• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Resurrection: Strange Reunion

Four months had passed since Shenron had been summoned and granted whatever three wishes the person that had gathered them wanted, though this was something that Bulma knew thanks to the fact that she had seen the signs like the rest of the Z Warriors and had gotten word of the event from Piccolo. From what she could tell, after asking her friends if any of them had used the wish granting spheres, someone else had finally found the seven Dragon Balls and used them for something other than saving the world. She was sure that Shenron was pleased that someone else found the spheres, as he had to be getting tired of her friends gathering them all the time, though that only made her wonder who had gathered the spheres and what sort of wish they had granted.

Despite the fact that Shenron had been awoken from his slumber, however, Bulma continued her life as normal while she tried to figure out what was going on, as she got a sense of dread over the fact that she didn't know what was going on at the moment... and she worried that something terrible might be coming towards Earth.

At the moment she happened to be working on improving the existing technology, as she usually did, and trying to come up with new inventions that would improve the lives of the people around the world, something that was hard at times when she considered the existing devices. While she was working on her projects, and double checking all of her equations and schematics, Goten and Trunks were busy playing in the yard, though she insisted on them playing around like children instead of training like the warriors they were on the inside. There were times where she wanted to curse the Saiyan cells that both of the kids had in their blood, but then she remembered all the good that Vegeta and Goku had done since they arrived on Earth and cast the thought aside entirely.

The Saiyans were warriors of justice and they had righted wrongs across the universe until they had been nearly drove to extinction by one man, so she sighed as she went back to her work and let both Goten and Trunks continue playing whatever game they were playing... until both of them entered the area she was working in and interrupted her work, though when she saw the looks on their faces she knew that something was up.

"Is something wrong?" Bulma asked, though at the same time she set down her tools and covered up what she was working on, as she wasn't even remotely close to having it presentable and didn't want anyone else to see it until it was closer to being complete.

"There's someone called Jaco waiting outside," Trunks said, to which he pointed at the doorway they had come from, indicating that the person he was talking about was waited near the building they were in, "He said he's a Galactic Patrolman... or something like that anyway. All I know is that he's got this uncool pose that he showed us when he revealed who he was."

Bulma's ears perked at the mention of the name, as she knew Jaco and remembered the pose that she had original labeled as 'uncool' in the past, to which she beckoned for Trunks to take her to the new arrival and followed both him and Goten outside the workshop. From there they walked towards the small lake like body of water that rested near her the Capsule Corp building, though it took her a few seconds to spot Jaco's ship resting on the ground, the ship that looked like a ladybug that was resting on a leaf and wasn't spreading its wings. A few seconds later she spotted Jaco standing on a rock as he waited for her arrival, indicating that he must have something important to tell her... though at the same time she found that he looked the exact same since she had last seen him.

Jaco was a humanoid alien with a light blue colored head, save for his purple colored scalp that still resembled an 'm' if you looked at it close enough, though at the same time he had yellow colored eyes and the rest of his body was purple colored, the same as his head. Bulma could also tell that Jaco was wearing the same uniform he had been wearing the last time they had seen each other, had a holster for his laser gun, a pouch that contained something else, and he happened to be wearing something over his ears, which was either a new type of radio or a new communicator.

"Hey Jaco!" Bulma called out, though as Jaco turned to look at her, along with Goten and Trunks, Bulma waved her hand above her head, so he could find them quickly, "Its been a long time. Trunks told me that you were looking for me and wanted to speak to me as soon as possible. So, what made you come all the way to Earth to talk with me?"

"Is it true that you are friends with the people that defeated Frieza?" Jaco asked, though his tone indicated that his question was important, while at the same time stirring some of Bulma's memories in the process.

"Yeah. I know of three people that defeated Frieza in battle," Bulma replied, though at the same time she smiled for a moment, as she remembered exactly who had killed the tyrant when he came to Earth, "and one of them is my son Trunks... or rather the future version of my son, who came back in time, thanks to a time machine that he and the future version of myself made, to stop something terrible from happening."

"'Who came back in time'," Jaco repeated, to which some sweat rolled down the side of his head for a few moments, as he could not believe what he was hearing at the moment, "You said that like it was nothing at all. Altering time is against the rules of the galaxy! The punishment for such a thing could be losing your planet if you are caught!"

"I wouldn't worry about that Jaco," Bulma commented, to which she turned her smile towards Jaco, as there was something that he clearly didn't know about and could easily change everything about the time law he was talking about at the moment, "after all, my friends and I are friends with Chronoa, the Supreme Kai of Time, and she personally allowed the change in the timeline to continue existing."

