• Published 22nd May 2013
  • 1,925 Views, 14 Comments

Bones - Stasys

You are Daring Doo's beloved brother and the only family she has left

  • ...

A Tough Decision

Journal entry #262
September 24, 996 A.E.

Today was an interesting day, to say the least. The organization has, with a substantial amount of effort on my part, begun to make preparations to retrieve the final crown and uncover the resting place of the First divine known as; King Umbra. We all believe that the burial ground of this divine, is located in the heart of Black Wing Island. It was problomatic at first, translating ancient alicorn into modern day Equestrian can be a bitch at times, but it was confirmed through months of reading, translating, restoration, and rune-diving to discover the resting place of Umbra.

Umbra was one of eight divines that ruled Equestria when it was a major Empire. But he perished during the First Sorrow in 1201 G.A. along with the other three male divines. It is believed that Umbra was the God-King of darkness in Equestria, and was married to the Gentle Queen Lux. It is also believed that Lux and Umbra gave birth to a son, who is revered in Equestrian History as King Shadow. Shadow then married the daughter of King Iustitia and Queen Concordia; Phoenix, who then gave birth to the two princesses, Celestia and Luna. This link makes Umbra the Grandfather of the two princesses.

Once the crown was located, a letter was sent to Celestia to inform her that the final crown, which once belonged to her grandfather, has been found. We received a letter back almost instantly stating that she was ecstatic, and was willing pay six million bits for the recovery of the crown. The organization was overjoyed at the large sum of payment for the retrieval of the crown, and has set up a team to recover the artifact. The recovery of the crown will commence in the same three step plan that we have always used to great effect. The first step, will be to send a small team to retrieve the artifact itself. The second step, is to send a large team to the ruin to begin the complete excavation of the burial sight. The last and final step will be to restore the ruin and transport any other important artifacts to the highest bidder.

But I am worried. I just heard today that I will be traveling solo to the ruins, and that the mission will take about a month. I tried to decline, but the board of directors was very... "Persuasive," on the matter. I just don't know what I'm going to do with Daring. Anytime I leave on a mission, it only takes me about a week or so to complete it, but my absence weighs heavy on her. When I return, Daring always flings herself at me and begins to weep and hug me as tight as she can. She still does it to this date... 17 years old, and she still looks up to me like a hero. I don't have a problem with this, but it breaks by heart to see her eyes tear up when I tell her I'm leaving on another mission. She always begs and pleads to come along, but I have always said no. It has always crossed my mind, especially this last year, to bring her along. I know that she would love it, she has always loved to explore and hear my stories, so taking her out of the country would be an absolute dream for her. But if mom was still alive, she would kill me for even thinking about bringing Daring along... and I understand why. I have lost count of how many times i've nearly been killed by traps, lava, floods, giant boulders, and even angry locals; and the thought of loosing my sister... its unbearable.

Oh Daring... what am I going to do.

Republic of Syncera
Institution of Ruin Excavation and Artifact Recovery;
Dr. Bones Doo's Office
6:32 P.M.

"Oi, Bones!" You feel the cold touch of a paw on your shoulder, which causes you to yelp and throw your pen across the office.

"Damnit Petronak!" You brush the paw off your shoulder and turn around to look at the Kell Hound who just scared you, "You know I hate that you pot-bellied son of a bitch!"

Petro recoils at your insult, "Dude there's no need to insult me and my mom."

You take a deep breath to gain your senses, "Sorry... I'm just tired and-"

"It's about the mission isn't it?" Petro asks


"Is it about Daring?" You nod, "Dude you need to give her more credit... she's aged and she's going to be on her own in no time." Petro knew about your issues with Daring and your job, and he would always try to give his best advice on the mater.

"That's not the problem," Your gaze falls upon the fireplace, which was lighting the entire office in an orange glow, "I'm leaving for a month. A MONTH Petro."


"I can't leave for a month Petro, but I can't argue with the board or i'll lose my job," You sigh and tap your hoof on the wood floor, "She's just so attached to me that its almost problematic," You say in a depressed tone.

"Problematic, how so?"

"Ever since mom and dad died, Daring has grown more and more attached to me with every passing day." You walk over to your desk and look at the picture of you and Daring Doo cuddling together, "I'm the only family she has left now, and she is constantly trying to join me on my adventures." You pick up the picture and chuckle, "She's just has such a free spirit."

"Well what do you expect, she has an adventurer for a brother."

"I'm not blaming her for anything, its just... its just that-" You couldn't find the right words to use. You love Daring with all your heart, and you cherish every moment you have with her. "It's just that I don't want to loose her."

"Hm..." Petro took a second to think before continuing, "You know she's just as worried about loosing you. The thought of you never coming home must be terrifying for her to think about." You sigh, the fact of loosing Daring was one thing, but this idea of you never returning home, to comfort and take care of your sister... was almost unbearable.

"You do have a point," You set the picture back on your desk, "What am I going to do Petro. I love my job, but I love Daring even more."

"Why don't you just bring her along?"

