• Member Since 7th Mar, 2015

Rye Snoot

Time to pump up the beat.

Short Master piece 8 stories
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Side story to A Great Day

Spike and his mom are visiting Manehatten. He misses his friends, but will soon make a new one. In the midst of being bullied, he finds out that friends are everywhere, even if they're the cousin of one of his friends


Chapters (1)

My first ACTUAL shipping story about the relationship Doctor shares with Derpy. After haven a hard day trying to fit in, doctor prepares a day to make up for it.

Chapters (1)

This story is my response to reading that there would be no Babs in season 4. Apple family reunion confirmed she made some new friends and moved to a new school, and was doing better, but Applejack kept interrupting before we could get any real details. I made Babs the Orange's daughter simply for plot convenience since they both live in Manehatten and are related to Applejack/Apple Bloom, so it's not too big a stretch that they might be related.

Applejack is going on a family visit to her aunt and uncle Orange, and the CMC insist on coming along to hang out with Babs again and see what her new friends are like. Along the way they run into Babs' biggest bully at her old school. With five friends by her side can they convince her to have the courage to fight for herself and her beliefs? They intend to beat her at her own game: Soccer. But can a group of blank flanks who've hardly played the sport before really triumph? Babs and Apple Bloom each learn important lessons over the day.

Chapters (7)

After Luna's joy of bonding with the citizens of Ponyville Luna is initially ecstatic. However, she begins to feel resentful that there is only one night in which ponies go out and appreciate the night. Celestia grows worried that if something isn't done a repeat of Nightmare Moon will take place, and it will break her to lose her sister a second time. With Twilight's help the two of them make a plan to help Luna see she IS valuable.

Inspired by user SymbianL, who's picture of Celestia in the cover art directed me to a mournful song telling of Celestia's regret over sealing away her sister. The song inspired me to write of it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eSk0o8iHro

Chapters (1)

After the rousing success of her first party, bringing joy to her parents and sisters, Pinkie Pie left her home to teach that joy to others. On her first day in Ponyville she stumbles across a struggling Sugarcube Corner, and resolves to help out the business.

Chapters (3)

Well, this is my attempt at a short story. I think it turned out better in my head. XP

Filly Derpy wants nothing to do with muffins. Her grandma likes them, but that doesn't mean she does. Can Derpy give up her hatred of these "tricky, not-cupcakes" to enjoy this scrumptious breakfast treat?

Chapters (1)

There are few things that manage to irritate the Princess of Equestria.

One is eating her cake.

The other, is strange creatures getting wined and dined by an inter-dimesional being that end up landing in Equestria causing enough chaos to make Discord look like second best.

[Displaced Crack Fic]
[Teen for language]

I regret everything nothing.

Chapters (1)

Morning Breeze. A mare in the esteemed royal guard. Certainly not a rarity, but still it's an accomplishment nonetheless. She has served the night guard to the best of her ability, and though never personally standing guard around her princess, she takes great pride in her duty. So when she learns that she is to be reassigned to make way for the return of the Lunar guard, naturally, she is a bit upset. Especially considering the Lunar guard is made up of thestrals, bat ponies of ancient times that disappeared after the fall of Nightmare Moon. Her irritation at being replaced by, thestrals, of all creatures, has her frustrated. But a chance encounter in the halls of Canterlot castle may reveal more than what she perceives.

Update: Edited by Jphyper! Thanks!

Featured in Popular stories tab on 9/18/14! Thanks for all the faves guys!

Chapters (1)