
Viewing 1 - 16 of 16 results

666-Follower AMA · 1:21am Mar 7th, 2016

I saw you had 665 followers, so I gave you a gift and become the 666th.
--Captain Fluffy Butt

Well, of course I would do one of these now. :raritywink:

Everyone knows the drill. At least I hope so, since "everyone" would include me, and I've never done this before. I'll be as prompt as possible, but there may be delays, since there's no internet at my job.

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Report Horse Voice · 692 views · #AMA #horse voice

Signal boost: Horse Voice's "Celestia Hates Us All" · 7:00pm Jan 8th, 2016


Review #76 - The Writing on the Wall · 4:18am Mar 16th, 2017

You know, I'm gonna make this official. From this review on there will be none posted on Wednesday. In order to keep my five, 5, reviews per week, I will be doing them on Saturday.

Alright, I'm going to promote:
*The Ones We Love - Please don't ask me about it, I'm only half way through reading it.

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Fic-A-Minute: Biblical Monsters · 10:28pm Jun 9th, 2017

A noteworthy week, but only because I'm sick. Again.

Imma try to sleep it off. Go read about monsters in the biblical sense in the meantime.

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The Hat Man Reviews: Scribblefest Entries #3! · 7:18pm Mar 11th, 2016

No time like the present, so let's get right into more reviews of Scribblefest stories!

By the way, you can read my first two review posts here and here, respectively.

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Month of Macabre - Week 1! · 5:53pm Oct 7th, 2016

Month of Macabre is a month-long celebration of all things spooky and spectacular! This month I'll be releasing (among other things) four videos celebrating my favourite darkfic author: Horse Voice!

This week we kick off with Johnny Never Knew What Hit Him:

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Ponyfeather Publishing Release: Horse Voice's Biblical Monsters and Other Grim Tales · 3:57pm Mar 25th, 2019

When I first had the idea to start Ponyfeather Publishing, I pictured a lineup of the best novels our authors had written—but when I began looking through my favorites authors' bibliographies, I was reminded that many of them produce exemplary short-form work as well. Clearly, focusing exclusively on full-length stories would be inadequate, and Ponyfeather Publishing would need

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Month of Macabre - Week 2! · 10:25am Oct 17th, 2016

welcome back to Month of macabre. In Week 2 I have a fic reading, the second part of a creepypasta trilogy and two comic dubs for you. ^_^


EFNW Mini WrapUp & Two Cool Dudes You Should Follow · 12:58am Jun 11th, 2015

[Tagged for White Space because if you like that story you'll love Horse Voice's stuff.

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A Triumph and A Tragedy · 3:30pm Nov 15th, 2021

As of today, I have now spent officially ten years in the fandom. My admission into this little cultural movement started on November 15, 2011, and I've enjoyed myself for the most part ever since. Even when things didn't always go right (looking at you, BronyCon 2019), I more often than not found the fandom adding a degree of excitement and interest into my own life. So to all of you out there, thank you for making the world a little more interesting.

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Read It Later Reviews #20 – Long Live Sonata Dusk, Enchantè, Dear Sweetie Belle, The End of Immortality, One Evening at Emmy’s · 11:24pm Jul 9th, 2015

Welcome to another edition of Read It Later Reviews. Today, I’ve got three stories that I had read previously, plus a story from a writer I had never encountered the works of on previous occasion and a Horse Voice story I hadn’t yet read.

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Read It Now Reviews #68 – Accentric, A Proper Mare, Perfect Justice, I’m Not a Fly, Celestia Hates Us All · 10:19pm Jan 18th, 2016

Howdy folks! Hope all the Americans are enjoying MLK day.

Sorry I haven’t been quite as active of late, but I have been working on some things invisibly. One of the fruits of my labor came out on Friday, a rather silly story about Pinkie Pie teaching Scootaloo the true story of the Hearth’s Warming Turkey:

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Read It Later Reviews #46 – Pegasus, The Mare of the Equestrian Eighth, An Ordinary Day, Memories, Holder’s Boulder · 8:58pm Apr 11th, 2016

I spent pretty much all of Sunday reading Scribblefest entries, and this is going to be the last Scribblefest-centric review post. On the whole, the finalists had a number of very decent stories, and while I didn’t end up writing a review of every story, I did manage to write reviews for a good number of them.

As always, note that I am but one of nine Scribblefest judges, so my word is not the last one on these.

Today’s stories:

Pegasus by Grand_Moff_Pony

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Read It Now Reviews #86 – First Take; You’re a Lesbian, Rainbow Dash; Flutterperial; Suffer in Silence; One of the Living · 1:23am Jul 5th, 2016

The Fourth of July, the day wherein Americans celebrate their country by blowing up a small part of it.

What could be more American than that?

Reading pony fanfiction, clearly!

Today’s stories:

First Take by GAPJaxie
You’re a Lesbian, Rainbow Dash by Socks
Flutterperial by shortskirtsandexplosions
Suffer in Silence by Pascoite
One of the Living by Horse Voice

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Read It Later Reviews #21 – Forever and Again, Where the Heart Is, Happily Ever After, The Day of the Million Billion Octavias, Swan Lake · 6:19pm Jul 17th, 2015

Apologies for my laxity in posting this week; I spent a great deal of time twisting myself in knots over what to work on next, and thus ended up not accomplishing much of anything until yesterday, when I simply decided to go ahead with whatever struck me next.

Consequently, I polished up and published a writeoff story:

As He Lay Dying
by Titanium Dragon

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Printed Ponyfic Reviews, Here's a Third Part · 8:09pm Sep 7th, 2019

Viewing 1 - 16 of 16 results