You answer with a scowl, "You know why I can't do that."

"You mean why you can't, or why you won't." Petro accused. Your scowl turned into a frown at Petro's accusation, "She will be a full grown mare soon. Hell, she can get married in less than a month, so why is it that you won't let her accompany you on one adventure?"

"You know what-" You shake your head, "I don't even know anymore." You begin to pace back and forth, "I know she is responsible and wants to be an adventurer just like me, and I also know that she has grown into a brave and caring mare. But the thought of loosing her-"

"There you go again!" Petro interrupts. "You have this theory that Daring WILL die if you bring her along. When will you open your eyes and see that she is more skilled than she looks. Do you remember when daring was running, and jumping form rooftop to rooftop without using her wings." You chuckle as you remember the event, "She was eleven dude... ELEVIN. Or how about the time she snuck out of the house and wen't to the Groza Caves, where an adult wyvern had built a nest."

You recall the event, "Yeah it nearly gave me a heart attack when I didn't see her in her bed."

"Yeah... well do you remember when she came back with that diamond the size of your head. I remember when you came to work the next day, and said how proud you were that she raided a wyverns nest."

You stop your pacing and interject, "It was a Spiked Wyvern Petro, not a frakin Dragon."

"Your missing the point!" Petro yelled, "You need to understand that she is tougher than you give her credit for, and that she has tried time and time again to prove to you how brave she is!" He took a deep breath to calm down, "You are more than just a brother to her dude. You are her hero and her inspiration." Your heart becomes heavy from the Kell Hounds words, "Do you remember what you said to her during the company picnic six years ago? When she was crying because a colt had been bullying her and telling her that she was pathetic. Don't you remember the words you said, the words that inspired her to want to be just like you?" You remember what you said, but you decided not to speak; so Petro said the words for you, "You said, 'There is no limit to what you can achieve, and no dream that is out of reach... the only person who can stop you, is yourself.' That is what you said to her Bones. Those are the words that inspired her to become an adventurer just like you, but you continue to hold her back." Petro's words hit home, as you began to understand that you were the one who was holding her back all this time. "Listen, I'm not telling you how you should be raising your sister, but I hope that you can understand that she just wants to be like you... and your overprotectiveness is holding her back." Petro walked out of the office, but before he closed the door behind him, he said; "I'll see you tomorrow at the airship docks. I know that whatever choice you make will be the right one."


The Crystal Tower
Dr. Bone's Apartment,
Floor 15; Room B6
7:32 P.M.

You slowly push the door open and enter your home. The apartment was a three bedroom two bath luxury suite. The floor was white oak, and the walls were a silver-grey color. There was a fully loaded kitchen with appliances that would make a five star chef jealous, as well as a decked out living room with furniture that would cost more than a zeppelin... if one thing was sure, the organization knew how to take care of their employees. You throw your saddle bags on the hook near the door, and plop down on the couch. You sigh and begin to think about what Petronak said, but you only had a minuet to think before something tackles you off the couch. You land on your back and an unknown force pins you to the ground.

"Gotcha again!" as you regain focus, you see Daring on top of you with the most sinister smirk on her face. Daring Doo loved to tackle and wrestle with you, and you were always happy to play with her; but you weren't exactly in the mood to play with her. "Come on Bones! Your not just going to let me tackle you and get away with it?"

You sigh and gently role daring off of you, "I'm not in the mood to play right now."

Daring Doo's mood changed from playful to concerned, "Ok whats wrong? You never let me get away with something like that."

You start walking to the kitchen, "I'm just tired Daring, and trust me, I'm not going to let you get away with it." You were trying to mask your emotions, but daring saw right threw you.

She followed you to the kitchen, "Don't give me that crap. Something is wrong... I can sense it."

"You and your senses."

"There never wrong and you know it."

"Your senses have been wrong plenty of times." You open up the fridge, and with your magic you pull out bread, lettuce, carrots, and dandelions.

"Oh yeah," Daring walked to the pantry and pulled out some peanut butter. "Name one time."

"Well-" You taped a hoof to your chin, "Well there was that... no. How about- no you were right about that." You tried to think harder but you couldn't think of one time daring's senses have been wrong.

"Exactly," Daring set down the peanut butter on the table where you had set the food you pulled out of the fridge. "Now tell me what's wrong."

"It really is nothing Daring." You sit down on a pillow-chair and begin to assemble a dandelion sandwich. "How was flight school today?" You tried to change subjects so that you could have more time to think about Daring and the mission.

"Don't try to change the subject!" Daring yelled. She then sat down on the pillow-chair across from you and began to assemble a peanut butter sandwich for herself.

"You tell me about school, and I'll tell you whats on my mind."

"Thats not fair I always have to go first!" Daring objected


"Damnit... Deal"

You chuckled at the fact that Daring would do anything to know what was on your mind, "So let me say it again, how was school."

"Speed round me." Speed rounding was something you and Daring did, when either of you wanted to get the information on a conversation quickly. It was pretty fun.

