• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Majin: Return of Peace

Rainbow and Applejack rested on the ground near where Goku and Vegeta were standing, as they were making sure that Mr. Satan, the original Majin Buu, and the dog known as Bee were okay from the surge of power that had shook the planet they were on. Rainbow was completely fine with blowing a few holes in the planet and tearing apart some parts of the landscape, as the Old Kai had mentioned something about this planet being sturdy enough to resist being destroyed in a battle against Kid Buu. She realized that the Old Kai had no idea that she and Applejack could even call upon the Avatar of Destruction, which meant that he was likely shocked by what had transpired here today, but in the end she really didn't care what he had to say about all of this... she was just glad that Kid Buu had been destroyed and there was no possible way for him to suddenly come back and fight them again.

Applejack, on the other hand, had one of her hands resting on the ground and her eyes were closed for the moment, though those that knew her already knew what she was doing.

"Um, what is that pony girl doing?" Mr. Satan asked, though at this point his connection to the people of Earth had been severed by King Kai, whoever that was, but he was sure that they were celebrating their victory.

"Her name is Applejack," Vegeta replied, knowing that the man likely had no idea who Rainbow and Applejack were, as he hadn't been paying too much attention to them during the Cell Games, but he did smile in their direction, "and she's channeling some of her energy through the ground so she can communicate with the planet we're standing on."

"Is... isn't something like that impossible?" Mr. Satan inquired, though because he was unfamiliar with all of the strange abilities he had seen over the entire day, from people flying to young ladies summoning the elements themselves, he had no idea what was possible and what was impossible anymore.

"Normally I would say yes to that," Vegeta answered, as he would have thought the same thing if he hadn't met either Rainbow or Applejack, but his knowledge prevented him from thinking that such a thing was impossible, "but in reality she has a special connection to the Earth, the element I mean, and that allows her to communicate with whatever planet she's on. She did the same thing during the Cell Games, when she asked the Earth for assistance in defeating Cell, but the Bio-Android took the attack and survived, though she also thanked the planet for the aid it had given her once the fight was over. That's what she's doing now, thanking this sacred planet for its aid in the battle against Kid Buu... and she's no doubt trying to ease the pain that the planet is in."

"Um..." Mr. Satan said, though this time he had no idea how to word his question, because all of this was confusing and he wasn't getting anywhere fast.

"Think of it this way Mr. Satan," Goku commented, overhearing what the others were talking about and decided to help out, especially since he understood some of what Vegeta had told him years ago, "Imagine being in a fight and you lose a finger or are severely wounded, which would mean that your rushed to a doctor and they tend to the wound until its all healed up. Now imagine that this planet is like a person and those large holes that were blasted into the surface are the wounds being inflicted on that 'persons' body... Applejack is like the doctor in this scenario."

"I... I see," Mr. Satan replied, though at the same thing he was still somewhat lost, but at the moment he decide to stop caring what the pony girl was doing and focused on what the group was going to do with Buu, who was sitting nearby.

Applejack was pleased to have the conversation stop, because that meant that she could finish the rest of her private conversation with the planet in peace and find out what really needed to be done to ease the pain the Holy Realm was in. She was amazed that the planet could be so forgiving to both her and Rainbow, because of the power they infused into their attacks that they had thrown at Kid Buu, but she wanted to make sure that the planet was fine and wasn't suffering from the damage that had been caused to it. A few more moments passed before the Holy Realm insisted that she sever the connection between them, for the moment anyway, and celebrate their victory over Kid Buu... as there would be time for them, Shin, Kibito, and the Old Kai to patch the planet up in the future.

After a few seconds Applejack reluctantly withdrew her hand from the ground and sighed, but before she did all of that she promised the Holy Realm that she would be back when the opportunity presented itself to her... though as she stood up Shin, Kibito, Dende, Gale, and the Old Kai appeared near where her group was gathered.

"Even this heavy-duty Kaioshin Realm, it seems, has been quite ravaged." the Old Kai commented, looking at all of the destruction that had happened on the planet, along with all of the holes and pieces of ground that were scattered everywhere that he could see, before he laid his eyes on Rainbow and Applejack, "Of course that's mainly because you two have access to the Avatar of Destruction, something that you really should have warned me about before we departed from this realm."

