• Member Since 7th Mar, 2015

Rye Snoot

Time to pump up the beat.

My own books I like to Write 2 stories
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Estimated Reading: 2 hours



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When the main seven and Derpy Hooves goes to the future of not knowing what lies ahead. They meet aliens from other universes. As twilight saw the corruption of the further into the future. As they perform the elements of harmony routine in the future the elements didn't work. Then Twilight knew she needed to make a time machine to get back where their time began. It won't be easy getting the parts as they need to ask aliens for their advanced tech by traveling to their worlds. The more time they stay the more things get worse. Will they succeed to make it back through time to fix the future with out the elements of harmony or will they be stuck and be trapped to the future as it changes to a toxic waste and let the business take over the earth?

North American Grammar

Design xX _FireWing_Xx (LoE)

Graphic Artist, Editor Star Break (Fan Fiction user) CH1 - CH4

Chapters (7)

After Snow Crystal awakens she tries her very best to get to the surface for fresh air. Along the way, she meets a pony name Stain Lash as he helps Snow Crystal along the way. As Snow Crystal found a hidden treasure within herself she became a Princess Alicorn and rules Canterlot and saves the ghost ponies to bring them back to life knowing that their story hasn't ended just yet. As Jane Shang the bounty hunter tries to stop them and their plans along the way. How will it end for Snow Crystal?

North American Grammar

Editor Star Break (Fan Fiction user) CH1- CH18

Chapters (19)