• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Battle: Duel of the Elements

Beerus stood beside his daughters as they, the rest of their group, and Sunset's group flew through space, traveling to an unnamed world that was apparently like Planet Meka, before Applejack had gone and grown a Tree of Life anyway. From what he could determine the planet in question had no intelligent life, only animals that fed upon each other and kept the cycle of life going. Sunset had told them that one of the first things Twilight did after becoming the Supreme Kai of this universe was seeing everything she could see, meaning all of the various galaxies and worlds that existed across the stars, though she opening admitted that she hadn't seen everything yet... though during her searches she found this lonesome planet, with two moons, and discovered that it wasn't likely going to be getting any better.

While they flew, however, Shin asked Twilight about the various galaxies that existed in this universe, the galaxies she knew about anyway, to which she confessed that she only knew the names of three galaxies off the top of her head. Those were the Solana, Bogon, and Polaris galaxies, the same three galaxies that Sunset admitted to having been sent to by Discord when she was chasing after Starlight. That, in turn, made Shin ask what Starlight was doing in the Polaris galaxy, where he learned that she was likely dealing with more space pirates that were constantly harassing the fair people of that galaxy... to which Sunset explained that some parts of her universe were more advanced than others and had spaceships that allowed the various races to travel to new worlds and explore.

Beerus had to admit that part of this universe reminded him of Mosco's universe, as that was a universe that was intellectually advanced and had the ability to do something like what Sunset was talking about... though he kept his mouth shut and listened to what his group was being told. They learned that it had taken Sunset a number of years to get her magic back after stepping through the mirror, as Discord had given her a golden bracelet to seal away her magic, but Beerus had to mentally chuckle at the thought of someone trying to take away the power of a God of Destruction, even if that person wasn't a Destroyer God yet. Discord, who was resting at the back of the group, even admitted that the bracelet was never supposed to last for more than ten to twelve years, where it would come undone on its own, though that was before the group focused on what was heading their way.

A green and blue colored planet, one that reminded Beerus of Namek oddly enough, was resting in front of them, though as they got closer to the world, however, he and the others noticed that there had to be an active volcano somewhere on the lower half of the planet, as there was a grey blob on the planet's surface that had to represent the ash cloud. This was clearly their destination, as they started descending towards the planet's surface, though at the same time Beerus could tell that they were heading towards the upper half of the planet, where the green fields, forests, and lakes were located. He even noticed that part of the area they were heading towards had an ocean of some kind, which meant that life could have grown on this planet at some point in the future, but from what he could gather Orvus, the Supreme Kai of Time, was one of Sunset's friends and based on some information to Twilight, regarding the various planets that she was likely studying at any given point in time.

Beerus silently wondered if this planet was going to be destroyed during the fight that was going to happen in the next few minutes, though all he had to do was wait and see what occurred when Rainbow and Applejack fought Sunset with all of their might.

It took them some time to reach the area that Celestia was taking them towards, though when they reached the plateau that she must have selected some time ago, in the off chance that someone challenged Sunset, she dropped the barrier that was surrounding the group and allowed them to touch the ground. Not a few seconds later Sunset leapt into the air and floated down towards the plains that were in front of the plateau, which was followed by Rainbow and Applejack following after her. Moments later the trio touched the ground, with some distance between the two groups, while Beerus and the rest of his enlarged group prepared themselves for what was going to happen next... though at the same time Beerus kept his eyes on Sunset, so he could observe how she fought.

"We'll start whenever the two of you are ready." Sunset said, though at the same time she kept both of her hands by her side, indicating that she was prepared for whatever attacks the girls brought to bare against her.

"Rainbow, we should be careful," Applejack commented, as she had noticed something odd about how this Destroyer God carried herself, something that she couldn't believe that she had missed earlier, "she carries herself like our father does... even her battle stance mimics the one he uses the majority of the time."

"So what?" Rainbow asked, though at the same time she grinned as she stepped forward, to which she allowed her normal aura to surround her, as she didn't want to reveal her trump card just yet, "Applejack, we've trained against our father for so long that we should be able to really turn the tables on our opponent, because if she is actually using the same patterns that our father uses we'll have won this fight in no time."

