Playing With Fire
Deep within the bowels of the Everfree Forest, three cloaked figures had gathered in a small clearing. They spoke in hushed tones, more out of a desire to give their meeting an air of mystery than any real need to do so. As they rambled about one detail or another, one of them laid a saddlebag on the ground between them.
“Okay, so maybe Cutie Mark Crusader Extreme Crab Anglin’ wasn’t such a good idea, but this time I got somethin’ that’s sure to work!”
“Yeah right, Apple Bloom. That’s what you say every week.”
“Scootaloo, I am in no mood for your sass. Now as I was saying, I was digging around the old barn for other ways for us to earn our cutie marks, and that’s when I found these babies!”
At this, the filly dove headfirst into the bag, pulled out the contents, and proudly presented them to her companions, who for their part just stared back at her. After several seconds, Scootaloo broke the silence. “They’re…sticks.”
“Not just any sticks. Torches!”
“Torches? I dunno Apple Bloom, Rarity’s always telling me not to play with fire.”
“I expect such cowardly behavior from Scootaloo, but you Sweetie Belle? I’m disappointed. Besides, this isn’t playing, this is serious business. Now come on! Today’s the day we earn our cutie marks in…Torch juggling!”
As the heat from the raging forest fire licked their faces, Applejack and Rarity stared on with only mild disbelief. They gave each other a knowing a look, having figured out exactly where there sisters must have run off to while their sitter had lost sight of them. From behind them, said sitter was bound by rope, being forcibly dragged to help them search for their wayward siblings.
“Oh come on! How was I supposed to know they’d do something like this?”
Rarity glared back, anger simmering in the depths of her eyes. “Because you know our sisters, dear Rainbow Dash.”
“I still don’t see how you can place all the blame on me. I only looked away from them for a second!”
Applejack glanced back at their prisoner, and the pegasus would swear that she had never seen her friend look so disappointed. “I reckon I’d believe you Dash, if it weren’t for the fact that you were nappin’ when we found you. Not that I can say I’m surprised.”
“I left them with enough stuff to do for hours!”
“You’re still going to insist that you can get hours of entertainment from watching your pet turtle!?”
“Tortoise.” At that comment Rarity’s glare became so heated that the fire didn’t seem so bad in comparison. Desperate to break eye contact, Dash turned her gaze back to the cowpony. “So uh, hey AJ, we found them! Can you let me go? Preferably uh, before Rarity beats the manure out of me?”
The farmer raised a hoof to her chin, deep in contemplation. After what felt like hours to Dash, Applejack finally spoke. “I’ll untie you, but only because we’re gonna need your help in there. Much as I’d love to drag you through that fire, it’d probably be easier for us to spot the varmints if we got another set of eyes n’ ears to look for them.” With that, she gave the rope a yank, which somehow undid the knot she’d tied to keep Rainbow Dash from flying off. “Now come on ya’ll. We got some ponies to rescue.
The trio had just entered the forest proper when Applejack was starting to wish she had gone in alone.
“Really I don’t see why Sweetie Belle would want to run off to the forest. There’s dirt everywhere and a complete lack of anything remotely sanitary.”
“I know right!? There’s no way a pegasus has room to properly fly in here with all these trees around, so I don’t get why Scoots would wanna hang out here.”
“Not to mention all these insects. Everywhere one looks you find more of the disgusting creatures.”
“Ugh, don’t get me started on the bugs. I caught a mouthful of them the last time we had to go through here.”
“Well, perhaps if you were not such a loud mouth that wouldn’t have happened.”
“What’s that supposed to mean!?”
Applejack stopped in her tracks, turning to face the ponies trailing her. “Consarn it, would you both stop with the bickering!? We’ve got more important things to worry about than a few little bugs.”
Rarity scoffed, offended by the notion that her complaints weren’t worthwhile. “Please Applejack. What could be more important than voicing my discontent with our current situation?” At that particular moment, there was a thunderous crash as a large, flaming tree fell inches from Rarity’s face, sending a storm of ashes and embers her way and charring her hide. Applejack and Rainbow Dash looked on in shock, but other than the jump it gave her Rarity seemed no worse for the wear from the ordeal. She cleared her throat and smiled sheepishly at Applejack. “Er…Let us make haste, shall we?” Behind her, Rainbow Dash stifled a giggle, which froze when she met Rarity’s icy glare.
