• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Namek: Goku's Trump Card

"So, what do I call you?" Frieza said, staring at the Saiyan that was now standing across from him for a few seconds, though the only reason he was asking was to sate his own curiosity on the matter.

"I am Son Goku, and I am a Saiyan that was raised on Earth," Goku replied, dropping into his battle stance as he returned Frieza's glare, "and I swear that I will avenge all of the Saiyans, Namekians, and all of the other races that you killed... by beating you."

"Such drivel," Frieza commented, a look of annoyance appearing on his face for a moment, "It utterly sickens me how you worms can share this consciousness among yourselves. A worm is a worm... and I shall crush the legend of the Super Saiyan once and for all, by killing both you and Vegeta."

Goku, taking a chance at an opportunity that presented itself while Frieza was talking, burst through the air and flew at where his opponent was standing, easily breaking the ground around where he had previously been standing seconds ago. The moment Goku was in front of Frieza he threw a punch at him, though that was followed by Frieza blocking the attack and causing the dust around them to be kicked up by their ki colliding with each other. A few seconds later the two of them were up in the air, throwing attacks at each other while moving at speeds that were sure to make Rainbow jealous, though each clash shook the air a tiny bit.

At first it seemed like Goku had Frieza on the run, as the tyrant dodged most of the attacks and rarely threw one back in return, though that quickly changed as he used his tail to stop an incoming attack and caused Goku to go on the defensive for a few seconds. The instant Goku moved down to the island that was below them, and landed safely without any scratches, Frieza leveled his hands with the island and loosed a ki blast that was sure to blow both him, and the island, to pieces. Goku, thinking quickly, aimed his own ki blast at the ground and forced himself through the air, moving himself away from the island mere seconds before the attack hit where he had been standing and engulfed the entire island in a blast that rivaled Rainbow's lance.

As the smoke filled the air Goku flew into it and remained still, to which he observed Frieza shooting beams from his eyes in an attempt to hit him, though he was constantly missing him the entire time... leading Goku to remember that his opponent couldn't sense ki like he and the others could. Goku grinned for a moment, because he was sure that he could use Frieza's inability to sense ki to his advantage at some point during the fight, though he had to wait for the opportunity to present itself. A few seconds later he turned serious as he sensed Frieza appear behind him, which he confirmed with a quick glance over his shoulder, though before his opponent could hit him he flew above the water and moved to avoid the eye beams that were coming his way.

Frieza eventually caught up with him and exchanged some more blows with him, though he ducked under one punch and hit Goku in the chest, to which he loosed a ki blast into him that detonated upon impact... though that was quickly followed by Goku appeared behind Frieza's back, with both of their backs touching for a few seconds, before the smoke cleared and revealed that they were standing on a short pillar made of earth.

"How amusing," Frieza commented, a slight smirk appearing on his face, while at the same time the pillar they were standing on shattered and caused them to fall towards the ground, "It seems that there is one Saiyan alive whose not overestimating their own abilities... because I have never encountered one that could do everything you can."

Goku was surprised to hear Frieza say something like that, but before he let the words distract him he spun around and threw a punch at Frieza, who disappeared seconds later, leaving Goku to touch down on the ground. Goku carefully looked around the area they were in, seeing if he could sense where his opponent went, before spotting Frieza on a nearby plateau and released a ki blast that tore the area around his target to pieces... though at the same time Frieza moved off the plateau and floated in the air. Goku thought that he could fire another attack at his opponent, but before he could do so Frieza seemed to disappear completely, leaving him to look around and keep his guard up at all times.

That was soon followed by Frieza jumping out of the water behind him and loosing a ki blast at him, though with no time to dodge Goku raised his hands out and let the attack stop in front of him. The force behind the attack pushed Goku towards the rock plateau that was behind him, which started to break around him the moment his back touched it, but Goku smiled as he eventually tossed the attack into the air and shook his hands for a few seconds. Before he really had time to think about what to do next Goku jumped out of the way as two more eye beams came his way, though they simply penetrated the ground and let him look up at his opponent... though that was followed by the earth below him shaking before it collapsed into a pool of lava.

