
Viewing 261 - 280 of 927 results

The Protector: Reignited · 6:03am Dec 30th, 2017

Heya! So, the sequel to the new story actually has its first chapter fully written, edited, and revised. Now, it's not out yet because it's not 2018 yet, the official release date is New Years day of 2018, I may even release it the second it turns 2018, but we'll see if I can stay up that late. I actually went ahead and did this so I could have this weekend to write up another chapter of Analogy, I think Analogy has good potential but The Protector simply has a larger fan base and is a little

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some news about Gallus and the waterpark problem · 9:48pm Oct 16th, 2019

So with the story officaly being marked as complete I figured it's time to inform you about the future of the story

first expect a bonus chapter that's likely just gonna be shameless clop in the next few days. second when I decide how I'm gonna do it I'm going to post Gallus and the waterpark problem to other websites so yay for that

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Possible Spinoff/Sequel to my most popular series? (The Spike harem.) · 5:54am Nov 25th, 2020

Considering a spinoff (technically a sequel but more of a soft reboot) of the series that started with Rarity The Dragon's Sacrifice and ended with Sunset At World's End.

This one will have a new protagonist, a different version of Spike that Spike, now the Dragon Lord, takes under his wing to send on missions like Torch did.

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Upcoming Sequel · 11:40pm Aug 10th, 2021

Hi all who have read and enjoyed Panty Tryouts. I believe you have waited long enough for an upcoming sequel to this story. I can't state a release date of when it will actually be live, but it is on the current work list of what's next to come. I hope all of you are ready for it, cause I know most of you probably want a good follow up to this.

Spoiler Alert Here

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The Official 'Return to the Brood 4' Donation Pool · 12:09am Sep 28th, 2021

Okay, I just wanted to make this its own blogpost apart from my other upcoming projects. Due to outside circumstances, I'm not too worried about making rent this month. But at the same time, I want to still keep this Donation Pool up in case anyone was curious to contribute to this possible project. It's been a long time since I did anything for the Shining's Return to the Brood series (mostly because of how

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What Happens Next · 1:40am Nov 24th, 2015

A few days ago, I finished my first story! The Last Phoenician ended at just over 20k words, and I'm happy with it. There were a few problems with it, though. When I started it, I didn't have a real plan so it got kinda rambly, and it's in need of editing. There are also a few things I want to add for continuity's sake.

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After 12 years of waiting... · 8:30pm Nov 11th, 2015

Excuse me while I explode with happiness. :pinkiehappy: I can almost guarantee there will be more adults than kids seeing this movie.:rainbowlaugh:


Myth Buster Sequel Is Out · 8:56pm Jul 20th, 2015

Posted the story ate at night, and didn't get to promote, but here you go! :pinkiehappy:

Lip Buster

Also, I'm coming out with anther, if possible! with chapters and everything! :pinkiegasp:


Well, since I've got nothing to say, let's see what I have to show. Introducing The Boy in Alicorn Armour! · 2:10pm Oct 29th, 2016

Whelp, I've been kind of under the weather for the past few days, and it's ground my output to a halt. My plans for the month are looking questionable at best, but not hopeless, at least. I've managed to make a first draft of my first-ever human model in Blender (and pretty quickly, too, so yay), and I've hit my New Year's goal of getting ponies ready for Synfig, with the exception of Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle, I can finish relatively quickly, because I have the base. Bastion is pretty much

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Hitting You With That Sequel · 9:52pm Jul 3rd, 2018

Disguise has been a busy writer these last few days, guys, and he's bringing you exactly what the readers of Hard Chitin and Soft Fur asked for!

THard Shells and Soft Hearts
Chrysalis has a small purple filly named Twilight in her castle, and it looks as if she's going to be adopting her for a long while. Can Twilight's love change her, or even the entire hive?
An Intricate Disguise · 2.1k words  ·  766  11 · 11k views

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The November Patreon Supporter Reward is Here ... · 9:27pm Dec 1st, 2017

... and it is a big one!

How big? Well, let's just say that as thanks for their support this month, Patreon-goers are getting an early look at ... drumroll please ... The first chapter of Jungle.

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Writing Changeling Stuff! · 9:23pm Jul 28th, 2015

If you've read my story The Mannequin of Carousel Boutique, then I would like to know what you wanna know about changelings! Or more specifically, what you'd like to know about a specific changeling *wink wink*.

This blog post may or may not be related to sequels.


In Case Readers of "Inverno in F Minor" Have Missed it... · 10:41pm Jul 16th, 2018

Dear Bronies and Pegasisters,

If you've like the story of "Inverno in F Minor" you might don't know that I'm officially writing the sequel to the story called "Inverno's Opus in A Minor."

Just to let you know,

Your fellow writer and closeted Brony,

- CrackedInkWell.


Alright all you lucky Chuckle heads! · 5:09am May 19th, 2019

Well Choices is done. It only took me way to long because about a third of the way in I began to hate what I was writing. But I managed to get through it. However, Choices was always meant to be a start of a whole series of stories detailing of the failure of the Sunless to walk away from what they are, monsters. The idea was that the world itself would not let them be anything else. Afterwards there was going to be stories featuring them rising to power and how they came to terms with

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Undead Robot Bug Crusaders Sequel! · 4:21pm Jan 12th, 2019

Guess who's back! And I've brought horse words with me!

Sequel's over here!


Some Quick Updates! · 6:17pm Jun 28th, 2021

1.) I just wrote out an AU oneshot commission based in the universe of Showing His Place, shortly before the events of Sacrifice. It's basically just a oneshot displaying a sick, father's day-themed power play and some heavy action in between. It's about as dark as you'd expect for a story in this universe, but I'm contemplating whether or not to post it as its own thing. If you're interested in checking it out, it's currently up on my Patreon

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THE PONK RETURNS! · 1:46am Sep 15th, 2016

If you couldn't tell by the title, I am currently planning on extending "I Think I Summoned a Ponk", adding directly onto it instead of going with a sequel. The story won't be updating daily like it did before though, 'cause I'm gonna be busy building robots in high school.

Watch your sanity now, 'cause PONK IS BACK! :pinkiecrazy:


The Official 'Return to the Brood 4' Donation Pool · 3:34pm Oct 24th, 2021

Okay, I just finished up the latest chapter of Shining Armor's 'Father's' Day Special, which is currently up on my Patreon page. In the meantime, I just wanted to promote this Donation Pool one last time since I'm planning to start on it next. (Plus, my birthday is tomorrow, so I wanted to do something special to commemorate the occasion). It's been a long time since I did anything for the

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IT'S LIVE!!! · 10:36pm Oct 26th, 2020

SO! Memoirs of a Minutor Crystallum has JUST gone up! WHEEEEEEEEE!!!

I have NO idea of how regular I'll be about updating this... but I can promise that I'll at LEAST have one more chapter to be posted. I didn't publish the first chapter until I'd gotten a good start on chapter three!!!

Anyhow! Enjoy!


Sexy Sequels · 10:37pm Sep 27th, 2018

I'm very glad to announce that this sequel to High Contrast is being written at the request of a very generous sponsor!

Please enjoy Photo Shoot!

Viewing 261 - 280 of 927 results