
Viewing 141 - 160 of 526 results

New Story Lineup · 12:20am Sep 3rd, 2021

A new story is expected to be out by the end of the month, aiming to get out at least one chapter of something every month so that should move things along. Attached is the list of story ideas I have lined up with the top being the one I'm most interested in and plan to do first. If anyone especially wants to see one of these stories completed sooner I'll be more than happy to move it up the list. The top story in this case also happens to be the one that's almost finished and should be

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Fricken frick · 1:19am Oct 1st, 2018

I need to log in here more! I've kinda been busy with a certain story, and a new fandom I joined


FimFiction Feghoot Festival Future Finalities · 2:55pm Jul 18th, 2019

Hello, friends! If you're still planning on writing feghoots for the the First Fimfiction Feghoot Contest, get cracking! The submission deadline is this Friday, July 19th at 11:59:59 pm, Pacific Time. If you beseech Super Trampoline for a short extension via PM, he might give you one, but don't push it. Get those stories in; we're almost at fifty already!


The Craft of Writing: Paragraphs (Part 1) · 1:45pm Feb 9th, 2016

Imagine, for a moment, the most exciting blog post you have ever read. The most exciting blog post you can even dream about. It has action, adventure, drama, sex, danger!

Yeah, something like that. Source.

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Review: Imposing Sovereigns Stories, Usurpers · 4:07pm Apr 7th, 2017

The badass, dominating, hardcore Princesses who fight for what they want and decimate those that stand agsint them through shear skill and prowess have had their day, no it is time for another group to take the spotlight. Those who take what they want, who seize power anyway they can. Be it diplomacy, deceit, politics, war, or simply being to damn awesome to not be allowed to take over. These Usurpers will have their day in the limelight, they will taste the joys of the power they so desire,

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A Blocky Blog · 6:09pm Jan 24th, 2017

So, with the conclusion of my The Division Crossover, I figured a new one should take its place.

So, I present to you...a crossover with one of the best cross-platform sandbox games ever....


A crossover with Terraria came to me today, and as it (Alongside Minecraft) are my favorite sandbox games ever, I decided "Why not?" and decided to write one. It's going to be EPIC!

Yeah, get psyched.

It's coming very soon...


Your opinions on a sequel to a certain fic? · 7:17pm Feb 11th, 2017

Okay, I've been thinking about a sequel to my first padded pony fic "Of Griffins, Ponies and Taboo Subjects", wherein basically Grape Vine, now a successful member of Our Town's community and very good friends with Gilda, finds himself in a rather awkward situation, in true Grape Vine fashion, with Gilda coming down with the flu and Grape Vine finding himself the only one who will take care of her, mainly because he's the only one he trusts, and as Grape cares for her, he finds him and Gilda's

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50 Follower Bonus · 5:23pm Jun 12th, 2016

... Wow, I did not realize I'd hit 50. Thanks for your interest, folks! So, as a reward, I'm throwing open a poll for a short reward fic. Post the number you like as a response and any details you think would be awesome.

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Lol nobody was reading this but... · 3:32am Mar 2nd, 2016

I just going to be posting story's that randomly come to mind... And no matter how stupid they are... and im terrible at riding im so poor I cant even do much... I dont even know how to write them correctly so forgive me we bearly wright in school. We mostly do passages and im not complaining just... I need practice hope you understand...

Ps: Have a nise day your friend
Given Chance


State of the Human, February 2018 · 10:30pm Feb 11th, 2018

The month of love is well upon us at this point. I imagine there will be a large number of shipping stories hitting us soon, so that's kinda neat.

In my neck of the woods, I don't have any romantical stories ready for this month. I did put out my first M-rated story this month, though. It's fun nonsense. I've got at least one more story planned for this month, though, so keep an eye out relatively soon.

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Hymn to Touchdown · 1:07am May 4th, 2018

I don't think I've ever posted a blog where the phrase "apropos of nothing" is more appropriate than here. I just wanted you all to know that this song exists:


Chapter 12 out · 4:19am Jun 1st, 2018

No that isn't a joke. You are as surprised as me. Blame insomnia. Weirdly this chapter had a lot more jokes in it than I originally expected.

It's 10,000ish words. Don't ask me how that happened.

And no I didn't just have the Mane 6 go in and fix the problem immediately. That'd be ridiculous even in 10,000 words. But I do have major references to the MLP movie which I've wanted to really add in for a while. And well let's say anti-magic isn't a well known thing in Equestria.

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Random Ramblings CCCXCVIII · 7:09pm Mar 17th, 2020

As the subheading says, good-news-bad-news time. But first enjoy some of Ladybaby's final show. :fluttercry:

Now that that’s out of the way, please click the link to the rest of this spiel

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Good Girls Want More · 6:06am Mar 9th, 2018

Heee!!!! Thx so much for getting me into that fancy Feature Box! It's SOOO COOL!!!

I wanted to reward you all, so I fixed up the next chapter and got it out to you super quick!

Enjoyyyy!!! :3

[Adult story embed hidden]

()=-= Honey =-=()


Your Chance to Own Horsewords for $0.00! · 8:21pm Aug 29th, 2019

Hopefully, you all got a chance to look at my previous blogpost; if you've got any interest in getting a copy of The Purloined Pony for yourself, then rest assured that you can get one whenever you like; it's print-on-demand, so no worries about running out of copies or the like.

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So, my father called Pinkie Pie fat today. · 2:14am Apr 6th, 2019

Well, okay, not directly, but it's still a funny story. Anyway, I've had this little LED light shaped like a chibi Pinkie attached to my car keys for over a year. Her butt glows blue when you pinch her. Other than that, the only thing on my keyring is the key to the front door of our house. For some reason, only now did he decide to bring up the fact that, apparently, having objects hanging off of your car keys is a bad idea. He's a car nut, you see, so he knows these things. Brought up some

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Just noticed something... · 5:11pm Jun 12th, 2016

I just noticed something, despite me being a King Sombra fan with me even joining a group for him I seem to make him a butt monkey a lot in my stories. In The Celestia Lawbook story, he gets defeated by red tape, in Shattered Mirror, he's Fluttershy's counterpart meaning he gets scared easily and has to put up with Discord and in my latest story he gets THIS song dedicated to him:

Should I be worried that I'm not really a Sombra fan?


Well... · 1:24am Mar 11th, 2019

I realize I’m slacking on stories, no, this is not a quit address.

However, part of this is I have a 10-page research paper due on the 15th, I’m doing mine on the history of (popular) Metal music.

This paper is taking up a lot of my time, and I actually haven’t got around to listening to either the rest of Valley of the Damned or My Blood. I feel compelled to make something out of this research paper.

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The World is Filled with Monsters · 2:01pm May 4th, 2017

In 1821, U.S. Secretary of State (and later president) John Quincy Adams delivered one of the first great speeches on American foreign policy. In line with George Washington's warning against European entanglements, Adams announced that America was a friend to freedom-loving people around the world, but there were limits to what we would do for our friends. America stood for liberty, he said, but America would not crusade for liberty. America would stand for good, but it would not enforce good

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The Word Demons have possessed me, have a lore dump! · 4:39am Jul 6th, 2021

Greetings all! I have been afflicted with severe diarrhea of the mind once more, and have decided this time to share it with you all! In the following google document, you will find a small primer on a unique take on the three main pony races I came up with after a brief but intense binge of research on a myriad of topics, it is incomplete, and a bit rough, but I find it interesting enough that I would ask you to possibly take a look at it and offer your constructive critique or your own ideas!

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Viewing 141 - 160 of 526 results