Goku had the bright idea to get away from the initial surge of lava that erupted, though before Frieza could come and attack him he flew above the new hole in the ground and brought his hands to his side.

"Ka... me... ha... me..." Goku said, to which his ki formed the sphere of his attack, which he figured would be enough to cancel the lava out so he could return to the actual fight, "HAAAAA!"

His attack met the lava head on and pushed it back into the hole that Frieza had created, eventually pushing it far enough so that the surrounding water could rush in and cool the lava off, allowing Goku to let out a sigh as he canceled his attack and faced his opponent... who was floating parallel to the plateau that he eventually landed on.

"You are indeed mightier than even Captain Ginyu," Frieza commented, causing Goku to raise an eyebrow for a moment, "but you still do not have the power to best me in battle."

"You know I'm just warming up, right?" Goku said, causing a frown to appear on Frieza's face, "If I wanted to overpower you I could have so already... and to be honest, that really won't be fair to you at all. You deserve a decent fight before someone beats you."

Frieza was shocked that his opponent was even stating the fact that he could overpower him, though that was followed by him releasing a shockwave blast from his eyes that detonated the instant it touched where Goku was standing. Before he could move, however, Goku appeared above him and repeated the move back at him, forcing him towards the water until he used all his strength to escape the attack... though the force behind him escaping caused a rush of water to burst into the air. Frieza used that to his advantage as he hid inside the water and slammed his foot into his jaw, hard enough to send him flying into the water and causing him to disappear almost immediately.

For a few seconds Frieza watched the water, wondering if his attack had already finished off the Saiyan known as Goku or if it was taking him some time to recover to a point where the two of them could continue their fight. He honestly hoped that his current opponent was dead, because then he could continue to torture Vegeta, in front of his friends no less, until he was ready to kill him. Then it was a simple matter of taking care of Rainbow Dash, leaving Frieza to debate between blowing her to pieces or delivering her head to Beerus in an attempt to gain his favor, and then dealing with the rest of the pests that were watching the fight. He knew that he was going to shoot one or two of them through the heart, though he wondered what other methods he could use to kill the others with once he was done with the Saiyan that he was fighting at the moment.

Before he got too deep into his thoughts he noticed some bubbling in the water, to which he smiled as he turned his attention to it, though as it burst out of the water he found that it was a ki blast, causing him to glare back down at the water in annoyance. The second time he heard the bubbling he turned towards it as well, only to find that it was another ki attack that was merely a distraction, causing him to glare at the water once more... before two feet crashed into the side of his left cheek and sent him flying towards the ground. The attack sent him through a rock plateau, completely shattering it, and through the water until he crashed into another island, which was destroyed the moment he impacted it.

A few seconds later Frieza caused the rubble around him to explode as he emerged from it, though at the same time he moved his neck a few times to be sure that there was no lasting damage from the attack he had just felt.

"You know, your the third person that's caused me to brush dust off of my body," Frieza commented, doing exactly what he said for a few seconds, before his eyes glanced over at the pony that had nearly killed him earlier, "at first it was only my father that had done that to me... though now I can add both you and young Rainbow Dash to that list."

Frieza held out his hand and used his telekinesis to pick up a large amount of the rubble that was laying around him, which he ended up throwing at the Saiyan and forced him to dodge all of the rocks that were coming at him. He thought it was amusing to watch Goku dodge the rocks, because one wrong move and all of them were hit him somewhere on his body, which would open him up to a much larger attack. What he didn't expect was that after a few seconds Goku would release a burst of ki energy that destroyed all of the rubble that had been thrown at him, causing Frieza to frown at him as he landed on the ground in front of him. The two then stared at each other for a few seconds, giving Frieza time to think about what else he could do to the Saiyan without going completely overboard, though that was followed by his frown turning into a smile.

