
Viewing 181 - 200 of 399 results

Royal Problems feelings · 12:34am May 21st, 2017

Just saw Royal Problems.............hate Glim Glam more.

Honestly you could have done the entire episode with Twilight or just the royal sisters and it would have been the same, Starlight was just shoehorned in there I felt and it really made Twilight look one note and silly aswell as oblivious. She was almost lesson zero level wacky.

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latest episode · 11:04pm Aug 12th, 2017

The latest episode of MLP I didn't care to much for. Also I hated how Starlight was the voice of reason and the lesson TEACHER to Twilight in this recent episode. It for the most part was a Twilight episode with some moments for the other six members but it seemed like Starlight was the voice of reason and teacher of the lesson.

Yeah I hated that, because I hate her. She is not worthy of teaching Celestia something and definitely not Twilight. :facehoof:


The Blue Shell - Why Mario Kart's Most Hated Item Exists - Design Club · 2:22am Dec 7th, 2017


Don't Hate Russians for Their Government's Actions · 7:38pm Mar 29th, 2022

The title of this blog post really says it all, but I'll say it again once more for the people in the back:

"Don't hate Russians for the actions of their government."

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OooOoOoooOh, That Smell! · 3:52pm Feb 12th, 2020

Can you smell that smell?

It's something horrible; like it died, came back to life, died again and came back just to shitpost.

Oh, wait, that's me. Expect something horrid in the afternoon PT, folks!


Lack of Tact

let's piss some people off.


i was going to make an actual blogpost about something i'm working on but then i thought hey i should do something to celebrate this blog number and then i couldn't think of anything so i've been holding off on making the serious blog post · 4:24pm Jul 27th, 2021

this is to commemorate the fact that i have reached the sex number of blog posts and yes i know it is very immature to even point it out but i'm sorry i think that is part of my "brand" now i don't want to do this either but again i feel like i have to do something. so here is something i found while digging through pear butter screencaps to make my current avatar the other day. i haven't been able to get this picture out of my head since which i guess is thematic? idk

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**IMPORTANT MESSAGE** Hate Speech, and Suicide. · 8:20pm March 5th

WARNING: This blog contains topics of Suicide and Hate Speech. If you are sensitive to such topics or are uncomfortable. This is the time for you to leave.

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Drank some contaminated river water. · 12:08am Jul 26th, 2016

I have E. coli. The only somewhat bad but incredibly annoying and exhausting kind.
I'll write when able. Spike thing is well over half done.
Also, I was swept over a small waterfall.
Fuck this weekend.



Things I Hate About Things I Love: · 5:18am Jul 19th, 2015

Ranting about one of my favorite things was actually a lot of fun, so I decided to give it another go today. As I said yesterday, I'd be turning my eternally burning Curse of Hatred onto this wonderful site, Before I begin, I'm aware that I am using a site to complain about that very same site, and also, nobody here cares about what I like/dislike, but I enjoy talking to no one which sometimes turns into talking to someone. This is just me getting something off my mind that may

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I guess I have to do one of these, don't I? · 12:35am Jun 14th, 2015

Well, episode 100 happened. It was a thing. Was it a good or bad thing? I ain't saying here! Read below the page break, ya bum! And to those of you who haven't watched the episode, watch it! Then you, too, can become one of those people screaming that it was the best/worst thing ever!

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My Thought on "Party Pooped" · 6:47pm Jun 27th, 2015

Nobody asked, but here ya go My thoughts on this week's episode, Party Pooped.

Spoilers. You've been warned.

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Moody - Beware! · 3:26pm Dec 11th, 2015

Going through mixed emotions since last night I was straddling my pillow wishing it was a stallion.
I'm sure one of them wouldn't mind, but I am not a mare who goes up to a random stallion and asking them to rut me.
So am going to be moody for a bit while I try to endure my heat cycle.

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Things I Hate About Things I Love: Writing · 5:04am Jul 31st, 2015

What? I'm alive? But it's been nearly a week since my last blog post, and even longer since my last chapter update! How can this be? Well, Nobody Who Asked, due to a series of unfortunate events, I've found myself failing to find the motivation to write anything. I'm trying to kick that feeling, and I feel that there's no better way than to bitch incessantly about writing. Let's begin.

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Hiding Out · 3:19am Jan 26th, 2016

I've excused myself from my family's bullshit for the night. :ajbemused: I don't want to listen to my in-laws work drama, nor do I need to concern myself with my mother's self-absorption. You wanna know what I WILL concern myself with? This super-cute RariPie fic I found, my warm cozy bed, and a king size Kit Kat bar. :eeyup:


Rewrites and Adoptions · 4:12am Jan 17th, 2018

I'm planning on rewriting all of my works once I'm finished with writing the official novel of A Wizard's tale and finish helping Mrkillwolf666 with his own coming stories. Of course that would probably mean that I need to both clean out my vaults and have even less time to work on the site I love so much and the various stories needing my attentions thus leading me to put out one last call for adoptions before I go even further down the rabbit hole... red pill is real man.

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Crunchy is the best kind of brain · 8:45am Feb 5th, 2016

That's what my brain is like when I work without creative drive and play through the pain. Sometimes I can drown the pain of writing complete shit by making myself livid over the fact that I haven't worked on something in weeks.

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The Great December 2020 Screw Job. · 12:51am Jan 21st, 2021

So guess what? I'm fucking screwed again because my employer doesn't pay holiday pay and I fucked up my back a couple of weeks ago. Add to that the fact that my employer has also elected to go with an insurance system which required me to pay my insurance premiums out of pocket and yeah... End result: not enough money to pay bills.

Yes, we're doing this again. Yes, I hate myself even more because of it.


So um... this happened.

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Life sucks. So does nature. · 2:32am Apr 9th, 2018

Okay, about 3 hours ago I got into a car accident. Not with another car, not with only myself, but with a deer crossing the road.

The truck is smashed now, and I feel pain all over. I'll be fine given time, but whatever.

Oh, and people wonder why I hate nature...


The Land of Equestria Part 1 of 2 Delayed · 2:58am Oct 1st, 2016

Apparently when i imported the chapters from google docs errors were made, i also caused another error. Though now the errors are fixed, i think. So anyway i guess I'll have to wait another 3 days, while i wait I'll work on fixing up chapter 3. Also previous post has link to story, i know if someone randomly finds my blog then you'll see my story. So thats why I'm making this, also if it does well(Probably won't, probably will) then you can see what I've done. Anyway i finally found the

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Stick A Fork In Me, Cuz I'm Done! · 9:38am Jun 25th, 2020

It's that time of the year again!

I'm not wearing pants.

My windows are open.

My ceiling fan is on.

I have two other fans pointed towards me.

My cat is just laying on the floor in random places.


(Oh, and it's so hot I need to sleep with the window open so now I get to wake up at 5 by stupid birds!)

Viewing 181 - 200 of 399 results