
Viewing 1 - 20 of 231 results

Horses IRL · 10:16pm Apr 3rd, 2019

Video titled "Man captivates horses with native flute" but realistically for me it was 'just' video about horses I liked to watch (unlike videos about their exploitation)

Report Andrew-R · 213 views · #IRL

Frustrations of an Artist · 6:26pm Apr 29th, 2022

Me: *wants to write*

University Case Assignment, Presentation, and Discussion Board Posts: About us, right?

Three more weeks, Ranger, three more weeks...

Report RangerOfRhudaur · 104 views · #irl

My Uncle Moved In, and That's a Problem · 11:18pm Oct 9th, 2017

For one, I have no chances to ease him into the weird things I do, like I did with my family once upon a time. Pony terms? Gotta explain that shit, can't just say it at the dinner table anymore. Now, I've got to explain why liking MLP does not equal homosexual. Even worse is the anime. Like screaming "Kawaii DESUUUUUU" at the top of my lungs whenever I see a cute picture, or hitting a firm "Nani!!??" whenever I'm confused.

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Report RhetCon · 341 views · #irl

I Had a Day · 11:15pm Sep 29th, 2017

I had another one of those days that everyone keeps talking about.

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Report RhetCon · 353 views · #irl

On the Hunt · 9:27pm February 28th

Good news: I've managed to graduate from college! I am now a (semi)-proud holder of a Bachelors of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in Finance!

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Report RangerOfRhudaur · 70 views · #irl

What's it called... · 4:36am May 10th, 2016

when my mom thinks I'm lying or I suddenly made something up when I tell her I don't talk because she doesn't listen to me, and she immediately shoots it down, defending herself by saying she can't listen to me if I don't talk to her, and I haven't felt comfortable talking to her about my problems for a decade or so because she never takes my problems seriously aka doesn't listen to me?

On the plus side, though, I've made actual progress on chapter 13. Several hundred words' worth.

Report rillegas08 · 394 views · #irl

Ran Into My Ex At Taco Bell · 8:17pm Jul 31st, 2016

That was... Interesting. It was kinda weird. Haven't seen her in months and all of a sudden she's taking my order at the Taco Bell around the corner from my house. When I got to the front, we just stared at each other for about ten seconds, then I realized I should probably be ordering my food. After I paid, she pointed behind me. After searching a few moments, my eyes landed on the little cup of spoons. Confused, I turned back to face her, and she made a stabbing motion to her neck (that's how

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Report chillbook1 · 342 views · #IRL

C'est La Vie · 8:49pm May 27th, 2022

The semester's over, and I got an A in at least 3/4 of my classes! (Still waiting on the grade for the last one.)

On a sadder note, today I managed to finish voting... and selecting "No Candidate" for, I'd say, at least half the races.

Sometimes, American democracy just makes me want to cry.

Report RangerOfRhudaur · 152 views · #irl

My mom died. · 12:43pm Oct 9th, 2020

My mom died last night and it was very sad to see in person, please if you can send me some encouragement things to support me.

Report f1master45 · 200 views · #Irl

Return to the Campus · 3:41am Aug 31st, 2022

Just a heads-up that the semester's restarted for me, so I'll be even more dead in terms of publishing here. Here's hoping 15 units is doable...

Report RangerOfRhudaur · 103 views · #irl

The Last 6 Hours · 10:18pm Sep 16th, 2017

These past six hours have been something to behold. And the weirdest part is that it was spent mostly with my dad, who I'm not ecstatic about being with most of the time.

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Report RhetCon · 298 views · #irl

What the Hell is This? · 2:15am Oct 6th, 2017

I've been racking my brain with my friends to find out just what this is, and I can't seem to get it.

Report RhetCon · 292 views · #irl

A Blog About Nothing · 10:35pm Oct 10th, 2017

I feel that I've been blogging a lot more than usual. I guess I should keep the trend up.

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Report RhetCon · 279 views · #irl

Return to Return to the Campus · 2:29am Jan 21st, 2023

Well, got another semester starting on the 23rd. Only 12 units this time, so hopefully it won't be as draining as last semester was, but it'll still be a full-time load.

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Report RangerOfRhudaur · 136 views · #irl

Chillbook vs The Beep · 10:50am May 1st, 2016

Hey, ladies and germs. It's 6:44 AM as of me writing it, and I haven't slept all night. Why? Because every few minutes, no more than five or six, a series of three to four loud beeps would ring through my room. I couldn't recognize the beeps, so I had no clue what was making them. I went apesh*t trying to find the source. I tore my room up, started flipping beds, it was nuts. I finally decided that it must be my smoke detector, only... It wasn't I had no effing clue what the noise could be, and

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Report chillbook1 · 364 views · #IRL

My Family is Trying to Kill Me · 2:39pm Oct 1st, 2017

They've been watching new Spongebob exclusively on our theater sized TV in the next room. I CAN'T WRITE LIKE THIS!

Report RhetCon · 294 views · #irl

The Tragedy of the Drowned has no Right Making as Much Sense as it Does · 2:01am May 16th, 2022

So, for the past couple of days, I've been sick, not with Covid, thankfully. I've still been getting the rest I need, trying to wait it out, though the fact that I'm now going into finals week makes that a bit hard, but there's something about it that really confuses me; for some reason, now that I'm sick, I'm not spending time hunkering down with my favorite Fimfic stories, instead I'm binge-watching various GameTheories. I did watch some of the channel's videos before, but I've been watching

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Report RangerOfRhudaur · 144 views · #irl

End of the Road · 5:15am Dec 6th, 2023

Whelp, I'm approaching the end of my last semester at college. One of my teammates in one of my classes just submitted our group project, now all we have to do is wait for the grade. The Rubicon has been crossed, and I anxiously wait to see what's on the other side.

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Report RangerOfRhudaur · 86 views · #irl

Some More Personal Stuff · 6:38pm Apr 3rd, 2016

About a month ago, I posted a blog about some personal stuff that's going on right now. If you haven't read it or forgot, and you actually care, you can read it here. The basic gist is that my mom has MS, it's really bad, and she's undergoing some treatment. That was supposed to be, like, three weeks ago. However, many scheduling snafu and issues pushed it back. She just left a few minutes ago. Why am I talking about it here?

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Report chillbook1 · 355 views · #Me #IRL

E3 · 3:26am Jun 13th, 2016

Just finished Bethesda's conference. Gotta say, I'm extremely underwhelmed. Elder Scrolls: The Gathering wasn't doing it for me, I don't really give a damn about Fallout, and Dishonored is painfully boring to me. Skyrim Remastered caught my attention, though. The addition of mods on console is a very cool thing, indeed. Prey was really cool, too. As soon as I saw it, I thought of Dead Space, which is a very good thing.

Will blog more tomorrow, after seeing Microsoft.

Report chillbook1 · 406 views · #IRL #E3
Viewing 1 - 20 of 231 results