• Member Since 7th Oct, 2012
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Skeeter The Lurker

All my favorite colors, my sisters and my brothers... Hate the sig? Report me. Bullies get ignored, no exceptions. You know who you are.

More Blog Posts271

  • 14 weeks
    Thank you (again)

    Gonna be honest, $2185 is far more than I expected to get from that GoFundMe.

    And frankly, typing out the words "thank you" feels just way too... Simple? Condescending... ish? Just plain not enough?

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    13 comments · 287 views
  • 15 weeks

    I'll just lay it all out.

    I do not have a car.

    I cannot get to and from work.

    I am more or less broke due to low paying job and so many bills.

    Due to credit issues, I do not qualify for any emergency loans.

    My car was uninsured due to the company I had deciding not to tell me there was an issue with payment and just... cancelled it. Cause why not at this point.

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    9 comments · 930 views
  • 15 weeks
    I can't win

    Got in an accident.

    Car's completely fucked.

    I'm fine, I think. Hospital right now. But I seem ok by EMS standards.

    Woulda been better if I had bit it, frankly. Cause now not only am I broke, I now have no car.

    ...I just want it to end. Please?

    I can't take much more. I can't.

    7 comments · 212 views
  • 22 weeks
    2024, about as good as 2023. Which was sh!t.

    Screw 2023.

    Miserable year for me.

    Started with an asshole walmart employee getting me fired, to me being exhausted with two jobs, which didn't last so back to one job, to me barely being able to get by on my meager paychecks.

    And on top of that, my severe eczema was persistent and I was unable to find a solution because... No money and so on.

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  • 120 weeks
    Spare a dime for your Lurker

    Hello Legion, it's been awhile, hasn't it?

    I've never been good at this kinda thing, and while I could go on about my antics as of late, I won't and will just come out and say it.

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    19 comments · 1,948 views

I blew it. · 9:58pm Aug 30th, 2013

It was right there. I had it right in my hand, all I had to do was be cool and relaxed.

And I fucked it up. I was dumb.

I was calm! I was cool! I was fucking relaxed and ready! Then she came out, said hi, and my nerves went haywire. I started to stutter and botch simple questions. Everything I had rehearsed I forgot. She called me out on my nerves, too.

Then I said something REALLY stupid. I mis-worded an answer to a question and it came out as something negative of my old job, even worse it was question about the fucking customers. And it's my fault too. The second I said it I knew. I KNEW it was over.

I have no one to blame but me.

Then on the way home, it began to rain and now I'm soaked to the bone and I'm fairly certain both my iPod and iPhone are fucked.

To top it all off, I blew my last $5 on bus fare to get there and haven't eaten anything save for a packet of Pop Tarts at 10am. It's 6pm.

I'm an eternal optimist, I always have been. But even I have my limits.

I'm cold, I'm wet, I'm hungry, I'm pissed, and above all else, I'm depressed. Truly, completely, utterly depressed.

So. I'm just gonna say this, and I really wish I didn't.

Any and all projects I have going on at the moment are on hold. Any pre read jobs are on hold. I will not be on Skype at all tonight. I will not be responding to any comments or PMs. This may be indefinite but most likely not. It will, however, be for at least the next two days.

No longer valid. My brother slapped some sense in to me.

I'm sorry. I will be back. I'm sorry.

...I want a hug, a pizza, and some ice cream. I'll probably only get one of them...

~Skeeter The Lurker

Report Skeeter The Lurker · 597 views ·
Comments ( 53 )

Man, that's rough. I'm really sorry to hear that. I wish there was something I could do to help you out.

:fluttercry: *offers hug*

The best I can do about the pizza is a picture... I hope this helps, however.

Just imagine that's your arms.

"Your life may be hard, but there's people worse off than you. Always. Be patient. Your life will improve."


Dang Skeeter. I'm sorry to hear that. The nerves man, they happen. Don't get too down about it. You gave it your best shot, and that's all that matters. I hope you're feeling back to your old self soon. We're rooting for you. Oh, and if I lived within a couple hundred miles of you, I'd totally give you a hug and buy you a pizza.


Wow, that's rough. I am truly sorry to hear that, bro. I'mma give you so many internet hugs when you get back, just you wait and see. :fluttershysad:

Keep you head up. :rainbowdetermined2: You need to be more confident in yourself. :twilightsmile: When you get back skype or PM me. :pinkiehappy: I'll try my best to help you fix this one little mistake. :raritystarry:

I've been through those days more times then I'd like to admit... but my mother always said something to me that always helped me rise above it... I'm not sure if you've ever heard it but I'll tell you anyway...