"We could have, but then you would have stopped us from fighting Kid Buu," Rainbow replied, though at the same time she smiled as she looked at the Old Kai, who seemed nervous when he returned the glance, "besides, we stalled him long enough for Goku and Vegeta to come up with the plan that destroyed Kid Buu. I mean, I could have used the Hakai ability on Kid Buu, but then the fight would be over in an instant and there's no fun in just erasing your opponent from existence like that."

"R... Right," the Old Kai said, because even while he knew that the two girls were tired from their fight, as it must have really strained their bodies due to the time they spent in the Avatar of Destruction state, he also knew that it was unwise to anger either of them, "Well, now that the universe is safe from the threat that Kid Buu posed to everyone, what do you think we should do with Majin Buu? Destroy him so that such a thing never happens again?"

"No way!" Mr. Satan nearly shouted, to which both he and Bee stood in front of Buu, who tilted his head in confusion for a moment, though they weren't very intimidating, "Buu came come a live with me for a while, where we'll figure out a way to make sure that the people of Earth forgive him for what he did thanks to that evil man he was following around."

"And besides, we won't have to worry about Kid Buu or Super Buu returning at all," Shin added, to which the girls nodded, as they understood this story better than everyone else, "Since Kid Buu contained all of the evil that once resided inside Buu, and they were separated into two separate entities, we just erased all of the evil that had been inside Buu... meaning that he won't fall down the same path again. Sure, his anger will raise his power when he's in a fight, but at least we won't have to worry about him going evil and blowing the planet up... or giving rise to Kid Buu again."

Both Goku and Vegeta had to agree with Shin, because after Babidi had been taken killed, and his evil erased from the world, this version of Buu went on to live a peaceful life of fun and happiness, the exact opposite of what Babidi had intended to use him for. They were sure that Buu would likely want to fight with them at some point in the future, just to experience their powers for himself without fighting to the death, and both of them were already looking forward to such a challenge. Gale also wrapped her arms around Buu, who was happy to see that she was alright and proclaimed that the two of them would have fun again in the future... especially after Goku explained that Buu would have to wait for a few months so he and the others could gather the Dragon Balls and erase everything the people of Earth knew about Majin Buu, allowing him to live with a clean slate.

Of course that didn't please the Old Kai one bit, but a glance from Rainbow shut him up before he could actually say anything on the matter, to which he sighed in defeat and walked away so he could sit on a hill. Shin, on the other hand, marveled at how the Kaioshin Realm was silent, as he had expected to hear the voice of the planet crying out in pain, but he smiled when he determined that Applejack must have already beaten him to the punch.

Once the group had settled down, and all of their wounds had been treated, the group gathered around Shin and Kibito as they left the Kaioshin Realm behind and headed back to Earth, or more specifically the Lookout. When they arrived, however, they expected Shin and Kibito to leave automatically, but Shin insisted on staying for a few minutes so he could see how the others were doing. Goku, Vegeta, and Dende were the first ones to walk towards the entrance of the Lookout, where their respective families, where Goku and Vegeta happily embraced their loved ones while Dende smiled at Piccolo and Mr. Popo. They were followed by Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale, who originally believed that they would skip this sort of thing since neither of their parents were here, though they were surprised when they heard a familiar 'hello' and found Chronoa standing behind them.

Vegeta had to chuckle when he saw the looks on everyone's faces when the girls embraced their mother, as most of the Z Warriors had completely forgotten about Chronoa in the chaos of everything that had happened, while also being pleased to hear that the Supreme Kai of Time was proud of her daughters, all three of them.

Once the girls settled down, however, Mr. Satan walked out with Bee and immediately embraced Videl, though the looks on both of their faces indicated that they were happy to see each other. Krillin and Yamcha then raised their defenses as Buu walked around the corner and waved at them, though Goku and Vegeta had to explain the situation to them to avoid anything terrible from happening. It was plainly clear that some of the group still didn't trust Buu, as they were a little sore over what happened to them, but some were more willing to forgive the large pink creature, especially since they saw that Goku, Vegeta, and the sisters had forgiven him already. Shin and Kibito joined them not a few seconds later, merely to announce that they had already forgiven Buu as well, which just made the situation easier for the others to understand without actually shouting at anyone.

