
Viewing 1 - 20 of 369 results

What just might be my strangest blog post ever · 5:55pm Jan 13th, 2016

Taken from a GDocs chat window:

I had a really weird and terrible nightmare last night. I'm still freaked out.
I was in a candy store
And there were these big glass jars of M&Ms.
And each M&M jar was a different colour. Green ones, yellow ones, red ones, blue ones
At the bottom of the jar, there was like one M&M pressed up against the glass that was the wrong colour and it stood out.
Completely freaked me out.
I woke up sweating and having trouble breathing.

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Report kudzuhaiku · 604 views · #WEIRD

Number weirdness · 9:03am Jul 10th, 2020

Hey Everyone,

This isn't my typical blog post. More of a weirdness / question for everyone. Every now and then I take a look at the data for the story to try and see how things are going. And tonight I noticed something weird. According to the view data, like 10 people seem to have entirely skipped over a chapter. I'm wondering if this is some kind of graphical glitch, or if that many really did somehow miss a chapter being released. Here's what I mean:
Chapter 64.5 has 38 views

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Report WyrmQuill · 194 views · #weirdness

Screenshot Of Me FaceTiming Myself · 5:43pm May 21st, 2016

My friend Harmonic Sunset and I used my iPhone and iPad to do it. It made a lot of weird noises and looked really weird. Reminded me of Doctor Who, the way it sounded XD the picture is a screenshot off my iPad, what you're seeing on it was what my phone saw. (We were holding it up to the iPad screen.)

Report Vanilla Mocha · 407 views · #Weird

What's more fun than being mainstream? · 1:26am Jun 19th, 2015

All these trends are destroying my nonexisting hipster status.:coolphoto:
But I'm bored, and I saw some people do this, so here we go:
1) Name: not telling yet
2) Birthday: 18/07
3) Nickname: Irl I have many, one of them is Clawka:rainbowwild:
4) Eye Color: Very dark brown with a hint of yellow
5) Hair Color: Ombre blonde and natural brown
6) Zodiac Sign: crabby:rainbowkiss:
7) Your fear: different with every mood.
8) Your perfect pizza: ZUCCHINI!:raritystarry:

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Report Infinity Shade · 264 views · #weird

Hero · 3:25am Jan 19th, 2020

I’m not allowed to tell you why until mid-April, but today I met one of my heroes. He was weird, short, and fat, and wore a Pirate hat.


A song I wrote 5 years ago · 2:46pm Jun 22nd, 2015

God I'm laughting so hard after finding this song on my old phone:trollestia:
I wrote it after my best friend at that time left me alone by changing schools...:trixieshiftleft:
You can say the lyrics are really bitter:rainbowlaugh:
Here is the roughly translated lyrics:

You knew I was hurt, but chosed the evil path
I walked many miles, just to see you smile...
It will never happen again.

When I am outside, and no one is watching

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Report Infinity Shade · 356 views · #song #weird

Some words of wisdom from Rock Horse · 9:38pm Jan 15th, 2016

Report TurboTheGameGuy · 325 views · #I'm weird

The weirdest dream I've had in YEARS · 5:26pm May 26th, 2018

'Dunno, it might be from being sick, it might be from the pressure of finals, or it might just be from the weird YouTube videos I watched recently. Either way, I just had the weirdest dream that I've had in years last night.

So basically, there's this magical girl that randomly happened to live at my house, of which was a messy conglomerate of my old house and my current one, and the girl apparently lives with us.

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Report TheMajorTechie · 365 views · #Weird dream

Random random random late night post · 10:50pm Sep 16th, 2015

I have to be up in 5 hours :pinkiecrazy: Buttttt I'm still not done with my raport......:facehoof:

Must...get...a 6!:twistnerd:


I'm so tired.

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decided to do some looking · 8:13am May 20th, 2017

Today (night) I decided to look for specific story numbers on fimfiction

What I found was a bit weird from a logic standpoint

Stories 1-9 are nonexistent as well as a few others in the low teens

25, 50, 75 and 100 exist, although 3 of the 4 creators have not been on the site since late 2011 or early 2012 the author of 50 has apparently 0 stories dispite that one being posted...odd

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Report MoondustIsPoison · 370 views · #weird #numbers

Feeling a bit weirded out... · 4:44am Oct 6th, 2018

I watched a video earlier on the old song, "In the year 2525" by Zager and Evans. After understanding the lyrics, I felt in an apocalyptic mood, which I'm still experiencing an hour to a couple hours later.

I guess I'm a glutton for punishment, because I then went and played the enhanced edition of Interplanetary, which involves a bunch of planets shooting each other till they can't anymore;

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Weirdest dream ever... · 1:36am Dec 15th, 2016

As the title notes, I just had the weirdest dream in my entire life. And I've seen my fair share of the strange... Now, I don't remember all the details in mind but I can say with certainty that this all happened. Maybe it's just me being silly but who knows? Anyway, onto the explanation.

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Report PrinceUniversa · 444 views · #Dream #weird #Sirens #EQG

Alpha Mike Foxtrot - Part I · 2:05pm Jul 21st, 2015

So... I'm not dead--not literally anyway. I just kinda silently quit this whole thing. Why? Reasons I'm sure you've heard from everyone before and will only irritate you, so I'll spare you that. Suffice to say, I'm just not into it anymore. I like the writing aspect of it, but everything else became weird after I went to one of the cons. Despite what Wacka Flocka Flame said, shit's not gonna be ok.

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Report ScriptScrolls · 408 views · #bye #weird #meta

Captain Picard needs our help to build flying robots that steal the snot from whales · 12:16am Jul 26th, 2015

Yes, you read that head-line right.

No, I am neither drunk, nor making that up.

Captain Picard does indeed want our help to build flying robots to steal whale snot.

For science!

Link to the Snot-Bot Kickstarter.

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Hmmm. Strange. · 8:08pm Jul 5th, 2015

I was running a long distance run and all of a sudden.....

I sprinted toward the end and then I felt my legs go numb and my whole body go numb. While sprinting I pinch my leg and didn't feel anything. :rainbowderp:

I collapsed at the end. You guys should ALL be glad I'm alive!!! :ajbemused: Oh I SEE your annoyed by my blogs. Nah just kidding.

Or AM I?

Any weird things that happened to you guys? Besides this blog I mean. :trollestia:

Bye peoples,


Report Chase123 · 325 views · #Weird things #Racing

Someone needs to confess · 5:36pm Jul 1st, 2018

Ok, which one you weirdo bronies did this?


Big Brother is Watching · 8:49pm May 18th, 2022

Yesterday, I went to see an orthodontist about fixing my terrible teeth. He sat down with my X-rays and proposed two options: a retainer, or aligners.

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Report Bad Horse · 704 views · #weird #creepy #internet #Google

Update on Cutie Fixation: · 9:07pm Jan 20th, 2016

So anyone who is interested to know the whereabouts of Cutie Fixation and my other stories, they'll be coming. But right now, I'm closing in on finals week for first semester of my senior year of high school and I don't know if/when I'll have time to write another chapter.

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Report WondersparkOfHope · 452 views · #MLP #wow #weird #life

Yet another strange dream · 12:41am Sep 15th, 2018

I took a little nap today... I'm not sure if should have, because I got a light headache from it. It was a weird dream, though.

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So Sofia the First jumped the shark · 4:12pm Jun 28th, 2017

Sure it's a thing for children but Ariel came the fuck out of nowhere because the magical necklace Sofia has summoned her or something like that. And they start singing. Be

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 369 results