"Chronoa? She's nothing more than a myth," Jaco replied, though at the same time he shook his head, as this wasn't helping his situation at the moment, before he glanced at the young Trunks for a few seconds, "Though in order to defeat someone like Frieza... your Earthling son must be an impressive warrior."

"Oh, he's not a full Earthling like I am," Bulma said, though she couldn't fault Jaco for thinking that, because not a lot of people, save for her friends and the entirety of Asgard, knew who she was married to, "Trunks is part Saiyan, just like my husband Vegeta."

"Vegeta... as is Prince Vegeta, from Planet Vegeta and the son of King Vegeta?" Jaco asked, though at the same time he had to contain his joy, because he knew that the Saiyans had suddenly changed from evil warriors and became the most righteous warriors in the entire universe, before their downfall, "Are you referring to that Vegeta?!"

"That's correct." Bulma replied, though she wasn't surprised to hear that someone else knew who her husband was, because before before the destruction of his home planet the Saiyan race had been well known throughout a good portion of the universe.

"Oh, I've got something I want to ask him when I get the chance," Jaco said, to which he shook his head for a few seconds before he turned towards Bulma once more, as he wanted to get to the reason behind why he had come to Earth in the first place, "Anyway, who were the other two people that defeated Frieza?"

"They would be my husband and my friend Son Goku," Bulma answered, though at the same time she noticed that the look of joy on Jaco's face had only grown when she mentioned that Vegeta had help defeat Frieza, "and, before you ask, Goku is also a Saiyan... and Goten there is also half Saiyan like Trunks."

"I see... well, that changes nothing," Jaco said, though this time his tone indicated that he was ready to reveal why he had come to Earth in the first place, something that peaked Bulma's interested, "Anyway, I need to talk to both your husband and this Son Goku."

"Well, that would have been a problem, since they're both on Beerus' planet training at the moment," Bulma stated, though at the same time she reached into her pocket and pulled out a special mirror, as it was something that Chronoa had given her so she could speak with Vegeta and Goku on the few days that they didn't come back home from their training, "but thanks to this mirror I'm able to send a message to Chronoa and I should be able to give her whatever message you wanted to give Vegeta and Goku. So, what's the message you wanted to give them?"

"Frieza has been revived and he's heading towards Earth with a large amount of his soldiers," Jaco declared, recalling what he had seen earlier and knew that Bulma would know exactly what to do with this information now that she had it, once she got over her fear anyway, "and, from what we discovered, he was likely brought back four months ago."

"Oh... so that was one of the wishes that Shenron granted," Bulma said, though now that she knew the message she could easily pass it on, as she was sure that both Vegeta and Goku would want to come back once the person that blew their planet to pieces arrived on Earth, "So, when will Frieza and his soldiers arrive on Earth?"

Before Jaco could tell Bulma how bad the situation is, since time was of the essence at the moment, he heard the sound of another ship entering the area around them and looked into the sky, where he spotted one of Frieza's circular ships coming towards where they were standing. One thing that Jaco immediately noticed was that this ship was one of the smaller ships that Frieza's forces used to send small groups down to a planet to scout an area out, though as it landed on the ground nearby he and the kids raised their fists as they prepared for battle. A few seconds passed before the ship landed and powered down, indicating that someone had arrived, though as the door opened the group got their first look at who was invading their planet. Jaco found that it was two people, a purple-grey colored humanoid alien by the name of Tagoma and a tall red skinned humanoid alien called Shisami... who happened to be two of the strongest fighters in Frieza's new army.

At that moment, without any powerful warriors on their side, Jaco knew that they were in trouble, but at the same time he was happy to find that Frieza wasn't on the ship that had come down to this planet.

"So, this is what Earth looks like," Shisami commented, though at the same time he looked around the area they had landed in, before noticing who was standing in front of him and Tagoma, to which he raised a hand towards them, "Peace Earthlings, we did not come to wage war with your people."

"Is... is that so?" Bulma said, as she was surprised to find that someone that served Frieza, who was known to destroy planets whenever he desired, would even say something about peace, "Then... what can we help you with?"

"Lord Frieza is busy putting the finishing touches on the new orders he's giving our army, thus he cannot come to Earth for some time," Tagoma replied, though at the same time he tapped a button on his visor scouter and a mechanical device, which was basically what would pass for a mirror on this planet that could float around, emerged from the ship and floated down to them, "so he sent us in his stead, though our mission is to establish communication with Son Goku and Vegeta. Our Lord wishes to speak with them about something important for a few seconds, and maybe challenge them to a sparring match in the process, but before that happens he would like to get the conversation out of the way."

