[no title] · 2:24am Oct 9th, 2015
i had such a long bad day but this video made my day
(Thank you, UniqueSKD for post this on your blog )
i had such a long bad day but this video made my day
(Thank you, UniqueSKD for post this on your blog )
Just gotten back from the urgent care place since i accidentally cut my little picky toe and needed stitches >3< .The only good news is that i didn't broke/ sprained anything. I am now going to take a nap b/c i am tired as f*ck >->
Howdy howdy~
Quick question for readers of The Poisoned Barb's tale! The next chapter is almost done with the editing step! Something has come to my realization though...
... It might be a tiny bit too big
With the "Different Perspective" story arc virtually complete, my collaborator is now doing a questions and answers story featuring Path at the Canterlot University. This is your opportunity to ask a question as your own OC, and have it answered by Path. See https://www.fimfiction.net/story/292193/questions-and-answers-with-long-path for the first Q&A session and the rules. Let's see what you can come up with!
Liées par le ciel et la terre, Actress Aérienne et Actress Koto. Together, we are partners in every sense of the word!
I've been going to town on designing the civilian forms the Actresses use to keep their wings hidden, so I thought another preview post was in order. Since the last one had the basic plot before the profiles, this one will talk about battle mechanics and flesh out the other characters.
Another day. I'm actually having fun writing these.
Played more Fallout 2 today, but my roommate wanted to format his laptop, so I had to back up my files on to my portable drive, along with a basic description of where I am in the game for when I pick it up again.
I have a test in Brit lit tomorrow Those tests are so fucking hard... And my dog just farted.
The good news is that the GSA and I did all the filming we need for our video. I technically don't have any AP Psych due until Monday. I'm planning on going to a pride event with some friends from the GSA.
Holy hell has it been awhile. So long in fact that the show has ended, and this latest season has thoroughly bumped my fiction into NON canon territory lol (I mean it was already non canon sure but I like to ride that line as close as possible). Friends of mine know I had more than a little salt about that. That's not to say I can't retool my story to bring it in line, but the last season definitely gave me some headaches lol.
>It's morning time for you, Cut N. Paste.
>And typical of your mornings, you and your herd are scattered around the freshly cleaned bathroom, going through each of your morning routines.
>It’d been an interesting few days since Anon got back from his impromptu stallion’s night, and honestly you’ve still failed to process some of it.
>That night was crazy!
>He came home wearing /the/ hottest outfit you’d ever seen, and what does he do?
>He dressed up Pike in colty lingerie and bucked her!
On yesterday's date three years ago I published the first chunk of green that would become the long and short of it. Time sure flies.
I'm talking about the chapter length, of course; not my penis length, you pervert.
It's actually two stories merged into one. An unholy chimera union. That's what makes it longer than the rest.
With that, I present to you the freshly published (long) chapter of:
God help me, I've done it.
In all seriousness, this first video was just so that I could play around with the video software and to test how bad my voice sounds when recorded. >_> The first -real- video with gameplay and stuff should be done just as soon as the panic wears off...
Edit 2:
The wonderful spike the mustache requested that I answer all 50 questions. I though, "what the hell, might as well make it a blog!"
#1: Have you ever been drunk?
A few times.
#2: Have you ever kissed someone?
#3: Have you ever broken up with someone?
#4: Have you ever had sex?
#5: Have you ever had a threesome?
Unfortunately, no.
#6: Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
Currently Sitting at about 1.6k words and I am only about halfway done with this chapter.
So hang in there as by my calculations this chapter is gonna be a long one but again that might be subject to change.
Anyway just wanted to give u guys a update
>Unfortunately your conversation with Blueblood did not peter out after that.
>He wanted to know ALL about what you’ve been up to.
>Seems that Celestia gave him the impression that you’re a noblestallion yourself, albeit from a far away land.
>Another prank you suppose.
>That’s probably why he wanted to hang out with you so badly when you first arrived.
>No reason to correct him now, you guess.
>You are Cut N. Paste with a heart full of fear.
>As you and your herdmates step past the curtain, you’re met with a disconcerting sight.
>An honest to Celestia throne room.
>Whatever this room used to be used for before, it has been totally converted toward its new purpose.
>The lights that were once built into the ceiling have been straight-up torn out, leaving novelty crystal torches lining the wall as the room’s only source of light.
A thestral, a siren, a zebra, a dragon, a changeling, a kirin, three unicorns, three pegasi, three earth ponies, and three alicorns all walk into a bar.
They then get kicked out because that's way too many characters with "primary/secondary protagonist" billing for one story.
But despite admitting she could stand to thin the numbers just a little, the author is also incredibly stubborn and sentimental and isn't inclined to let go of most of this cast.
This could be a problem.