
Viewing 1 - 20 of 93 results

Are Grimdark Stories Dumb If Based Off FIM? · 11:47am Nov 10th, 2019

Are grimdark stories dumb if based off MLP FIM? The show about magic cartoon horses. Can you take something that's a grimdark story seriously if based off MLP FIM?

Grimdark, as in gritty, dark or violent and whatever. Other themes may include war, post apocalyptic stuff, horror.

Report Bendy · 284 views · #Grimdark

grim darks · 11:16am May 26th

im currently writing two grimdarks on wattpad. ones called pies and the other is called the rocking horses of ponyville. pies is basically like cupcakes but with applejack and the rocking horses of ponyville has intense body horror.

Report scribblestar · 14 views · #grimdark

Looking for an old, lost horror fic · 5:17am Aug 21st, 2017

Yo, does anyone remember an old Fluttershy grimdark story called fLuTtEr? I read it like 5 years ago and haven't been able to find it since and it's been driving me crazy.

It's basically about Fluttershy getting stung by some weird bee-like creature and ends up pregnant with some kind of monster child named Whisperwing Blackthorn.

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My latest reading · 8:17pm Mar 1st, 2017


Twilight's Dollhouse Review Video (feat. Voice Crack) · 10:07pm Oct 20th, 2023

It’s back!!!!! Reviews to classic MLP Grimdarks have returned for this Month of Macabre. Only this time, we have something different. As the “Man behind the Mask” takes a leave of absence, Voice Crack (Harmonight’s dark alter ego) steps in for the lead. Starting off with “Twilight’s Dollhouse”.


Android Game - Pinkamena · 10:52am Aug 20th, 2016

Not sure if this has been seen by many others before (possibly not, as it has a pretty small install base) but today Google Play suggested a game to me, which turned out to be goddamn fun! And note: this is in no way a paid endorsement, I found this game by luck and just wanted to share it.

It is 'Mature' (though honestly, if it was on Fimfic, it'd get a Teen Gore rating at most), so I'll leave a link to it after the break.

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The Craziest Thing Happened to Me... · 7:18am Dec 2nd, 2023

A short while ago, a user reached out to me on FimFiction to tell me they were making a video adaptation (in Spanish) of my story 'I Have No Wings and I must Fly' for their grimdark fanfic channel. (That was my first MLP fanfic. I wrote it when I was only 1.5 seasons into the show. In fact, I started watching the show in order to do research for the story.) Anyway, I told them that that sounded really cool. I followed their channel, planning to check out their content at some point. I forgot

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Update + MLP Grimdark video · 8:39pm May 19th, 2021

Hello to anyone who forget they even followed me for stuff! Once again, I return from my long slumber to post something! Hopefully new chapters soon, apologies about the lack on consistency. I love to write, I promise.

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In¢entive · 9:02pm Oct 10th, 2017


Learned you can get a badge for writing, I'm after it. Now that I have a reason to do something, I'll do something. Gonna get so many badges and fake internet points just to pump my ego. Hope there are other writing badges, feel like I need some kind of writing prompts. I know there are some somewhere, but not sure where.


Fanfic Reading - Sweet Apple Secrets · 11:08pm Jan 1st, 2021

Hey all! I just got an awesome New Years treat, and I'd love to share it!

User Zachmoviefan did a reading of my story Sweet Apple Secrets.

You can find it here.


Field of screams · 11:09pm Oct 16th, 2022

The Cutie mark crusader go in the corn maze on Nightmare Night. They get lost and ask Applebloom about the exit. Applebloom tries to explain that she didn't help make the maze this year. They see a left turn, and race at believing it's the exit. What they see is another trail, but something about it stands out to Applebloom. Sweetie belle and Scootaloo run down the path believing it will lead them to the exit. When they get deep into the maze strange things start to happen, and only Applebloom

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Ch 25, more art, and life>fun. · 2:56pm Jun 25th, 2016

Check out dronehunter19 he dose commotions, so get on that.

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Reviewing "Why I Stopped Watching MLP" by Opium4TmassS · 5:10pm Apr 13th, 2018

First time I posted something. Don't judge my typing.
The story itself was well made on so many levels.
One being, why there wasn't enough episodes on Season 3. This is something many bonies have been asking, but not me.

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Curious?? · 2:09am Nov 3rd, 2016

Hello Everypony! i recently got inspired by the sequel to the Rainbow Factory, Awoken, and started to write a continuation of it. Im thinking of titling it "Slumber", as it is about how my pegasona Silver Streak was taken in by the Factory and has gone numb to the horrors in it. i have reached page 45 in pencil. my ultimate goal is to send it to a youtuber known as The Lost Narrator for her to look it over and possibly read it. i guess im just curious to see if anypony would be interestedd in

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Hoof me your grimdark fics!! · 5:21am Apr 22nd, 2023

Hello Darlings~ I would also like to inform everyone that you can also request grimdark fics for me yourselves. However grimdark fics I would not read if it has:

- Crossovers
- Romance (However, ones with dark and messed up romance is great with me 💕)
- Clopfics

That is all, other than that, knock yourselves out on your requests!! :heart:


Super Sized Halloween Special Fic Reading · 7:45pm Nov 2nd, 2019

The following transcripts are from journals found in Ponyville after the mass disappearance of the town's inhabitants. Nopony has been located anywhere else in Equestria in the weeks since the discovery. We pray these journals can explain what happened.


Welcome... · 5:58am May 28th, 2020

Hello everyone, I am Melon! (but my username is whatashocker.) I am here to do my very best to create entertaining stories that you enjoy. It's a lie! While I do hope you enjoy my stories, I'll be taking the grim-dark approach most of the time, or will I? My stories are going to be jam-packed with lore, probably some grammar errors, (I am actively working to improve my vocabulary and writing ability) death, and most of all... BETRAYAL! I'm not sure which story should come first, but I hope you

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Fallout Equestria Update · 3:11am Jun 8th, 2023

Currently Finishing up the rest 9f chapter 1 of the following fanfiction:
Also updated the chapters to include the rest of the chapter names. Still gotta add a few more... Don't expect the rest of chapter 1 within a month. Expect it like... Later. I don't anticipate it finished anytime in the next month or so.


Death of Trixie - Corpulent Brony Presents - In the Closet · 3:37pm Oct 31st, 2016

I think everyone enjoys a nice murder; so, tonight, Corpulent Brony Presents a special Halloween story: The Death of Trixie. Please enjoy, and remember to thank our sponsors.

Happy Halloween!

Tell-Tale Trixie adapted from Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe.

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New Song inspired by Speak Not This Tale · 11:18pm Jul 27th, 2021

Artist Korroki sent me this today, and I'm splitting my cheeks with this grin. They were inspired by Speak Not This Tale to make a new deathstep track! That's right, a new song!

It's not a genre I'm used to but I'm ecstatic regardless. Check it out on their Soundcloud and send them some support!

Viewing 1 - 20 of 93 results