
Viewing 361 - 380 of 485 results

Some news about FA... · 2:26pm Jul 21st, 2017

I'm going to be needing to split the latest chapter into two, which means that the story's run is going to be a bit longer.

Hope you stick around anyway!:twilightsheepish:



Random Update No One Will See · 11:09pm Feb 12th, 2020

Two things, the more important one first. A band I genuinely love lost their youtube channel, someone hijacked it and started posting a shit load of strange videos. The channel is now deleted, so they have lost all their videos and subscribers. They have a new channel up, but it hasn't gotten many views or anything. I do not have a wide audience, but I think they deserve more than they currently have. They have two videos right now, some songs, and an explanation of what happened. Here's the

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The Past 24 Hours... · 5:52am Aug 21st, 2020

It’s currently 1:30 AM in my area. I’m in this weird void where I cannot fall asleep because my mind’s moving a million mile per minutes, but also because I’m too tired to sleep. Sort of like that one lyrics from The Gambler, you know?

If I was spacey during school yesterday, they ain’t seen nothing yet. Dear God it’s going to be awful.

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Please read · 2:23am May 27th, 2019

Hey all,

I think I'm over-doing the whole NMM gets salvation shit. I've just been doing it too much, and I don't want all of my stories to follow the same character with the same issues. I've stigmatized mental hospitals and did little research. I apologize.

Now to why I made this post in the first place. Many people on here think that the suicide/dark/sad genre is getting annoying.

I have a few words on that.

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Spiritual Successor to "Sometimes the Truth Can Be Deceiving" · 4:27am Jan 18th, 2022

Hello everybody! To all of my followers who cared about my last multi-chapter story attempt, Sometimes the Truth Can Be Deceving, my newest story, Harmonic Reverberations of the Heart, can fill that void!

I consider it a spiritual successor to Truth since both were born out of the same burning desire to write my own story from years of reading and lurking on this site. If you liked that story, then you'll probably enjoy Harmonic Reverberations!

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Not Our Sunset II Roadblock · 3:09pm Dec 19th, 2019

The biggest problem with me is I hate my own writing style. I rewrite and rewrite over and over again. While, for now, I have a set storyline, I have no idea how I'm going to write it. If anybody sees this, got any ideas? I already know it focuses on Pony Sunset and her time in Equestria, but I have no idea on how to continue or whether or not it's good. Help?


Ranking My Stories · 3:08pm Jul 8th, 2021

25 stories. I can’t believe I’ve written 25 stories in (kinda) horse words. Some are unfinished, some are cancelled, and not all of them were made equal. I’ve had hits and misses, and I wanted to vaguely collect my thoughts into what I think would be a nice top 25 list.

Technically speaking, I’ve actually published 26 stories, I’ve just deleted my first one because a rewrite of it is present on my profile anyhow.

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Behind the Story: The Castle Swing · 2:30am Sep 1st, 2021

I’ll be releasing another one of these soon, but I’m a bit backed up right now, so I have to do them one at a time.

So, The Castle Swing is a story that exists. I unfortunately have nothing about it like I did with Sticky and Sweet, it’s merely a story that came from an abstract image and a killer song.

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Hi, it's been a while since I've been on here. But enough about me. I need y'all's help. · 9:23pm January 6th

I'll make a blog about the shit I've been up to some other time. Right now, I'm kind of having a huge emergency -- except it's not impacting me. It's impacting my boyfriend. He's disabled and trying to get a car... the problem is his family is filled with other people who are disabled and they have no working vehicle. They live in poverty. I'm broke from getting my friends -- as well as him and his family -- many Christmas gifts. I have nothing near the money to help them get an emergency car.

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Lumie Invades Someone Else's Review Blog · 10:14pm Jun 23rd, 2015

Though I do my level best to try to make you all forget that blogs exist, I suppose it does behoove me to pretend I'm not a hermit. I actually do things on FiMFiction! Sometimes I talk to people. Real people! Sometimes said real people ask for things! Prane asked me to do a review and gab session with himself and Gulheru about Princess Spike!

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Minor Edit · 7:58pm Jul 14th, 2016

I've inserted a paragraph of foreshadowing to Part 2 of Project Pink Slip in Twilight's Secret Journal that I'd mistakenly left out of the final edit.

Of course, I'm not telling you which one it is. :trollestia:

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Holy Shit, FimFic is a thing. · 7:10am Feb 24th, 2017

Thanks to my new boyfriend, I've come to remember a world of yonder years. A world from which I've been absent for near an eternity. A world filled with pastel shaded tiny equines. And here it is. And here I am. Fuck me.

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Get You To Support Some Art? · 11:13pm Jun 14th, 2017

So I don't just write, I also dabble in art. Most of the cover art you see on my stories was made by myself, for example.

That said, currently, WeLoveFine is hosting an MLP Fan Forge contest dealy where anyone can submit a design and the designs with the most votes go into circulation as real merchandise. So I decided to give it a shot, and have created and submitted my own design (featuring Thorax), which you can see at the following link:

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Ask Me Things! · 4:00am Oct 27th, 2016

I've been busy - too busy to write my latest story efficiently - and I feel bad for not being able to connect with you guys. So, ask me things! I've at least got the time to answer a few questions every couple of hours. :twilightsmile: And I promise, this weekend, I'll work on my latest story; it's gonna punch you in the feels. :trollestia:

Anyway, questions! Feel free to ask anything! I have to answer!


Shoutout · 12:12am Nov 10th, 2021

My best online friend has started a YouTube gaming channel and despite it being a little bit cringe I’m still going to support him. And I hope you all will too.
Link to his channel:


More slice-of-life, esteemed guests? · 8:23pm Nov 4th, 2015

I've been putting some thought into Guiding of the Sirens, and an idea occurred to me.

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Excerpt from the story I'm writing for Ixu's dare · 3:06pm Aug 14th, 2017

She says she holds sway over the moon and stars, and I don’t doubt it. Instead, I tell her of my affection for the night, and how I had hoped to meet whomever brought it about. She smiles and tells me that not many other ponies share my sentiment whilst glancing at the pearl mare beside her.

The pearl mare introduces herself and the other mare. Apparently, they are sisters. Sisters who control the heavens. Knowing my place, I bow to both, though lower to she of the night.


I'm back! Also, news about plans going forward. · 3:24am Mar 23rd, 2017

Well, as anyone that this is intended for has noticed, after far to long a delay, I'm back doing things, I shall now pause for the celebration.....

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psst asexual spectrum folks! · 10:26pm Jun 21st, 2018

I've rebooted and redone a group for asexual/ace spec. folks, stories with ace characters, and stories with ace themes. There's even a discord server for the group! If you know someone acespec/questioning or are yourself, come on by! And bring memes!



General Update + Announcement · 8:21am Oct 6th, 2021

Hey there everyone. Hope you all are doing alright. I know the state of the world less than ideal right now with all that's been happening. :pinkiecrazy:

So I want to do a little update post giving you some info on the projects. :trollestia:

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Viewing 361 - 380 of 485 results