• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2020
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A pony of mystery in the darkness. Or I forgot to take the lens cap off. (They/them is fine.)

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Mockingbirb Responds to a Request for Self-Promotional Wanking About "Experimental Fiction" · 7:00am March 15th

A fimfic user recently put out a call for experimental fics (using the term BROADLY.) They even said

Self promotions encouraged!

But what do people think an experimental fic is, anyway? What does that mean to them?

Most of my stories are experiments in how people might react to them...but that isn't really the stereotype that people apply that ~word~ phrase 'experimental fiction' to.

I have assembled a somewhat satirical ~short~ annotated collection for that person who called for experimental fics.


One of the ways you 'know' that a story is very 'experimental' is if it has a lot of oddly placed punctuation marks, especially in the title, right?

This story cheats, though, by being readable anyway. (link)

(If you're using a screen reader, I'm honestly sorry.)


A story that doesn't make a lot of sense, but bluffs with a pile of incoherent nonsense? A story that has the writer, and maybe even some of their friends or 'friends' explaining that everything floundering or failing about the story is actually a DEEP SUCCESS? That would be a lot of what gets called 'experimental,' I guess (imho).

If I think I have any of those, I guess I probably won't link to them here.


meta, self-referential

You asked for it! A story about fimfic's official content warning tags (the red ones.) This story also turns out to be a scavenger hunt (with hints and answers in the comments.) I was happy to see people have fun with that!

TThe Nine Deadly Tags
You've probably heard of the Ten Commandments, and the Seven Deadly Sins. Some pony philosophers have their own list. In a few days of sweetness and fluff, six good-hearted ponies break all the rules and EARN all the Red Tags.
Mockingbirb · 1.3k words  ·  191  19 · 3.2k views


Wow! Maybe Regidar (or this blog post) will be able to get this story about its own verb tenses out of graybar! On the other hand, if you don't care about verb tenses, maybe you shouldn't read this one.

ETense, Unmoored (A Floating Sense of Time)
Did you ever read one of those stories where the author can't keep track of the difference between past and present tense? Try LIVING IN one.
Mockingbirb · 1.8k words · 276 views

It's my only horsewords in which the narrator's own "Lavender Unicorn Syndrome" is a significant plot point.


ELyra's Very Special Birthday Surprise (E-Rated Adaptation)
Bon Bon and Lyra celebrate Lyra's birthday. For some reason, Lyra has to wear a blindfold in a completely E-rated way.
Mockingbirb · 1.9k words  ·  11  1 · 472 views

The ending of this story is an ending you 'should' be able to see, after the last fifteen or so years.
So I guess it's...a story about a complete lack of surprise, unless it IS a surprise? idk, I just write these things.


This was maybe my most successful experiment in making everypony in Ponyville gay.

TThe Truth About P-Town (Ponyville Confidential)
When Twilight was still Ponyville's unicorn librarian, she learned a surprising secret from Rarity. Twilight surprised Rarity with a secret of her own. (Warning: This story is silly, and contains at least one plot twist.)
Mockingbirb · 1.5k words  ·  185  10 · 3.3k views


This was one of my experiments in letting characters use words like 'f*ck' a lot.


This was one of my experiments in differently (mis?)interpreting the theme of a contest, I guess.

TA Fashion For Nightmares (The Return of Nightmare Moon?)
When Twilight Sparkle returns to Canterlot from Equestria's frontier, the unicorn finds out just how much fashions can change. For one thing, her old friend Rarity Belle is now an alicorn.
Mockingbirb · 4.7k words  ·  22  1 · 636 views


What if I wrote for a ship based contest or event on the premise, 'what if this ship was in fact absolute shit?'
Ok, that might be a BIT of an exaggeration. But maybe not MUCH of one. :twilightsmile:

TI Don't Give Up (Even The Smallest Star)
Fluttershy refuses to give up on Discord. But what is their relationship really like, behind closed doors? How can she stay with a creature who was born without a conscience, who uses others as playthings and hurts them again and again?
Mockingbirb · 1.6k words  ·  9  5 · 859 views


TLines of Succession
Partway though her second year at CHS, Sunset Shimmer unexpectedly learns she's been appointed a princess of Equestria. Also, her old homeland needs her to return immediately.
Mockingbirb · 7.4k words  ·  104  21 · 2.3k views

I think this story earns its 100 likes by being good, and its 20 or so dislikes by the way it utterly rips apart the ship (and rips apart some other things too.)