Applejack thought that Rainbow was being silly and was too full on her own ability, especially since their father would have beaten them in battle if she hadn't gone and created that Tree of Life, but before she could say anything Rainbow charged through the air and raced towards where Sunset was standing. Sunset, on the other hand, simply stood there for a few seconds and waited for Rainbow to reach her, though when she was close enough Sunset sidestepped the attack and let Rainbow fly right passed her. Rainbow, seeing that she must have misjudged something about this situation, flipped around and landed on the ground, to which she charged back towards Sunset and started throwing a series of punches and kicks at her.

Some of the attacks Sunset flat out dodged, while others she actually blocked with her arms and legs, which reminded Rainbow of what their father did when his was fighting Goku and Vegeta, as he had dodged a fair amount of the attacks and blocked the majority of the remainder, while the last few he actually took and parried with his fists. Rainbow could determine that Applejack had been correct, a lot of the movements that Sunset went through while being on the defensive were the same types of moves that their father used, though she didn't know if that was common among Destroyer Gods or not. The only other God of Destruction they had met was their uncle, Champa, but Rainbow couldn't recall ever having seen him fight anyone before, so it was hard to tell what was going on at the moment.

While she was busy thinking, and not paying much attention to what her opponent was doing, Rainbow barely noticed that Sunset had moved until a fist collided with the side of her face and knocked her to the ground, to which she moaned and rubbed her cheek as she looked at Sunset for a few seconds. As Sunset approached her, however, Applejack appeared behind her and swung her fist in a downward motion, though their opponent seemed to sense what was coming and raised her left hand into the air. Not a few seconds later Sunset caught Applejack's attack and pulled her towards the ground, tossing her to where Rainbow was resting, though she remained where she was standing as the sisters stood back up and stared at her.

"Rainbow, you need to be careful in this fight," Applejack commented, knowing that her sister may not listen to her, but at the same time it was better than not trying, especially against a God of Destruction they had just met and knew nothing about, "this isn't an opponent we can just take head on without a plan..."

Applejack was, once more, cut off as Rainbow's energy flared into the area around her, forming the familiar aura that she had seen several times in the past, before the aura transformed into lightning and had several strands of energy lash out at the ground around them. She knew this move, as she had seen it being used multiple times, had explained it to Gale when she first saw it, and even fought against Rainbow when she first created the technique, though she was surprised that Rainbow was pulling it out already. A few moments later Rainbow flexed her arms and the aura solidified around her, to which she touched the ground with her hoof and raced forward, bursting through the air as she zeroed in on where Sunset was standing.

This time around Sunset raised her hand up and caught the punch that was coming her way, to which the ground shook around her and Rainbow as their energies came into contact with each other, though Rainbow was a little surprised to find that her target was unfazed by the lightning that was coursing around her body. That was quickly followed by Sunset lifted her right leg into the air and striking Rainbow in the chest, knocking her backwards into the air for a moment, though Rainbow refused to go down so quickly and repeated the her earlier attack with different end points. Every time she aimed for something different, be it Sunset's back, her legs, her head, or even one of her arms, Sunset seemed to be able to pinpoint where she was going to strike and caught her attack in its track, before hitting her in return.

Once her last attack failed Rainbow returned to the ground near Applejack and switched off the technique she had been using, before she stared at their opponent and growled for a few seconds.

"That was an interesting technique," Sunset commented, though at the same time she lowered her hand and stared at Rainbow, while making sure to keep her eye on Applejack as well, "what do you call that technique?"

"Its the Thunder God's War Cry," Rainbow said, though while a part of her was pleased to hear that her opponent found her technique to be interesting, she was also annoyed that her speed boost had done nothing to aid them in bypassing Sunset's defenses, "I've got some more techniques in store for you!"

Rainbow's lightning came to life once more and wrapped around her right arm, creating her Lightning Blade attack, though before her opponent could do anything else she burst into the air and raced towards where Sunset was standing. This time around, however, Applejack charged through the air as her own energy gathered around her right hand as well, to which the two of them approached their opponent from both sides, because if Sunset dodged Rainbow's attack she would back up into her attack. This meant that if one of them missed with their attack the other could hit their target, which meant that the battle was going to turn in their favor and weaken Sunset's chances at beating them, if not making it impossible for her to win.

Sure enough Sunset sidestepped Rainbow's attack and let it pass by her, though as Applejack approached her from behind, and prepared to attack her with her attack, Sunset also moved out of the way and dodged the second attack, forcing Applejack to cancel her attack and slide under Rainbow... while at the same time they noticed that Sunset was watching them.

