• Member Since 13th Oct, 2018
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Transbian Writer who is trying to put out stuff more frequently. She/Her Check out my Ko-fi if you like my stuff!

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Blog Posts

  • 35 weeks
    End of Ciderfest 2023. Thank You.

    I'm back home from Ciderfest 2023, and it was something. As always, the panels were great, I got to talk with and see some very cool people. It's what's expected, but I love it each and every time I come.

    The big new thing was that I got to sell my book there. It was at the After Dark Vendor Hall and I even got to work and help run the AD Bookstore on my first night there. I went in, bringing twenty copies of Pinkamena: Beasts , and hoping I'd be able to even sell five.

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    2 comments · 104 views
  • 39 weeks
    Pinkamena: Beasts of Fall on sale at Ponyville Ciderfest 2023!

    Hello again. I come bearing a massive announcement!
    Pinkamena: Beasts of Fall is now in book form and will be sold at Ponyville Ciderfest's After Dark Vendor Hall on November 17th & 18th!

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  • 58 weeks
    Updates and Big Plans.

    Hey again.

    Once again, time does not exist and it's been a while since my last post of any sort on this website. Life's been busy. Both the fun and not so fun kinds of busy, but now I'm free and thankfully making progress on things. I've got some big stuff planned that I'm really trying my hardest to work out. Nothing to majorly announce yet as nothing has fully been confirmed or come through, but I really look forwards to the day I can share it all!

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  • 89 weeks
    Ciderfest Writers Meet-Up 2022

    Hello again!

    It's Ciderfest 2022 and I'll be at the Writer's Meet-Up in the Apple Orchard from 12 - 1! Hope to see ya there.

    Hope your fall is going well. Why not celebrate it ny reading my fall themed story and giving it a like? That'd be cool.

    0 comments · 119 views
  • 111 weeks
    Meet Me at Whinny City Writers Meet Up!

    Hello again, new writing stuff soon I promise.

    I'm currently at Whinny City Pony Con and will be at the Author Meet Up for Writers and Fans from 3:00 to 4:00 PM in the Mustard Mark Room! I'll be dressed as Maud. Eager to talk with people and meet new people.

    Hope to see you there!

    1 comments · 151 views

End of Ciderfest 2023. Thank You. · 5:08am Nov 20th, 2023

I'm back home from Ciderfest 2023, and it was something. As always, the panels were great, I got to talk with and see some very cool people. It's what's expected, but I love it each and every time I come.

The big new thing was that I got to sell my book there. It was at the After Dark Vendor Hall and I even got to work and help run the AD Bookstore on my first night there. I went in, bringing twenty copies of Pinkamena: Beasts , and hoping I'd be able to even sell five.

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Comments ( 6 )
  • Viewing 2 - 6 of 6

Thanks for the follow!

Hope you had fun at Ciderfest!

You are welcome. :pinkiesmile: Have a great day/night!

I am! I'm here to stop an evil mastermind, though...he mostly just seems to sit around and laugh evilly.

Thank you for the welcome!

  • Viewing 2 - 6 of 6
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