• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Battle: The New Gods

Once the girls had finished being told that they were apparently from a different universe, and had gotten permission from the Angel of Universe 13 to enter her universe, they remained silent and considered what they were going to do while the rest of the group packed up whatever items they had brought with them in Bulma's ship. Fortunately the group hadn't brought a lot with them, as most of the tables and chairs had been made a long time ago and had been provided by Shin when they arrived on the planet, to which they were allowed to leave Planet Meka a lot faster. While the Z Warriors walked back onto the ship, however, Rainbow and Applejack stared at the Tree of Life that was looming in the distance, allowing it to take their minds off of what they had learned and focus on the upcoming meeting with the new God of Destruction that had been chosen for Universe 13.

They stood there for a few minutes before their father called out to them, to which they turned around and walked onto the ship, though once the door closed behind them Whis and Shin combined their powers and transported them all back to Earth, where they appeared in the area that Bulma had been having her party in. Once that was done everyone climbed off the ship and returned to the party, though once everyone was off Bulma turned around and pressed a button, causing the ship to collapse into a capsule that she stored in a container that she kept with her at all times. She then turned around and noticed that most of the group had returned to the party, discussing what they had seen back on Planet Meka, though she could already tell that Goku and Vegeta were coming up with a new attack pattern that might allow them to beat Beerus.

When she thought about the God of Destruction for their universe she noticed that he, Chronoa, and Whis were sitting at a table, while at the same time Shin was off getting something for them to eat or drink while they waited for the time limit to be up... though Rainbow and Applejack moved away from the table with Gale following them, but she could tell that they were disturbed by the information they had heard.

"Why didn't you tell them any of this when they first arrived on your world?" Bulma asked, to which Beerus glanced over at her, though if she was upset she didn't show it, because she didn't want the Destroyer God to change his mind and blow their planet to pieces.

"They were four years old at the time and they barely understood why my job is so important to the balance of this universe," Beerus replied, though he couldn't fault Bulma for asking the question, as he had actually considered revealing the truth back before the Oracle Fish had made her prophecy, but he had made his choices and he had to live with each and every one of them, "I decided to wait until they were older to reveal the truth to them, though it appears that the only way for them to truly accept the truth is for them to get their memories back, from whoever took them in the first place."

"Maybe we won't need that person's help," Chronoa said, causing the two to turn towards her for a moment, as she had thought about an interesting idea that might help Rainbow and Applejack recover their missing memories, "The Angel of Universe 13 mentioned that she and her Destroyer God were heading back to their home world, which has to be the same world that the girls are from. There's a slim possibility, roughly a one percent chance really, that visiting this planet and seeing what it has to offer might bring back a few of their memories... though there's no way of knowing until we arrive and see the planet for ourselves."

Beerus smiled at Chronoa, because he knew that she was doing everything in her power to come up with a way to restore the girls' memories without having to track down the creature or person that was responsible for doing so, but even he had to admit that one percent wasn't anything to hope for. His hopes were pinned on the new God of Destruction knowing who stole Rainbow and Applejack's memories, so the two of them could go and ask for them to be returned to their rightful owners. He then turned his gaze towards his daughters and watched as Rainbow finally released her Avatar state and returned to wearing her gi, though it took Applejack a few more seconds to replicate the transformation... though, oddly enough, she kept her Potara earrings, as if stating that she didn't care if people knew that she was destined to be a God of Creation one day.

When all three of his daughters returned to the table, however, he could tell that two of them were still upset over what they had learned about themselves, while at the same time rejecting the truth, to which he simply sighed and knew that this issue would resolve itself in some manner. Bulma, on the other hand, sighed and walked away from the table, mumbling something about gods and how they worked in such strange ways, before Shin returned with the drinks he had gone to collect. Beerus was, oddly enough, still full from everything he had eaten prior to the start of the bingo tournament, which had been followed up with him fighting two Super Saiyan Gods and his own daughters... and yet he didn't want to eat anything else at the moment. He quickly determined that the cause behind this was because he was too excited about meeting the new God of Destruction, as he already had relationships with the other eleven and this meant he could see if they would be friends, enemies, or rivals at the end of the day.