"Rainbow, before you do anything crazy, just listen to me for once," Applejack said, though at the same time they stopped themselves and stared at their opponent, while she noticed that Rainbow was actually looking at her, "We need to pick up the pace and show her what we're really made of, because at the rate we're going we're never going to hit her."

"Right," Rainbow replied, to which she steeled herself and released all the power she had been holding back, because by now they had determined that half of their full power wasn't enough to even deal with Sunset, though at the same time Applejack did the same thing, "Prepare yourself, Sunset Shimmer, because now neither of us are holding back anymore."

Sunset raised an eyebrow as both Rainbow and Applejack flew towards her at the same time, though this time around she started parrying the attacks that came her way, instead of flat out dodging them like she had done earlier. Rainbow was happy this time around, as she managed to slip a fist passed Sunset's defenses and slammed her fist into her target's face, knocking her backwards for a moment. Rainbow seized the chance that revealed itself and went on the offensive, following after Sunset and slamming a series of punches and kicks into her target, though after a few seconds Applejack joined her and moved through the series of attacks that made up the Harvester's Barrage... before slamming both of her hooves into her target's chest and knocking her into the ground.

As the crater formed around Sunset, however, Rainbow and Applejack gathered their ki into their hands and loosed a pair of Kamehemeha's at the crater, causing it to widen as the attacks slammed into Sunset and exploded, before the two of them landed on the rock wall that was overlooking the crater.

"How do you like that?" Rainbow shouted, as she felt much better than she had been at the start of this fight, because it appeared that Discord had been right, they were definitely stronger than a God of Destruction that only had four years of experience backing her.

Sunset burst out of the smoke and landed in front of the crater, though as she landed the girls watched as she stood straight for a few seconds and dusted off herself for a few seconds, revealing that none of her godly attire had been harmed by their attacks. A few seconds later she looked up at Rainbow and Applejack for a moment, to which they stared down at her in return, though this time she made no move to approach them just yet, rather she brought her hands together and focused her energy for a few seconds. Applejack raised an eyebrow for a moment, because she could feel the change in their opponent's energy and had to wonder what was coming next, though at the same time Rainbow raised her arms and dropped into her battle stance.

A moment passed before Sunset sucked in some air and started blowing her breath towards Rainbow and Applejack, but what came their way was a large mass of fire, telling the girls that Sunset was trying to burn them with her attack. A few seconds later Applejack pressed her hands against the ground and willed the earth beneath her and Rainbow to rise, which was followed by a wall of earth rising between them and Sunset. She had just enough time for the wall to rise passed where she and Rainbow were standing before the wave of fire struck it, to which she held her ground and gave Rainbow enough time to get away before the fire pieced the wall. Once the wall had been pierced Applejack disconnected from it and backed away from where she had been standing, though the clash of their powers revealed that Sunset preferred to use fire over the other elements... and that she was holding back her power to avoid crushing them.

Applejack had to wonder how much power their opponent was using, along with the other types of powers she might possess, but before she could do anything Sunset appeared in front of where she was heading and punched her in the face, knocking her back towards the ground. As Applejack hit the ground Rainbow joined her a few seconds later, indicating that their opponent wasn't messing around and was testing their skills at the moment, but that meant that she had no idea what sort of power the two of them possessed. At the same time, however, Applejack knew that they couldn't underestimate Sunset, because she had called her fire into existence and burned a hole in her earth wall in a matter of seconds... though when she looked at the front of the wall of earth, however, she found that a good deal of the plains that rested in front of the wall had been charred by the fire breath.

The sisters stared at the charred area for a few seconds, spotting several small patches where the flames were still standing, before they turned towards Sunset, who was standing straight once more.

"That was my Fire Breath," Sunset commented, though at the same time she shrugged her shoulders, indicating that she didn't care too much about naming this sort of attack, "its also the lowest form of that particular attack, as I call the next rank 'Dragon's Breath'. Now that we have started fighting for real, and are showing each other our attacks, allow me to show you some more before the battle comes to an end."