Bulma stared at the mechanical device for a few seconds, which looked like a full body mirror that was attached to a device that allowed the mirror to fly around at the beck and call of whoever controlled the machine, though at the same time she could tell that the device didn't reflect anything back at them. That meant that it was designed with the purpose of allowing someone to chat with whoever was on the other side of the mirror, no doubt standing or sitting in front of the one this was supposed to connect to. As Bulma thought about it she knew that the person they would be chatting with would be Frieza, based on what the two soldiers had said, though at the same time she wondered what sort of game was being played on them at the moment... and wondered what sort of orders Frieza could be giving his soldiers, as the last time the tyrant had come to Earth he had no problem setting aside everything and focused solely on his revenge.

Something odd was going on, of that she was sure, though at the same time she gripped the crystal that she was holding and stared at the two soldiers for a few seconds... as she was sure they weren't going to like what she was about to tell them, if they were anything like the other soldiers she had encountered during her time on Namek.

"Well, since he's politely asking for us to get in touch with Goku and Vegeta, I'll go ahead and contact them," Bulma said, though at the same time she held up a hand to stop the two soldiers in their tracks, but oddly enough they didn't seem annoyed with her, "however, they are currently training on a faraway planet and there's no telling how quickly they can get back to Earth. Give me a few minutes and I'll tell you two what is going on... though while I'm doing that Trunks, Goten, and Jaco can help you set up your device where we'll have enough room."

Tagoma and Shisami looked at each other for a few seconds, as they had been told that the two Saiyans had been off planet and that this person would know how to get a hold of them, to which they turned back towards her and nodded... which was followed by Bulma walking towards her workshop, closed the door behind her, and set the crystal down as it started to glow.

"Chronoa, I need to talk with you and the others," Bulma said, though at the same time she sweated, as she had no idea if this was going to work or if this was going to fail, but all she had to do was pray that it worked.

Chronoa smiled as she watched Rainbow and Applejack sparring with Beerus, as he was attempting to show them how he and Shin had fought all those years ago when they were training for Majin Buu's arrival, while at the same time noting the areas that his daughters needed to work on. Goku and Vegeta were also training with Whis, which meant that they were either sparring with each other, working together to try and land a hit on Whis, or simply doing whatever else Whis decided to put them through. Gale, the last member of their group, was currently practicing against a hand stone that Chronoa had brought in for her to test the strength of her wind against, so she could figure out where to go next from this point forward. They also weren't alone at the moment, as Rainbow and Applejack insisted that their friends come and visit them at some point in the future, which meant that the gods of Universe 13 were watching the others train before they all did something as a large group... and they had even brought Pinkie along, who was exploring the area while she waited for something interesting to happen.

Chronoa was pleased to find that the two sets of gods were able to come to an understanding over the previous year, as Rainbow and Applejack were convinced that there was something else in this universe they needed to be present for before they headed back to Universe 13... though as she thought about that she felt the crystal mirror in her pocket vibrate, to which she pulled it out and discovered that Bulma was contacting her.

"Ah, Bulma, what a pleasant surprise," Chronoa commented, though at the same time the image of Bulma appeared on the face of her crystal mirror, indicating that the connection between the two mirrors had been established, "What can I do for you today?"

"I need to talk with Vegeta and Goku for a few minutes," Bulma replied, though her tone indicated that time was of the essence and that she was worried about something, which were cues that Chronoa easily picked up on, "Something has happened on Earth and we'll need their assistance... especially since the potential threat is targeting the both of them."

Chronoa stared at the mirror for a few seconds, as she was recalling what was supposed to happen today in the original timeline that the girls weren't a part of, though once she found what she was searching for she nodded her head and flew over to where the two Saiyans were sparring. At the same time, however, she could tell that everyone was interested in what she was doing, as the rest of the training had stopped and the rest of the assembled group were moving towards her location. Goku and Vegeta noticed that she was coming their way and immediately stopped what they were doing, to which they landed on the ground and wiped some of the sweat from their foreheads, before Whis landed behind them with a look of curiosity on his face.

"Chronoa, is something wrong?" Vegeta asked, as the only reason that Rainbow and Applejack's mother would even come this close to where they were training, which was something that she normally didn't do, would be if something terrible happened or was about to happen.

"Bulma wants to talk with you and Goku for a few minutes," Chronoa replied, to which she set the mirror on a tree stump and wove her ki through it, where the mirror expanded so Bulma could see the both of them and everyone that was around them, before she turned and looked at them, "Go ahead and talk with her."

"Bulma, how are you doing?" Goku said, beating Vegeta to the punch on who would be the first one to speak, though if his friend was annoyed he didn't show it.

