• Member Since 23rd Feb, 2013
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TittySparkles is pretty based, writes great porn that I can rub one off to on a weekly basis, and she has no problem telling societies leftie rejects to fuck off. - Anonymous

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  • 34 weeks
    Collabing with my editor...

    who doesn't want to be anonymous anymore for the foreseeable future. Refer to the new tagged story and go say hi to him.

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  • 34 weeks
    It's been a hot minute, hasn't it?

    Despite my deafening silence, i still lurk this place... yet a recent proposition from my anonymous editor, who plans not to be anonymous much longer, will have me coming back to this place more and more in the future. What's the deal? You'll see eventually.

    Also are Private Messages broken? I can't PM any of my site friends. :raritydespair:

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  • 109 weeks
    Dealing with suicides is never easy.

    It really isn't.

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  • 119 weeks
    Taking 2 story commissions (both slots filled)

    Meant to start this last month but never got around to doing such thanks to life being too busy to focus on side projects, however with March around the corner and things easing up, I've decided to open up commissions again. Much like how I usually take commissions, I'll open myself up to writing any genre and/or fetishes my customer is interested in at a rate of $16/1,000 words. I will

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  • 120 weeks
    Gift from my editor in regards to Verity

    Sometimes the smallest of gifts are ones that you'll cherish for a long time.

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It never ends does it? · 2:53am Aug 12th, 2020

You know when I said I wanted to distance myself from the drama? Seems like that's impossible.

Oh and so you get a reference point, this wiki article defines what Stalag fiction is.

RedactedToday at 7:23 PM
Hi, thanks for accepting my invite.
[7:33 PM]
You there.

TiddySpurklezToday at 7:34 PM
Sorry was doing something. How can I help you?

RedactedToday at 7:34 PM
I was hoping I could have a civil discussion with you over one of your stories.

TiddySpurklezToday at 7:35 PM
Sure. Which one you want to talk about?

RedactedToday at 7:35 PM
The Nazi one.

TiddySpurklezToday at 7:35 PM
Oh it's going to be one of those conversations...

RedactedToday at 7:36 PM
Than I'll get straight to the point with it, since you imply you've had other discussions about it.
[7:37 PM]
I think it would be best for you to delete it and distance yourself from the far-right ideals your story promotes.

TiddySpurklezToday at 7:37 PM
Oh wow, you're swinging right for the fences on this one.
[7:38 PM]
But I'll humor you. Indulge me to why I should delete it.

RedactedToday at 7:38 PM
Because it supports far-right ideas?
[7:38 PM]
I kind of just told you why.

TiddySpurklezToday at 7:39 PM
I saw, but without showing me the ideas...
[7:39 PM]
Well, I can't take you serious otherwise.

RedactedToday at 7:40 PM
Are you blind to what you wrote? You wrote a story that very much resembles Stalag fiction in all senses.

TiddySpurklezToday at 7:41 PM
You're not the first person to make that assumption either. The last 3 people that said that to me ended up not actually reading the story and what it was about.

RedactedToday at 7:42 PM
Assumption? You wrote a story about a human prisoner getting raped by a female Nazi.

TiddySpurklezToday at 7:42 PM
[7:42 PM]

RedactedToday at 7:43 PM
is that all you'll reply with? a broken emoji and a gif of a person twiddling their finger?
[7:45 PM]
You're clearly beyond repair if that's the case, and I'm surprised someone like you is a "respected" writer in the fandom. You claim you're a left wing person, yet from the fact that you wrote Stalag-grade fiction and than pretended to support a charity shows you're a very irredeemable bigot.

TiddySpurklezToday at 7:46 PM
[7:47 PM]
I'm not going to take you seriously since you clearly didn't read the story at all, while claiming that the charity was fake. There is posted receipt transactions that prove you are very much wrong.

RedactedToday at 7:49 PM
Who cares if I didn't read it? Friends from other Discords have read it and they told me what EXACTLY what it is. I refuse to read a story by a bigot who endorses Nazism.