You began to list all of Darings classes in order "Math?"

"B-" Daring responded


"Class is difficult and mathematics isn't my strong point."

"Understandable," You ask about the next class, "Language arts?"

"A. Book report was due today."

"How was it?"

"Kicked ass and taked names," She boasted proudly.

"Language Daring."



"Eh... so-so."

"Science is important daring."

"Says the guy who failed chemistry as a junior."

"... Point taken. AP History?"

"What do you think?" Daring said like a smart ass.

History was Darings strongest class. She loved the history of the world just as much as you did, "A+?"



"Pegged three stallions in the face during dodge ball. One got knocked out, another got a bloody nose, and the last one cried."

You chuckled, "Thats my girl. Flight school?"

"Flew a mile in 8 seconds."


"I know I am." Daring leaned forward, "But now its your turn." You sighed and looked down, away from Darings gaze. You could hear the concern in Darings voice, "Bones please..."

You look your sister in the eyes, "I... I..." You knew no mater how you phrased this news, it was going to break her heart. "The corporation has decided to send me out again, and I leave tomorrow."

Daring's face turned to absolute horror, "W-what?"

"For a month."

You could see tears begin to form in her eyes, "A month?"

A smile then formed on your face, "And I want you to come with me."

You and Daring just sat there, starring at each other with a smile on your face and a mixed look on her face. Then, without a moments notice, Daring darts over the table and slams into you. The force of the impact knocks the wind out of you and tackles you to the floor.

"Twice Daring! Really!"

Daring squealed with joy, and gave you the biggest hug ever. "Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh are you serious!" She loosens her hug so she can look you in the face. Your only response is a nod, "OH MY GOSH! I finally get to go on an adventure- Wait." Darings mood completely changed, from joy to anger. She stops hugging you and slaps you across the face as hard as she can.


"Why the hell would you phrase the news like that you jerk!" She had a point, you didn't exactly phrase it well, and your choice of words weren't probably the best to use.

Your sister is now straddling you with the most threatening scowl on her face. "Ok, you have a point I'm sorry... poor choice of words on my part." The scowl immediately disappeared and Daring returned to hugging you.

She begins to nuzzle your neck as tears begin to sink into your coat, "You have no idea how happy I am right now."

You smile then return the hug, but worry begins to fill your mind, "Daring."


"You must promise me one thing."

Daring stops her hugging once again and looks you in the eyes, "You must promise to listen to everything I say without question. If I tell you to sleep; you sleep, if I tell you to hide; you hide, and If something happens to me; you run. Run as fast and as far as you can and don't look back."


"Promise me." Daring tries to look away, but you push her head so that she is looking you in the eyes. "I am dead serious Daring. If the worst comes to the worst, and if I... Die," Her eyes widen, with horror, "I don't want you to fight, I only want you to run. Promise me Daring." Daring closes her eyes, and her tears fall upon you. The words were like poison for Daring; She was brave, but the idea of running from trouble while her brother stood his ground and fought... It was appalling.

But a promise is a promise, "I promise, but you must promise me something in return."

"What is it?"

She leans in and whispers in your ear, "Promise me you will never put yourself in a situation where I have to leave you behind."

You wrap your forearms around darings neck and pull her in, "You have my word."

Author's Note:

This is only the beginning, and I really enjoyed writing this. If there is anything that is confusing to you, just wait and more will be explained as the story continues.
Some of you may say that Bones accepted the idea of bringing Daring along to willingly, but what you must understand is that Daring Doo has been trying to accompany Bones on a trip for six years.

Comments ( 14 )

This is interesting... More :coolphoto:

Is this a deliciously incestuous story with brother-sister shipping story I see here?

My my.

Count me in!


-Cortex Repository

Tragedy tag?
This is gonna be sad. :(

2614320 there's no sex or romance tag: don't jump to conclusions


Aww, and I got riled up already.

Fine, I'll ready it anyway.


-Cortex Repository

Wow. It's been a while since any Daring Do story utterly captivated me. This is GOOD! :pinkiehappy:

The older brother angle drew many of us in for the same reason B.B.B.F.F. did. Many of us are older brothers. Now that you're putting us in that perspective, it really gets you into the story. Daring Do would be quite a handful. (hooffull?) Then again, most little sisters are. :derpytongue2:

The hook here is that there IS no older brother. :derpyderp2: This means one of several things for the ending. What IS know is that Daring Do will make it out ok... and her brother won't. I'm not saying he's going to do die or anything, but he a'int coming out unscathed. Whatever happens to him in there will change the status quo. Daring will take up his mantle, but how will he give it up? Through death? Injury? Tramua? Morals? Wait... isn't there a master enemy for Daring Do?...

Update soon! I'm really looking forward to this!

Im intrested. Following.

2614891 Prepare the feels cannon!

cant wait for more

Very promising, I look forward to your future chapters

This is awesome! From Russia!

That was a really good chapter!
I wish there was more!

D’aaww! That was good! Too bad it isn’t continued!:ajsleepy:r

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