
Viewing 7461 - 7480 of 9,573 results

Curiou on Consumption · 9:41pm Mar 3rd, 2023

With tirades driving my mind on twisted creeks and darkness swathing in the periphery, I cannot help but wonder if I give enough thought to what matters. How much of my time is necessary, and where could it else be spent?
Though the odd argument here and there, does fuel the spirit.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Character Bio 3: Rosetta the Dragon · 3:13am Jan 5th, 2020

This is the last member of the main trio for the story I'm writing about, then I shall move on to the returning characters. Today we have Rosetta, a dragon who is passive-aggressive in conflicts. She has a thing for flowers and wears a crown and necklace of different kinds picked from meadows when pretending to be a Queen of Dragons. Her dream is to become the next princess/queen of dragons and connect with other nations, tribes, and countries to bring greater peace to the world, just like how

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The Power of Edits! · 9:27am Apr 20th, 2023

Great news!

The prologue and the four chapters posted have been edited, and redone! It is the same story, same outcome as you know it, but the language and writing has become so much better! At least according to myself. SoloBrony has done some amazing work, and we have been in daily discussion about the story and how to tackle certain writing paths. :moustache:

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Ends of Times · 1:11am Dec 28th, 2019

I begin as I end, in the comfort of myself. Each cycle I live for the moment, content in leaving the chasing for others while I delight in the moments I have and keep having. I think little of the past, though I hold it in high regard; I strive to satisfy in the moments I live, yet every moment passes me by; I see everything around me just for what it is, and yet I am blind.

Who am I?

Happy Filthy Friday, and a pleasant new year to you all~.


“Behind Him” Status Update · 3:13am Oct 5th, 2020

I finally have a direction for Chp. 4 of “Behind Him”, so I’m really hoping I can publish the chapter by the end of the month! This time, I’m going to publish the chapter across all the other sites I post onto on the same day, so the publication process might take longer than normal. All I really need to do for Chp. 4 is to add some more dialogue and do some editing, then it’ll be finished.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to share them! :twilightsmile:


Leaping Through Time · 1:06am Feb 29th, 2020

Does this day, even exist?
Is a day that appears once every 4 years, still a day? What makes it less of a day? It has a morning, midday, evening; the run rises and sets; the world goes about its daily business. But the people, the people know this isn't a "real" day.
That brings them comfort.
Comfort in the chaos.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Alone Chapter Three Release in the Next Few Minutes! · 10:58pm Sep 30th, 2022

Yes, the long overdue chapter and continuation of the story is soon here! Putting on the finishing touches now. I'll explain why it took so long and what happened since my last post in my next post sometime tomorrow. For now get excited, it's almost here!


Interesting Developement... · 7:08pm Jun 11th, 2023

So, a couple days ago, I had this odd dream from... I suppose a second person perspective? Cause, whoever was the main character in the dream definitely wasn't me, lol.

Anyway, after I had the dream, I started thinking about how the circumstances and characters were similar to something I had created long ago, and was struck with inspiration. Writing down the notes early in the butt-crack of the morning, I basically began my three day long mental dwelling of this new idea.

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Precipice · 7:23pm May 26th, 2023

Sometimes I linger too long. Standing on the precipice of opportunity I waiver, apprehension swallows my mind. And in that darkness I forget that there was ever any ledge. So I keep going; back away from the precipice or over the cliff. The result is usually the same: the choice is made for me, be it in peril of amnesia.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Thought I was Dead? · 5:42pm Apr 4th, 2017


QCC ~ General Update · 2:09pm Jan 4th, 2022


Pinkie Pie and Poems · 8:38pm Oct 29th, 2021

Fun little Pinkie Story to come today~.
Be on the lookout in your gardens.

When the darkest nights are coming, when the sun breathes a sigh of relief,
how the spirits are ever longing, though their visit might be brief.
Masks are brought and placed upon, ripped from many mannequin,
they take the streets to roam thereon, the mask unveiling what's therein.
all year they play a masquerade, until late in fall they're free,

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The one Variable · 12:28am Nov 16th, 2019

What dangers await in a world where we know nothing? how much do you prepare for the inevitable and unpredictable? What do you bring? Such questions are posed every moment, every second, every twitch of an eyelid.
The answer to most is: I bring myself, the only tool to have survive every previous venture.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Reflections On The Mixmaster Debacle Today · 5:55am Aug 14th, 2023


Sweet, Soothing Adventures · 11:07pm May 15th, 2020

When we let our mind wander, is it taking its own journey?
Considering how it steers us down the path of the conscious, is it then free when we allow it to saunter as it pleases? Or is the lack of connection and influence eon the rest of our body in fact depriving our mind of its impact in our lives? Is it locked in a cage of its own design?
If so, it is quite a relaxing experience, to be caged in yourself.

Happy Clean Friday~.


And so A hope is ignited · 1:14am Dec 2nd, 2023

Whether it comes by bird, post, smoke, sound, or light, all communication is tainted by people. Both directions, in every exchange, recipient and orator engaging in a melding of perspectives, a filter unique to not only each individual, but each exchange. Time and effort is required to clarify ideas between the parties. That is to say, if each party does not intend to influence the other...

Happy Filthy Friday~.


BRAND NEW STORY: I See A Cold Wind · 8:10pm Dec 1st, 2023

EI See A Cold Wind
Celestia always wanted to be on the stage! To have the lights on her, and hear the applause. But it wasn't her calling... But it was someone else's.
overlord-flinx · 3.7k words  ·  120  0 · 1.1k views

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I’m Making A Story Based Around Comet!! · 7:27am Nov 25th, 2023

Ah, it feels so good to have that old creative spark back. When I said that Chapter 6 inspired me, I meant it. So now that the Misty Saga is over, I’m planning a fresh wave of standalone stories. Most of these will probably be one-shots, but a couple might be lengthy narratives. It really depends. With writing for Izzy Moonbow: Beyond The Multiverse of Randomness not slated to begin until mid January, I have some time on my hooves to really dig in and expose the fresh mountain of gold

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Re-Release of Under Eternal Winter! · 12:42am Nov 13th, 2023

We sleep beneath a husk of opulence and die over the ruins of a great monolith set above us.

~ Vojka, Traveling to Ponianka.

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The Wasps, The Wasps · 12:48am February 24th

There are too many ethereal wasps drilling through my head to process what you just said? Could you take it from the top? You said something about a warning not adhered to? I am uncertain what the bull squid would have to say about that.

Happy Filthy Friday~.

Viewing 7461 - 7480 of 9,573 results