He extended both of his hands and used his telekinesis on the area around him, though this time he ripped a good portion of the ground behind him into the air and positioned it right behind him... though that was seconds before he threw it through the air and crushed the Saiyan into the mountain behind him. A few seconds later Goku tore a hole through the large piece of earth and escaped from where he was laying, to which the piece Frieza had thrown at him split into two halves as the Saiyan moved away from it. Frieza had been expecting something like that to happen, which as why the moment Goku came to a stop at the top of a nearby cliff he appeared above him and surrounded the Saiyan in a ball made of his ki.

Frieza then proceeded to start kicking the sphere, as it would send the Saiyan flying through the air and he could chase it to send it flying somewhere else, though as he kicked his opponent through the air, back and forth in a triangle pattern, he informed Goku that the moment he missed the fight was over... allowing the Saiyan's mind to come up with the endgame for himself. After about a minute of hitting the sphere around Frieza eventually caught it with his tail, though before the Saiyan could react he slammed a ki blast into it and sent the sphere flying towards another trio of islands. The instant the sphere made contact it exploded with enough power to rival the lance that was used against him, because he knew that he had taken out both the islands and his opponent at the same time.

A few minutes later, after all the dust and debris had settled, Frieza was surprised to find that his opponent was still alive, with some cuts and bruises to both his body and his clothing, though at this point the Saiyan was starting to become a problem... a problem that was almost as bad as Rainbow Dash.

"I'll tell you what, you are definitely a persistent one," Frieza commented, flexing his hands for a moment, as if he was getting ready to actually take this fight seriously, "I think its time we ended this warmup and actually got serious, otherwise we'll be here all day and never resolve anything... especially when I have far more interesting targets to take out."

"I agree," Goku said, cracking his knuckles for a few seconds, all while wondering if it was time to unleash the Kaio-Ken and truly show Frieza what he was capable of at the moment.

"Well then, let's get the party started," Frieza stated, flying forward and swinging his fist at Goku, knocking him in the chin and sending him flying for a second, though he frowned as his opponent got level with him again.

Goku, in a brief moment of decision, engaged the Kaio-Ken at its lowest level and flew towards Frieza, though at the same time he loosed a series of punches and kicks at his target, which the tyrant moved around for a few seconds. He could tell that Frieza was still toying with him, as if his line about getting serious had been nothing more than a bluff to get him to fight at his highest power. It make Goku wonder if Frieza was ever going to take this fight seriously, because Rainbow could have killed him in his first form if she had the benefit of an additional year or two of training than what she currently had. Though even as that thought crossed his mind Goku tossed it aside, because at the moment he needed to focus on what was happening in front of him, especially when he was trying to hit Frieza.

He got lucky when Frieza overestimated his power and speed, as he was able to land a blow on the tyrant's cheek that sent him flying for a few seconds, though he corrected himself and rubbed the sore spot as he floated back to where Goku was. Goku, on the other hand, stared at his fist for a moment, knowing that the exchange they had just gone through had taught him a very important lesson; Frieza had more power than what he was currently using... and the lowest power of the Kaio-Ken wasn't going to help him at all. Thanks to his training on the way to Namek, and all of the fighting he had already done, he knew that he could boost the Kaio-Ken to the tenth multiplier, the highest he believed he could go without doing harm to his body... though he suspected that if it really came down to it he could always try the twentieth multiplier, which was something he didn't want to use at this point.

As Frieza came at him Goku slipped into the tenth multiplier of the Kaio-Ken and engaged his foe, to which he slammed his fist into Frieza's face, grabbed his tail, and spun him around so hard that he sent him flying into one of the plateaus on one of the nearby islands.

"Now that's what I was looking for." Frieza stated, floating back up to where Goku was, though while his tone said he was happy his face said that he was displeased with something, "Though, once again, I can tell that you are still holding back... so what's it going to take to make you pull out every ounce of your power? Oh, I know the perfect solution that will solve all of my problems... I'll just blow all of you, and Namek, to pieces with my Death Ball."

Goku recalled that Vegeta had stated that Frieza was the one that had blown up Planet Vegeta, where the two of them had been born so long ago, though now he knew that the attack used to destroy the planet was called a Death Ball, while at the same time telling him that it was an attack that he had better stop before it was even used. Though another problem came to mind; if Frieza suspected that he was still holding back, which wasn't the case at the moment, he might increase his own speed and power to make him go all out. The times ten Kaio-Ken had worked for a moment, but it seemed that his opponent might have caught on and had increased his own abilities to match what Goku had just thrown at him.

