
Viewing 1 - 20 of 149 results

Question(s) of the Week#18 · 7:24pm Aug 3rd, 2021

Well, I haven't been seeing a lot of replies to these lately. Not too if it's just timing in regards to posting the blogs or if people just aren't enjoying them anymore.:fluttershysad:

However, until I have an answer, I'll keep going? :pinkiesmile:

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Question of the Week#25 · 7:21pm Sep 29th, 2021

And now it's time for another question of the week. This week our question is...


If you were a mare and you enjoyed occasionally reading saucy novels in your spare time, what genre would you read (scifi, mystery, fantasy, thriller, etc...)?

And that's the question for the week. I hope you all have a good day. :twilightsmile:


Question(s) of the Week#19 · 1:58am Aug 16th, 2021

Well, it looks like I missed another week, which all I can say is that being sick really makes it difficult to think of any cool/good questions. Well, here goes.

This might be a really dumb question, but what is the likelihood that you'd create fan art of one of my stories?

What can I say, I'm curious. :derpytongue2:


Question of the Week #112 · 2:59am Jun 28th, 2023

Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week.

Well, here I am. It's time for the question of the week and I'm struggling to come up with a question.

I know that a part of it is due to me thinking about an update blog I plan on doing later this week (hopefully... Assuming I don't forget). :rainbowderp:

I guess... Here's a weird question.

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Question of the Week #81 · 3:02am Nov 22nd, 2022

Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week.

Now here in the United States of America we are drawing near to Thanksgiving, a day instituted by president Abraham Lincoln to help remind Americans of all the blessings (including their nation) that the Lord had given them, which has sadly degrated into that one holiday before Christmas where you exercise gluttony and watch football.

I know not everyone here celebrates Thanksgiving, but I do have a question for you all.

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Question of the Week #28 · 11:28pm Oct 23rd, 2021

Oops... I almost forgot to post a Question of the Week this week, but I caught it and here we are. :twilightsheepish:

For this question, I wanted to ask a question that regards something I've employed in some of my older stories (like Ask Roseate Grimsbane, the Witch) where each chapter would have a quote from a book of some sort (usually something made up for the setting).

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Question of the Week#5 · 3:13am Apr 20th, 2021

Hello everyone and welcome to Question of the Week#5, can you believe we've gotten this far?

Well, it's time for the question. That's what you came here for... right?

If you were to go on a vacation with a succubus mare, to a tropical island, what would you do? :rainbowderp:

What type of succubus you might be asking, why the kind that feeds on dream energy of course. :raritywink:

I look forward to hearing your thoughts. I hope you all have a good day. :twilightsmile:


Question of the Week #31 · 8:09pm Nov 9th, 2021

And welcome back to question of the week. Today I wanted to ask you all something just to see how interested you all might be with this.

So I've had some ocs in the past that I have written stories for, that while I am currently busy with other tales at the moment, I would mind seeing other writer's interpretations of these characters.

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Question of the Week #26 · 5:34am Oct 8th, 2021

Hello, sorry for the late blog post this week, I just had a hard time thinking of a good question to ask.

So this question is something I have considered and I thought I would bring it up and see what you all thought.

If I was to start writing non-mlp related stories, what is the likelihood that you'd be interested in these stories?

Well, that's the question for the week. I hope you all have a good week. :twilightsmile:


Question of the Week #43 · 12:10am Feb 6th, 2022

Welcome back to the question of the week, the part of the blog where I ask you a question for the week. Recovered from my cold mostly, still have a bit of a cough but whatever... Hurt my knee but I'm okay.

Hmmm... Now I have the figure out a question to ask you guys, but what? Hmmm...

Have you ever had anyone make a weird request of you? Like they asked you to do something that didn't seem bad or anything, just odd.

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Question of Week #44 · 12:40am Feb 13th, 2022

Hello everyone and welcome back to the Question of the Week, the part of the blog where I have to rack my mind to figure out the question for the week.

This week I had a hard time thinking of anything... so...

I guess the question is... What are your opinions on stories with Harems? And what do you think is the optimal number of characters to have in a harem story?

Well, I guess that's it. I hope you all have had a wonderful week. :twilightsmile:


Question of the Week#21 · 7:23pm Aug 30th, 2021

Hello everyone,

This week I had a curious question I wanted to ask and wanted to see what you all thought. So in the past I've mentioned a few story ideas here and there, and I've been considering what I want to do with these ideas. Like the Maids and Monsters as well as the Magical Filly x Tentacle Monster concept.

While thinking about them a strange thought popped into my head. Could they be potentially better in the Equestria Girls setting?

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Question of the Week#6 · 1:00pm Apr 26th, 2021

Well, here is another week and with it another question, today I decided to release the blog early(ier) since I was up and thinking about it. As mentioned in yesterday's blog, some of the questions in the near future will be related to succubi.

So the question is: Out of all the background mares (female) in the show, who do you think is secretly a succubus?

And that's the question for the week.

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Question of the Week#7 · 4:26am May 3rd, 2021

So this is day early, however I figured that since I had the question(s) fresh in my mind, I figured I'd go ahead and ask now. Well, two questions to be exact.

First, this is a bit of an idea that was inspired by a scene from an anime I was watching. How would you feel if I wrote a monster mare story where the reader is actually the twin brother of a background pony who in this universe is a vampony?

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Question of the Week #48 · 1:59am Mar 10th, 2022

Hello everyone and welcome to the Question of the Week, and I hope you are all having a wonderful week. I didn't get much of a response on my last question of the week blog, so hopefully you aren't all sick of me. :twilightsheepish:

This week, I wanted to ask, what is the nerdist thing you've ever done? :rainbowderp:

Now don't be afraid, I consider myself a nerd so you'll in safe hands... Hooves.

Anyway, thank you all for coming and I hope you have a great day. :twilightsmile:


Question of the Week #100 · 2:23am Apr 5th, 2023

Welcome back to the question of the week, I hope you're all having a good week so far.

Wow, can you believe this is the 100th Question of the Week blog? :derpyderp1:

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Question of the Week #45 · 2:48am Feb 18th, 2022

Hello everyone and welcome to the Question of the Week. Funny how one week I have a hard time thinking of any questions and this week I was able to think of a few.

So hopefully I'll remember the rest for the following week or so.

Now this week I wanted to ask, in a post apocalyptic setting (any one you can think of) what sort of factions do you think would rise from the ashes?

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Question of the Week#13 · 3:38am Jun 21st, 2021

First off, let me say that I am SO sorry that I forgot to post a question last week. I was at a family camp with no signal and I got a really bad sunburn (my body still hurts) and kind of just forgot about it.

So here is a question for this week. If you're favorite pony from MLP was a serial killer, what would their signature weapon be?

I don't know why I came up with this question, but it's a question so who cares. :rainbowlaugh:


Question of the Week#4 · 3:08am Apr 16th, 2021

Wow, it's almost Friday and I forgot to put up my question of the week. SHOOT! And I even remembered the question that I intended to ask last week (and forgot).

If you lived in Equestria and you were to name an alcoholic drink in a bar, what would you call it? Bonus points if you can list the ingredients in the beverage you named. :raritywink:

What are these bonus points for... I don't know. :derpytongue2:

But that's the question for the week. Enjoy. :twilightsmile:


Question of the Week #82 · 5:35am Dec 4th, 2022

Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week.

Well, I'm down with a head cold... Fun.

Still I'm going to try to ask you all a question even if it is a bit late.

Now as many of you know, I am a writer and some of you may recall that I have mentioned working on my own original work. While I'm not willing to go into too many details on the story as of yet, I do have a question pertaining to a potential theme in the story.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 149 results