• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Resurrection: The Battle Begins

After hearing that Frieza had been brought back to life, and that he wanted to spar with Goku and Vegeta on a planet that wasn't Earth, the first thing Goku did was use his Instant Transmission to get some Senzu Beans, that way they could restore their health, stamina, and their bodies in case something happened. He then bounced around the planet and told several of his friends that the person who had come to Earth searching for him and Vegeta all those years ago had returned, to which he returned with Krillin, Piccolo, Tien, Master Roshi, and his son Gohan. Tagoma and Shisami raised their eyebrows for a moment, as they honestly weren't expecting so many people to come with them, but they said nothing as they let Goku and Vegeta's party board their ship. The only people that didn't get on the ship were Beerus, his daughters, Whis, and the rest of the gods, as they intended to travel through space and arrive on the planet around the same time as the others did... though the only thing that they needed at the moment was which planet they would be heading towards.

As Krillin and Master Roshi boarded the ship, as they were the last of the group that would be traveling with the two soldiers, Tagoma noticed a message had arrived, though he smiled a little bit when he realized what it was the one that contained the coordinates for the planet they would be traveling to.

"Lord Frieza wants to meet us on Planet Aytera," Tagoma said, though at the same time he made sure that the gods heard him, as he suspected that they would want to see what was going to happen when the Saiyans fought his Lord, "You know where that planet is, correct?"

"Yes, I am familiar with where that planet is located," Shin replied, though as he spoke he turned towards Beerus, who was nodding his head at the same time, before turning his attention back to the soldier in front of them, "We'll meet you and the others on Planet Aytera in the next twenty minutes."

Tagoma nodded and returned to his seat in the cockpit, where he and Shisami started pressing buttons, which caused the door of the ship to close before they maneuvered themselves into the air for a few seconds. They let the warp systems power up for a moment or two, where the ship slowly spun around where they were resting in the air, before they warped through the air and headed towards the coordinates they had been given.

"So, what sort of planet is Aytera?" Twilight asked, as she assumed that there had to be a reason behind why Frieza picked that planet to be the battleground for him and the two Saiyans.

"Its a dead planet where life, such as people, doesn't prosper," Beerus replied, though at the same time Whis and Celestia returned to where they had been when they left his planet, indicating that they were getting ready to leave the Earth and begin the journey, "Shin and I determined that life will never grow on that planet, unless Applejack managed to create another Tree of Life, and we agreed that it should be destroyed at some point in the future... though now I'm glad that I held off on doing so in favor of teaching Rainbow and Applejack."

"Frieza's selection also speaks volumes about how much he has changed since his death," Chronoa commented, as she recalled what he had been like years ago, before the arrival of their daughters and Beerus scaring the tyrant for life, before she shook her head, "though we'll see what happens when we arrive on Aytera."

Beerus nodded his head and watched as Whis and Celestia wove their energies into the area around them, to which they surged into the air and departed from the Earth as well, though since Shin had said that they would meet Goku and the others later they didn't use his technique to travel back to his world and then teleport to Planet Aytera. As they traveled through space Beerus considered why Frieza didn't pick Planet Meka as their fighting ground, but he wondered if the tyrant knew about the Tree of Life and had changed his mind when he saw it. He had known that his brief chat with Frieza would have changed something about him, but it appeared that all the years in Hell might have made him change something else about him... which meant he had taken his words to heart.

Beerus honestly had no idea that his visit to Hell, and his threat to end Frieza's life, could have done all of this thanks to the years the emperor spent in Hell, but at the same time he was pleased to see that Frieza had changed... and hoped that the others, including his daughters, would at least give him a chance this time around.

While they moved through space, however, Beerus noticed that Twilight seemed to be taking notes on the various planets they passed by, as if she was interested in the exact layout of Universe 7, but he suspected that she was making notes of what a life baring planet looked like so she could improve her own skills when they went home. It made sense for her to be doing that, as she was making small talk with Shin as they headed towards their destination, though as he noticed that he also spotted Sunset staring at the planets as well. He had to wonder if she was recalling the planets she had destroyed so far, the three or four that had been destroyed since her ascension, but decided that it was best not to pry into what was going through her mind at the moment.

Rainbow and Applejack were oddly silent during the entire trip, something that Pinkie and Gale seemed to mimic when they noticed what the girls were doing, but Beerus suspected that they were mauling over what they had just seen and what they had just heard... but he knew that they would talk about it when they were ready.