Anyone can write a story in which Wallflower commits suicide ONCE. What about a story in which thousands or millions of Wallflowers commit suicide? (Ok, ONE exception survives.)

TWallflower's Internet Fame Sensation (Fifty Kajillion Accidental Video Memes About Killing Yourself)
One of Twilight Sparkle's experiments in exploring parallel worlds goes seriously wrong. Like "Many Faces of Death" wrong.
Mockingbirb · 1.2k words  ·  19  4 · 653 views


What the story's short description and long description say.

TRobin Whinnyams Is Probably Not Transgender
There's a big difference between being an inspiration, and being everything and everyone you've ever hoped for.
Mockingbirb · 1.2k words  ·  12  11 · 324 views


What if everyone was transgender? I mean, seriously. Or what if there were a few exceptions but I wasn't all outraged and fake-martyr-y and butthurt about that?

TQuest of Transcendence (Who We Really Are)
Every teenager has to discover for themselves who they really are. Everyone has to make the journey in their own way.
Mockingbirb · 8.3k words  ·  23  8 · 701 views


What if "1984" was a polyamory shipfic?

TLove Will Save You, Or Else
When windigos create a new ice age, students at Canterlot High do whatever it takes to survive.
Mockingbirb · 3.4k words  ·  21  6 · 874 views


Is this a love triangle? I mean, all three of them DO share the same bed...at least until the story's ending.

TTrue Love Is Forever
"Sometimes," Big Mac's wife said, "I really think you love that doll more than you love me."
Mockingbirb · 1k words  ·  31  1 · 721 views

Incidentally, a horror.


Trixie doesn't really need legs. (I edited this blog post post-publication to put this line in a spoiler tag.)

Every day, all day, Trixie transforms pebbles and bits of rubbish into teacups, and she is happy.
Mockingbirb · 1.2k words  ·  105  7 · 1.4k views

Conceptual science fiction horror, I guess.


The questionable maybe-shipfic that offended at least one contest it wasn't even IN! (~And~it~didn't~refer~to~that~contest~anywhere~either.~ An author's note did analyze the story's possible eligibility for that contest, though.)

I see I also said, in a comment on the story: "This story represents my attempt to comply with EVERY fimfiction.net story contest of the last few years, all at the same time. T AND M rated contests.

TWoodland Creatures
When Sunset steals alien Princess Twilight's new nanotechnology invention, some of the consequences surprise everyone. A lonely girl might even find true love (or maybe not.)
Mockingbirb · 2.9k words  ·  7  8 · 383 views


TThe Enlightenment of Sonata Dusk
Sometimes, noticing even the smallest detail can change a person's life.
Mockingbirb · 1000 words  ·  40  6 · 929 views

I FINALLY indulge myself by intentionally writing a story that has readers asking, 'Wait, was the ending that X happened?'


In a 'stream of consciousness style,' readers might say.

TSwim Class of Madness (During Your Worst Nightmare, Water Safety Is Important!)
Did you ever wonder why, in 'Equestria Girls,' there's an entire town of 'humans' who are somehow exactly like their pony counterparts in Equestria? On the first day of swim class, Vice Principal Luna explains the horrifying truth.
Mockingbirb · 1.3k words  ·  30  2 · 779 views


AS AN EXPERIMENT, I try to prove that I really do understand those 'Anon' fics that are so popular lately, by writing one in that style (the ANON-POPULAR style, not a different style), but with touches of ME.

TAnon Talks to Bears
If ponies think Anon is some kind of weird animal, and Fluttershy can talk to animals, can animals and Anon talk to each other?
Mockingbirb · 1.3k words  ·  214  7 · 3.1k views

200+ likes later, I have somewhat mixed feelings about this being the second highest rated fimfic I've pub'd under this account. (But not the second most liked, though.)


Sometimes, when an experiment succeeds, part of the success is that no one seems to recognize what the experiment was testing.

TThe Price of Flight (Not a Ghost Story)
Scootaloo visits Sunset Shimmer, and learns something horrifying about the differences between two worlds.
Mockingbirb · 2.6k words  ·  42  3 · 1k views

(Hint: https://duckduckgo.com/?q="more+most+dangerous+game"+contest)


What if I wanted to write a story that is CLEAR, but doesn't follow the sequential order of events, not exactly...because it's a time travel story that follows the travel and development of a series of letters and a student's homework assignment?

