
Viewing 1 - 20 of 28 results

Chapter 18 is... still a work in progress. · 3:42pm Oct 28th, 2023

I've been working on this chapter for longer then I think anyone will expect. There was a time during this project where I had more then the next five chapters written, waiting to be edited and released, but I've since caught up. I've rewritten this chapter a few times without being happy, though I'm finally taking it in a direction that I can be happy with!

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Even when you write something you can't use, you can still learn from it · 2:34am Oct 20th, 2023

Even when you write stuff that ends up unusable the times not wasted. Today I worked on a DJ pon3 scene. I'm unhappy with the result, but I also learned why. I was more focused on Homages reporting then her desire to give people hope and make the wastes better.

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Look at cute art I boughted! · 1:26pm Aug 4th, 2023

Cute art I commissioned from MOLARS! Puppy Smiles, Scotch Tape, and Aella Breeze having a picnic with their rock friends! Sometimes you gotta take a break from the wasteland chaos to sit with friends, and feed your rocks! Puppy can't drink her Sparkle Cola, but she wanted to feel included <3


Chapter 1, now in HD! · 6:27am May 7th, 2023

Chapter one rewrite is finally done, after more time and work than I ever intended to put into it XD Big thanks to The Wandering Zebra for giving me some tips and letting me bounce thoughts and ideas off of him. It’s amazing how effective talking to someone can be in processing and organizing your thoughts. Even something as minor as that can be a MASSIVE help, though, in The Wandering Zebra’s case, they also preread the story

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Happy Thursday · 8:21pm Mar 16th, 2023

I'm making good progress on chapter 16, which is good news! Though I'm deciding if I want to move a few things around in it to keep with the theme and help pacing

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Report KatieBreeze · 77 views ·

Chapter reworking, progress update, and news! · 5:16am Feb 27th, 2023

Time for an update!

I'm finally making progress on reworking the first chapter of FoE: Endless Horizon. It's something I've been meaning to do for some time now, and I'm pretty happy with my progress so far! It won't be ready to put up for some time still, but it feels good! I have an outline of what I want to change, and I'm nearly finished with the first scene.

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Reworking Dr. Faunas Clinic · 9:00pm Jan 17th, 2023

I'm finally figuring out how to make these chapters more readable and easy to understand.

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Brain go brrrr! Just not in the way I hoped · 5:58am Dec 24th, 2022

I need to finish the chapters I've been working on and start editing the next one to release.
Opens up the first chapter and starts making edits
No, that - that is the wrong chapter. That isn't one of the new chapters, that is the oldest chapter. What are you doing?
Uses available energy making good edits to the older content, and is left unable to work on anything new

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Cut Content Blues · 9:34am Dec 20th, 2022

Dammit... This is my third time deciding if I should cut a particular scene. Which undoubtedly means I should cut the scene. I've never considered cutting a scene that I wanted to leave in. It's just such a pain. I put a lot of work into it, but it doesn't fit with the chapter's theme. It's fun, but the chapter works just as well if not better without it. Sooo into my folder of cut scenes, it goes XD

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Write, revise, review, repeat. · 7:25am Oct 9th, 2022

Almost done yet another revision of the first chapter of my fic. I've made things a bit easier to follow with some changes wording, added a few details to show more of my protagonists personality, ((by having the way she thinks and reacts to things have a more direct effect on a tense situation.)) I'm in the process of fixing what is the weakest and most lazily written part of it, due to poor pacing and not showing how Aella reacts very well

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Someone asked why I wrote a particular chapter of my fic the way I did, specifically a particular character's motivation for ending their own life. · 11:12pm Sep 12th, 2022

Usually, as a writer, giving characters motivation for why they act the way they do or do things the way they do is very important. But in this specific instance, I found it more realistic to not have it. This was my response:

Spoilers for chapter 6 of FoE: Endless Horizon

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Meet Orella! · 3:01am Jul 13th, 2022


HAPPY PRIDE MONTH! · 12:12am Jun 2nd, 2022

Pride is a big part of the year for me and many other members of the alphabet Maffia, myself included <3 So I'm starting it off with my favourite trans hippogriff, Aella Breeze <3 She kinda fast-tracked her transition using her pearl shard, a lot of focus, and some of her sister's unicorn magic, but she is still the sweetest ((and possibly only)) trans girl making her way through the wasteland world.


Delays · 3:21am May 5th, 2022

I've been trying to get chapters for my fic out consistently, though I'm going to be taking a bit of a break in doing so. I haven't had the energy to write due to my mental state, but I'm taking steps to improve things. I'm also very excited to get the next chapter out once I'm through editing! I think it'll be enjoyable, and I'm pretty proud of it. Not super action-heavy, ((Granted my story hasn't been thus far)) but I think it has good character and story progression


Introspection, and relating to characters · 6:58pm Apr 23rd, 2022

Obviously relating to a character is an important thing for a lot of people when they consume media. I saw myself in Twilight when I was young, and tbags what got me I to this fandom. I didn't have friends, didn't know how to socialize, and spent most of my time with my nose in a book. She and the show as a whole is likely part of the reason I have friends now. I'm still learning friendship though, primarily communication and trust. I'll probably never learn everything

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INSPIRED! · 12:36am Apr 15th, 2022

I keep having ideas and finding inspiration for Endless Horizon! The only annoying part is that the ideas and inspiration aren't for the chapters that I'm working on XD I'm editing 12 and writing 15, meanwhile, my brain keeps hatching ideas for stuff 10 chapters down the line XD At the rate I'm going, that won't be written out beyond some notes for nearly a year! Though I am excited about the stuff it's helped me iron out and make decisions on, it's gonna be super fun!


The gangs all here! Plus or minus a few critters · 10:10am Apr 8th, 2022


Writing can be exhausting · 3:51pm Apr 3rd, 2022

I've mainly noticed this after writing particularly emotional scenes, like a flashback I just wrote for chapter 15. ((I wrote 3 or 4 chapters ahead, and edit the next one to be posted as I go)) It can be emotionally draining to write some scenes, especially thoughts involving traumas that the characters experienced. It can be kinda rough! I can't even imagine how hard it'd be to write a story like Murky Number Seven or Pink Eyes, with how dark those stories can get at times. It's honestly super

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Chapter eleven is here! · 3:10am Mar 28th, 2022

After much editing and revising, and not having a chance to have anyone proofread or edit it because my friends are busy, it has arrived! Chapter 11 of my FoE fic!!!!

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Progress · 8:39pm Mar 18th, 2022

It'll still be a while on the next chapter of Endless Horizon, unfortunately. I ended up reworking chapter 11 due to a few changes to Sky's character, and how situations in the chapter will be handled because of it. So I'm in the process of writing it again ((at least much of the original draft is still useable)) Then I'll still need to go through and edit it. Maybe even have someone proof it, though my friends who've been helping have gotten super busy with life stuff so we'll see what

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 28 results