
Viewing 241 - 260 of 269 results

Fallout Equestria Fic Free Cover · 1:21am Oct 1st, 2020

I actually want to offer my service for free to do some Fallout Equestria fanfics.

But under certain conditions since I'm not charging. I get full control on how it look. You just need to provide me the ocs you want to see on the cover. (The more ocs the less details I'll do naturally).

If you're interested hit me up on discord. Kukotte#5924

Here's an example of a cover for one of my future fic.

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Excerpt of 'Fallout Equestria: Letters to Celestia · 6:30pm Mar 27th, 2016

It turned towards me. Bright green glowing eyes bore into my own as a weird green viscous fluid that looked like glowing tree sap dripped from the wound I'd caused it. I could see more of it distinctly now, my vision no longer impaired by adrenaline. It seemed to be made of wood, held together by glowing green areas. It was also twice the size of me and had long wooden claws that could probably take my head off with a single swing. But thankfully, we had something else with long claws.

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Delays · 3:21am May 5th, 2022

I've been trying to get chapters for my fic out consistently, though I'm going to be taking a bit of a break in doing so. I haven't had the energy to write due to my mental state, but I'm taking steps to improve things. I'm also very excited to get the next chapter out once I'm through editing! I think it'll be enjoyable, and I'm pretty proud of it. Not super action-heavy, ((Granted my story hasn't been thus far)) but I think it has good character and story progression


Gooderer · 7:53am Feb 2nd, 2022

Neary through grammar fixes and revisions on the early chapters! So they're more readable, more detailed and well thought out, and just flow better I think! Just working on the last two chapters. Once those are done, it won't take me long to get chapter nine out as well. Very excited, and much happier with how it flows now than how it used to.

I'm having so much fun adding to the world that so many of you have worked to build together. I'm happy to be a part of this


Question of the Week #69 · 2:35am Aug 30th, 2022

Hello everyone and welcome to our 69th Question of the Week... :ajsmug:

While I would love to have a question revolving around this number... Tragically, I can't think of any. So instead we'll just go onto the other question I have.

So, I've been doing some writing for my Neo Somnambula story/setting and as I've been doing that, something came up and it raised a question.

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What do you look for in a Post-Apocalyptic story? · 2:57am Nov 25th, 2020

Like I had mentioned in my previous blog, I am done with the story and I am currently just going over it and adding more details, while waiting for feedback from Brony1337 to see if he would be interested in proofreading/editing the tale.

As I was doing this one question came to mind. What do YOU look for in a Post-Apocalyptic story? :derpyderp2:

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Write, revise, review, repeat. · 7:25am Oct 9th, 2022

Almost done yet another revision of the first chapter of my fic. I've made things a bit easier to follow with some changes wording, added a few details to show more of my protagonists personality, ((by having the way she thinks and reacts to things have a more direct effect on a tense situation.)) I'm in the process of fixing what is the weakest and most lazily written part of it, due to poor pacing and not showing how Aella reacts very well

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Fallout Equestria: Legends of Transylvania Soft Reboot · 11:16am April 29th

It's been, what, eight years?

I don't really know what overcame me, but for some reason or another I decided to start taking a crack at my story again. Maybe its nostalgia, or I'm just on a creative binge, but for any of you who stuck around; I am happy to announce that my feature story "Fallout Equestria: Tales of Transylvania" is back in action.

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Question of the Week #108 · 2:30am May 31st, 2023

Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week.

Now let's just start off with saying that there are 3(ish) days left until the Cyberpunk Story Contest ends. There is currently 7 stories in the contest (which is awesome by the way), but if your story is complete I'd love to see it enter the contest. :pinkiesmile:

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New Chapter is Coming · 8:44pm Jun 5th, 2016

It's been a little bit longer than I would have hoped for getting this section out, but the serious editing has been finished, and we are doing touch ups at this point. I am excited about the release of this section because it involves some of my favorite humor bits of the ponyville arch. It is a hilarious dramatic mid-climax of the arch that I hope will keep you entertained. The thing I am most excited about is that I get to drop another character tag about who is influential in the story.