Silently thanking nature for making her point for her, Applejack pressed on. “Now look here. You can see all kinds of little things out of place where the girls must have gone. If we follow those, we’ll track them down and get home in time for dinner.” Rarity gave a nod and Dash a salute, and the three of them continued on down the forest.
The rescue party followed the trail of the crusaders for a few minutes, nimbly weaving their way around burning foliage and doing their best to avoid any more falling trees without too much incident. They had reached a small area that seemed somehow untouched by the fire, when they heard a booming voice echo all around them. “My my, but you do have some gall, entering the forest with this fire raging all around us.” As they searched for the source of the mysterious voice, the ground suddenly came to life as thorny roots erupted from all around the three ponies, surrounding them in a natural barrier. Amidst their panic, one of the trees near them turned around, revealing a face and a particularly glorious moustache. “Tell me, little ponies, what brings you to this neck of the woods?”
Given the situation, the three friends had little time to appreciate the mustachioed tree’s clever word play, and Applejack decided a direct approach was called for. “Now see here you…tree. We’ve got three lost kids runnin’ scared somewhere in this forest, and you’re slowin’ us down. So if you’d kindly just let us on through we’ll be getting out of your way.”
The tree bit his lip in thought. “Mmmm. I bear you no ill will travelers. But it has been so long since I’ve had things besides other trees to talk to. Tell you what. Solve this puzzle for me, and I shall let you pass.”
Rainbow Dash snorted. “A puzzle? Really!? I don’t know if you noticed buddy, but we don’t have time for that kinda thing!”
“Come now, Rainbow Dash. Just because a problem can’t be solved by brute force does not mean the problem is not worth our time.” Rarity gave the tree a small curtsy. “I say let’s hear your riddle, sir tree.”
“Oh, wonderful! Hm, yes, well,” the tree cleared his throat, a terrible thing that sounded approximate to a chorus of tone deaf frogs, and spun his puzzle, “suppose that three red cats weigh as much as two white cats, and five white cats weigh as much as one red cat and seven black cats. That being the case, how many ca-AAAH AH AH! FIRE!”
The ponies’ eyes widened in horror as they watched the tree burn, powerless to ease his suffering. As he was incinerated, the thorny prison around them receded. They gave each other some nervous glances, and after an unspoken debate, decided to run as far from there as they could. With that, they picked a direction and sped off, trying their best to ignore the screaming as they fled. When they had gotten far enough away that they could no longer hear any cries of pain, they paused to catch their breath.
After a few seconds, Rarity touched the elephant in the room. “So…who else moves that it is not immoral to leave a tree to burn in a forest?”
Applejack grimaced, visibly shaken by the experience. “I…I dunno Rarity. The screaming-oh sweet Celestia have mercy the screaming-nopony should have to suffer like that.”
“Uh, guys? Can we do the group therapy later? Right now we have bigger problems!”
Rarity perked up at the chance to move on to a less gruesome topic, and began turning her head towards the pegasus. “Now, what’s gotten the fearless Rainbow Dash in such a-oh.” So much for a less gruesome topic.
Lumbering towards the group was a great black lizard, easily the size of two Celestias stacked on top of each other. The thing was moving toward them at a steady pace, completely unfazed by the fire as it walked through it, its beady red eyes and razor sharp teeth clearly hungry for flesh. As it neared, it suddenly stood tall on its hind legs and gave a terrible howl.
“CHUPACABRA!” The three ponies barely had time to register they’d just yelled that in unison when the beast got back down on all four of its gangly limbs and charged at alarming speed straight for Rarity. Not knowing what else to do, she did what she thought was most appropriate for the situation: Shriek in terror and collapse to the ground.
Just as the chupacabra was about to close the distance between itself and its target, it was rammed in the side by a rainbow contrail. The two tumbled on the ground a ways, and the chupacabra wound up pinned down by a certain cyan pegasus. “Nobody hurts my friends, pal!”