Of course during that time Krillin poked fun at how Chronoa and Shin and to be Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale's parents, indicating that he was still trying to figure out who their father was, to which Shin simply smiled and told him that he may not be their father, but he was proud and fortunate to be friends with them. As the group insisted that they needed to hold a celebration over their victory over the evil Kid Buu, however, Chronoa said that she, Shin, and Kibito had to get back to their duties, but she also also promised that she and Shin would be back for the party at least. The girls were sad to hear that whatever was happening at the Time Nest required their mother's attention and that she couldn't stay for a few minutes, but they also understood and wished her the best of luck in fixing whatever went wrong.

Chronoa nodded before she, Shin, and Kibito gathered together and disappeared from the Lookout, though they made a quick stop at the Kaioshin Realm to pick up the Old Kai before they headed to their true destination.

Beerus let out a sigh of relief as Whis turned off his scepter, as he was relieved to find that Kid Buu had been taken care of and that, this time around, neither Rainbow, Applejack, or Gale had died in the process of fighting this evil. He already had plans to head back to the Other World, or more accurately Hell, at some point in the future and deal with the person who had almost gotten Shin killed. As he waited for Chronoa and Shin to come back to his planet, however, he jumped onto the tree that he usually sat on while he was thinking, which had a nice flat surface for him to sit on, and sat down. The reason he had jumped onto his thinking tree was rather simple; he was still shocked by the presence of two Avatars of Destruction, especially since one of his daughters clearly displayed the skill at being a destroyer and the other clearly preferred a different path... despite the fact that she used the power against Kid Buu anyway.

The last time he had used this tree was years ago, back during the days that eventually lead up to the Oracle Fish announcing the prophecy about his fight with his arch-rival, though those were the days where he pondered what sort of adventure to send his daughters on... now, however, he was wondering if he and the others had been granted something incredibly special.

After a few minutes of silently pondering what he and the others had been watching, before Kid Buu's defeat, he felt a shimmer in the air behind him, to which he sighed and shelved his thoughts for the moment, as he was sure that there would be time to return to them later on. Beerus then jumped down onto the ground, stretched his neck for a few seconds, before turning around and joining Whis in welcoming the others back to his planet. Or course he had expected Chronoa and Shin to come back after they left the girls to celebrate their victory, and he had even known that Kibito would be joining them, though he was a little surprised to see the Old Kai standing in front of him... but at the same time he didn't let that ruin his mood.

"Its good to see that you managed to get away without anyone asking to come along," Beerus commented, though while he would be have happy to meet another one of his daughters' friends, especially after meeting Gohan on accident, he knew that now wasn't the time for anyone else to realize who he was.

"It still breaks my heart when I think about what we did to them," Chronoa replied, remembering how hard it had been for her and Beerus to lock Rainbow and Applejack in stasis for all those years, before they had awoken on Earth and began their adventure, "but all we have to do is wait for more years and we can truly be reunited with our daughters... and this time we won't have to worry about anything ruining our family time."

"Daughters?" the Old Kai stated, though his tone indicated that he was shocked about something, to which he ignored the fact that he was on Beerus' planet, and the fact that the God of Destruction was standing in front of him, and turned to the Supreme Kai of Time, "Why Chronoa, I had no idea that you finally managed to find the love of your life and have children, especially since the last time we saw each other was before I was sealed in that sword. So tell me, who is the lucky gentleman that has won your heart?"

"Technically speaking I didn't 'have' children in the normal manner, we 'adopted' Rainbow and Applejack thirty-five years ago," Chronoa answered, though at the same time she smiled when she noticed the look of shock that appeared on the Old Kai's face, as he hadn't seen the fact that coming at all, to which she wondered what reaction she would get out of him with the next bit of information, "As for the lucky gentleman that won my heart... well, let's just say that this should tell you everything."

Beerus smiled as Chronoa turned towards him and kissed him, though it wasn't one of those on the cheek kisses that some people used every now and then, rather it was one of the passionate kisses that, once started, the other helped their significant other finish... though after a few moments of doing that they both turned towards a completely shocked, and maybe a little horrified, Old Kai.

"C... Chro... Chronoa and B... Bee... Beerus?!" the Old Kai said, though it was clear that whatever he was feeling at the moment was definitely messing with both his mind and his ability to speak, while at the same time he collapsed on the ground and started rubbing the sides of his head, "The Supreme Kai of Time... in love with the God of Destruction?! Oh my head hurts from this nonsense."

"I think we broke him," Beerus commented, as he had expected that some of the people he and the others knew would be shocked by the fact that he and Chronoa loved each other, though he actually couldn't wait until he announced this to the other Gods of Destruction, whenever all twelve of them got together again.