The moment she said that Sunset flew towards where Rainbow and Applejack were standing, though at the same time her energy weaved into the air around her and fireballs, about twice the size of her head, started to appear above her head as she closed the distance to her targets. When she had enough fireballs she started throwing them at her targets, where Rainbow and Applejack moved out of the way and separated from each other, meaning that their next tactic was for her to focus on one of them and ignore the other. She didn't mind having to fight the girls like this, because the last time she got into a fight like this was against only a single opponent, though she wasn't counting her training with Celestia, so she was eager for a challenge. Of course the fireballs ended up leaving small burning holes in the ground, though that was a small price to pay considering that she was still testing their strength... as she wanted them to really get serious, and use their hidden power, before she upped her own power.

Out of the corner of her eye she noticed Rainbow launching something into the air, though it rapidly disappeared when it pierced the clouds, to which she paid it no mind as she flew down towards Applejack and threw the rest of the fireballs at the ground around her, stopping her in her tracks.

Applejack frowned as she turned towards Sunset, who noticed that her hands were surrounded by the same energy she had tried to hit her with earlier, before the two of them started swinging their fists at each other and the ground around them quaked as their energies collided with each other. While they were doing that Applejack also tried blasting Sunset with several small ki spheres, where she noticed that the Destroyer God replied with the same type of attack and caused smoke to fill the area between them. She already knew what her sister was doing, she was making sure her ultimate attacks were ready while she stalled Sunset, though this time around Applejack was more than willing to make sure that their opponent couldn't see the attacks coming until it was too late.

Unfortunately keeping Sunset occupied was going to be a full time job, meaning that she wasn't going to be able to carve the four symbols into the ground so she could summon the Primordial Dragons, but Applejack was fine with that as long as Rainbow's attacks hit their mark.

Applejack raised her arm into the air and blocked the incoming punch with her hand, feeling the ground beneath her crack under the pressure of their energies colliding, but this time around she kicked Sunset backwards and forced her further away from where Rainbow was working. What worried her was that Sunset was so willing to follow her and add more fire to their fight, meaning that she was either fully aware of what Rainbow was planning or she had no idea and was simply trying to take one of her opponents out. She, much like her father and the rest of their group, knew next to nothing about this particular God of Destruction, which meant that everything she did was going to be new to them... especially when some of the flames coiled together and formed some sort of small serpent that wanted to burn her, though it exploded when it came into contact with the ki sphere that Applejack shot at it, raining the ground with more flames.

After another moment or two Applejack flipped over and landed on the ground, though when Sunset did the same thing the two of them stared at each other for a few seconds, as if they were daring the other to make the first move and were simply biding their time until the other broke the stalemate.

"I see that you are skilled in the art of using fire," Applejack commented, hoping that by talking for a few minutes she could buy Rainbow the time she needed to complete the Lightning Lance, which would in turn empower the storm that was slowly building above their heads.

"Oh, I'm skilled in using all the other elements as well, but my affinity for fire is the strongest of them all," Sunset replied, though at the same time she glanced over towards the watchers, as she already knew that she and Twilight were sort of the same, they soaked knowledge in like a sponge and knew more about the various elements than most ponies, save for Celestia and Luna, "though second to that is my magic, basically the equivalent of whatever energy you and Rainbow are using at the moment. Trust me on this, you don't want to see what sort of powers I can use when I choose not to use a specific element, as the results can be rather destructive... and I could easily take out one of the moons that orbit this planet in the process."

Applejack knew that Sunset's affinity had to be for fire, if what she had seen so far was any indication, and she wasn't surprised to hear that their opponent could use her energy in a similar fashion to what they had done earlier, but what worried her was that it appeared that there was more to Sunset's power than what they were seeing. Fortunately she was sure that this fight was going to be over quickly, because she could see Rainbow putting the finishing touches on the Lightning Lance. She could feel the energy in the air as the weapon crackled, felt the ground hum with her sister's energies pulsing through the stones, and knew that, with Sunset not even paying attention to what was going on behind her, that the lance would hit its target and end this fight before they witnessed how strong Sunset's full power really was.

This time around Rainbow appeared to learn from her past mistakes about informing her opponent that the lance was ready, because this time she lifted her arm back and sent the lance flying towards where Sunset was standing, destroying the ground around it as it rapidly zeroed in on where her target was standing. Applejack, seeing the attack coming thanks to where she was standing, prepared to jump out of the way the moment the lance struck Sunset in the back... but she, and everyone that was watched, weren't prepared for what happened next. Sunset spun around and raised her left leg into the air, which was followed by her literally kicking the lance near where the tip was located, though the force of her kick knocked the lance off course and sent it flying out over the nearby ocean, where it detonated when it connected with the surface of the water.