Goku gulped as he prepared himself, because now he was beginning to see why King Kai had told him not to fight Frieza in the first place, though there was no going back and stopping all of this from happening at this point.

"Or maybe I should just show you what I am capable of," Frieza said, holding his finger out in Goku's direction for a moment, though that was before he spun around and released the ki he had been gathering... to which he cut a small gash into the island below them, the islands leading away from them, and the very water itself.

Goku engaged the times time Kaio-Ken again and flew at Frieza, though this time whenever he swung his fist or his feet at his target the tyrant would simply move out of the way with a speed that Goku was unable to track. It displayed the difference in their skills, the one that had been pointed out by King Kai so many times, but at the same time he knew that he couldn't give up. Frieza had already destroyed a large number of planets, if Nappa's mail system in his pod was anything to go by, which meant that he had slaughtered millions of people, if not billions, during his existence.

After a minute or two of the same thing happening, and Goku not being able to land a single hit anymore, Frieza eventually grew bored of him and slammed his fist so hard into his chest that he went flying towards the water, where he sank beneath the waves. Goku mentally moaned as he swam towards the surface, though as he broke through the water he had to quickly dive again as Frieza started shooting ki blasts at him, ones that were designed to keep him under the water while blowing up part of the landscape around them. After a few seconds of watching the ki blasts Goku moved to the side, where Frieza wasn't aiming, and surfaced for air, though as he did so Frieza appeared above him, touched his head with his left foot, and forced him beneath the water, as if he was trying to drown him.

As Goku fought against his opponent's strength, and found himself rapidly losing air, he mentally wondered what would happen to his friends and family if he lost... to which images of Earth flashed through his mind, where he imagined everything he ever knew and everyone he loved was destroyed by the tyrant he was fighting. Those images eventually ended with the destruction of Earth in its entirety, though as it did so he could feel some kind of force pushing him to fight with all his strength... leading to a rapid expansion of his ki energy that forced the water away from him for a few seconds. He also noticed that he had pushed Frieza away as well, which was perfect for his purposes as he engaged the Kaio-Ken once more and prepared himself.

"For the future of my friends, my family, and the rest of the universe, I cannot afford to lose," Goku declared, to which he wrapped the Kaio-Ken around his body and pushed himself to the limit, "Kaio-Ken... times twenty!"

"Kaio-what?" Frieza asked, though that was swiftly followed by Goku appearing in front of him and slamming his fist into his face with enough force to send him flying towards the ground.

Goku followed Frieza for a second and then slammed his fist into his back, knocking him into the air, to which he gathered his ki and brought his hands to his side. He knew that he had one shot at this, one shot to use a times twenty Kamehameha that could potentially win the fight for him, though if he missed... he didn't want to think about that scenario.

"Ka... me... ha... me... HAAAAAA!" Goku shouted, to which he released the beam of energy and let it soar towards his target, who had enough time to correct himself before he was hit by the attack.

The resulting explosion rocked the sky as it kicked up loose rocks, while at the same time nearly blinding everyone for a few seconds, though a few moments later, when all the dust and smoke had cleared, everyone could see that Frieza was standing where he had been hit... with some smoke rolling off of his body from the impact. Goku was stunned to see that even the times twenty version of the Kaio-Ken had no real effect on his opponent, as he looked as annoyed as he had been before he used the technique... though that left him with one last trump card, the Spirit Bomb. The only way he was going to be able to pull such a move off was if he could remain standing and not anger the tyrant, but right now he knew that he couldn't ask anyone else to join in and help him out... not when everyone else was at their limits thanks to the earlier part of the fight.

"No seriously, Kaio-what?" Frieza asked, though at the same time he floated down to where Goku was at the moment, all while shaking his hand for a few seconds.

"Kaio-crap," Goku said, mainly to himself because of how little the attack had done, but it appeared that the tyrant had heard him based on the smile he was wearing.

