
Viewing 141 - 160 of 305 results

Yearly blog: Six · 3:25pm Oct 14th, 2018

Aaand six.

I missed the date with a few days, dammit.
Regardless, sixth year of pony. Gotta' keep the tradition up!

To be honest, I don't have that much to write this year. I guess I've been falling out a bit; I've not even finished the last season of the show yet.
But, I still visit this site, as well as a few others, daily.
To see if any of my old hanging favorites have updated.
To see if any of the people I follow have posted something.

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I Walk the Firing Line's fate · 8:56pm May 25th, 2020

Okay, I've finally decided what to do with my Fallout Equestria story. I Walk the Firing Line. Been laying around for months with... nothing happening to it or it's characters. No, no, I'm not scrapping it. At least not entirely.

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“Welcome, faithful listeners, to WKJR… · 3:07am Apr 22nd, 2022

“The Radio of the Apocalypse! I am your DJ, Cover Version!

”Word around the street is that the raiders present in South River have been challenged by a rival group. The public is getting more and more restless waiting for something exciting to happen in this run-down town. It’s not like we’ve done much rebuilding despite having plenty of chances to. Seems that the grip the raiders have is too strong, and we simply haven’t gotten the chance.

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Welp · 4:25am Aug 2nd, 2021

Cadence: You lying, cheating piece of shit. You aren’t the stallion I married!

Shining: Fine! We’ll get a divorce, and I’m taking Flurry!

Twilight, pulling the Monopoly game away from them: Maybe we should stop playing...


Alright, Real Talk · 12:17am Jun 29th, 2021

If you are reading this, there’s a possibility you don’t know who I am and clicked this title out of curiosity. All of my stories are like that, seeming to attract a different crowd everytime.

If you’re part of that camp, hey, I’m Dashie. You might’ve read The Endless Cycle, Reinventing Music, or the story we do not speak of here, sadly my most viewed. Hell, you might’ve even enjoyed those stories.

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It seems like every time I see a chess story from gapty, I really enjoy it... · 9:31pm March 15th

...even though the majority of chess stories I see in this world are NOT really my bag.

As I commented on gapty's latest chess story:

I love how this story is both about chess AND about life, and the protagonist's realizations about how to live it. She makes meaningful progress in personal growth during a chess game against Twilight Sparkle.

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Surprisingly, Disney songs and champagne music mix together very well! · 1:20am Aug 14th, 2016

I've come to this conclusion while seeing a 1973 Lawrence Welk show full of Disney songs. Here's an earlier one:

(Originally broadcast in color) (Courtesy of The Welk Group, Inc.)


Um, you like changelings? Well, this Saturday- · 10:02pm Dec 3rd, 2015

You will get a lot of changelings.
Well, just a few selected ones. Maurice isn't going to participate a lot, but you might like it... ?
Meh. Whatever. Anyways, this Saturday I'll publish the next chapter.
About 7,000 words maybish? Yeah. Let's go with that.

Anyways, there you have. Until Saturday folks!
See ya around!


Loss of Control · 2:26am Jul 7th, 2017

Certain things... loss of control type things. They are VERY BAD. They should never happen to anybody. But. Some of us might be deeply conflicted about our sometimes same sex feelings. Even if 90% of these feelings are for ponies and their beautiful, beautiful cocks.

Though seriously who could say 'no'?

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Sexy Ass Spreadsheets · 6:29pm Jan 25th, 2018

So I recently finished up a chapter for Dazzling Sunset, and I was left floundering, trying to figure out what should be my next project to focus on. I have a lot of fics floating around in various states of incomplete or just not ready to post. But it has been very difficult to assign any level of importance or order to them. So I'm making a spreadsheet of all active fics and fic ideas.

Going through my files, some of which I haven't touched in three years be like:

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New chapter of S.M.M · 11:36am Jan 15th, 2017

Chapter two is up now everyone and I hope you all enjoy it. Chapter three will begin work tomorrow... Maybe.


HEY NEW OC TIME HAHA · 12:39am Sep 8th, 2021

The Prisoner: A dark being of absolute destruction and decimation, can kill by making eye contact and accessing their emotions (he can only kill those with anger), can turn into a massive power-hungry demon blob of pitch-black slime, and tends to destroy everything he touches. Also he seems to teleport but just moves too quickly for the naked eye to see.


Another Friend's Story to Check Out! · 1:36am Apr 12th, 2022

Hello everyone who bothers to read this! Another friend of mine from the Changing Expectations discord server has just released his first-ever story. It about the MC exploring an Irish island where changelings and ponies live in harmony, set in the Equestria at War universe, which itself is a Hearts of Iron IV mod. (Hearts of Iron IV is a military strategy game. I don't fully understand it). I did some of the edits on the prologue and chapter 1 so if any of that sounds interesting to

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And now for something completely different: 1000-follower AMA! · 2:03am Nov 10th, 2016

The political season was long and painful enough; I'm not gonna extend that by decompressing here. Not here, in our little sanctuary of ponies and camaraderie. Instead, let's follow up the changing of masks with a little bit of mask removal!

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Pokémon Red For GB · 7:04pm Aug 25th, 2021

I just bought and received after weeks of waiting a Pokémon Red Version GB cartridge off of Amazon and I’m already beginning to think it’s a repro (reproduction):

1. It doesn’t work on my Transfer Pak for Pokémon Stadium on N64.

2. When I catch Pokémon, nickname them, and they end up in the PC, the names are either gone or glitched out.

I don’t know what to do with it, and I searched everywhere for a genuine cart, but they’re too expensive for me.

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How well does Darktide... "Do Warhammer"? · 7:15am Dec 17th, 2022


I'm Telling You Now · 3:06pm Aug 6th, 2023

I have plans that I cannot share with you right now, because the haters will sabotage me.

I have plans that I cannot share with you right now, because the haters will sabotage me.

I have plans that I will not share right now, because the haters will sabotage me.

But I've got some stuff in the works.

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Cubic Zirconia Fanart, part 2 · 2:57am Sep 20th, 2015

I probably could have posted this a few days ago, but I didn't want to get anyone irritated with too many blog posts in a short period, and I've also had a really long week, so I was generally pretty tired after work the whole week anyways.

After my last blog post, about Robsa990's fanart for Cubic Zirconia, he saw my suggestion for a scene I personally would like to see, and he decided to draw it:

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Observation of Mare Do Well (WARNING: MINOR SPOILER FOR SEASON 6 IN THE END) · 11:49pm Nov 27th, 2015

What if, in an alternative universe, Mare Do Well is her own pony? An alicorn in hiding.

In the show, Mare Do Well is presented as an alicorn, based on her capabilities to have all the abilities of three races. She seems to focus on her duty in saving ponies while being a symbol of what it means to be a hero. Somepony who do the right thing for the sake of doing the right thing.

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So this happened recently... · 12:23pm Aug 23rd, 2015


Look at her 'Awesome Stuff People Have Made For Me!' section and see if you notice a picture with a certain anthro white pegasus in it surrounded by four other well-known OC mares...

Also, InkRose98 sent me a comment a while ago saying that she would totally do it with Unique. How's that for a response?

Rotorix's avatar may be awesome, but it looks like my dude is the sexiest. Hi Ho!

Viewing 141 - 160 of 305 results