The three of them held their ground as they resisted the wind that erupted from the attack, though at the same time Rainbow and Applejack were shocked by what had happened in front of their eyes... while Sunset merely lowered her leg back to the ground and stared at them.

"She... she KICKED the Lightning Lance without having it detonate on her?!" Beerus asked in disbelief, though at the same time he knew that Rainbow had to be as shocked as he and the others were, especially since they knew the power that her attack commanded.

"You say that like Rainbow's thrown that attack at opponents who stand still and take it," Twilight commented, as she was surprised that the God of Destruction for Universe 7 would even say something like that, while noting that his tone suggested that Rainbow's used the attack more than a few times over the years, though that was before she noticed that Beerus' group was staring at her, "What?"

"Everyone she's used the attack on have taken it head on," Vegeta said, remembering all the times he and the others had seen Rainbow use the Lightning Lance, though this was the first time that the attack had outright failed to hit her target, "sorry, we're just shocked that there's someone that can knock the lance off course without it exploding when it was struck down."

Twilight raised an eyebrow for a moment, wondering what sort of opponents Rainbow had fought that would allow her to use that attack on them and not do a thing to stop it from touching them, before she turned her attention back to the fight that was happening in front of them. She could tell that Rainbow was also shocked by what had happened, which she guessed that she understood considering what Vegeta had said, though at the same time she wondered what was going through Rainbow's mind at the moment. A few seconds passed, where Twilight believed that Rainbow was coming to terms with that had happened, before Rainbow's energy flared and wrapped around her, though this time her aura took on the same coloration of the destruction energy that Sunset used when she wanted to erase or destroy something.

"It appears that Rainbow has decided to stop playing around," Whis commented, while at the same time noticing that Celestia, Twilight, and Luna were surprised by what they were seeing, though Discord simply smiled and summoned some popcorn, indicating that he either knew what was happening or didn't and was enjoying himself.

Rainbow growled as she jumped into the air and let the energy she was gathering surround her once more, to which she was surrounded by a glowing sphere of dark purple energy, though at the same time she knew that her friends and family knew that this had been coming since the battle started. A few moments later she broke out of the sphere and let the area around her shake for a few seconds, giving the gods of Universe 13 the chance to see her in all her glory when she accessed the Avatar of Destruction state. She could tell that the new gods she had met were shocked and surprised by what they were seeing, though at the same time she noticed that Sunset had raised an eyebrow and was staring at her... though Rainbow had no idea if Sunset was trying to wrap her head around what she was seeing or if she was interested in testing this form out.

"So this is your full power," Sunset said, though at the same time a light smile appeared on her face, telling Rainbow which path she had decided on, while raising her arms for a few seconds, "Tell me, Rainbow Dash, what do you call this sort of transformation?"

"This is something that our father calls the Avatar of Destruction," Rainbow replied, though as she spoke she dropped into her battle stance, but she also had to smile as she noticed what else was happening behind her opponent, "though I'm not the only one that can transform into a state like this."

Sunset would have opened her mouth to say something, though as she prepared to do so a light blue light started shining behind her, to which she turned around and noticed that Applejack was surrounded by another sphere of energy, one that was light blue. A few moments passed before the light faded and let Applejack touch the ground once more, though that was when Sunset noticed that Applejack was wearing the same sort of clothing that Twilight was wearing, along with the earrings as well. From what Rainbow had said, and the fact that her attire mimicked what a God of Destruction wore, she had to assume that this meant that Applejack was using the Avatar of Creation state... though she honestly had no idea what this meant for their battle.

"So, an Avatar of Creation," Sunset said, beckoning to the state that Applejack was using at the moment, before turning and doing the same thing to Rainbow's look, "and an Avatar of Destruction. I won't ask how you obtained these states, or the powers that you now command, as that would distract the two of you from finishing the fight, so let's pick up where we left off."