"I thought that was what you meant," Frieza stated, to which he placed a hand on Goku's shoulder, not hard enough to break the bones while he forced him to land on the ground that was below them, "though that look in your eye tells me that you have one last trick up your sleeve before your tapped out... so what are you hiding this time? A final move of some sort?"

"Yeah... you could say that," Goku replied, not liking how his opponent could figure out these things with just a passing glance, while worrying that he wouldn't be able to pull off the attack at all, "I should warn you, it takes a few minutes to prepare before I can do anything with it."

"Is that so?" Frieza said, to which he turned towards the area that the rest of the Saiyan's group was both standing and sitting around, before he pointed at the other pony girl that was standing beside Rainbow and Vegeta, "You there, come here for a moment."

Applejack looked at the rest of the group for a moment, especially Vegeta since he knew the tyrant more than all of them combined, but as it turned out all of them were confused as to what Frieza wanted with her, so she let out a sigh, gently placed her hat in Rainbow's care, and flew over to where the two combatants were standing. She cast a look over at Goku, who was as shocked as she was at the moment, before turning her gaze to Frieza as she wondered what was going to be happening in the next few minutes.

"Your friend here says that he has some sort of last ditch move he can use against me," Frieza said, his eyes glaring at Goku for a few seconds, before he turned back to the pony girl in front of him, "one that will take a few minutes to charge before it can be used... so I thought that you and I could have a little sparring match before he's ready to play. Once he's used the attack, and I've defeated it, I will ensure that all of you suffer for your various transgressions against me... though I haven't decided who should die first between Vegeta, Rainbow Dash, and the bald one."

"Krillin." Applejack said, causing Frieza to tilt his head for a moment, as if he didn't understand who she was talking about, which was understandable considering he hadn't heard Krillin's name once since they started fighting, "The 'bald one', as you call him, is called Krillin."

"If you say so... I really don't care what his name is," Frieza stated, walking away from where Goku was standing, "Now come with me... we'll give this Saiyan some room to prepare himself, though once ten minutes have passed I'm killing all of you."

Applejack looked at Goku for a moment, who was now raising his hands into the air to prepare the Spirit Bomb, the greatest move in his arsenal, so he knew exactly what to do. She needed to distract Frieza before he realized that Goku was gathering a large amount of spirit energy to use in an attack that could potentially end this fight. She followed her opponent for a few seconds, wondering what she could do against someone that not even Goku could beat with his highest Kaio-Ken level, but based on what had been said she had to assume that this was going to be some sort of sparring session before the Spirit Bomb was ready.

When they were a good distance away from where Goku was standing, which was predetermined by Frieza, the two of them stopped and faced each other, though all Frieza did was cross his arms as he stared at her.

"I shall do you a service while we wait for him to prepare," Frieza said, a small grin appearing on his face as Applejack dropped into her battle stance, "I shall not use my hands at all... and you will be given the honor of attacking first."

Applejack gulped for a moment before charging at the tyrant and swinging her fist at him, though all Frieza did was step backwards and let her fist pass by him, and then he jumped into the air for a second as she swung her leg at him. When he landed Applejack threw a series of punches and kicks at the tyrant, intending to keep his focus on her, though she couldn't hand a single hit on her target, which was understandable considering how much power he had. She knew that she wouldn't be able to defeat the tyrant with her current power level, which was why their parents had told them to stay away from him until they were older, but right how she wasn't focused on beating him... she was focused on distracting him.

The moment Frieza landed on the ground she was on top of him, swinging her fists at him, though all he did in return was use his feet to parry her attacks like they were nothing. Once that set of attacks was over she launched herself into the Harvester's Barrage, but even as she managed to land each part of the attack she found that Frieza had blocked her the entire time, meaning that there was no use in trying to use the final part of the attack that used both of her hooves. She knew that he was playing with her, treating her like the child that she was, but she refused to grin as she pulled his attention away from Goku, because if he could see what her new friend was doing then they wouldn't be able to get away with using the Spirit Bomb.

