
Viewing 141 - 160 of 242 results

Conflicting Ideas · 11:38pm Nov 14th, 2016

Do any other authors ever get writers block from two or more conflicting ideas, to the point where you end up writing very little? I have at least two stories that I know how to complete, yet I have STILL started a new one because the idea really grabbed me!

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After two whole chapters of talking... · 5:04am Dec 23rd, 2015

... comes another fight.

I know, no one asked for any of that boring, talky plot and character development, just bring on another firefight!

But seriously. I'm beating my head against my desk trying to get these chapters out. It's so incredibly frustrating having all the outlines done but none of the meat ready to string up on the bones. It's even more frustrating already having run these scenes in my head enough to get sick of them and still not having transcriptions of them down.

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Updates! · 1:35pm Jun 16th, 2018

Hello to my 3 followers! :pinkiehappy:

So, a few things you guys need to know.

1. School just started for me. Yeah, where I'm from, our School Year is off. The previous administration tried to switch to match the US, but ever since then our latest president has basically allowed schools to no longer comply with that rule. Yeah, I live in the Philippines. Anyway, that means I'll be offline more as the school year marches relentlessly onward.

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Could Use Some Suggestions · 11:44pm Apr 11th, 2021

Heya, Folks!

Sorry about the frequent blogging, I generally try not to do that without reason. Last time I blogged was for a sneak peek of my next chapter of A Daughter and her Dragon, since I've been suffering from some nasty writer's block and wanted you guys to at least have a taste of what's going on there.

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On the problems stopping my stories... · 6:28am Jul 20th, 2018

So, I got to thinking about my various stories today. Mostly, about why they're not progressing.
Yes, there will be spoilers be warned.
Yes, I'm going to be rambling a lot here. If you don't want to read it, nopony is forcing you to. Except Zeus (the Bolo from Iron Mountain, not the Greek god)... but he's fictional.

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AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! · 5:31pm Jan 19th, 2019

New chapter for Duality of Existence! Yay~! Writers block~! FUCK! Oh, I feel like I write myself into a corner sometimes. I have to think of the most organic way to progress the story or pull a solution out of my ass which will cause pacing issues like the last two stories. I love writing but punch me clockwise I hate writers block. I'm open to suggestions on how the town should react to this. No sudden 'Human KILL!' or 'Savoir, he's cool' schtics. It has to be organic. Email me suggestion on

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Chapter delay · 8:17pm April 28th

The next chapter of Can you fix the broken will be delayed. Yes, I do know that I don't exactly have a schedule but while writing the new chapter I felt the semblance of writer's block beginning to form. So, I decided to start a side project to avoid such thing from happening. The second fic I'll have will be mostly for me to get out new ideas in Equestria girls setting so I can keep the other ideas fresh in my head and not feel like a slog to write. I hope you all understand and thank you for

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im trying guys · 11:45am April 9th

Okay, no activity on my end for a hot minute. and I'm just gonna lay it out there. I cant bring myself to write for some ungodly reason.

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For anyone going through creative blocks · 5:33pm Apr 20th, 2016


Well... I'm apparently here · 5:04am Nov 2nd, 2015

Hello, I am earthboundfolk. Bisexual male. Caucasian. Really, that doesn't matter, unless I'm discussing my personal fetish folder. (Hopefully that won't ever come up...) Anyways, though, I've been meaning to start writing some fanfics. At first, this account was so I could favorite great clop. Then, I began commenting. And now... a blog.

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THE CAKE IS ALIVE! (and it’s not a lie) · 10:27pm May 26th, 2018

Thank the mods, my story’s been approved! This is the story I wrote for EFNW’s Iron Author contest last weekend. The one posted here is the edited/polished final draft.

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Announcement and Preview · 4:42am Sep 4th, 2016

*Friday night, about 08:15 pm.*

Finally some time! Now I can write! Let's see...


What about...?

*silence x2*

And if I...

*silence x3*


Annnouncement and prewiew after the break.

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This week's Thursday upload will be either a Friday or Saturday upload · 4:03am Jul 16th, 2020

As indicative by my late at night blog post and lack of new chapter for It Takes A Princess, the current chapter just plain isn't coming together and needs more work. This probably goes without saying at this point, but I'd rather submit no upload than a mediocre one.

Rest assured that this fic will be done before the August 1st contest deadline. I'm determined to not fall completely off the wagon.

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Progress · 2:34am Oct 22nd, 2019

So, I’ve got good news and bad news.

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Disheartening Delays. · 11:56am Nov 30th, 2021

G'day all.
You know those days when you finally broke out of your Writer's block and you spent a weeks worth of effort to squeeze every bit of creative juices you managed to pull off from said writer's block; only to accidentally delete all your efforts when your mouse conveniently falls on the floor and conveniently click the delete button as it fell? Welp, here we are now and I am mad as Hell! I almost finished the damn chapter and this happens.

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Writers Blockheaded · 11:59pm Mar 13th, 2023

Writing can get a little bit annoying sometimes when you make up new characters on the fly. Or in this case, on the snake.

The next chapter's currently in progress, but one of the reasons for its delay---aside from the usual excuses of work, tiredness, and gaming---is that I'm having difficulty writing a scene with a one-chapter character in it. In an earlier chapter Leviathan detected a sea monster down in the ocean depths, and I was going to have the two of them cross paths.

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Here's an Update · 12:32am Dec 14th, 2023

I know I promised myself not to reveal anything until it's done, but due to writer's block, perfectionism, and procrastination, I'm having trouble finishing a certain story that needs to get done before any unexpected circumstances and complications. While I'm not going to spoil what I'm working on until it's absolutely done, I need some advice on this predicament that I'm having in order to continue. Also, I'm still afraid of what might happen last time I wrote my stories, so if you want me to

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A Discourse on Writer's Block (or: Wherein the Author Hates his Stories with the Fire of A Thousand Suns) · 2:56am Sep 18th, 2016

I'm sure you've been there, too: You're writing something, and you keep spending time on it, and every time you stop and check your wordcount, it hasn't changed much. Or, you spend most of your time working on the story by not working on it, instead sitting there and brainstorming and/or cursing various aspects of the story and/or yourself for just not getting it bloody written.

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Admitting the problem · 10:39pm May 31st, 2017

THe real reason the new chapter of Discord's New Business is taking so long: Writer's block.

Seriously, I have no idea what to write for this chapter. I had a wonderful idea for Celestia/Transformation error when it looked like that was going to win, but for Celestia/Seapony, the best I can come up with is that she goes to visit the seapony queen from the upcoming movie and... that's it. I don't know what to write beyond that.

I'm sorry, everyone.

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Regarding "A Changeling's Heart" · 11:17pm Mar 24th, 2018

Hello everyone!

A quick update on whoever was following "A Changeling's Heart."

I apologize to those who have been waiting for the next chapter.
I am still currently working on it, but I am still dealing with one of those "writer's block."

It was one of those moments where I planned it out the chapter and it sounded exciting.
As I typed and read it, it didn't look so good anymore. :twilightsheepish:

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Viewing 141 - 160 of 242 results