Rainbow raced down towards where Sunset was standing and threw her right fist at her target, though at the same time Applejack charged at Sunset from the side and swung her left leg in a kicking motion. Sunset, on the other hand, raised her right hand into the air and caught Rainbow's fist before it could hit her face, while at the same time raising her left leg and stopped Applejack's attack in its tracks. The ground around them shook as their fists and legs collided with each other, though instead of giving up and retreating Rainbow and Applejack went on the offensive, intending to not give their opponent a chance to fight back or use any of the other powers that she had access to.

This time around Rainbow had to grin, as despite the fact that Sunset was able to keep up the pace with the two of them, while in their Avatar states no less, she couldn't guard against the two of them forever and the sisters started scoring hits on their opponent. Rainbow was able to punch Sunset's face and knock her into one of Applejack's kicks, sending her flying through the air before she and her sister ganged up on their opponent again, who simply continued to punch and kick while defending herself against the attacks that were coming her way. As they moved over the ground, however, their attacks either caused the earth beneath them to quake under the collision of their energies or outright created craters in their wake.

Applejack, on the other hand, was still worried about whatever their opponent was planning, because earlier it had been harder for them to land even a single hit and now they were suddenly landing a great deal of them, despite the fact that none of their blows were doing any lasting or serious damage to Sunset.

After another two to three minutes of the fight going on like this Rainbow and Applejack heard the sound that they were waiting for, the sound of thunder that indicated that the storm cloud had reached its maximum capacity and was nearly finished forming the Wrath. Once they heard the sound that they had been waiting for they backed away from Sunset and left her standing in the middle of the plains, though as Rainbow headed towards the clouds, so she could put the finishing touches on her attack, Applejack moved around the area and started carving the four symbols into the ground. One thing that Applejack discovered, just from being in this form, was that she could actually connect to the primordial elements that shaped all the worlds she had been on and call upon them at a much faster rate, though that only worked in this form... which meant that she could pull the Primordial Dragons together without having to waste the opportunity Rainbow's Wrath was going to provide.

Sunset stared up at the sky as the rain started to pour, though while she knew that such a thing was common for this planet to do she also knew that Rainbow and Applejack must have sped up the process to form whatever attack they were planning on using next. That was quickly followed by Rainbow raising her hand towards the storm cloud that was above them, which was when a long serpent, one that looked like a dragon she mentally told herself, pulling itself from the clouds until it wrapped around Rainbow, as if it was protecting her. Before Sunset could raise an eyebrow at that she felt the ground shake and noticed four glowing symbols, one in each of the four directions from where she was standing, floating in the air. She watched as the one closest to the ocean called upon the water and formed a watery version of the serpent that was hanging in the air, while the symbol closest to the charred portion of the plains formed a fiery serpent, to which the third symbol, which was close to where the others were standing, pulled the wind around it, leaving the final symbol to construct a serpent made out of the ground they had been fighting above.

Sunset smiled as she took in the five dragons, for that was what these serpents had to be, and the various elements that they were made up of, finding that Rainbow's dragon had been darkened by her destruction energy while Applejack's dragons seemed to be glowing with her creation energy.

"Sunset Shimmer!" Rainbow shouted, though as her hand twitched her Wrath started to fly back up into the clouds that rested above her head, while at the same time noticing that the Primordial Dragons were ready to go as well, "Begone with the thunder clap!"

With that said Rainbow swung her hand down towards Sunset as Applejack did the same with her hand, to which the Primordial Dragons surged towards where Sunset was standing, but at the same time Rainbow intentionally kept the Wrath from leaving the cloud for a few more seconds. Sunset seemed preoccupied with the four dragons that were already approaching her, though when they got close enough Rainbow released her power and the Wrath burst out of the clouds, where it rapidly descended towards where her target was standing. She and Applejack then had to cover their eyes as the attacks came into contact with Sunset, creating the explosion that happened whenever they merged these two attacks together and blasting a large crater into the ground.

Rainbow grinned as she descended towards the ground and landed near where her sister was standing, to which the two of them stared at their handiwork as they waited for Sunset to appear and make her next move so they could finish this fight. Through the smoke they could see some energy wrap around Sunset's body, or at least they through it was her body, before she spun around and swung her arm at them, to which a blue wave of energy, shaped like a thin crescent wave, erupted from the smoke and headed towards where they were standing. Rainbow and Applejack then jumped out of the way and let the attack fly by where they had been standing, to which they watched as it raced towards the ocean that had been resting behind them... though when the wave disappeared they discovered a large cut in the ground that went from where Sunset was standing and traveled all the way out into the ocean, allowing the water to fill the gap that her attack had left behind.