A few seconds later Frieza slammed his leg into her chest and sent her into the rock plateau that was behind her, though this time he made no move to get closer to her.

"Come now, surely you can do better than this." Frieza said, staring at Applejack for a few seconds, who carefully pulled herself free from the rocks that she had been forced into, "Are you not going to shout and declare that you are a daughter of Beerus the Destroyer, just like Rainbow Dash has done? Are you not going to show me the same level of power that your sister displayed back when I was in my first form?"

"I may be one of Beerus' daughters, but I haven't developed something like my sister's lance," Applejack admitted, causing Frieza to raise an eyebrow at her, though she could tell that he was annoyed by what she had said, "Rainbow and I may be the same age, but right now I'm the weaker sister."

"And you are also a liar," Frieza added, glaring daggers at Applejack as she prepared herself, "Seriously, what is it with the two of you and proclaiming that your the daughters of Beerus the Destroyer? Its like you think that I'll back down the moment you say his name and declare that you are one of his nonexistent daughters... which I would only do if I had proof of your claims."

"I hate to tell you this Frieza, but I tell the truth almost all the time," Applejack said, dropping back into her battle stance as she looked at the tyrant, "and I'm not lying about this."

Frieza stared at her for a few seconds before appearing in front of her, to which he slammed his foot into her chest and caused her to cough for a second, before spinning around and sending her flying into the other plateau that was around them. Before Applejack hit it she flipped around and bounced off the stone, though she had to move to prevent Frieza from hitting her with his feet yet again, where he left a small crack in the ground as he followed after her. She didn't get too far, or even throw a few punches, before he kicked her into the ground, though judging from the small wounds she had she could tell that he was trying to make her tired so she could watch the others die first.

"You could at least put up a better fight than this," Frieza said, walking towards Applejack, who carefully picked herself up and prepared herself yet again, "I was barely using a third of my full power against that Saiyan back there, though against you I barely have to use a fourth of my power. Surely there is something in your arsenal that could do some damage?"

Applejack had no idea if anything she had learned so far could possibly do anything to Frieza at this point in time, to which she made a mental note to learn some sort of technique that was like Rainbow's lance. All she really had was the Harvester's Barrage, which had been defeated, the Kamehameha, which Frieza already knew about, and the Kaio-Ken, though that really wasn't going to help her at this point. She could use the times two Kaio-Ken, and possibly a times three if she needed it, but she couldn't pull off the level of power that Goku had used for that brief moment... not yet anyway.

Besides, she didn't need to use some sort of technique to defeat Frieza, not when she could feel the power of the Spirit Bomb growing above their heads, which was why she kept herself from smiling until she was sure it was ready.

The moment Frieza tilted his head Applejack threw herself at him, launching herself into a storm of kicks and punches that were so random that she was sure that she could keep his attention on her. Several times Frieza actually had to block her attacks with his legs, to prevent himself from taking any sort of damage, though there was the one instant where she actually managed to score a lucky hit with her left hoof. Her attack had penetrated Frieza's guard and had slammed into his chest, opening him up to whatever she wanted to do, so she threw caution to the wind and unleashed the Harvester's Barrage once more, though this time she managed to land every blow... including the finishing blow that knocked him into the plateau he had slammed her into earlier.

"That's much better," Frieza commented, pulling himself from the plateau as Applejack landed in front of him, "You know, despite all the horrid lies that you and your sister have told me, I'm going to say this once; how about joining forces with me? You can have whatever you like, so long as you use your skills to..."

That was followed by Applejack spinning around and kicking him in the chest, hard enough to make him take a few steps backwards, but that was literally all she was able to do at the moment. To be absolutely sure that she had his attention, and that he wasn't looking at anything else he he pulled himself from the plateau, she loosed a Scatter Shot at the rocks, blowing several large chunks into smaller pieces that fell on top of the tyrant. She thought that she might have gotten the better of him for a few seconds, though that was followed by the rocks being destroyed by Frieza's energy, revealing that she hadn't done anything to him.