"Oh, I was feeling good earlier," Bulma answered, though she, as well as everyone else, were used to the crystals that Chronoa used for communicating, though she only started using them recently thanks to her and Beerus returning to Rainbow and Applejack's lives, "An old friend of mine returned to Earth a few minutes ago, where he asked me about the people that defeated Frieza in the past."

He did?" Vegeta said, though at the same time he and his friend shared a glance, as they both remembered the last time they had been together with the tyrant, before he turned to the crystal once more, "Why would he ask about the people, or in this case the Saiyans, that defeated Frieza all those years ago? What's happening on Earth at the moment?"

"Frieza has been resurrected." Bulma stated, though at the same time she let those four words ring out for a few seconds, allowing everyone that knew about the tyrant to understand what she was saying, "He sent two warriors down to Earth a few minutes ago, but instead of looking for a fight they're simply asking for the two of you to talk with their 'Lord' about something important... and potentially have a duel or sparring match with him."

Goku and Vegeta glanced back at each other when they heard that piece of information, because if Frieza had been revived that meant that he was looking for something specific, though that also meant that he must have done some training if he was thinking of a bout between them. Vegeta knew that Frieza training was something that never happened, which meant that he had no idea what would have happened if the tyrant bothered to do some training, but at the same time he could tell that his friend was excited about the possibility of finding out what was going on. Vegeta then glanced back at the group that was behind him, finding that Rainbow was growling, indicating that she remembered what had happened to her, while the others from their universe were shocked by the news... and that the gods of Universe 13 were interested in who Frieza was.

A few more seconds passed before Vegeta turned his attention to the crystal mirror, as while it appeared that Bulma was worried for their planet she seemed to be doing fine, indicating that the soldiers must have come in peace... to which he balled his fists and cleared his mind.

"Tell those soldiers we'll be back within the next thirty minutes," Vegeta stated, though at the same time he could tell that the rest of the group were turning towards him, while Kakarot was nodding his head in agreement.

"I will." Bulma replied, though before anyone could say anything else, however, she powered down her crystal mirror and disappeared from the one in front of them, which made Chronoa collect her mirror as well.

"Gather around," Beerus said, to which he turned towards Sunset and her fellow gods, as he had no idea if they wanted to come along for the ride or if they wanted to go back home, "Would you like to come along for the ride, or do you need to head back to Universe 13?"

"We'll come along and see what's going on," Sunset replied, though at the same time Celestia and Twilight nodded their heads in agreement, while Pinkie merely came to a stop near them and grinned, "We'll head back home once we've seen what's going on with this Frieza that your friend told you about."

Beerus nodded and they quickly incorporated Sunset's group into their own, though instead of heading straight towards Earth Whis sent them flying to Shin's planet, where they could get an instant teleportation to Bulma's place so Goku and Vegeta could understand what was happening that much faster. When they reached Shin's planet they quickly explained that Frieza was back and that he wanted to speak with Goku and Vegeta, to which Shin incorporated himself into the group and used his ability to move them down to the Capsule Corp building. As they appeared near their destination, as Shin had put them near the lake, they noticed one ship that appeared to have been moved since its owner had landed on the planet, though that was before they all laid their eyes on the ship that the soldiers had come down on.

Vegeta immediately recognized it, as the ship was one that carried small groups of soldiers down to scout planets out before the bulk of the army arrived, though it had been some time since he had seen one of these ships and had mixed emotions about seeing it again.

"I'm glad you guys could get here so quickly, though I wasn't expecting you to bring two sets of gods with you," Bulma said, to which the group separated from each other and stared at Bulma, who had come out to greet them, before she beckoned to the building that the two soldiers had gone into, "Tagoma and Shisami, the soldiers that I mentioned, have finished setting up their communication device and are patiently waiting for your arrival... and I made sure that it was placed in a building with enough room for everyone."

Goku and Vegeta nodded as they followed Bulma towards the building that the device had been installed in, while the rest of their group walked behind them before they drew attention to all of them. When they entered the building, however, they spotted the two soldiers standing on the left and right sides of the communication device that they had brought with them. Tagoma and Shisami looked at the group as they walked into the building, finding that there were more people than they were expecting, but they said absolutely nothing as they waited for them to stop moving... though once the group had settled down, and both Goku and Vegeta were standing in front of them all, they activated the device and connected to the one that was in Lord Frieza's quarters.