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Current And Future Titles · 7:37pm Jan 24th, 2016

Book Cancelled: 'Knights of Little Canterlot: Book 2 (entire series cancelled)'

Recent Release: 'FoE: Letters to Celestia Chapter 4' (Available now)

Book in Progress: 'FoE: Letters to Celestia Chapter 5' (started)

Book Queue in Order:
'Daring Do Season 2 Book 4' (not started)
'FoE: Letters to Celestia Chapter 6' (not started)
'FoE: Letters to Celestia Chapter 7' (not started)
'Daring Do Season 2 Book 5' (not started)
'FoE: Letters to Celestia Chapter 8' (not started)

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HAPPY PRIDE MONTH! · 12:12am Jun 2nd, 2022

Pride is a big part of the year for me and many other members of the alphabet Maffia, myself included <3 So I'm starting it off with my favourite trans hippogriff, Aella Breeze <3 She kinda fast-tracked her transition using her pearl shard, a lot of focus, and some of her sister's unicorn magic, but she is still the sweetest ((and possibly only)) trans girl making her way through the wasteland world.


Someone asked why I wrote a particular chapter of my fic the way I did, specifically a particular character's motivation for ending their own life. · 11:12pm Sep 12th, 2022

Usually, as a writer, giving characters motivation for why they act the way they do or do things the way they do is very important. But in this specific instance, I found it more realistic to not have it. This was my response:

Spoilers for chapter 6 of FoE: Endless Horizon

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I Flexed My Fame To Terrify My Foes Into Submission - Foretales · 6:25am Aug 29th, 2023


Ch. 10! · 8:28am Feb 27th, 2022

Chapter 10 is typed out and edited, now I'm just trying to get one of my prereaders to look it over and see if I messed anything up royally XD Very excited to be putting out more content, though I've been slow with my writing and editing lately. Gonna try and pace it up, but I can't promise anything


More Post-Apocalyptic Monster Mare Discussion... · 6:14pm Nov 6th, 2020

So I wanted to discuss the brainstorming behind this concept and see what you think. I am glad to see that people do like the concept of a post-apocalyptic monster mare story/series.

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FO:E Let's Read: Chapter 2: Equestrian Wasteland · 6:35pm Mar 26th, 2017

Whelp, now Lil'pip is out of the Stable and we get a damn good introduction to just how different, how alien, this world is to the one she knew. Not so much in the detail, in what we see, as much as the way it all hits her, the sensory overload, the overwhelming feeling of it all for her. Everything she goes through, probably in the space of a few minutes is pretty much what you'd expect from anyone in that situation, even the bouts of agoraphobia. IMO, the time spent detailing just how

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Motivation ((Late night rambling)) · 6:52am Jun 28th, 2022

I don't think I had a lot of issues with motivation when it came to wanting to do things growing up. I thought it was a motivation issue, but later I learned it could be chalked up to executive dysfunction. (ADHD go brr) Thanks to meds I now have a far better handle on executive function but have no idea how to actually keep myself motivated with a project. For the longest time, I kept myself motivated by writing for and with others, my friends! But when my friends get busy with their own

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I love Aella ;-; · 3:56am Mar 2nd, 2022

As I go on writing and fleshing out her character she just makes me so happy! Cute and quirky and soft just wdagjsv;asg. Is it normal to like your characters this much? I have so much fun writing her, seeing her learn about and interact with the world. How she grows, it just makes me so happy. Joyful even. It's been such a fun project so far, and I'm so excited to keep pushing forward! There's so much more to come, and I've hardly even gotten into the thick of it yet. I appreciate everyone

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FO:E Let's Read: Chapter 1: Out of the Stable · 10:26pm Mar 25th, 2017

Now that the introductions are over,time to get into the actual story itself and see just what tale Littlepip has to tell, why she's explaining her story to us, and just what this Equestria Wasteland holds.

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Viewing 241 - 260 of 269 results