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Shrink Laureate

“Trixie hates to interrupt a good monologue,” said Trixie, interrupting a good monologue, “but maybe we should continue it somewhere not on fire?”

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Generation 5 Bingo Writing Contest Results · 1:48pm Mar 12th, 2022

Generation 5 Bingo Writing Contest Results!

We had an impressive turnout for the Generation 5 Bingo Writing Contest, and it took us a long time to pick the winners.

In case you're not familiar, a bingo writing contest is where each author is given a different, randomly made prompt card containing five things - characters, places or ideas - to try and write a story about. A winning story should incorporate all five if possible, while also being a good story. This time, the prompts were all about the new generation, though many of them included places or characters from G4 or even older.

A lot of these stories struggled to get their story into ten thousand words (I'm definitely increasing that limit to 20k next time), but the best ones managed it anyway.

The five top stories will shortly be getting reviews from PresentPerfect and PaulAsaran. Here they are...


Magic and Memory
by Summer Knight

This has to be one of the hardest prompt combinations in the contest. How do you bring Grogar AND a batpony into G5, connect them with the distant Griffish Isles, and then tie in two minor characters who are from different places ... all in under 10k words? Somehow, this story manages it.

Likeable characters, clever use of lore, lore expansion and world building, adventures, actions, emotional scenes and a message (somewhat?) to top it off. Basically, a bit of everything.

A really good story with a likeable and interesting OC to boot. Shame it couldn't be longer, because two of the prompts are only touched on. Just no room for them in 10k. Still, one of the best stories of the contest for me. Even ends with friendship saving the day. Glad I read it.

Well this was a thing and a half, Grogar, bat ponies, and what I'm pretty sure is the first time I've seen Sunny actually fight summat. Quite an adventure all told. Grogar was as craggy an old goat as ever I've seen him, even complete amnesia can't hold back the grumpiness. Waxing Gibbous waxed eloquent throughout, and that first "flight" had me in stitches. To say nothing of the finale, quite impressive.

If I had a complaint, it would be that the story just isn't long enough.


by ChibiRenamon

The absurdity of this story is impressive.

Genuinely good story, with surprisingly strong character development for Sprout. Sprinkled with some humour and smooth use of all prompts.

Just as it says on the tin, this is a story about Sprout. Not only is it a story about Sprout, but it's a story about Sprout being the hero. Now hang on, you might be inclined to look at that concept and go looking for a self-insert Anon story or summat, but trust me here. This is worth reading.

Sprout is quite in character here, but while remaining in character he manages to do good and even learn a lesson about his own stubborn assumptions. A surprisingly enjoyable read, about a character I never thought I'd root for.

This is the best redemption for Sprout I have seen so far. Unlike most other stories that completely change Sprout’s personality to force him into a likable pony, ‘Lämp’ manages to retain his original character – a spoiled, pompous brat – and develops it through circumstances in a way that led to him changing perspective and doing good. Another thing that makes this story stand out is its concision, which most of the other entries seem to struggle with. Nothing in this story feels redundant; everything is set up for the plot and supportive of the narrative. The comedic tone and humor are well-executed, as is the pace. The setting is a bit random, but not overly so. All in all, to me, ‘Lämp’ shines the brightest in this contest.

(Yes, really. We ran the votes three times to be sure!)

A Parent's Love
by Yukito

Venerable Ro

Just as planned, another first for Gen 5 in this contest. While I won't spoil the ending, we've gone back to a classic MLP trope. In particular this story deals with grief and loss, a tragic sort of beauty in its opening moments that sets the stage perfectly.

Secret Moon

This story strikes a lot of marks on the “good story” list. It has a complete plot with a good amount of back-and-forth drama, a wholesome ending, a nice message, some not exceptional but still decent moments of feels, and a few bits of good philosophical/emotional debate which I always simp for. However, it also misses a few marks that could have made it an excellent story. The biggest flaw of all is the lack of concision, which leads to the story suffering from the word limit. As a consequence, the important scenes toward the end are quite rushed. They could have benefitted from the words that were reserved for the flashbacks, chit-chats, and the ship. All things considered, it’s still a good story, but not as excellent as it could have been.


The Once and Future Nuisance
by FanOfMostEverything


An impossible prompt combination resulting in an at times hilarious, surreal story. The characterisation is spot on and the characters play really well off each other. Very well crafted although the ending would have profited from being just a tad longer. Anyway, very enjoyable.

Venerable Ro

It's a tricky thing, creating an entire character and background off of barely a few minutes of screentime, but fortunately that's something this fandom excels at. A simple but entertaining story, watching Sugar Moonlight deal with Sunny's "Sunnyness" doesn't get old, and the ending leaves me wishing for a sequel.


by Regidar

Venerable Ro

I often go on about characterization, anyone who's hung around me for long enough has probably heard one or another spiel on the subject. This story is a wonderful example of that, over four thousand words that mostly consist of two characters talking to each other, and all of them enthralling. Hitch is very well portrayed here as a complex person working through a complex situation, and his newfound, acquaintance, well. There's some deep, deep atmosphere in this story, a somber and somewhat tragic wistfulness, the sort that leaves you thinking quietly afterwards.