"Rainbow already told you no, so my answer is the same," Applejack said, though as she dropped into her battle stance Frieza pulled himself free from the plateau, walked around until he was between her and Goku, and then faced her again.

"I knew that you would have declined my offer," Frieza replied, annoyance flashing on his face as he held his right pointer finger in the air, though this time it was aimed towards the sky, "though I wanted to be absolutely sure that I was correct in my thinking before I skipped right to the end and brought this entire battle to its conclusion. I'm going to skip the kill order and just obliterate all of you with one attack... along with this pitiful planet."

As the last word left Frieza's mouth a ball of black energy, with red lightning surging around it, appeared above his finger, though that was followed by him chuckling like a madman as he lifted himself into the air. Applejack remained on the ground this time and kept her eyes on the tyrant, because she was a little shocked that he still hadn't noticed the large Spirit Bomb that was literally hanging above his head. She had no idea how he hadn't noticed the light that was coming off of the massive sphere, because it almost looked like a miniature sun at this point, but she supposed that she should be grateful he hadn't noticed it yet.

After a few seconds she moved to where Goku was standing, noticing that Frieza was following her with his eyes as he rose into the air, though she made sure not to smile until she figured out how long they had until the Spirit Bomb was ready... while at the same time noticing that Goku's hands seemed to be shimmering with spiritual energy.

"How much longer until the Spirit Bomb is ready?" Applejack asked, because if it wasn't soon then they were all in trouble, and she was sure that her father, when he woke up from his slumber, would destroy the entire universe if something happened to both her and Rainbow.

"You might want to hit the deck," Goku replied, a grin appearing on his face for a few seconds, though it told Applejack exactly what she needed to know, "Let's hope this does the trick."

The moment those words left his mouth Goku brought his arms down, to which the shimmering aura that had surrounded them disappeared as the Spirit Bomb started to lower towards the ground. At the same time it started its descent Applejack and Goku threw themselves to the side, while everyone else that had seen the bomb prepared themselves for the blast wave that was sure to erupt.

Frieza, on the other hand, looked down at his opponents with a frown on his face, because the Saiyan that he had been fighting, and dominating, had thrown his hands down before he and Applejack had suddenly thrown themselves to the side of the island they were on. At first he didn't understand what they were doing, while thinking that they didn't want to see the end of Namek with their own eyes, until he eventually decided that it didn't matter. That was until he noticed a light blue glow on his left arm for a second, to which he turned to the right for a moment and noticed a massive sphere of energy that was headed towards the ground... or more accurately it was heading towards him.

Before he could even consider what to do the energy wrapped around the blast he had been preparing, the one that would have ended this planet, and devoured it like it was nothing, to which he held his hands up in an attempt to stop the attack in its tracks.

"It shouldn't be too hard to stop something like this," Frieza said, though before he could actually say anything else the large sphere touched his hands and forced him towards the ground, causing him to wonder how the Saiyan could have constructed something so powerful in the time he had given him.

As he was pushed towards the ground he noticed that the plateaus around him were falling apart and that the water was being pushed away from the place he was bound to impact, telling him that he shouldn't have played around with the Saiyan so much. Several times he thought that he could hold back the intense sphere that was pushing down on him, and get away from it before it detonated its charge, but every time he tired he found himself trapped. It was almost as if the energy was out to get him or something, which was stupid of him to even think of in such a situation, but he only grew worried as he got closer and closer to the ground that was below him.

The last thought that raced through his mind, as his back touched the ground that was below him, was that his only regret wasn't any of the numerous horrible acts he had caused since the day he was born... but rather the fact that he was dying.

Applejack and Goku braced themselves as the Spirit Bomb detonated and blinded everyone for a few moments, while kicking up some rocks and releasing a large gust of wind that rivaled one of Rainbow's lances... though when the smoke cleared they opened their eyes and spotted the massive crater that was resting in front of them. The water was rushing towards the crater, so it could fill it in and return to normal, though she was surprised by the sheer destruction of the attack, because it rivaled what Rainbow had done with the lance when they had started fighting Frieza. She and Goku sat down on the small island that they were on, the remnants of the one Goku and Frieza had been fighting on before Goku had charged the Spirit Bomb, though after a few seconds she spotted the rest of the group flying over to meet up with them.