The past can make you either better or bitter... it's up to you to choose.

Hope things start going your way again soon and know that a Marine has your back when you need it.

I don't think that's the kind of stuff he needs to hear right now :applejackunsure:

We all have these moments. Keep your head up, and enjoy the food.

Just remember, it can only get better from here. :pinkiehappy:

And also, just because you messed up this interview means you won't mess up the ones that you WILL have in the future. Sure, you had a bad interview, but it isn't the end of the world, and now you know what not to do/say.

I'm here for you man, if you want to talk/chat, you know where to find me! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Sorry, man. I get nerves pretty badly, too. It sucks not to be able to trust yourself when you need to the most. All I can offer is this: Most of the world is made up of idiots. I'm not being cute with that. It really is made up of dumb people. When you are in HR or are an employer, you see quite a lot of it. You seem like a relatively sharp guy, so even if you mess up this interview, you probably did better than quite a few other people. You might have made some mistakes, but people can tell the difference between competent, but nervous, and can't handle the job. Hopefully you are just being really hard on yourself.

Ouch, that is no fun whatsoever. It happens to us all. We all have that ONE interview we wish we
could forget ever happened.

If it makes you feel any better... Mine was the one where I started talking about finding blood in bird shit (my first job was at a petstore that specialized in birds).

Too bad you're not nearby. I have some leftover pizza :( I would happily share

Go and relax man, that seems pretty much the definition of a truly fucked day.

Take some time to relax and think on the positives. There are always opportunities, and one screw up isn't the end.

That's something I have to keep telling myself as well, so just want to say, that I'll be here if you need a shoulder to lean on, and so will everyone else :pinkiesad2:

Whenever I see something like this, I find there's a million things I want to say, but I end up saying either nothing or almost nothing because I don't think any of it would help. And that's more or less how I feel right now. I could offer encouragement or words-of-wisdom or whatever, but I don't think that would really make any difference.

When you're down in that darkness, looking up at the lighted upper level just out of reach and watching the silhouettes of those-better-off laughing and partying, a few words of kindness or wisdom just fall flat. And there's nothing you can really do about that.

But when you're in that kind of a mood, it should never be the words that matter. It's the fact that the person said anything at all. That they noticed. That they cared. That they cared enough to risk things getting awkward, some kind of backlash, or looking like an idiot, just on the off chance that it'd make you feel any better.

And I'm that person who cared enough to say something, though I really don't know you at all. So are the other people who have commented or will comment.

We all care, and that's what matters.

That stinks man. :fluttercry: I wish there was something to I could do to help. Best I can do is give you all the :heart:s.:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

I'd buy ya a pizza but I don't have a credit card at the moment. stay strong my friend.:twilightsmile:


Y'know, maybe there is something I can do to help you out. Or at least take some of the sting off. If I lived near you I'd take you out for dinner and cigars and try to keep your mind relaxed and away from the stress of real life. But since that's not an option, the next best thing I can do is toss you a gift from your Steam wishlist and hope that keeps your mind off the unpleasantness.

Feel better, dude. Don't beat yourself up too much.

I blew it.

But did you swallow? :trollestia::unsuresweetie:

Seriously though, I'm sad that you're having a rough time. Five years ago I remember walking down a dirt road in the dark as oncoming traffic roared along the road beside me. I've come a long way since then.

Know that this too shall pass. We care about you here. Take care of yourself. :fluttercry:

Well... That last part makes me a dirty liar. I did botch the interview, yes, but! I will be back sooner rather than later.

You have my non brony brother to thank for that bit. He did the following:
-Slapped me in the head.
-Gave me a bag of Doritos Cool Ranch chips.
-A hug.
-And the suggestion I try for Universal and use this bit as a lesson.

Now, the personalized stuff:

Thank you for the offer, I mean that. You're a good guy, you know that?


*Accepts hug* Thank you.


That's too cute. I needed that. Thank you.


That's actually a very good saying, and it does help a touch. Thank you.


That actually made me chuckle. Nice to see I'm someone else knows this. Thank you.


I thank you for the kind words. I truly do.


Heh, I shall. Thank you.


That says more than you could know. Thank you.


Took a shower. It helped.


Wow. That sounds like a story to be sure. Thank you.


I think I am. But, I am the eternal optimist. I'll be better soon enough. Thank you.