As Shin had said it took them around twenty minutes to reach the light purple colored planet that they had been heading towards, though as they neared Planet Aytera they all noticed the ship that Goku, Vegeta, and the others had been riding in was already heading down towards the surface. Instead of guessing where Frieza was, as Rainbow and Applejack could likely feel him out now that they were close to his location now, they decided to follow the small ship and descended through the planet's atmosphere. They followed the ship down through the atmosphere and moved towards a plateau that was overlooking a ocean, which reminded Rainbow and Applejack of an area near North City, before they noticed the larger ship that definitely belonged to Frieza and his army.

A few seconds later the smaller ship landed near the larger ship, where Tagoma and the others climbed out of the ship and gathered in the area around it, to which Beerus, Sunset, and their group landed nearby as well... though not a few seconds later Beerus noticed someone floating over to where everyone was standing. It took him a moment to realize that Frieza was approaching the large group, though at the same time it was clear that he was more interested in Goku and Vegeta, who were separating themselves from the pack so they didn't endanger anyone else.

"Ah, it seems that you didn't have trouble reaching this planet," Frieza said, though at the same time he nodded his head towards Tagoma and Shisami, indicating that he was pleased with them, while at the same it appeared that there was something else on his mind, "We received a Code Ginyu a few minutes ago and your new orders are awaiting you inside the main ship, though you are free to stay and watch if you so desire. Regardless of what you decide on Sorbet wishes to stay near me and watch the fight occur, so he can see the power I have obtained."

Tagoma and Shisami glanced at each other for a few seconds, where Vegeta could tell that, despite the new system that must have been implemented after Frieza's resurrection, the soldiers were shocked to hear about the code that they had been told about, but their interest for the battle to come was hard to miss.

"Lord Frieza, to be honest we're interested in watching the fight as well," Tagoma stated, though at the same time he and Shisami raised their arms until they rested over their hearts, causing Vegeta to raise an eyebrow for a moment, as it almost appeared that the soldiers were copying the motion he and the other Saiyans did in the past.

Frieza nodded his understanding and the two soldiers returned to the little ship they had used to get the group to this planet, where they moved the ship into the larger one so it didn't accidentally get damaged during the fight, though at the same time Vegeta noticed that his friends had moved to a safe area as well. Frieza watched his greatest soldiers for a few seconds, as he already knew that Goku and Vegeta had liked detected that they were strong warriors in their own right, before he let out a sigh as he turned towards the two Saiyans. He wasn't surprised to see that literally nothing had changed to Goku, save for the fact that his gi seemed to have been changed into a more modern set, no doubt something that had been given to him by Whis. Vegeta, on the other hand, was wearing a new set of armor, something that Frieza was sure that his wife had made for him over the years, though all this knowledge was because of the reactions he had seen during their fights over the years.

He also knew that the reason neither of them were talking at the moment was because they were studying him, trying to understand what had happened to him and why his power was suddenly so much greater than it was the last time they had seen each other... though after a few seconds he approached them, where Goku raised an eyebrow and copied him as Vegeta stepped in sync with his steps.

"I can tell, without even exchanging any blows with you, that you have gained an incredible amount of power since we fought on Namek," Goku commented, while at the same time Vegeta nodded his head, as despite the fact that Frieza had come to the Earth with metallic modifications his power was roughly the same, but now they knew he was stronger.

"Thanks to the Saiyans that watch over Hell I was able to see you and Vegeta grow during your fights," Frieza said, reminding them of the observation orb that they might have known about, but even if they didn't they could easily ask Vegeta's father about it the next time they visited Asgard, "After you defeated Majin Buu I knew that the two of you were going to grow even stronger, which it appears that I was correct in assuming based on the fact that you arrived with Lord Beerus and another God of Destruction. The two of you are much stronger than you had been when we fought on Namek, that much I can plainly tell without having to use a scouter or anything like that, and I am eager to see just how strong the two of you really are."

"So, how do you want to go about this?" Vegeta asked, because while he was interested in showing Frieza the results of his training, and seeing what happened next for both himself and his companion, he worried that something terrible would be happening in the near future... especially with Frieza still walking towards them.

The two Saiyans raised their eyebrows for a few seconds as Frieza stopped right in front of them, though that was followed by them both being punched in the gut all of a sudden, as it appeared that he was attacking them while their defenses were lowered a tiny bit... but the light smile on his face indicated that this might be the new way he was planning on saying 'hello' to them, if they ever encountered each other in the future.

