
Viewing 141 - 160 of 444 results

Ask Me (200 Followers!) · 10:01am Aug 25th, 2016

I woke up this morning to find I had 200 followers! Thats insane! Thank you guys so much.

Just like I did with 100 followers, I wanna do a QnA with you guys. So, if you have a question about ANYTHING let me know and I'll try to answer it :)

If you're already a follower, I definitely encourage you to ask a question so we can get to know each other just a little bit better :P

Thanks again!


a choose your own adventure path... · 10:27pm Aug 2nd, 2017

Otherwise known as I have three versions the next chapter and I don't really know which to go with. So I am gonna ask you my readers who actually read my blog posts which is like five of you but still. what follows is four options of which will be under spoilers for those who don't want to participate in the polling and don't want the future revealed to with out more rambling here they are...wait one more thing to add that is spoilers and effects all of the following the

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50 Follower Special! Ask Me Anything! (Part 2, Follow-up) · 8:05pm Aug 1st, 2017

This is the follow-up post to my 50 follower special. I will post the questions here, along with who asked them, and my responses.

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A Plea For Help II: Housing Update · 5:23pm Apr 25th, 2019

Hey folks,

Time for an update about our housing situation.

First, thank you. Because of your donations, we now have enough savings that will allow my family and I to probably afford pet deposits, security deposits and the first month’s rent for a new apartment.

You never cease to amaze me with your kindness and generosity. Words aren’t enough, but they’re mostly what I have to say thank you.

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Discussion time! · 10:43pm Jul 11th, 2018

I'm bored and I just slipped on a puddle while doing some cleaning. I'd might as well do a thing anyways.

With the revealing of an increasingly complex past, what are your thoughts on the current direction and future of Pony-Me?

Do you think Lisa/Twilight will ever return to the simulation?

What do you think will happen to Twilight as she begins to fade from Lisa's memory?

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Oh Dear God · 10:27pm Jul 28th, 2019

Uhm, how and why did my last fic get over a thousand views? I mean, I'm super grateful (considering this is a one-shot and only the 7th I've made), I'm just curious WHY. I mean, what is so attractive about it? Besides being featured, I mean. It's not like it's well written in particular. I can and have done better. At least in my opinion.


Hey, ask me something. · 2:14pm Sep 16th, 2019

I'm in a mood to answer some questions today. Any takers? Just don't ask anything out of line.


Blog #2: Finally! Sorta... · 8:41pm Oct 2nd, 2018

I finally finished writing chapter 3 of Dark Origins, now all I need to do is type it and edit it. Which might take a little bit because it's as long as chapter 0, if not longer.
Thank you all for hanging in there and being patient.
I would also like to remind you guys, if you like to ask any questions. Do so freely and and I'll answer them. Nothing is too outlandish for me.


Drip · 10:09pm Dec 31st, 2015

some days i just dont got it :raritycry:


Manehattan's Lone Guardian -- FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS · 4:48am Nov 12th, 2023

First, some mood music:

I'm feeling somewhat better after Friday and I've had this brewing in my mind today, so below is a few of the questions I've been asked regarding Manehattan's Lone Guardian since I began two years ago. Some are frequently, others not so much, but either way I think they still have relevancy.

This may be updated as time goes on. We'll see.


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Sunset Rambles #2: Why is badassery so hard to find in ABDL fiction anyways? · 5:28pm Sep 15th, 2016

I always found it weirdly amazing when people said “you can’t make a character in diapers be badass”. It’s a weird sentiment, because, for me, the attire isn’t all that important when it comes to badassery. Take One Piece’s Senor Pink, who is a grown man wearing diapers and a bonnet, and is probably one of the most badass characters this series has produced.

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Ask Us 3/5/2016 + Live Event Annoucements · 3:58pm Mar 5th, 2016

March Live Event

The March live event went off without a hitch last night and was a lot of fun. We had a lot of new faces and the crowd was pretty large. Plus we had a ton of great questions. We hope you'll join us in April for our next event!

There were a few announcements this month that we wanted to follow up with here.

Cameo Call Winners

2016s first cameo call was a big success! We had over 40 unique entries! Here are the winners:

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Ask Asylum Twilight - More Request Art! · 2:41am May 5th, 2016


Tumblr stuff - Pixel rooms. · 9:55am Dec 22nd, 2015

Good morning, evening, lack of sun time!

Yeah, it's been far too long since I posted a blog update. Right after my last one the fall semester was in full swing, and I had little time. Still, that means I have a cool backlog of stuff to post!

A while back I posted this on the Ask asylum Twilight tumblr;

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Episode Review - S7E11 Not Asking For Trouble · 5:06pm May 21st, 2017

Yaks Episode II: Prince Rutherford Is Still Full Of Crap.

That's about it. The yaks are less annoying but Rutherford is still a dick. Also, episode was boring. And for a Pinkie Pie episode, that's unforgiveable. The yaks simply aren't funny.

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YOU SAY I WOULD MAKE A BETTER LIAR · 11:21pm Dec 15th, 2019

Note: to improve readability, some messages aren't in strict chronological order, as you might be able to tell from the timestamp on the screencaps. Since at some point three different conversations were happening in three different chats, you'll see the color of my name change very now and then.

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Ask Roseate Grimsbane, the Last Chapter · 2:00am Aug 5th, 2020

The last chapter of Ask Roseate Grimsbane is finally here.

TAsk Roseate Grimsbane, the Witch
NOT A CLOPFIC! Roseate Grimsbane is a unicorn mare who tries to live as peacefully as she can in Equestria, or as peacefully as you can when you're a witch and your husband is an eldritch being from outside our known universe. Ask her some questions.
Robipony · 106k words  ·  92  3 · 2.3k views

For those of you who have been following along, I would like to thank you all for your support and for those of you who came in late or who are just starting to read the story, thank you as well.

Stories like these take time and ALOT of energy and it's great to see that others enjoy my stories. :pinkiesmile:

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I've finished writing the story · 1:19am Feb 23rd, 2022

Hey there, everyone. The upcoming story is already done, but before I start publishing it, I need some feedback to tell me what needs to be fixed as a whole. Unfortunately, I couldn't find anyone else to help me, so I decided to make a blog to ask if anyone would want to help me. If not, then just tell me why and I'll stop asking entirely as well as just publish it anyway.


Remake of A "Special" · 5:08am Jul 3rd, 2020

Hey everyone, Laura here! So, I've been doing my own things and I've never wrote my other ideas for the my two Au's. I even thought of something, what if I remade the final special of "Holiday Unwrapped?" Like make it into a full length story, perhaps with development of character or relationships, drama, etc? I thought of doing a remake tbh with you and I've had it on paper but I didn't write down the plot yet.


Did you know that in Germany the cheapest form of toilet paper is scented 3ply? · 5:56pm May 1st, 2019

No joke!

I'm used to living in a country where that's the maximum. It's especially weird considering how environmentally conscientious the rest of the country is. You'd think they would have outlawed anything more than one sheets!

So I guess you could say this is my official "I'm back from my holiday and I'm not dead" blog post, and a kind-of recap of April since it's also the start of May! Pictures, experiences, and other things below the fold.

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Viewing 141 - 160 of 444 results