A few seconds passed before the face of the device changed, though when it did Goku and Vegeta found themselves staring at Frieza's personal quarters, something that Vegeta also recognized thanks to the amount of times he had been called into the area for his missions, before they noticed Frieza sitting on a couch... and he appeared to be putting the finishing touches on something, before he closed the container and stood up. Vegeta also noticed that Frieza was back in his First Form, the one that most people knew him by, though he and Kakarot remained silent as the tyrant approached his own communication device and stopped when he was a few steps away from it.

"Prince Vegeta, Son Goku, it is good to see the two of you again," Frieza said, though at the same time he shocked everyone that knew him by offering the group a light smile, but that was before he noticed who was standing behind them and bowed towards his device, "Ah, Lord Beerus, I must apologize for not mentioning you first... or the other God of Destruction that is standing beside you."

"This is Sunset Shimmer, the God of Destruction for Universe 13," Beerus replied, to which Sunset nodded her head for a few seconds, before he turned back to the device that was in front of them, "along with her Angel, Celestia, and her Kaioshin, Twilight Sparkle. They were visiting my planet when the call came in that you wanted to speak with Goku and Vegeta, so they decided to come along and see what was going on."

"I see. Well, it is an honor to meet you, Lady Sunset," Frieza stated, though at the same time he stood up straight once more as he stared at the two Saiyans he had wanted to speak to for a few seconds, "Now then, I'm sure that the two of you are wondering why I wanted to talk with you."

"I would be lying if I said we weren't interested," Goku commented, though at the same time he thought back to what happened after the events on Namek, before he glanced up at the device again, "So, are you giving us some warning before you arrive on Earth, where we'll fight each other to decide the fate of our world?"

"Oh no, its nothing like that," Frieza said, though he couldn't fault the Saiyans for thinking that, especially when he considered what he had done to Namek and what had come after the destruction of that planet, "My army and I will leave Earth alone, as it is already in capable hands considering that it has the two of you as its guardians, as well as some other fighters that have graced your planet. I mean, if you were able to defeat Majin Buu, and have likely gained more power since then, so as far as I can tell the planet is safer with you and your friends protecting it. However, I would like to ask if the two of you would be interested in having a bout with me... on a different planet that doesn't have any life to speak of, meaning that you won't have to worry about people like the Namekians or the Earthlings."

"A fight... for fun and not to the death... between you and the two of us?" Vegeta asked, as he was shocked that the tyrant would even suggest such a thing, though at the same time he wondered what had happened to Frieza to suddenly make him suggest fighting on a planet were they wouldn't have to worry about anyone else, "Frieza, are you feeling alright? Because this doesn't sound like you at all."

"Dying, going to Hell, being threatened, and listening to my ancestor has given me the time to consider what I have done over the course of my life," Frieza stated, though of the group only Beerus understood exactly what the third item was supposed to be, but neither of them said anything about it, "I have decided to make a change to my life, and one of the first things I wanted to do, after making some changes to my army, is spar with the two Saiyans that were the first people to ever defeat me in battle. I wish to see the power that you two have obtained since the defeat of Majin Buu... and I'll show you the power that I have gained since my resurrection, as it might be unlike anything you have seen so far."

"Well that makes things more interesting," Goku commented, though at the same time Vegeta nodded his head a tiny bit for a few seconds, indicating that both of them were already curious as to what sort of power Frieza had gained since his resurrection, "Tell you what, why don't you tell us which planet you want us to meet you on and we'll see what sort of power you've gained since you came back from the Other World."

"As you wish," Frieza said, though that was when he turned his head towards the soldiers that were with their group, indicating that he could see them from his side of the device, "Tagoma, Shisami, I'll send the coordinates of the planet we have chosen to your ship so you can bring Son Goku, Prince Vegeta, and their friends to the place where we will do battle. I look forward to seeing all of you in the near future."

Goku and Vegeta nodded their heads before the device powered down, indicating that Frieza was finished speaking, though at the same time the rest of their group was shocked to find that the tyrant had changed since they had last seen him, which was something that Rainbow never thought was possible. She always considered that the tyrant was going to remain an evil person and, if he had been revived, he would have come to Earth to enact some revenge against Goku and Vegeta, but instead they were getting something different. Frieza was different since she had last seen him, as he actually smiled at all of them, was respectful towards her father and Sunset, and had stated that he was going to leave Earth in their capable hands while offering to fight them on a planet that was like what Planet Meka had been before Applejack planted the Tree of Life.

Rainbow wasn't sure what was going on at the moment, but at the same time she couldn't deny that she was slightly interested in the results of Frieza's training... and she was interested in seeing what Goku and Vegeta could do thanks to the training that Whis had given them. She was sure that the upcoming fight was going to be an interesting and entertaining one, and she was sure that their father was interested in seeing what the tyrant had planned for their friends.

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