Thank you, I'd take you up on that if I could...

~Skeeter The Lurker

Fluttershy will always be there for you :pinkiesmile:


A Marine has my back...? Wow. I'm... Thank you.



Heh, I accept them with thanks. Thank you.


You're right. I'm can only get better. I'm at rock bottom, no where to go but up.


Hehe, I'll hold you to it. Thank you.

Now to boot up Skype 15 times in a row to get through the backlog... Oh boy...

~Skeeter The Lurker

I'll always be there to help someone out :twilightsmile::pinkiecrazy:

Your brother is wise. :ajsmug: Same thing I was gonna do except it was gonna be nacho cheese instead. :trollestia:

Sorry to hear that, my friend. I wish you lived near me so I could take you out for some ice cream or something! :fluttershysad: Keep your head up, though...sometimes, when one door closes, another opens. There'll be more chances down the line. Learn from this the best that you can and trudge on. It'll be worth it in the end.

*hugs* :heart:

I'm sorry to hear, Skeeter. Just know, if you need somebody to chat with just for the sake of it, we got your back man.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I know I can't possibly know what you're feeling right now, but I can try to relate. I fuck up under pressure too, and I've already blown a 100-point test. I finish my homework at 10 every night, and that's without serious history, science, and Spanish homework. I just forgot to bring a textbook home, which I need to do two assignments, both due Tuesday (we have Monday off, so I can't get the textbook). Once again, this is probably nothing compared to what you're feeling right now, but I know it must suck. If you need any moral support, I'll be here on G+ (Richie Demo, red-green mask), Steam, and Skype (richie.demo or Richie Demo, blue spartan) for you.:applecry::fluttercry::raritycry::raritydespair::pinkiesad2:

And here's a non-gay hug. And imaginary food.

Thank your brother for us. Sounds like a slap well done.

Sorry about the interview; the best advice I can give is: don't take it personally. Even if they don't call you back, they're not rejecting you because they don't know you. Learn from the experience, even if the only lesson is that the pain passes.


I'm taking aim at Universal Studios. And using Disney as a lesson. Thank you.


Much appreciated, man. Thank you.


The imaginary food is awesome. And I'll be sure to look you up on Skype and steam soon enough. Thank you.


Sage advice. I thank you.

~Skeeter The Lurker


Sounds great, man! Best of luck! :twilightsmile:

That sucks man, we all have those bad days when we disregard everything. Best of luck on the other side of the screen, MGS brother.

May Celestia's sun shine upon your future.


I can relate to your school habits...

I'm very sorry to hear that happened. :fluttershysad: But you'll get something, I'm sure of it! :rainbowdetermined2: If there is anything I can do, let me know.

Consider yourself hugged via Interwebs!


Don't worry about man, there are other opportunities out there may not be easy but I think you can do it.:pinkiesad2:


Thank you. MGS for the win, though!


Why would I ever call the cops to unhugged...? Thank you.


You're right. Not easy, but it will be done. Thank you.

~Skeeter The Lurker

1318606 You're welcome. I imagine it would be as if I were about to make Stanford but then they rejected me. Just the thought is making my brain mush. You've already proven yourself stronger than me, at least.


Your welcome Skeets



The only emote I will ever use...

~Skeeter The Lurker


Brohoof: /)(\

~Skeeter The Lurker


I like putting in differing types, but the brohoof is non-shame-able

1318869 Oh, no reason. I was going to make a joke about the Looney Tunes Abominable Snowman but it was a bit lame. Anyways, I really hope you find something decent. It'll be tough but stick with it. Generally, botched interviews turn into training exercises for future ones. You'll eventually notice that they become much easier due in part to those other experiences.


Aw, Skeeter. Sorry to hear you had a bad day.Don't let it get you down bro, you're a goddamn rock star.
You know what makes me feel better after a shitty day? In all seriousness, it's this:

Go for a run while listening to this song on repeat. You'll run half the country, bro.


Damn. That's epic. Thank you.

~Skeeter The Lurker

It's the eighties bro. The most epic decade there ever was.

Sorry to hear that, man. Have a song that always makes me feel better:


Ooo. Nice song.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Meh when life gives you lemons... I don't know life has never given me lemons only bad news the point was make the best out of this for it's now a learning experience.


My brother revels in the glory of this, actually... Thank you.



Nah, I kid, thank you all the same.

~Skeeter The Lurker

(I see what you did there...) :trollestia:

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