What Is Lost, What Is Found
by Arcelia

Venerable Ro

There was a suprising dearth of Izzy stories in this contest, unfortunate but perhaps that's just how the prompts go. This story not only featured our favorite fluffy-headed unicorn, but did a marvelous job of portraying her whimsical nature without sliding into caricature. Alphabittle as well for that matter, his gruff demeanor was a fun contrast to Izzy's enthusiasm, and I quite enjoyed how he looked after her. All in all, a fun adventure, a bit of peril, and a triumphant return home.

What Do Pegasi Even Like?
by ArDee

Secret Moon

This is a nice slice-of-life story with decent writing and one of the most believable settings among the entries. It carries a good message and puts a lot of flesh on two pretty obscure characters in the movie. There’re also some interesting lore expansions and explorations. The big minus point is the quite jarring shift in point of view at the end. It could be much better if Sunny’s speech was depicted through the eyes of Sweets and Dazzle as they contemplated it through their experience with each other. I would also love it better if the story delved more into the post-reunion anxiety and uncertainty among the races. It feels too easy as it is. But overall, a pretty nice story to read.

Hitch and Pipp Meet a Manticore
by Kaidan


Okay, I love this bit of silliness. All prompts used, all characters can be read in their voice, the jokes land and I'm a sucker for well utilised innuendo. Good fun!

Finding Honesty
by Trick Question

Shrink Laureate

The last few seasons of G4 had people speculating as to which of the Student Six represented which element of harmony, and there's no surprise that the same would be true of our five new heroes... with one gap. Who could represent Honesty? The answer this story reaches isn't exactly a surprise to anyone who's been paying attention, but it is well played. Character voices are spot on, and despite being squeezed for words, it managed to find time for everypony to be themselves.

That's it! The next contest I run, hopefully coming this autumn, will be an Equestria Girls bingo contest. Watch this space!

Comments ( 17 )

A fun time as always, Thanks for having me on as a judge!

Site Blogger

Congratulations to the winners! I've already got these on my schedule, but it won't be until late April that I'll be able to get the reviews out. I look forward to seeing what put these over the competition.

It's a tricky thing, creating an entire character and background off of barely a few minutes of screentime

Yeah, no kidding.

Eh, hardly the first time I've moved a background pony to center stage. :derpytongue2: And fair point on the ending needing a bit more to it. Thanks to all the judges; I'm happy to accept my part of the bronze.

This was a fun contest! Kudos to Shrink and all of the judges! :heart:

Also kudos to all the winners and everybody who entered - the bingo randomness probably made everybody scratch their respective heads for a good while, but in the end there were still a ton of entries.

I'll totally take a judge's choice award! This was a really fun contest to write for, though I agree in hindsight with Scarlet's assessment that I shouldn't have changed perspective at the end ^^;

:yay: but :fluttershysad: !

I was really hoping to top-five if only to force 5643305 and PP to read my story (reviewing not necessary). But at least I scraped the edge of greatness, and better still, many stories better than mine were produced. So :yay: after all.

Once more, totally worth the time effort that goes into this. Thanks for giving me the opportunity again.
Congrats to the mane five of the contest. Good job with at times impossible tasks!

So appreciative of the Judge's Choice Award! Cerulean Voice, my editors and I all worked super hard to make the story the best it could be. I'm really happy to know that our efforts were recognised. Congrats to the winners and thanks to everyone who participated! :heart:

Glad it sounds like this went well. :)

This was a fun contest, and just the excuse I needed to whip-up at least one Gen 5 fic XD So thanks for that, and hats off to the winners, who definitely earned it with how crazy those prompts are :derpyderp1:

this was a fun contest and i really regret not being able to make the deadline with my attempt. thanks for all your hard work, and it looks like i have a lot of good reading ahead of me. hope the next one comes soon!

Memento was a great story, but why did it rank, seeing as it was a story that was added AFTER the contest ended on January 10, yet, this story was published on January 13...and still was able to rank a place in this contest? Just seems unfair to those who got their stories in, WITHIN the timeframe given in the contest rules...but anyway, whatever...

I'm super happy I managed to tie third in third! I'm glad I managed to deliver on the characterization and atmosphere—my fics are general bereft of plot content so you get a lot of lore expos, talking heads, and immersive set-pieces when you deal with my work. Congratz to the other winners, I'm honored to share the winner placard with all of them :twilightsmile:

I got on my hands and knees and begged Shrink for an extension—which was granted to any and all considering there were a few other people who hadn't managed to get theirs in in time either. I'm very grateful that I was afforded the extra time to work on the fic, and even happier that I managed to place alongside that fact. I'm glad you enjoyed the story :heart:

Oh, good, I didn't rank. Not that I was expecting it..... My story is probably the worst in the entire contest. But at least one reader was extremely persistent about telling me how much they like it, so I wasn't 100% sure..... I'm glad my story got the treatment it deserved.

By the way, why are there only three ranks? The announcement of the contest spoke about the top five. Where did the other two ranks go?


By the way, why are there only three ranks?

Because, even after several rounds of voting, we couldn't reach a decision - so we have three stories in third place.

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