"He's definitely in shock," Chronoa said, feeling a little bit sorry for the Old Kai, because she knew that this was something that he wouldn't have anticipated, especially since he was used to how everything was back when he was the Kaioshin that was linked to Beerus.

"But... but that means those two girls are your daughters!" the Old Kai stated, realizing what this meant, while at the same time figuring out why every time Rainbow said something he was always thinking he heard Beerus' speaking, "That's why they can summon and control the Avatar of Destruction, because you taught them how to tap into your own destructive powers!"

"Actually, the only things I taught my daughters were how to properly walk, how to control their ki, and the basics of fighting," Beerus replied, though at the same time he wasn't angry with the Old Kai for accusing him like that, especially after all the damage his daughters had caused to the Sacred World of the Kais, "Everything that you have seen so far, from Rainbow and Applejack, is the product of them training every year and practicing their individual skills. I had no idea that either of them had an elemental affinity, nor did I originally believe that either of them would develop the skills necessary to even tap into the Avatar of Destruction... which is something that they learned on their own. All of this has happened without me interfering with their lives, though I am proud of what they were able to accomplish without me."

The Old Kai was shocked by what he was hearing, because he had sort of accused Beerus of teaching the girls how to tap into the destruction energy that he commanded and had been expecting the God to simply destroy him, but his death never came. When he had first been told that Beerus had changed his ways he decided not to listen, especially after meeting him for a few minutes, but now he was beginning to see that Shin had been correct in saying that this new Beerus was nothing like the old one. The old Beerus would have erased him then and there, before charging off of his planet to do battle with Rainbow and Applejack, but this one was much more calm and collected... and the love of his life was Chronoa of all people, who was someone that the old Beerus had despised with a passion.

He was beginning to believe everything that he had been told so far, because it appeared that both Rainbow and Applejack had an unusual effect on everyone that was near them... and apparently that list also included someone like Beerus the Destroyer.

As the Old Kai opened his mouth to say something, and figure out everything that had happened since those two girls suddenly showed up in Beerus' life, the ground beneath their feet shook for a few seconds. The group looked at each other, wondering what it meant, especially since Beerus wasn't about to destroy his own planet, before the ground resumed shaking. Beerus could feel the tremor hitting every location on his planet, from his temple to the lake beside them and everything in between, and yet he had no idea what was going on... only that he and the others braced themselves as they waited for the planet to calm down.

The Grand Priest let out a small sigh as he approached the throne that Zeno sat on, where the King of All would either be observing the universes or playing a game with one of the attendants that usually stood around him, who always purposely lost a game to avoid upsetting their Lord. The Grand Priest happened to be a short man with pale blue colored skin, purple colored eyes, and had slicked white colored hair that was pushed backwards towards his halo, which was resting near the back of his head instead of around his neck. He was also wearing a dark green outfit with an orange triangle on his shirt and a pair of white boots, though unlike Whis and the other angels he did not carry a staff with him, rather he could summon one when it was truly needed and allowed his hands to remain free at all times.

The reason he had let out a sigh of relief is because he had been keeping a close eye on Universe 13, the one without a God of Destruction, because Zeno had told him that if that particular universe went too much longer without a Destroyer God, maybe a year or two at best, then he was going to erase the unofficial universe completely. His sigh wasn't because he cared about the universe, as it was technically an unofficial universe and he had been sure that there was never going to be a Destroyer God to rule over it, but because he had been proven wrong.

The Grand Priest stopped in front of the throne and looked up at the attendants, who were just motionlessly floating near Zeno's throne and barely moved their heads to acknowledge that he was there, before he laid eyes on the King of All once more. Zeno was very short and small, as he came up to an average human's knees, though he had a rather large oval-shaped head and his skin was sky blue colored. The only parts of his body that were a different color were two sections of his head, which ranged from his ears to the middle of each eye on both sides of his head, though they were purple colored. He had small round eyes and small rounded grey 'ears', though what he wore was a magenta and yellow colored lined coat, with yellow pants and magenta shoes, while also wearing a black and white shirt underneath with the kanji symbol for 'all' on the front.

As he finished observing Zeno, and finding that he was wearing his typical blank expression once more, the Grand Priest let out a small cough to announce his presence, to which the King of All looked up from what he had been looking at and turned his attention to the Grand Priest.

