
Viewing 1 - 20 of 137 results

Derpy's Reward Followup · 2:42am Dec 10th, 2017

One day has passed since Derpy's Reward has gone up, and I have been overwhelmed by the support and popularity it has garnered. I never would have expected to make it to the top of the feature box.

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Report Kevinltk · 410 views · #Derpy's Reward

March Patreon Supporter Reward Up! · 8:09pm Mar 29th, 2019


Two Patreon Supporter Posts Just Went Up! · 7:30pm Sep 30th, 2017

Hey! Over here! Listen!

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Report Viking ZX · 314 views · #Patreon #Rewards

Yet Another Update... Again! · 7:27am May 18th, 2018

I'm reaching a bit of a lull in my outside commissions, and I should have some free writing time after this weekend. As stated in my last blog post, I'll be aiming at writing up the next chapter for Rainbooms on the Mind, and depending on how things go after that's done, I'll see if I can at least start working on the last chapter for Derpy's Reward.


you two need to tell me what to write about already · 12:10am May 7th, 2017

dear Vicodin and Tlaren

you won by being the only ones to donate to the kickstarter for No Mercy

Please leave a comment and I will use it to fuel the reward story

Everyone else: The kickstarter was pretty successful! We've been reworking the foundation of the game a lot since then. We're going to have some BackerKit options to support us if anyone still wants to. I'll post an update when that happens.

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Another Progress Update · 1:24am Jan 24th, 2018

Life has been busy for me, but at least I finally got something written in the form of a new chapter for Rainbooms On the Mind. I'm going to try and focus on the continuation for Derpy's Reward next, but I do have to confess that it will be quite a while before it comes out. This Friday, Monster Hunter World comes out, and as a big time fan of the series, it's

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Petreon reminder for those who sleep at "normal times" · 8:50pm Dec 23rd, 2017


Progress Update · 3:36am Dec 16th, 2017

I've been bogged down by work since Derpy's Reward was released, and things are probably going to stay like this for about another week. There also has not been any actual writing since then, except some more planning out for the second part of Derpy's Reward. When I do get some more time, I'll start writing out the next chapter for Rainbooms On the Mind first

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Another Milestone... · 12:00am Apr 10th, 2017

750 blogs... I feel like only yesterday I was posting my 400th... now I've already got almost twice that many. As a bonus... I'll tell you a little bit more about my Star Points system. As any Paper Mario fan knows, Star Points are like EXP... 100 equals 1 level, and every time you level up, you earn less than you did per enemy than you did before. As any TTYD fan knows... there are

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Personal Poop & Surprise · 2:22am Mar 15th, 2016

Okay, now that I've settled into the role of a pony fan-fiction-writing hobbyist (wow, did I seriously just type that?) I think it's time that I publish an authentic release agenda. I am going to release a The Perfect Job chapter every three weeks, beginning on Sunday.

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Yet Another Progress Update · 1:17am Mar 17th, 2018

I finally pushed out the first of two continuation chapters for Derpy's Reward. Apologies for taking so long, but things have been busy. Besides real life stuff, I've also been doing some other writing stuff outside of pony, and some of it are actually commissions. While writing pony words for fun is nice, it's also kind of nice to get some money to stuff food into my facehole. Don't worry though, I'm still writing pony words, just at a reduced rate.

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March Patreon Supporter Reward Up! · 8:25pm Mar 30th, 2018

Attention Patreon Supporters!March’s Supporter Reward is now up! If you are a Patreon Supporter, then you now have access to two moreAlpha chaptersfrom my upcoming Fantasy-Western release, Shadow of an Empire!

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Is it still considered a good deed if you get rewarded for it? · 7:35am Oct 20th, 2021

There is a company named Heaven and the boss named Got says, "One who produces a yearly financial report for me shall get a promotion."

The Employe Christian hears of this good news and works diligently to produce said report.

There's another employee named Athist who didn't get the memo because he was at a meeting with a client. He too works diligently and produces a financial report because he knows the company needs it.

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Attention Patreon Supporters – Go Vote! · 7:01pm Jun 9th, 2021

Hello readers! Today’s quick post is directed at those that are Patreon Supporters, because you’re getting a chance to pick the name of Pisces’ first major arms manufacturer and R&D lab!

That’s right! Without spoiling anything, near the end of Starforge Anna finds herself in possession of a new weapon produced by a Pisces-based startup. As I was wondering what to name this new company, it hit me … Why not let you decide!

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New Story: Derpy's Reward · 11:25pm Dec 8th, 2017

Contains movie spoilers

And here we are with a new story! Amidst all the movie talk, which mostly consists of Tempest, I've noticed that not many people have talked about Derpy and her small, but vital role. Also, because of me being the shipper that I am, I've also noticed that there's not much of Twilight and Derpy shipping.

And that was how this fic was born.

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June Update · 10:19pm Jun 14th, 2018

Newest chapter of Rainbooms On the Mind is now up. Has it already been six months since the last update? Anyway, with that out of the way, I have to catch up on my non-pony commissions, but after that, I will move on to the third and final chapter for Derpy's Reward.

So sorry for making everyone wait on not one, but two fics. I'll try and word faster.


Colony Keywords and Patreon Rewards · 8:28pm Nov 3rd, 2018

Hey readers! I’m making a quick news posts on two topics of interest before diving back into editing work on A Game of Stakes. Read through them both! I promise they’ll be short and one comes with cool feedback potential!

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Heads up to those who like Star Wars but not looking at horse words in the late evening. · 5:25pm Nov 2nd, 2017

It's away! and by that, I mean my first Patreon reward. If you're interested in Star Wars or my opinion on things, you should check out the post. If you're unsure of how to get to the post

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Drinking 101: Patreon gift for nuclearcore! · 6:37am Nov 18th, 2017

Heya readers! This instalment of reader patreon supported blogging content comes from nuclearcore who was hoping for a crash course in booze.

Hurray booze!

Now then, let’s say you’ve just recently turned 21, or maybe alcohol is something you’re curious about and you’ve never really gotten into it.

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Drinking 101.01: I forgot something. · 7:29pm Nov 18th, 2017

For anyone who missed it, I did a little-ta-mid sized post on alcohol last night.

I did forget one little thing. Another thing on the sweeter side, go put your liquor of choice (usually Tequila, Vodka is also popular) and orange juice over ice then add some grenadine. You’ve just made a (name of liquor) sunrise!

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 137 results