As they refocused on their opponent, however, Rainbow noticed that there seemed to be some parts of her attire that were covered in dust, no doubt from the two attacks colliding against her, though she didn't seem phased by the combined might of their attacks... rather she seemed pleased to have the pleasure of fighting such strong opponents.

"What... was that attack?" Applejack asked, though at the same time she was fortunate that she and Rainbow had avoided the attack, because it had done a great deal of damage to the ground and could have easily done the same thing to them if they hadn't jumped out of the way.

"Its my 'Crescent Fang' attack," Sunset replied, to which she waved a hand and the remainder of the smoke broke apart, though that was followed by her staring at the two of them, "I gathered my energy into my right hand and focused on transforming a very small portion of it into the shape of a blade, though the rest of it is used to actually power the attack. Trust me on this, the power I used to create that attack was nowhere near as strong as it could have been and nowhere near as fast as I could have made it."

"Does that mean that you aren't taking this fight seriously?" Rainbow inquired, though at the same time that fact annoyed her, because she and Applejack had been fighting with all of their might and it appeared that their opponent wasn't even doing the same thing in return.

"Oh, I am taking this fight seriously," Sunset answered, though at the same time she sensed that Rainbow was annoyed, which meant that there might be one last power the girls hadn't tried out or they were getting close to admitting defeat, "but at your current level I only need to use fifty percent of my power to fight the two of you. I'm not about to go out of my way and completely overpower you and Applejack, especially since it appears that the two of you have already hit your limits."

Rainbow growled as she looked down at Sunset Shimmer, because while she knew that they were fighting at the highest level of power they had, as she had no idea if they could combine their Avatar states with the Kaio-Ken for an added boost, she did recall one technique that might given them the edge they needed. She braced herself for a moment and reverted back to her normal state, allowing her gi to return as Sunset raised an eyebrow at her, though at the same time Applejack nodded her understanding and repeated the motion. Together the sisters jumped backwards and landed on the ground, with the required distance resting between them, before they made sure that their energy levels were exactly the same... to which they raised their hands into the required positions and started moving through the motions of the Fusion Dance.

"Fu..." the girls said, moving towards each other until their arms were almost touching, followed by the "...sion" stage of the motions that required them to pull their arms over their chests and raise one of their legs up, before they let out the "HA!" part of the Fusion Dance and pulled themselves into the required motion... to which the two of them were once more consumed by the light as they merged themselves together.

Sunset stood her ground as the two girls were consumed by the light they were generating, though at the same time she could see two silhouettes merge into one entity as the ground violently shook under the power that Rainbow and Applejack were generating. When the light faded, and the ground finally stopped shaking, Sunset could see that the girls were no longer standing where they had been a few moments ago, though in their place stood someone that she had never seen before. The warrior in front of her had Rainbow's body structure, which she based on the blue coloration that the warrior's body had, while at the same time possessing Applejack's facial features and her hair style, though while the warrior's hair was light olive colored there were several cyan colored streaks in her hair that resembled lightning bolts. Sunset noticed that the warrior was wearing some sort of vest that was dark purple colored, with a golden yellow colored collar, though beneath the collar rested the top section of a body suit... though it was cut off to cover the upper area of her chest, leaving her stomach open, and didn't touch the warrior's arms.

Sunset also noticed that the warrior was wearing a cyan colored sash, though that was followed by her staring at the warrior's eyes for a moment, because each of the warrior's eyes had their own individual color... her left eye was green colored, like Applejack's eyes, while her right eye was reddish pink colored, just like Rainbow's eyes. Sunset could also feel the energy coming from the warrior and smiled, because it seemed that Rainbow and Applejack's last trump card had been to meld their powers together, creating a powerful warrior that might actually push her further than the girls could on their own.

"I am neither Rainbow Dash or Applejack... I am Raijack," the warrior said, her voice sounding like a perfect unison of both Rainbow and Applejack's voices, though at the same time she frowned as she looked at Sunset, "Its over Sunset Shimmer, I've come for you!"

Sunset chuckled to herself for a moment as she raised her hands and dropped into her own battle stance, as it sounded like Raijack wasn't planning on messing around... to which she braced herself and prepared for whatever her opponent had planned for her.

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