TiddySpurklezToday at 7:50 PM
Ooooohhh, you're from one of those Far Left groups on Fimfic who literally make shit up to cope with the fact you're constantly seething 24/7 over your own racist behavior.
[7:52 PM]
Let me tell you something dumbass. My story is a literal slap in the face for Real Nazis.

RedactedToday at 7:52 PM
Don't make assumptions like that and don't call me a racist in any form when it's you that writes Nazi porn.
[7:53 PM]
How is a Nazi horse raping a human a slap in the face of Nazis?

TiddySpurklezToday at 7:53 PM
Pfft. Why should I give a fuck? You're clearly a idiot whose looking for a fight.
[7:55 PM]
Fine, I'll tell you what my story exactly is. It's about two sexually active roommates who want to test run a new dildo shipped from overseas. Aryanne and the Human are lesbians, something that would not fly with real Nazis.
[7:56 PM]
The sex is very much consenting and afterwards they even cuddle and romantically kiss in a bed.
[7:57 PM]
Its basically a gay, interspecies relationship.

RedactedToday at 7:58 PM
But that's not what your story is! Don't lie about it when I got people who actually read what your story is!

TiddySpurklezToday at 7:58 PM
You're a fucking moron.

RedactedToday at 7:59 PM
Don't insult me when you're hosting Nazism on a site that should be making more of an effort to ban it and remove it from existence.

TiddySpurklezToday at 8:00 PM
I'm curious, who read the story and told you those opinions?

RedactedToday at 8:01 PM
Actual respected writers.

TiddySpurklezToday at 8:01 PM

RedactedToday at 8:01 PM
You don't deserve to know their names, nor do you deserve to speak them.

TiddySpurklezToday at 8:02 PM
Oh you're so adorable with your misplaced anger and false opinions.

RedactedToday at 8:04 PM
Why aren't you taking this seriously? You wrote Stalag fiction and are promoting it from your side.

TiddySpurklezToday at 8:05 PM
I'm not going to take you seriously since you're one of those NPC types that read clickbait titles that your "respectable" writers write to try and spin false narratives.

RedactedToday at 8:08 PM
Don't you dare call me a npc and how dare you try to say that respectable writers on Fimfic would lie about what you wrote. They have no reason to try and lie about someone promoting Nazism, so don't imply they are wrong.

TiddySpurklezToday at 8:09 PM
But they are wrong. I wrote wholesome, romantic lesbian sex between a pony with a swastika on her butt and an alien human in a magical world of ponies.
[8:09 PM]
[8:09 PM]
[8:09 PM]

RedactedToday at 8:10 PM
You're not funny and I'm really getting tired of you trying call the fact checkers on my side, wrong.
[8:11 PM]
I'm trying to be civil with you, but you're clearly delusional about what you wrote and how it affects people in real life.

TiddySpurklezToday at 8:11 PM
Fact checkers?
[8:11 PM]
This can't be real anymore.
[8:12 PM]
This convo is done.

RedactedToday at 8:13 PM
Oh how funny, the second I bring up that your stories affect people in real life, you call me a troll and try to skip out.
[8:15 PM]
Maybe you should look in a mirror and realize that YOU are the problem on the site. Delete your Stalag story and openly apologize to everyone on the site about it. People can forgive you and are willing to do so, but you need to be the bigger person and remove your problematic story before something bad happens.

TiddySpurklezToday at 8:16 PM
I really need to stop taking bait, but I would love to hear what will happen to me otherwise.
[8:16 PM]
What are you going to do, cancel me?

RedactedToday at 8:17 PM
I don't got the power for that, but others do.

TiddySpurklezToday at 8:19 PM
Threatening me with the Twitter outrage mob won't work, kid. No one is going to care about some random erotica writer on a decade old fandom.

RedactedToday at 8:19 PM
I never said twitter.
[8:20 PM]
All it takes is one site moderator to realize that you need to be removed.
[8:21 PM]
I just wish Fimfic's mods would be more proactive like the Derpibooru moderators are.

TiddySpurklezToday at 8:22 PM
Your threats are amusing, but unlike Derpi's sycophants and their overlord being tsundere for Hitler's ideals, Fimfiction's mods ain't retards and are well mannered people.

