
Viewing 121 - 140 of 509 results

200... Now Drop That Beat! 💞 · 4:34pm Sep 13th, 2020

Reached the big 200 before the big 2.0!

So must be a sign that all should be fine, I know this summer especially has been crazy for me.

Updates to my stories have been non-existent, I've just been dealing with tons of haunting memories in my life.

But as my aunt has helped me see, we can't bind ourselves to those who refuse to open up or share with us love.

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Some sad news about our family dog - last days · 2:44pm Jul 8th, 2019

Today, I bring some pretty sad and unfortunate news regarding our family pet, Lenny.

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We're still not dead! -quick- UPDATE · 9:42pm April 7th

It's April already? Golly.......I'm sorry for keeping everyone waiting. Life has been so busy and while everything on my end has been fine, I've been very busy helping friends and loved ones over come some personal obstacles the past few weeks. Regardless to say, I'm solely attempting to get back to work on the Equestria Chronicles, and apologize for the lack of updates. Thank you.


Moving with my family to Hawaii! · 8:50am Jun 27th, 2016

I am so excited about being able to visit Hawaii for the first time! And with my family too! Oh so many things I'm very much excited about! My family will only stay in Hawaii for two weeks to see my father's family reunion. I've seen my mother's side and now I get to see his case.

Even though it's only two weeks, I want to make this visit worth my time! I know I said this already but am I hyped for this! Hawaii here I come! :pinkiehappy:


Progress Update. · 1:14pm Nov 11th, 2016

Quick update so you guys know I have not abandoned you or the story, slight spoilers ahead.

I have finished planning an arc with Bedlams character, and am now moving into the last part of the plan for the story which will focus more on Reiver and the ponies around him. We will also get some more with the stallion in the hospital and his relationship with Reiver, although you've probably all figured out who he is by now.

Anyways, just wanted to update you all so you dont worry.


Family picture! · 7:43am Oct 6th, 2018

So, if my profile pictures have told you anything, it's that I've been taking bases and turning them into characters to get an idea of what they look like. Well, the last couple days, I ended up going for one of the bigger ideas I've had for one of these. My first time having three characters using three separate bases in one coherent image. Bear in mind I did not create the bases, and that when I learn the names of the creators, I will credit them as soon as possible. (Google Images doesn't

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Update for Family of a Lifetime Audio Drama · 6:32am Mar 6th, 2018

Sorry that I've been quiet for so long, but I do have news at last for those that have been waiting to hear from me. I have finally made an audition video explaining the details behind my first project. For those of you that have been looking forward to this,
here's what I have to tell you on this matter.

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Hands: Family Issues · 4:57pm Nov 28th, 2019

Shining Armor and Cadence have come to Ponyville to celebrate a human tradition: Thanksgiving. They arrive at Twilight's castle, with the food and music in full swing. Shepherd and Twilight come out to greet them, along with Chrysalis and Fluttershy.

Twilight: "BBBFF! Cadence" *She gallops up and hugs them both* "I'm so glad you could make it!"

Shining: "Well, any chance to see my darling little sister, her friends... And the monkey." *Cadence elbows him* "I mean Shepherd."

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More Stupid Earth Pony Tricks · 7:40pm Jan 6th, 2020

Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Cloudy and Maud convened in a nearby tent where the rest of the Pie family was gathered. Twilight was fit to burst with excitement.

Twilight: "I feel like I can't thank you all enough for this. This was a perfect opening for the expo!"

Pa Pie: "How could we turn down our beloved daughters, as well as their dearest friend?"

Pinkie: "Hee! Told you!"

Maud: "Yes. I assure you, this is one of the happiest days of my life."

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The Pie family sleeping situation · 11:12am Oct 23rd, 2019


daddy discord!! · 9:43pm Sep 2nd, 2018

Hello everypony I'm back and this time it's a tricky one so I apologize if you don't like this idea. now as we all know there are people who ship discord and fluttershy myself included but let's think of instead of shipping them we have more of a family feeling between them.

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I really need to use this blog more. · 3:52pm Sep 18th, 2022

It's true, I don't really witre blogs except when my stories update.

Speaking of which, I've been preparing to go on holiday so not much progress on them at the moment.

I'm off to EGX in London so I've been organising, tickets, cosplay, hotels and things. Plus work had an audit last month which took up sooooo much of my time.

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First World Problems · 4:40pm Nov 7th, 2015

>work all night
>sleep 2 hours
>drive friend home from airport 50 miles
>about to go to sleep
>see this post while pooping
>excitedly finish shitting and head downstairs to turn tv to channel 100
>eager to actually watch an episode as it airs on the tv
>it's 8;30; successfully navigate to discovery kids
>black screen
>bug mom
>she says we don't get premium channels anymore
>Open the door. get on the floor. everypony walk the dinosaur


Happy Thanksgiving! · 9:59pm Nov 24th, 2016

I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving. Which leads me to ask this. What are you all thankful for?

Here's what I'm thankful for. I'm thankful for having a wonderful family, some awesome friends, and all of you guys that have been supporting me all the way on this site.

Now, what are you all thankful for?


Merry Christmas! · 2:15am Dec 26th, 2015

Merry Christmas to my friends who celebrate, and Happy Holidays to those who do not! This holiday has been a lovely one spent with friends and family. To me, that is what the holidays are all about. Spending time with your loved ones, with those you cherish. And it's also about making said loved ones happy for me. I have given out most of the gifts I have bought or conceived of this time around, and let me tell you. Seeing my parents' reactions as they opened their presents, or seeing my

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Another contest, another story · 8:26pm Jul 1st, 2017

A story I've been working on sporadically for over a year is finally complete and published. Jake the Army Guy lit a fire under my chair with his  Jake The Army Guy's Horse Words Extravaganza contest. The theme is obscure shipping, and this is not the usual Twilight/human ship, but the contest did not rule out non-romantic ships, so here we go with a different take on the meaning of friendship:

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Apologies And Thank You. · 11:22pm Jan 9th, 2021

Oi, I've had time to collect my thoughts.

I nearly felt as if I was about to lose it this morning, but of course I simply took a few steps back to calm my soul.

I just wanted to apologise if I came off rude or crass, I've just been under pressure recently.

We all have those points where our actions will define us, I'm just thankful for all my friends here backing me up.

Ty, for the kind words and patient attitude with me.

It totally means the world to me.

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Genie Family / Akubi Show 4.0 · 3:31pm Apr 30th, 2021

Has anyone seen the new version of Genie Family.

The show airs on Tubi. I checked it out because there was something oddly familiar about it. I’m not sure where that familiarity came from for me. Youtube maybe.

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It’s My Birthday Once Again! · 4:07pm Jan 25th, 2022

Yup, it’s that time of year again. My birthday!

…If only my brother and stepdad weren’t sick, and mom on her way to the same fate.

Yeah, everybody’s either sick with a flu-bug or their way there, so I’m stuck with majority of the chores.

But it’s fine, nothing I’m not entirely used to; I’ve had to pick up the slack before, isn’t the first time, won’t be the last.

And before anyone asks, no, we don’t know for sure if it’s COVID-19, we have testers on the way to check.

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Happy Thanksgiving 🦃 · 3:09pm Nov 25th, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving to my friends and followers! May you all have lots of joy, laughter, and smiles! Smile like no tomorrow! Hahahahaha! 💜

Don’t eat too much though like how Solomon Grundy does.

Peace out!

Viewing 121 - 140 of 509 results