"Oops, sorry. My hands slipped," Frieza said, though at the same time both of the Saiyans noticed that he didn't put a large amount of power behind his punches, indicating that they might have been right in their way of thinking.

"Oh well, it can't be helped," Goku replied, but as he spoke he glanced over to Vegeta for a brief second, who understood exactly what was coming next and silently prepared himself as well, to which he placed his left hand on Frieza's shoulder as Vegeta did the same with his right hand.

That was immediately followed by the two of them sending their own fists into Frieza's gut as well, stunning him for a few seconds, but the look on his face indicated that he was actually expecting something like that to happen after his punch, but he actually smiled a little bit at that.

"Our bad, our hands slipped as well." Vegeta said, though as he spoke the three of them chuckled for a few seconds as they backed away from each other, indicating that they were all eager to see what happened when they started fighting.

"Now that we've had a bit of playful fun, its time for us to get serious," Frieza stated, to which he jumped backwards and landed on a large boulder that happened to be sticking out of the ground, one that was large enough for him to stand on without falling to the ground while he prepared to transform, "I'm going to take on my final form, the form I used when we fought on Namek, from the start and see just how well the two of you have gotten since we last fought. After a few minutes I'm sure that all three of us will be revealing the results of our training... while at the same time exciting our opponents in the process."

Goku and Vegeta nodded their heads for a moment, as they were sure that Frieza's final form would be much stronger than it had been when they fought him on Namek, but at the same time they knew that this was going to be an interesting battle them and him. A few seconds later the ground started to shake as Frieza's energy flared around him, forming an aura like what they used when they transformed into any of their Super Saiyan forms or when Rainbow and Applejack took on their Avatar forms. They watched as Frieza's purple energy flared once more as he braced himself, though after a couple more seconds he was consumed by the energy as it shot into the air, which caused the sky to darken in the process, but not to the degree of someone using the Dragon Balls to summon Shenron.

After another thirty seconds the energy surged into the air and disappeared completely, though as the smoke cleared Goku and Vegeta stared at Frieza as he emerged from the dust, where they discovered that not only had he transformed into his final form, but his power was definitely much greater than they originally thought it was.

"In... incredible." Goku commented, though at the same time he sweat a little, as he was a little surprised by the power that Frieza was putting out, something that Vegeta seemed to agree with, but at the same time it excited him, "I have no idea what sort of training you went through, but whatever it was definitely allowed you to catch up with the two of us... and we've had years of training and battles to reach our new levels."

That was followed by Goku and Vegeta preparing themselves as they channeled their base auras for a moment, where they were both surrounded by a white aura as they stared at Frieza, though at the same time they were silently gauging their opponent's strength... while preparing one of the attack patterns they had mastered over the years.

"Neither of you are going to channel any of your Super Saiyan forms?" Frieza asked, because he fully expected them to at least start at the Super Saiyan state they had earned when they fought on Namek, but at the same time he was sure that they were planning something.

"To be honest, I'm not sure that either of us need to do that yet," Vegeta replied, though this had nothing to do with being arrogant or anything, he could already tell that their powers were about equal, which meant that neither him or Kakarot had to transform yet, "but who knows, that might change in the near future."

A few seconds passed as the three of them entered their battle stances, to which the wind seemed to flow in a way that was influenced by all of their powers as they waited for something to happen, but at the same time they simply stared at each other for a few moments. When Sorbet accidentally knocked a rock off of where it had been sitting, and caused it to fall down the hill he was standing on, the three of them burst through the air and headed towards the middle of the area that they were standing in. It took them mere seconds to reach the middle of the area, where Frieza raised both of his arms and used his elbows to block the incoming attacks that were coming his way, to which he held both of the Saiyans back for a few moments before he forced them back.

That was followed by Frieza immediately targeting Goku and started throwing punches at him, where the Saiyan he had chosen parried his attacks in the process, but at the same time Vegeta came in from the right and added his attacks, which caused Frieza to simply parry those attacks while trying to avoid taking any damage. In the process he accidentally opened himself up a tiny bit, something that Goku and Vegeta clearly knew when to recognize thanks to the years of training with each other and their fellow Saiyans in Asgard. When the opening arrived the two Saiyans punched him in the chest and sent him flying into the rock wall behind him, creating a decent sized crater around him, though a few seconds passed before he burst out of the hole and raced towards his opponents once more.

