. After all, not only that, but the fact that he was mentally cracked from his constant strain to survive and be his own country when he was still young only made it worse.

Russia answered Estonia, "Ahh, what was it now? Oh yeah! I need you guys to keep the house in order for when I get home later, all right?"

"B-But Russia, we already were going to do that when you called."

"Oh really," Russia asked, not all sarcastically.

"Yes," Estonia said.

"Okay! I'll be home a little late, da! So could you guys keep Poland from ransacking my place? If he notices I'm gone he'll try something."

"Yes, Russia. We'll do just that!"

"Okay then, bye now!" After that, he hung up. Through the whole conversation, Estonia was shaking, fearing what may happen. Russia could've told him that he would make sure he learned a lesson for how he spoke to him, or maybe he could've said he would make them humiliated for no apparent reason, just for Russia's entertainment! But he didn't. He was just like he was every other time.

Estonia let out a sigh of relief. He was happy that he didn't have to talk to Russia anymore. But how would they protect the house from Poland? He always had the weirdest ideas, so they never knew how they could do it, in case he did something crazy, like put an engine in his place and fly it over to crash it into Russia's place. Except for Lithuania, he knew what to expect. He was the one who had been friends with him almost since the day they met. Except for the fact he was a little weird...

First off, Poland was a cross-dresser– he wore women's clothes half the time. Second, he would say his opinion, but then when he finished what he was saying, he'd invoke his shyness towards strangers. No matter how brave he acted, once he said what he wanted, he'd start acting awkward, and say the weirdest thing, hide behind Lithuania, or any other allies he had. One such case was back in the day, when first meeting Lithuania, he was cool, and collected, but once he stated his opinion, he started being awkward, saying, "Er.. Well... Um... Show me your pecker!"

It just goes to show that Poland is one awkward man. Nobody is as strange as him.

Estonia looked to Lithuania with an expression as to interrogate him about Poland. When he noticed, Estonia finally asked the question, "Lithuania. You spent the most time with Poland! So you ought to know what he might try and attempt if he realizes that Russia is gone! Huh? What do you think he'll try?"

"I'm not quite sure, but we'll have to stay on guard for any kinds of raid, or attack. Then again, being it's Poland we're talking about, he may just not even try anything! Just make threats," Lithuania stated.

"Thank you for the information," Latvia said. "But how are we going to keep him from doing it in the event he actually does attempt to make the house a mess?" Lithuania stopped to think about it. He never did think about it. "Shit, I never actually did think about it..."

Estonia replied, "So what you're saying is that there's a chance that Poland may blindside us?!"

"Actually, yes. That is what I'm saying."

"So we are screwed?! That's it, we're all gonna get it from Russia! I'm just glad it isn't Germany," Latvia exclaimed. Latvia was actually more afraid of Germany than he was of Russia. If he could choose between a punishment from Russia, and a punishment from Germany, he'd actually choose to receive Russia's punishment over Germany's.

Lithuania shook Some sense into Latvia, saying, "We're not screwed, Latvia! We'll be just fine!" Oh how he wanted to believe that, but he didn't. Deep down inside, he actually did believe they were screwed.

The phone suddenly rang again. They were in the middle of taking care of Russia's house. It was only five minutes ago Russia spoke with them. Lithuania picked it up. "Hello?"

It was Russia again. "Hi Lithuania! How're things going? I expect that you guys will be able to handle the job?"

Lithuania said, "Yes, we can do it. We've already started." He could tell Russia was happy, because of the sound of his voice. "Okay! By the way, I have another job for you guys! Would you mind at all if I asked you to clean up some of the snow around the place? It's starting to build up and needs to get cleaned up."

Lithuania stood for a while contemplating, when Russia asked him, "Are you there, Lithuania?"
"Yes, I'm here. We can handle the job. We'll get to it right away."

"Alright now, good luck!" Russia hung up. Lithuania put the receiver down, and told the other two, "We have to go out to shovel the snow now..."

"What," Estonia and Latvia said in unison. "We can't do that! It's somewhere near negative-thirty minus out there!! We'll freeze our asses off," Estonia yelled. Lithuania retorted, "As if you would've said otherwise! You'd be just as afraid to decline!"

Estonia wasn't actually really offended, because Lithuania was right. He would have said the same thing Lithuania said. He actually felt somewhat ashamed that he wouldn't have said anything different. He said, "You're right. I wouldn't have said anything else."

"Does it matter right now? Let's just get this over with and clean up the place! I don't know about you guys, but it don't want my ass handed to me," Latvia screamed. "It's already been ten minutes since Russia called! That means we haven't done anything in fifteen minutes," he said. "Let's just worry about cleaning right now."

Both Lithuania and Estonia looked at Latvia strangely. He didn't normally act like that. He never acted like that. Estonia asked, "What got into you? You never talked like that before!" Latvia realized that he did, in fact, yell. He replied, "Really? I'm sorry. I just am not looking forward to being punished for not doing this. I do look forward to not getting yelled at. Or being hit, or locked up, or anything not good!"

"You know what? Yeah, let's get cleaning," Lithuania said. And so they finally got to cleaning.

Author's Note:

Yeah, I know that the Baltics haven't been under control of Russia (I should say the USSR, Cause that's when they were under control of Russia) in a long time. But I just decided what the hell and decided to just do it randomly. After all, it is classified as random.

Yes, this is exactly Poland's character.

Let me add to this chapter a disclaimer: I do NOT Own the picture/gif used in this chapter! It is strictly for entertainment purposes only!