Unfortunately, the creature was slightly stronger than Rainbow Dash predicted, and she was easily knocked off by a swift back hand. The would-be hero was sent rolling back towards the group, bowling over Applejack and knocking her to the ground alongside Rarity. As the three of them recovered, the chupacabra jumped back to its feet, and started barreling towards its prey again.
When they’d all gotten back to their hooves, the ponies had already planned out their next move: To run as far away from the very angry and very hungry predator as they could. They scrambled off in one direction and threw caution to the wind, ignoring the cuts, bruises, and singes they collected from running into low hanging branches and flaming foliage. Although the close quarters of the forest gave the trio a small advantage due to their size, their mad dash wasn’t enough, and the chupacabra was slowly catching up, its savage grunts filling the ponies’ hearts with fear.
“AJ! We need a plan or we’re done for here!”
“I don’t see what else we can do! That critter’ll tear us to pieces if we stop moving!”
“Well we’d best come up with something fast! Look!”
Just ahead of the group, a river raged for as far as the eye could see in either direction. There was no safe way across for the land-bound ponies of the three, and without the terrain advantage continuing to flee would get them killed. The group skidded to a halt at the edge of the waters. From behind them, the chupacabra let out what almost sounded like a victorious laugh, and slowed its advance as it began walking sickeningly slowly towards them.
Applejack lowered her hat over her eyes. “Alright Dash. Here’s the plan. You carry Rarity to the other side and go on without me.”
“Of all the-“
The cowpony stomped a hoof on the ground. “Now listen here! Either the two of you make it across, or we’re all lizard meat! The sensible thing to do is for ya’ll to keep on running!”
The farmer flinched back, suddenly finding herself snout-to-snout with a very angry Rainbow Dash. “What kinda talk is that!? There’s no way I’m leaving anypony behind!”
Rarity nodded from the corner of Applejack’s eye. “Indeed. I would sooner go bald than think of abandoning you with that uncouth ruffian. I say we make our stand here, and show this beast what for!”
Smirking from beneath her hat, Applejack shook her head slowly. “Ya’ll are as stubborn as mules. Almost as stubborn as me even. Fine. Let’s show this varmint what us pony-folk are made of.” The other two gave her a grim nod, and turned to face the fiend. They each assumed battle-ready positions, Rainbow Dash crouching low to the ground ready to pounce, Rarity digging her hooves in and her horn ablaze with magic, and Applejack readying a rope to tie down the creature. The chupacabra saw the groups change in tactics and rose to their challenge, giving them a ferocious bellow. It dropped back down to all fours and charged full speed for its victims. It closed the distance between them quickly, and made a lunge for-
The river erupted as a massive, purple giant exploded from beneath, letting loose a paralyzing roar. Both the ponies and the chupacabra were frozen in place as the enormous newcomer rose from the depths, raining water from on high. As it finished its ascent, it fixed the chupacabra with a murderous glare, causing even the hardened predator to quake in terror. The purple behemoth slammed a mighty fist on the ground between the ponies and the chupacabra, shaking the ground and sending the beast off running in the opposite direction. The aquatic leviathan gave a triumphant roar, proud of itself for being bigger than its quarry. Turning to face their savior, the ponies let out a collective gasp of recognition.
“No way…”
“Well slap some caramel on me and call me an apple…”
“Stephen! Darling! How wonderful to see you again!”
The serpent ran a hand through his luxurious hair, giving the ponies a sly grin. “Hellooooo ladies! I couldn’t help but notice the terrible predicament you were in, and just had to lend a helping hand. It would be a crime if I let any harm befall such a fashionable pony as yourself!”
Rarity gave their rescuer a bow. “I’m flattered, really. However, now is not the time for idle pleasantries. You see, we’re looking for our lost sisters. Perhaps you might know of their whereabouts, Sir Magnet?”
“As it just so happens, yes! I saw the little dears head into that little clearing over there not one hour ago. You can’t see it from your height, but if you head straight there in that direction you’ll get there in fabulous time. I’d be careful though, that’s where the fire looks to be at its most dazzling.”