As the three of them returned to the middle of the area they had started in, however, Goku and Vegeta gave Frieza a chance and either parried the attacks that were coming their way or simply dodged them when they had the opportunity to do so... while at the same time their conflicting energies caused the area around them to sink as a hole started to form below them, one that only enlarged the longer they fought in the area above it.

After an entire minute of fighting in the large crater, as that was what the hole had become during the beginning of their battle, Frieza surrounded himself in his aura once more and burst into the air, where he noticed both Goku and Vegeta were following him so they could continue the fight. When the three of them reached a decent height, however, Frieza turned around and launched an offensive against his opponents, where he started to punch and kick both of the Saiyans and forced them on the defense for the moment. This time the conflict of their energies, now allowed to flow through the air around them, caused cracks and fissures to appear in the mountains and plateaus around them, telling the observers that all three of them were strong... while at the same time Frieza noticed that his ship was being moved into the air to avoid it being crushed by the mountain collapsing on top of it.

A few seconds later one of Frieza's attacks was completely blocked by both Goku and Vegeta, who moved in unison and punched him in the chest for real, which stunned him for a moment, though that was followed by them kicking him in the same spot and send him flying towards the ground. Frieza let himself fly through the air for a few seconds, though when he got close to the cliff his ship had been resting on earlier he flipped around and caused a crater to form around him when he touched the earth. That was rapidly followed by him burst back into the air as he raced towards where his opponents were waiting for him, as they clearly wanted to see what sort of power he could call upon once they were all done warming up. When he reached them again they resumed what they had been doing a few moments ago, where the collision of their energies caused parts of the area around them to crack and fall into the water all around them... until both Goku and Vegeta knocked him away with their fists, but at the same time Frieza decided that it was time he changed the pace of the battle for the next few minutes.

Frieza grinned as he channeled some of his energy into his right hand and sent a blast of energy into the air, where he watched as both Goku and Vegeta did the same thing... to which the collision of their three energies, in the middle of the area between them, ignited a large explosion that rocked the area between them and kicked up a large amount of smoke.

As the cloud of smoke covered the area between them, however, Frieza raised his left hand as well and started shooting a storm of smaller energy blasts into the cloud, intending to use the smoke as cover so the two Saiyans wouldn't be able to react until the blasts were right in their face. As the seconds passed he watched as both Goku and Vegeta started knocking the large group of blasts away from where they were standing, though some of them went flying towards the area that Lord Beerus was standing in. Frieza immediately became worried about one of the Gods of Destruction being hit by something from their battle, but before anything terrible happened both Rainbow and Applejack moved to the front of the group and obliterated every blast that was coming their way by blasting them out of the sky... without sustaining any damage to themselves or to the rest of their group, which caused Lord Beerus and Lady Sunset to nod their heads towards the two girls for a few seconds.

In that instant Frieza wondered what sort of training the two pony girls had gone through, as it appeared that they might already be on the same level as Goku and Vegeta at the very least... and yet, at the same time, he honestly didn't want to be on the receiving end of Rainbow's lance again.

While the rest of the smoke disappeared Frieza used that opportunity to flash into the air behind them, where he put some distance between them, where he raised his hand towards the Saiyans and made sure that his palm was facing them as his energy flared. As Goku and Vegeta turned to face him, however, Frieza loosed the energy he had been gathering and allowed a decent sized ball of energy to form in front of him, before it started surging towards his intended targets, who seemed surprised for a few seconds. The two Saiyans backed away from the ball for a few seconds before they gathered their energies as well, to which they loosed their individual energy blasts, the Kamehameha and the Galick Gun, into the center of the ball... which forced it backwards after a few seconds of struggling against the power, where it headed right towards where Frieza was floating.

Frieza, seeing the ball coming back towards him, raised his arms and prepared for what was going to come next, as the ball was traveling slightly faster than what he had used when he sent it down at the two Saiyans, before it detonated as it collided with him... though a few seconds later he emerged from the smoke with a few scratch marks and some steam rolling off his arms, before he lowered his arms and stared at his opponents.

"I was right in thinking that the two of you are much stronger than what you were when you fought Majin Buu," Frieza commented, though at the same time Goku and Vegeta floated up to where he was resting, as they were interested in hearing what he had to say before they started fighting once more, "however, it appears that the time has come for all three of us to stop holding back and reveal our hands."

"No more tricks?" Goku asked, though he only mentioned it because of the smoke screen tactic Frieza had used, as this time he knew that Frieza wanted a fair fight between the three of them, "No more reserves?"

