
Viewing 581 - 600 of 762 results

Update: "Passing Familiarity" Chapter 4 is live! · 11:03pm Nov 27th, 2021

In a strange place far below the madding crowd, Turing Test encounters a strange pony living on the fringe of society... but they just might be the change of pace she's been seeking...


The Inglorious Bastards Inspired Tale has a new chapter · 8:35pm Mar 31st, 2020


Intelligence Factor Complete! · 1:35pm Sep 30th, 2021

Hello everyone! Just a quick blog post to let you know that my Pokémon story Intelligence Factor just completed. It's not my usual type of story, and the quality isn't as high as my grand adventures. But I'm still glad I wrote it and have come to a conclusion. So join me and Dr. Julian Bashir (from Star Trek) as he investigates the claims of pokémon sapience on the planet of pokérin and comes to some wild conclusions.

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Possible requests. · 4:39pm February 9th

I was wondering, given the new trend of art I've been taking on with A New Life In The Crystal Empire... There was a lot of art for CTTB that I was never able to get done. So, now I'm wondering, were there any pictures not created or scenes not illustrated any of you would like to see created?

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>mfw nobody caught onto the pun yet · 9:59pm Jul 29th, 2015


Read It Later Reviews #24 – Vermillion, More Than Muscle, The Best Day of the Year, Injuring Eternity, The Tutelage of Star Swirl · 12:03am Aug 6th, 2015

This set of reviews is 100% courtesy of the Royal Guard queue.

Today’s stories:

Vermillion by JLB
More Than Muscle by Level Dasher
The Best Day of the Year by Ekserata
Injuring Eternity by Monochrome
The Tutelage of Star Swirl by Moose Mage

by JLB
Sad, Dark, Creepypasta
6,125 words

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Um... please read it? · 10:46am Nov 22nd, 2015

Now, if you already have, please disregard this blogpost, because you've already proven that you're awesome.

If you haven't, on the other hand, you should know by now that I've written a story called A Hiss in the Dark, and just finished a new chapter for it! I've really put a lot of time and effort into it, and I'm pretty sure that... Okay, somewhat sure you'll... maybe... kind of... like it...

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Anniversary time yet again, plus some minor other stuff · 9:19pm Jul 7th, 2015

Anniversary time again! A day late, but time again all the same. Its now my four year anniversary as a Brony and three year anniversary as a Let’s Player! Hooray! I’m already on my twelfth Let’s Play, currently conker’s Bad Fur Day, so come by if you want to see me play through simi-blind since I sort of know what to expect but not really.

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What I've accomplished lately (well, within recent memory) · 2:21am Jun 13th, 2017

I'm feeling a bit down and wanted to end the evening on a positive note, so I thought why not make a list of everything I've been doing lately, see how much I've got done. then I thought, why not blog the list? so here we are.

  1. firstly, I've actually gotten more or less caught up with my youtube videos. I recorded a bunch more today, but that's fine; its a small amount compared to the back log I had before, and now...

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Activity · 12:10am Jan 5th, 2018


Musical Interlude 31: This Isn't A Special Number (except that it's a self-number, which is interesting) · 9:11pm Apr 20th, 2018

But maybe not as interesting as 1729.

Incidentally, I just booked my flights for Galacon. Anyone else planning to be there? We can all meet up and pretend that we're writers!


Devil May Cry 5 is Real... · 5:13am Jun 11th, 2018

And I couldn't be happier for SOOOOO many reasons.

Some petty, some heartfelt, but mostly because Nero's back, and while he's sporting a new trick up his sleeve, he's the same dork as he ever was in DMC4.

With this said, it's given me quite the motivation for writing. Gonna do what I can for some of my stories. In the meantime, why not check out my current crossover masterpiece? You can find it as a Tagged Story.

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You Know When You Watch a Movie and You Think of Your Characters? · 5:08am Jan 1st, 2018

I finally got around to watching Wreck-It Ralph, and let me just say, I am so glad I chose to see it after IYGALL finished, 'cause boy, does "IYGALL video game AU" sound weird as heck. As much as I enjoyed the movie...after that twist, I can't stop thinking about how similar the two are. (If anyone else has noticed the similarity, rest assured, it surprised me as much as it did you.)

In any case, what this means is I know the first thing I'm gonna draw 2018~

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Read It Later Reviews #85 – One More Shot, Red Meat, You and Her, When They Found Common Ground, A Bridge to Somewhere · 9:41pm May 8th, 2018

There are times when you realize you’re just wasting your time doing things that don’t matter, not only to anyone else, but also to yourself.

That you can be doing so much more.

I have these realizations constantly. And yet, so often, they are Ignored Epiphanies, and I go on, doing the same thing, even though not even I like it.

Playing a game I don’t enjoy to completion.

Arguing with people on Reddit.

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i shouldn't listen to hamilton while writing · 1:56am Jul 10th, 2017


Grief Never Ends Except it Does · 3:19am Oct 29th, 2017

So I noticed just now that somebody had "Grief is the Price We Pay" added to the Never Ending Stories group.

Ha ha.

Just FYI, though, we ARE nearing the actual end of the story, so, sorry if that disappoints anyone thinking it would go on forever. :ajsmug:


A new chapter arrives! · 6:59pm Sep 22nd, 2015

And it's a lengthy one! I hope you all enjoy it, and do remember to tell me what you both don't like and like, so I can adjust accordingly, within reason, of course.


New Holiday Story: "Lyra & Bon Bon: Big Mares on Krampus" · 10:39pm Dec 25th, 2019

It's here! Do you enjoy sweet romance? Spy movies? Do you think holiday stories could use more demonic goat creatures? Well, then, submitted for your approval this Christmas/Hearth's Warming, it's...


So, making a title image for an upcoming story I'll begin posting next week... · 10:39am Oct 19th, 2019

... is proving to be very tedious and very complicated for an idea that shouldn’t have been. Curse my muses and their fickle nature, and my insistence of getting it “right”. Well, at least the plotting is done for the details, and most of the shading is done on it’s own merits. Thank god for my makeshift light-table, or this would have driven me to a fit of blind ragequitting and art destroying.

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Cutest Little Kardashev I · 2:03am Apr 11th, 2020

I've been playing best fantasy 4X Endless Legend again, and today I was thinking about what an MLP/Endless Legend crossover might entail. But the premise of the game -- that the planet of Augria is gradually entering a permanent ice age -- is sort of ruined if the unicorns/alicorns can control the sun and the moon.

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Viewing 581 - 600 of 762 results