Applejack kicked her front legs in the air and raced off. “That was all I needed to hear. Come on ya’ll! We got some rescuin’ of our own to do!” Rainbow Dash flew off after her and quickly caught up. Rarity lingered to exchange farewells with the dragon, then scurried off to catch up with her friends.
Upon reentering the forest proper, the fire seemed to have intensified. The group’s pace slowed immensely, and it took great care to not get surrounded. They suffered more than a few burns on the way, but eventually they came upon the clearing Stephen must have been referring to. They looked about, and in the center of it they saw-
“A bow?”
“A bow.”
“Oh Celestia, nononononoNO! That’s Applebloom’s bow!” Applejack dashed towards the object, tears welling in her eyes. As she ran off, the fire around them grew worse, which the other two realized was beginning to form an awfully inconvenient circle.
“AJ, hold up!”
“Applejack, dear, don’t get careless now!”
Their words fell on deaf ears, and Applejack continued her sprint towards the center of the clearing. The other two glanced at each other nervously, and followed their friend into the center, not wanting to leave her alone. When they reached the center, Applejack kneeled down to the ground, finding no other trace that her sister or the other crusaders.
“Nononono! Applebloom never takes off her bow…never…”
Rarity gave the cowpony a light slap across the cheek with her magic. “Get a hold of yourself Applejack!” Judging by the furious glare she got back, Rarity decided that was not the best course of action, but carried on anyway. “I know this looks bad, but think it through! Why would we even find nothing but a bow here and no trace of,” a shudder, “remains anywhere?”
Applejack took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and collected herself. “You’re right Rarity. She musta just lost it in a panic. Come on ya’ll, let’s keep searching.”
“Well, I’m glad you’ve realized that now, dear, but now we have a whole new problem.” Rarity pointed all around her, and Applejack noticed with dismay that while she had been panicking they had become surrounded on all sides by the fire. There was no way out.
Rainbow Dash smirked, and spread her wings to accentuate the point she was about to make. “Pffft, you mean no problem at all! We’ve got plenty of room to breathe this time. I’ll fly us outta here one pony at a time and we’ll be gone in ten sec-“ there was a crack as a tree fell from an absurd distance and whacked the pegasus squarely on her left side, knocking her to the ground. Her companions gave a terrified yell, and ran to check on their friend. The chromatic mare staggered to her hooves, groaning in pain. She suddenly went wide eyed, and reflexively tried to flex her wings, only to realize that she could not move her left wing. She slammed her hoof into her forehead. “Oh come on! I go this whole trip without breaking anything, and the one time I need to fly something happens to break my wings!”
Around them, the fire grew more fierce, getting closer and closer to the trapped ponies. Applejack gulped, “Well girls, I guess this is it. It’s been a whale of a time, and for the record, I don’t regret a second of it.”
Rarity gave a lady-like sigh. “Indeed. If there is one way I wanted to part from this world, it would be young and in the company of my friends.”
Rainbow Dash’s lower lip quivered. “Butbutbut…We’re too young to die! I mean, surely somepony’s gonna save us again, right!?”
Applejack shook her head sadly. “Come on now RD, don’t be silly. That’s not gonna happen twice in one day. Best to just show some pride and accept it.”
Just as Rainbow Dash started full on crying, the three of them heard something they did not expect: A voice. “Spirits of fire, bend to me! Open the path for these ponies three!” As the rhyme was spoken, the fire parted ways, leaving a wide opening for the ponies to run out. Not wasting any time, the trio sped off, clearing out of the ring of fire just as it closed back up. Catching their breath, they looked around for their guardian angel, and spotted a certain zebra wielding some ancient staff in her mouth.
Rainbow Dash ran straight for the hermit’s hooves, kissing the ground she had graced with her presence. “Oh thankyouthankyouthankyou Zecora! I’ll never make fun of your crazy rhyming again!”
Applejack and Rarity more calmly approached the zebra, equally surprised and grateful. Applejack spoke for the both of them. “We’re mighty grateful for the help, Zecora. But, how did you do that? How did you know that we needed help?”