RedactedToday at 8:24 PM
Unlike you, mods can be convinced to change their opinions.

As much as I enjoyed this walking treasure trove of anger and salt, that last bit bothered me, because I know it's very much true. Mods can be tempted with woke speech by people who know how to use it.

Oh and if anyone is wondering, I'm not deleting my Aryanne story.

Report TittySparkles · 1,438 views · Story: The Power of Science! ·
Comments ( 87 )

Oof. That's one real shithead.

Are these people even real?

I hope one day science finds a cure for stupid.

Mods can be tempted with woke speech by people who know how to use it.

Accept that the internet as we knew it is dead now, and avoid the rush. Anyone who doesn't want to join the Church of Wokeism and/or suck corporate dick had better find one of the old-school corners of the internet (gopherspace, telnet BBSes, tildes, etc), get comfortable with the scary parts (various darknets), or find one of the up-and-coming alternatives (gemini, etc) and get in on the ground floor.

Holy... WOW... Okay so that happened. Sweet mother of mercy. I don't think I've ever physically cringed so hard in my life. These... These gotta be trolls.

funny that the ppl who whine about it are the ones who have not read it, and or ppl who have no idea what the nazi ideology is, they are people who jump on the rage train with as little as zero information about the theme

currently the only known cure for that specific strain of stupid is rapid onset lead poisoning though people are racing to find other cures.

That's not stupidity. It's willful ignorance.

I like how they try to argue about the content of the story YOU wrote

5334002 Unfortunately, I think it found a cure for smart instead.
5334008 Trolls are better found under a bridge, without a keyboard.

The world of weird is weirder than I thought.

Jeeze, sounds like you are on the Nazi themed version of Mr. Bones' Wilde Ride.

Alas, was the Keyboard which brought low society! Knew we shoulda put age restrictions on those dangerous pieces of technology!

I don't mean to laugh, but this is by far the dumbest thing I've read today! :rainbowlaugh:

Ahhh, feels like one of those twitter debates I would get into from last year. What a loon, this fellow lol

Honestly, there's times where I'm not sure you're not making these up. I know that I shouldn't underestimate the power of Stupidity™, but come on.

Tiddy, let me share with you the wisdom of ancient Persia.

"Answer fools with silence."

I have read the story in question, but because of this vapid dolt I will favorite it now also.

>arguing with an author about the content of a story they wrote that you haven't read

Drama only starts when others react to the troll crap.

Rule of thumb. IGNORE IT. Move on, don't read it don't respond to it. Keep to yourself like I do and the drama can't affect you.

Define "people" in the context of prudish fuck-wits and I'll tell you if they are real or not

they're not

i love how you just completely destroy them in your convos.

It happens everywhere. Steve Perry, the guy that wrote Men in Black, among other acclaimed books/scripts, was told off for being a ‘mansplaining old white guy’ for trying to explain a plot point that people were debating about in a coffee shop.

People are fucking retarded.

So... what's the next BS term for the 'woke' people to use?
Gulag fiction?

So to back up his opinion, this guy:

  1. Didn't read the story
  2. Got his opinion from "respectable writers" on the site
  3. Thinks respectable writers have no reason to lie
  4. Won't say who these people are whose opinions he holds sacred and immutable
  5. Insists that the author of the story which he didn't read is wrong about what's in the story (that he didn't read)

Guys I'm literally shaking and crying right now. Crying with laughter.

My favorite part.

But that's not what your story is! Don't lie about it when I got people who actually read what your story is!

>When you're dumb, lazy, and gullible so you just gaslight your opposition to trick yourself into a false moral superiority.

If Aryanne x human lesbian porn is promoting Nazism, then Naruto x Sasuke porn is promoting the ways of Bushido and Japanese imperialism.

If there's anything that Neo Nazis are known for, it's loving children's cartoons, furries, beastiality, and fetish pornography.

I'm pretty sure that if there were still any actual Nazis around, they would hate everyone on this site to an equal degree. The only way to act like the guy in the chatlog is to be a literal NPC that doesn't think about anything at all.

sighs, shaking his head Why. Why do people do this. I get it, human stupidity is infinite. THEY DO NOT NEED TO KEEP PROVING THAT POINT. What makes it objectively worse is that despite calling you the nazi sympathizer THEY are the one using nazi tactics. False propaganda, degradation, threats. Hell they only thing missing is having enough influence to actually force you to comply or be arrested.

