
Viewing 1 - 20 of 98 results

Changed Rewrite chapter 1 Draft · 12:05am Jan 23rd, 2023

So, I spent a while writing the draft, and I have a few goals for this.

I want this to be twenty chapters long at most, and have very, very long chapters to make up for the short length of chapters coming out. I’m also going to actually try and write something decent, so any and all feedback would be helpful on this post. This chapter is only about... a third of what is going to make up the first chapter.

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Report Nugget27 · 151 views · #draft

Unfinished Smolder Autumn Blaze story · 11:44pm Jul 3rd, 2020

For context. The most Recent Yona and Limestone story was originally for the unusual pairing event I forgot the proper name of. I didn't finish it in time obviously. Why? Becuase I was originally doing a story with Smolder and Autumn Blaze. In which they'd pair up in a weird dragon holiday sport event where basically they all play a giant Battle Royale against each other.

Anyway I typed some of it so here it is for anyone who wants to read wips that will literalyl never finish

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Report RayneTheSkunk · 238 views · #Drafts

If ponies were the size of draft horses? · 9:11pm Oct 19th, 2019

What if ponies were the size of draft horses?

And how big would Princess Celestia be if her 'little ponies' were the size of draft horses?

Report Bendy · 230 views · #draft horse

Stranger in a Strange Land: "Paternity" · 2:54am May 1st, 2023

In the Canterlot Throne Room, Discord appears from the stained glass windows. He cackles in merriment.

Discord: "Bwahahaha! Oh, how long has it been, my dear Celestia-!"

Ryan: "DAD?!"

Discord: "Say what-?!"

Ryan: "My mother said I arrived in a flash of chaos magic! I appeared by your statue! So... I mean, that does kind of make you my father."

Discord: "That is completely illogical and based on the flimsiest of evidence!"

Ryan: "Oh..."

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Some more old drafts · 6:42pm Sep 16th, 2020

So looking through the good ol google drive I found a draft for chapter one of Gambler's Respite, supposed to show off Chum and Carrow gambling against each other and do some other things. The scene itself ain't done, at least the prologue I posted was complete. Would ya'll want me to post the half finished chapter 1? As said in the previous blog and in the authors note of the Prologue I won't be finishing it most likely

Report Gypsybard · 132 views · #rough draft

Cloak and Dagger · 11:09pm Dec 12th, 2015

More build up and subplots, hopefully most of which I can resolve reasonably. The meat of chapter 10 is complete, but I am holding publishing until I work out a weird narrative issue. There is some transitional material insufficient for its own chapter that I have to decide to include at the end of this chapter or push into the beginning of the next chapter.

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Draft plot · 1:49pm Aug 25th, 2019

Radiant has awakened an unspeakable ancient evil to bring to her side to take down the scale six and keep her place in power. Spike and the others make new friends and allies as they begin their journey not just to take down Radiant but save their world from destruction.


Makin’ a (sort of) comeback, baby! · 12:04am Jun 10th, 2023

So it’s no secret that I’ve been severely lacking in my presence on this site for months on end. I’ve been checking my notifications from time to time, but that’s it—in fact I’ve found it sort of quiet around here, even from people I’m Watching, and for why I assume that is to be (beyond the site’s slow death), I offer my condolences.

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Report eemoo1o · 104 views · #hiatus #fics #drafts #blog

Baba O'riley · 5:59am Dec 12th, 2018


Train Ride Meeting. Background Ponies. · 1:31am Aug 27th, 2016

I have been thinking. I have about 50K words of ruff draft that I am not using since I altered the main tract of my story, The Secret Life of Background Ponies-(SLBP). And I thought that it was a wast to just throw them away. So as a treat I thought to put in little bits of them into the blog to let you all see how the first draft was and how different it has become.

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Report Gentlehoof · 257 views · #Old ruff draft.

An Old MFAB Second Chapter Draft · 6:47am Jun 12th, 2020

You know, I never continued Magical Filly Apple B, and I suspect I never will, but I do have a fair amount of an old draft lying around for the second chapter.

I remember I really felt like I needed to go through and revise Twist's familiar's accent, as it was getting rather out of control. I was having trouble with Twist's lisp, a bit, too.

Diamond's minion... would probably have been controversial. I still rather like it.

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Report arcum42 · 424 views · #old draft #not dead yet

Fics in the making (as of the 30th of May, 2022) · 3:54pm May 30th, 2022

Just going to info-dump here about some of my drafted/unwritten fics I plan on writing and publishing here (from longest thought-of to shortest), to see if anyone is interested in them for when I eventually write/publish them.

“Together We Mourn” - Playlist here. Twilight is in mourning, having now learnt the cons of immortality first-hand. Discord decides to pay her a visit.

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Report eemoo1o · 94 views · #drafts #fics #blog

Chapter drafts for Equestria the Beautiful · 9:13am Apr 26th, 2020

If anypony is interested, I'm opening up some of mine and Gale's drafts for comments:

The Prologue: Also here
Chapter 1: Golden Days
Chapter 2: A Blizzard in June


Fics in the making (as of the 31st of July, 2022) · 4:17pm Jul 31st, 2022

Just going to info-dump here about some of my drafted/unwritten fics I plan on writing and publishing here (from longest thought-of to shortest), to see if anyone is interested in them for when I eventually write/publish them.

“Together We Mourn” - Playlist here. Twilight is in mourning, having now learnt the cons of immortality first-hand. Discord decides to pay her a visit.

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Report eemoo1o · 100 views · #drafts #fics #blog

New Fic Progress · 4:22am Jun 9th, 2015

Those who know me know I've been working on a fic in the background. in the past few days I've had a burst of ideas for the fic. chapter 1 is now in draft 2-> draft 3 phase. I've been on and off working on this. whenever I have motivation to work on it I do. I feel really accomplished all the work that went into this. most of what I had before was attempting a "oneshot" for those who don't know I need to work a while on something before it's good. I still have these a "oneshot" laying around

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Progress! · 7:59am Nov 30th, 2016

It's been a bit of fooooorever since I uploaded anything, and that's on me. College and other projects got in the way, but my current story project's first draft is finally finished, and I'm waiting for some feedback from several proofreaders for final revisions before I submit it to Fimfiction for approval. Just thought I'd mention I'm not dead yet!


I'm feeling awesome - 2nd drafts done · 1:10am Oct 9th, 2017

The second drafts of the final two chapters of Woebegone are finished. It won't be long now.


Oh, incidentally. · 3:59am Jan 19th, 2022

Sunday night I finished writing the new ending for The Enforcer Remastered. The story expands from 64K with 30K additional new story! Of course, that means I have first draft manuscript to cut and revise, but done writing is done written!

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[Rooftop] Story Notes, First Draft · 2:18pm Sep 29th, 2021

In the end, what this story is really about is my depressive episode that started during the coronavirus lockdown/general feeling of the world being on fire, and not being free of it yet despite being able to live a mostly-normal life these days. I somehow did not realize this connection until I was most of the way through writing it.

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Fics in the making (as of the 3rd of January, 2022) · 5:05pm Jan 3rd, 2022

Just going to info-dump here about some of my drafted/unwritten fics I plan on writing and publishing here (from longest thought-of to shortest), to see if anyone is interested in them for when I eventually write/publish them.

“Together We Mourn” - Playlist here. Twilight is in mourning, having now learnt the cons of immortality first-hand. Discord decides to pay her a visit.

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Report eemoo1o · 90 views · #drafts #fics #blog
Viewing 1 - 20 of 98 results