The zebra chuckled. “A shaman of my talents has mastery over all the elements. As for how I found you, three little ponies gave me a clue.”
Rarity gasped. “You mean-“
Zecora nodded. “Indeed, your charges are safe with me. They fled to my home when the fire started you see. But the situation here is still most dire. Let us be off to my hut, away from this fire.”
Upon arriving in Zecora’s hut, the three would-be rescuers were jumped by their sisters/number one fan. They spun a tale of how Zecora had saved them in the forest, and how cool she was with all her shaman power keeping the fire away. The three older mares for their part tried to make themselves sound good, about their daring adventure and how they definitely did not almost cry twice during the whole ordeal.
A few hours later, the fire had been taken care, mostly thanks to the superb management of the weather team by Twilight Sparkle in Rainbow Dash’s absence. The six ponies said their goodbyes and thanks to the zebra, and returned to the edge of the forest. There, they found Twilight eagerly waiting for them, who had heard that the six of them were in the forest during the fire. She ran up to greet the six of them, delighted to see them whole and unharmed. Then she saw the cuts, scrapes, and burns, on her three friends, not to mention the makeshift cast on Dash’s left wing. Well, they were whole at least.
“I was so worried about the six of you! Now that you’re back though, I trust you all have a wonderful lesson to share about friendship?” Twilight beamed at the group expectantly.
Applebloom piped up first. “No, but we did learn something about our special talents!”
Twilight arced an eyebrow. “Oh? And what might that be?”
“We’re not cut out to work with fire, but we spent a lot of time with Zecora in her hut, and now we know for sure that our special talent is,” and here the three crusaders yelled in unison, “ALCHEMY!” With that, the three of them bounced off, giggling madly and concocting all sorts of wonderful potion and elixirs in their minds.
Twilight smiled warmly as they ran off, and turned back to her three friends. “What about you three? Did you learn anything about friendship in the forest?”
The three of them gave her a flat, dour look, staring at her for several seconds. Eventually, they walked off without saying a word.
“Um…I guess I’ll just wait for your written report then?”
As everyone probably guessed, this was originally intended as a contest submission, but I missed the deadline, so I'm submitting it as a regular story. Supposing everyone isn't sick of tales of strange creatures invading the flaming Everfree Forest while the main six are on vacation, I'd appreciate harsh critique on what I do wrong and what I can improve.
Applejack stopped in her tracks, turning to face the ponies trailing her. “Consarn it, would you both stop with the bickering!? We’ve got more important things to worry about than a few little bugs.”
And that's when a giant stage beetle lands in front of them on all sixes with enough impact to cause all ponies to be an inch off the grounds for a few seconds and roared at them.
"Okay. How about one big bug?"
"Ah shud yer trap."
I'm worried about this fire hitting Zecora's house . . .OR THE POISON JOKE PATCH! Imagine if that stuff gets into the air!
After a few seconds, Rarity touched the elephant in the room. “So…who else moves that it is not immoral to leave a tree to burn in a forest?”
Not if you just had a conversation with it!
The would-be hero was sent rolling back towards the group, bowling over Applejack and knocking her to the ground alongside Rarity.
As is RD's curse.
I’ll fly us outta here one pony at a time and we’ll be gone in ten sec-“ there was a crack as a tree fell from an absurd distance and whacked the pegasus squarely on her left side, knocking her to the ground.
Now that's just cheating.
You think the girls wouldn't care much for alchemy after it's backfired twice on them already.
As far as Zecora's house being safe from the fire goes, I just assume that her house is made of unobtanium and is completely indestructible, which is how she manages to safely live in the Everfree Forest at all.
As for the crusaders and alchemy, I'm pretty sure their central theme is that they never learn. Not, ever.
Thanks for the comment!
Pretty sure that last part is just bad writing and over adherence to the status quo.
Also true.
This sounds like the perfect opportunity for an oddly-relevant musical number!
"having figured out exactly where there sisters must have run off to" -

"The chupacabra saw the groups change in tactics" -
"there was a crack as a tree fell from an absurd distance and whacked the pegasus squarely on her left side, knocking her to the ground." - MURPHY'S LAW
interesting very interesting