"Zeno-sama, I have excellent news." the Grand Priest said, though his tone was as respectful as it always was, while at the same time he noted that his words already had an impact on the King of All.

"Really? Tell me, tell me!" Zeno replied, to which anyone that was watching them could tell that he was excited to hear whatever the Grand Priest had to tell him.

The Grand Priest nodded and held his hand out, to which a large image of a universe sprung into existence between where he was standing and where the King of All was sitting, though once the image was ready he started zeroing in on the location he had been observing earlier. Galaxies flew by them until he came upon a certain planet that was further away from the rest of the planets in this universe, though the Grand Priest knew that Zeno could see what was going on.

"Is that what I think it is?" Zeno asked, though at the same time he looked at the Grand Priest, who simply nodded his head for a few seconds to indicate that he was correct.

"Yes, this is Universe 13," the Grand Priest replied, though at the same time two explosions rippled through the part of space that they were observing, one around the planet while the other was the planet itself, "and yes, that is who you think it is. Shall I inform the other Destroyer Gods?"

Zeno nodded his head and started saying 'yes' over and over again, to which the Grand Priest summoned twelve viewing windows into existence on the planets of the twelve Gods of Destruction... though he suspected that many of them were going to freak out once they saw this.

After a few minutes of his planet shaking, without anything being destroyed, Beerus was getting worried that something had gone horribly wrong when Rainbow and Applejack helped Goku defeat Kid Buu... though that was before a circular doorway of sorts opened in the air in front of him and the others. When the doorway finished forming the planet finally stopped shaking, though as they all relaxed they gazed at what the strange construct wanted to show them, where they gathered around it and gasped. They were looking at a part of a universe, which one they had no idea, but even as all of them came to that understanding Beerus noticed something that none of the others had detected yet... there was an excess of Destruction energy in the air, one that didn't belong to him or the other eleven Gods of Destruction.

They then watched as the galaxies moved in front of them, where they surged across the stars until they came to whatever destination they were supposed to be at... where they discovered a seemingly barren wasteland planet that had a large space station, for that was all it could be, floating in front of them. The viewing window remained still for a moment, causing the group to wonder if this was all they were supposed to see, before a flash of energy erupted from the planet's surface and surged into the space station, consuming it in a large explosion that destroyed all of it. A few seconds later, when the smoke cleared, Beerus noticed the faint image of someone standing on the edge of the planet's atmosphere before they tossed a ball of energy down at the planet.

Beerus watched as lava lines appeared on the planet's surface as whatever volcanoes existed started to go off at the same time, though it was only a matter of time until fire was erupting out of the ground and leaping into the air, before the planet heaved one last time and exploded, almost in the same manner as when he blew a planet up. As Beerus watched the scene he noticed something odd, that the faint image of whoever had blown the planet up seemed to be illuminated by the death of the planet. Whoever the person was happened to be wearing what appeared to be the attire of a God of Destruction, though the body structure suggested that the person was a woman... and the way her legs looked, as they appeared to end in what he believed to be hooves, made him think that it was someone from the planet that Rainbow and Applejack had come from.

That was the last thing he saw as the image disappeared and the viewing window disappeared, though all of them were definitely shocked by what they had felt and what had been revealed to them.

"It... it cannot be." the Old Kai struggled to say, though at the same time he fell to his knees and stared at the area that they had all been staring at, because he couldn't refuse the truth that he had been shown.

"The God of Destruction for Universe 13 has been chosen," Chronoa stated, though while most of the others were shocked she could tell that there was one person who was excited, in more ways than one anyway, "but that image... that wasn't Rainbow or Applejack. What does this mean?"

"It means that things are going to be much more exciting than we originally believed," Beerus replied, though at the same time he already knew what the scene meant, because if his daughters weren't meant to rule Universe 13 than they had to be his replacement, once he finished training them anyway, "Four more years... we only have to wait four more years and then we can finally reunite with Rainbow and Applejack, and see what's happening in Universe 13 for ourselves."

Though even as Beerus said that he knew that whoever the God of Destruction for Universe 13 was had to be pretty strong, especially since his daughters were able to acquire their own elemental affinities and obtain the Avatar of Destruction in their own way. He was looking forward to meeting the Destroyer God that had just been chosen and seeing just how strong they were were once someone challenged them to a fight... though he knew that such a thing could wait until after he was reunited with his daughters.

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