"That's what I was thinking," Frieza said, to which he stared at the two Saiyans for a moment, as he was already wondering what sort of power they could have gained since the defeat of Majin Buu, "Now then, why don't the two of you start us off by showing the results of your training?"

Goku and Vegeta grinned for a moment, as this was what they had been waiting for, before they descended towards the cliff that they had started the fight on, though when they touched the ground they noticed that Frieza landed near the edge of the cliff, right near the ledge that would allow someone to jump into the ocean around them. The two of them then closed their eyes for a few seconds, as they were remembering their training with Whis at that exact moment, while at the same time their auras transformed into the Super Saiyan aura, but this time their hair didn't change at all. They both recalled what it had been like to unlock the power of the Super Saiyan God, something that allowed them to briefly challenge Beerus and fight on equal footing for a few minutes, and focused their minds on their current task... though that was before they opened their eyes and braced themselves as they were both surrounded in a sphere of blue energy.

Frieza had to hold up his right arm to cover his eyes for a few seconds, though as the light started to fade he noticed the faint outline of both Goku and Vegeta emerging from their spheres, to which he watched as the energy broke away from the area around them and literally off of their bodies. It almost looked like the energy was flaking off of their bodies and their clothing, though that was before the two Saiyans were standing before them in what could easily be called their Super Saiyan forms, only this time around their aura, hair, eyebrows, and eyes were blue colored... and he could already tell that their power was much greater than before.

"So, what do you two call this form?" Frieza asked, though at the same time he was excited, because this was the reason why he wanted to see how strong they were and spar with them, and they weren't disappointing him at all.

"Honestly, we don't have a name for it," Goku replied, to which he glanced over at Vegeta and noticed that he had also succeeded in going through the transformation, before turning back towards Frieza once more, "I know you don't care much for long stories, but both Vegeta and I got a taste of something called Super Saiyan God about a year ago and, thanks to our intense training, we have learned to tap into that power. I guess that this information would make this form the 'Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan' transformation, or something along those lines."

"That sounds like a mouthful," Frieza commented, to which he raised his hands to his chin in thought, as he was considering a shorter name that matched the other forms the two Saiyans had used over the years, before something came to mind, "How about you call this Super Saiyan Blue?"

Vegeta and Goku looked at each other for a few seconds, as they were shocked that Frieza was the one coming up with an interesting name for their new form, but at the same time the two of them smiled as they turned back towards their opponent, who smiled in turn when he saw their faces.

"Super Saiyan Blue... that sounds much better than Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan," Vegeta said, to which he noticed a brief look of joy pass over Frieza's face, indicating that the emperor was quite pleased with the fact that they both liked his suggestion and might run with it, "Now then Frieza, what sort of power did you gain over the course of your training?"

Frieza nodded and raised his hands for a moment, where his aura flared to life around his body once more, though this time around his aura was golden colored and he was reaching for the new power he had unlocked thanks to his intense training with Tagoma and Shisami. As his power surged into the area around him the ground beneath him started to crack while lightning flashed in the sky, while at the same time his opponents stared at him with a look of curiosity in their eyes. A few more seconds passed before he brought himself to his full height and the intensity of his aura flared once more, where he was surrounded by a blinding light, just like Goku and Vegeta had been moments ago, though as that happened the area around him shattered and collapsed into the ocean below them.

Moments later Frieza emerged from the light as it died down, though at the same time Goku and Vegeta noticed that the majority of his body had turned golden colored, while his hands, his feet, and the area around his mouth appeared to have a purple color of some kind... and his power was more than either of them had been expecting it to be.

"In... incredible." Goku commented, though this time he meant it more than when he had said it when Frieza had ascended to his final form, as this form was much stronger than anything he had expected it to be.

"So this is the result of his training," Vegeta said, though at the same time he smiled for a few moments, as he knew that Frieza's new form put him on a level of power that matched what they were putting out, which meant that the next part of the fight was going to be more interesting than what they had just gone through.

"I know gold's a bit gauche, but this is the results of my training," Frieza said, though at the same time he jumped off the piece of rock he had been standing on, allowing it to fall into the water below them, before he stopped in the middle of the air and looked at the Saiyans, "Son Goku, Vegeta, come at me with everything you have... and I will show you the full extent of my new power."

Goku and Vegeta dropped into their battle stances almost immediately, though at the same time they couldn't help but grin as they wondered how their battle was going to go once they started fighting again... and they were sure that Frieza was just excited as they were at the moment.

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