"That was so awesome!" Rainbow shouted, landing beside her sister as everyone else gathered around Goku and Applejack, "I mean, maybe not as awesome as my lance, but it was still pretty awesome. I had no idea that you could make a Spirit Bomb that big... or do all of this damage to both Frieza and the landscape as well."

"Truth be told I had no idea I could do all of this with one Spirit Bomb," Goku admitted, a smile appearing on his face as everyone cheered for their well deserved victory over the tyrant, "but now all the people that Frieza has killed, the Saiyans, Namekians, and everyone else can rest in peace with the knowledge that the person who killed them has been taken care of."

"Let me guess what happens next," Vegeta said, a genuine smile appearing on his face, something that he had only gotten used to after being reunited with Applejack and Rainbow, "We get back on the ship you used to get here and go back to Earth... and then we can rest before we have a celebration that would make both my father, and the girls' father, proud."

"That sounds about right," Piccolo stated, a chuckle escaping from him for a few seconds, "You know, it a shame we never got to use Porunga's last wish to revive all of the Namekians that died in the last day or two, but at least most of the Namekians survived this ordeal."

"Yeah, and at least no one had to..." Krillin started to say, though as he looked in Piccolo's direction, and faced the large boulder that was behind him, he noticed something that made his blood run cold, "...h... ha... had to..."

Everyone turned their attention to where Krillin was looking and immediately noticed what he was looking at, because Frieza had somehow survived his encounter with the massive Spirit Bomb, with some cuts and bruises to show for it, and was now standing on top of the boulder with a look of pure anger in his eyes. Even the tip of his tail was missing for some reason, but that didn't do much for everyone as they stared at the tyrant, silently wondered who he was going to aim at first.

"Time to die," Frieza snapped out, glaring at all of them for a few seconds, allowing them to feel some fear as he looked over all of them, before he chose his target and loosed a Death Beam from his finger tip.

The group barely had time to register what was going on as the Death Beam passed through where they were standing, almost as if none of them had been targeted to begin with, though that was followed by the sound of Rainbow coughing for a few seconds. Everyone looked her way as she turned her gaze downwards and looked at the small hole in her chest, which was making her clothing wet with her blood. A few seconds later she collapsed on the ground and stared at both her sister and Vegeta, before she felt the last of her energy fade from her body.

"NOOOOO!" Applejack cried, tears rolling down her face as she stared at her sister's body, not believing that this was even happening at the moment, while everyone else stared at Rainbow with disbelief on their faces.

"And now I have fulfilled by promise to her," Frieza said with a hint of joy, though he followed that up by pointing his finger at the bald one, to which he grinned as he decided how to finish this particular pest off, "you, on the other hand, are next."

"What did I ever do to you?" Krillin asked, hoping that the tyrant would forget what he had done to him earlier, back when he was in his second form before they had pushed him into his final form.

"Remember my tail?!" Frieza nearly shouted, anger filling his voice for a few seconds, though at the same time he loosed another ki blast and seized the bald one in his telekinesis.

The group watched as he yanked the bald one into the air, high enough for him to be an example for everyone else, before he squeezed his hand and detonated the ki inside his body, blowing his target to pieces and causing his foes to despair. Frieza smiled as most of the remaining group in front of him had fear on their faces, except for the two Saiyans oddly enough, but he knew that he would have time to give them fear before he killed the rest of them. Despite everything that had happened to him today, where he had nearly died twice in the same day, he knew that he was going to walk away from Namek as the victor... and he was going to ensure that these fools paid the price for their actions.

Frieza was sure that Beerus would reward him, in some fashion, for presenting him with the bodies of two strange pony girls that claimed to be his daughters... all he had to do was finish off the rest of the ants that dared to oppose him, collect the bodies of the two girls, and get off this planet before he turned it into fireworks. Then he needed to find the God of Destruction and explain why he was bothering him, where he was sure to be rewarded beyond his wildest dreams for his actions.

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