EWriting Letters to Myself (Time Conquers All)
A filly writes her history paper about how Starlight Glimmer became Supreme Princess of Equestria, and why she admires Princess Starlight so much.
Mockingbirb · 1000 words  ·  19  3 · 653 views

(Also, I experiment with using colored text a LITTLE, but NOT making color mandatory to read the story.)


TThe Apocryphal Gospel Of Celestia (An Alicorn Princess Goes on Vacation and Finds Jesus)
Celestia goes on vacation, gets drunk, and makes a new friend.
Mockingbirb · 2.8k words  ·  42  4 · 1.1k views

This doesn't even count as experimental: it's just ANOTHER apocryphal gospel. That idea is practically as old as Christianity.
A lot of people probably think they are the first person to think of this idea, though, even if maybe they don't quite know what an apocryphal gospel IS.


Look, I just wanted to write a story about parents throwing their child off a cliff, ok? Is that too much to ask? :trollestia:
Also, maybe this isn't very experimental. I mean, I already KNEW I could make a story about that work, right?


This was an experiment in differentiating the very extended flashback from the rest of the story by using different writing styles. At least one reader not only consciously noticed, but remarked on that.

TWhat Worked Last Universe
After a nasty breakup with Sunset Shimmer, a Twilight Sparkle discovers a way to travel to parallel universes. Millions of Sunset Shimmers who've never met her. It was a perfect plan...until it wasn't.
Mockingbirb · 7k words  ·  65  3 · 2.7k views


This self-promotional pile of self-wank is PARTLY the fault of https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/1034922/give-me-your-wild-and-wacky-experimental-fics

Comments ( 11 )

Feel better now, Birb? :raritywink:

Here's to self-promotional wankery. n_n


Feel better now, Birb? :raritywink:

Nah, not much.

Writing actual stories, and getting real reactions to that writing, might be the only things that really work reliably for that. Talking about or writing about writing is MOSTLY a distant second.

This is a good list but clearly

Writing actual stories, and getting real reactions to that writing, might be the only things that really work reliably for that.

you seem to want to write a story. So, get cracking. :derpytongue2:*

*Although, frankly, you've already scribed an enormous amount of entertaining literature. :pinkiehappy:

Excellent! I'm looking forward to the grand majority of these (I'm afraid even you may not be able to supersede my frothing hatred for Anon, however, so don't get your hopes up there). I'll do my best to be even-keeled about the EQG fics as well, I have nothing against them but they're really not my style and by and large I tend to avoid them unlike Anon, which I have deep-seated conceptual issues with and thus hate vs merely avoid.

There will be a score of how experimental something was-or-was-not. My use of the word "experimental" is quite broad, and the self-promo was to drive engagement; funny enough, I tried this exact project in the past WITHOUT encouraging self-promos, and I got maybe 4 or 5 comments. Gotta scratch the narcissist itch artists got, after all :raritywink: I have taken into account that the majority of people have posted a story of theirs that they feel has deviated from the mould in one way or another, and aren't exactly by strictest definition "experimental", even though the word itself merely implies that one attempted an experiment—there truly being no set parameters for what is and isn't. Hell, if I wanted something more like Bad Horse's blog, I woulda straight up asked for avant-garde! I set the parameters from anything from crackship to unintelligible mess made to boost the writer's ego for a reason :rainbowwild:


(I'm afraid even you may not be able to supersede my frothing hatred for Anon, however, so don't get your hopes up there).

It's just an Anon story, Regidar. If you hate Anon in general, you probably won't like it. :moustache:

I set the parameters from anything from crackship to unintelligible mess made to boost the writer's ego for a reason :rainbowwild:

That is indeed an interesting definition of 'experimental.' :twilightsmile:

Thank you for your kind words!

you seem to want to write a story. So, get cracking. :derpytongue2:*

And for these kind words too. :rainbowlaugh:

Thank you! I think. :twilightsmile:

I swear it was meant positively. n_n I'm a fan of having you on this site with your excellent horsewords and contests. To say nothing of the wonderful folks you've brought to my awareness.

Thank you!

I only meant 'I think' as a joke. :twilightsheepish:

I was *fairly* confident of your reading comprehension, but figured why not do a little bit of overkill n_n

Plus it was an excuse to stroke your ego a little more.

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