It's a saddening, and sickening, sight to watch those trying to 'protect' others from 'monsters' act just like the monsters they're supposedly fighting against. I can only pray they come to their senses before they have the same moment my ancestor did. The moment when he finally got to see the 'prison' he'd been helping send 'enemies of the state' to. Because by then it's far, far too late.

You’re biggest mistake was replying to him. Just block

The guy you were talking with ironically was behaving like a Nazi. Blindly obeying authority figures. (notable figures in the fandom in our case) Not investigating the evidence and carrying out the order without question. Basically screaming heresy when you present evidence to them. Demands censorship and demands removal of unclean works. Only willing to act and feel what their masters command them to feel. Not bothering to investigate or find the truth about the matter themselves.

Thinks they are always in the right and are not willing to listen to other points of view.

Mindlessly obeying the collective and joining the lynch mob. No hesitation, belief without evidence. A perfect drone and a mindless foot soldier for their master's whips. These kind of people are the reason the witch burnings happened.

May not even see the irony when it's their turn to be burnt at the stake.

Reading this i do hope its just a troll, but with how stupid and lacking in critical thinking people are its probably real. Feel sad for the guy.

The whole "would be a shame if the secret police take you to the concentration camp gulag for your behavior..." ugh.

Oh god I read this and I am wheezing and hollering. Holy fuck. That one is literally the waste of the cesspool of idiots that are allowed to run around and spread their "opinion".

Prolly wore a MAGA hat while writing this.

Wow. Either that’s a masterclass troll or you’ve got one salty codpiece you’re dealing with. They are right though. Mods here are nowhere near the stumbling, bumbling bunch that derp mods are but they will give into twitter pressure too. It only takes one to either bow to pressure or, worse, actually think like this probably present perfect to go from just making stories like that shadow invisible like is the case now to outright bans.

Keep doing what you do, but watch out. They are out to get you now.

Only one thing you can do now T.S. ..... more "Nazi-Porn"!!!!!!

Still hard to believe people like this actually exist

the block button is a amazing tool, it works really good at making all the trash go away.:scootangel:

I didn't think that I would witness this level of stupidity today. And I did. And it was marvellous. Thanks Sparkles

It’s a little known fact that Albert Speer loved lesbian cartoon horses with dildos

Hey hey don't you know they aren't the ones being like the Nazis, because they agree with the actions which makes it okay.

Just like all the people who agreed with and followed the German government between the years of 1933-1945.

That fact these people got there head so far up their own ass they can't see they are following the battle plan of the very people they hate....it just proves one should always take some time to reevaluate their actions, learn about the opposite side so that you do not become a monster yourself.

Still waiting for these people to start having good old fashioned book burnings though forcing things to be deleted off the net is most likely the modern equivalent so guess we are already to the book burnings or trying to.

I reading one this these posts a couple times I’m starting to know how you feel.

So I’m on your side all the way no matter what.:heart:

I gotta say I’ve always come across Irony multiple times but nothing like this.

We have JK Rowling crying about free speech now since she is been censored. That's a case of irony. Plus there was a person who made a pro black lives matter comic and ended up censored. The censorship train does not stop. It will eventually come for you even if you are doing the censorship.

I would ask if they ever stop to think if they went too far with censorship but you know how that is.

At this point these people are trying to get your attention and two seconds of fame.

I sometimes speculate that those who are the loudest to condemn someone of wrong doing are themselves guilty of it.
Kinda like the old saying "Do as I tell not as I do" or something like that.

Even if it was Stalag Fiction that doesn't make it a bad thing. some people like to be dominated by a lady in uniform. The more militaristic the better. Heck "Helga of the SS" was a exploitation film meme in 1970s.

well you have to deal with the consequences of racism

Lol, the NPC meme is the greatest meme of the last decade, and the sheer number of places that will ban you for using it is proof.

Any bets on how long until it’s a banable offense here?

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