The group tried to enjoy the party, as Beerus actually found some fun in another dance off that he had been invited to join in again, but for the most part the rest of his group simply rested from their ordeal, while Vegeta and Goku replaced their ruined gear with from clean pieces that weren't wrecked from their battle with Beerus. Eventually two hours had passed since their return from Planet Meka, to which Whis called for everyone that was heading to Universe 13 to gather around him. Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale gathered near him while Chronoa and Shin finished off their drinks before they joined the group, to which they watched as Beerus finished up thanking Bulma for inviting them to her party before he walked over to them. Goku and Vegeta also landed nearby and watched as Whis conjured a sphere into existence around them, to which the nine of them lifted into the air for a few moments, giving them time to wave goodbye to the rest of the group, before they surged towards the atmosphere and began the journey towards Universe 13.

It took some time for Whis to get them to the outskirts of Universe 13, even with him following the trail that the new Angel had apparently left for them, but once they were actually in the now official universe it didn't take him long to figure out which planet the Angel had been talking about earlier. As the sphere they were riding in flew towards their destination Whis also noticed that someone was observing their arrival in the universe, no doubt a Supreme Kai of Time considering what Chronoa had did back when the girls had first shown up in their universe. A few seconds later whoever was watching them cut off the connection and left them alone, meaning that they must have determined that they were friendly and weren't here to cause a scene.

Once whoever had been watching them had turned their attention to more pressing matters Whis turned his focus to the task of finding the planet that the Angel had told them about... though after some time he brought them to a planet that appeared to resemble Earth, but at the same time it contained a type of energy that also came from the girls. It was also the planet that the energies of the God of Destruction, their Angel, and the God of Creation were coming from, to which he lowered them through the atmosphere and they started their descent towards the planet's surface. As they descended towards the ground there were a few odd things that caught their attention right off the back; there was a rather large city resting on the side of a mountain, as if it had been there for a great deal of time and didn't look ready to collapse at all, a decent sized village of some kind that happened to be resting near a rather dangerous looking forest, and the forest itself.

Oddly enough Whis wasn't taking them to the city that rested on the side of a mountain or the village that rested near a dangerous forest, rather he was taking them towards the middle of the plains that rested between both points, as that was where the energy signatures were coming from. Beerus guessed that such a location made sense, as it appeared that this world was nothing like the world he lived on and watched the rest of his universe from, which meant that the new Destroyer God either didn't have a planet like his or didn't want one where it was just them and their Angel. He also assumed that when the Angel mentioned 'home world' she meant that it had to be the world that the God of Destruction had been born on, which opened a question in his mind... one he was going to ask once they found who they were searching for.

When they got closer to the ground Beerus noticed four people looking up at them, though after a few more seconds he spotted the Angel that Whis had contacted earlier, as she was wearing the same black cuirass that all the other Angels wore, though the only different was that the clothing under her cuirass was golden yellow colored. The Angel also appeared to have the same appearance that Rainbow and Applejack had, as she appeared to be a cross between a human and a pony, though her skin color was white colored, more like the actual color and not like the people of Earth. Her hair and pony tail possessed several different colors and moved in the wind, though at the same time Beerus noticed that the Angel had a slender white horn growing out of her forehead.

The next person the group noticed was another person that looked like Rainbow and Applejack, though this time the lady's skin was lavender colored and she had purple colored hair, with a few streaks of different colors mixed in, which matched her tail. She appeared to be the God of Creation for this universe, as her attire matched what Shin and the other Kaioshin wore, only hers seemed to have a fiery orange color to them. The Kaioshin was also wearing her Potara earrings, another common thing that all the Kaioshin wore, though they had the same color as her clothing, but one odd thing Beerus noticed, aside from the lavender horn that the lady had, was that she was wearing a bracelet of some kind on her left wrist.

The third person they looked at was an odd one, as instead of finding another person that had the same look as Rainbow and Applejack they found what appeared to be a pony, who was simply looking up at them as they came closer to the ground. The pony in question had a dark blue colored coat with a sapphire blue colored mane and tail, though she happened to be wearing some silver colored shoes or slippers on all four of her legs, along with a black colored collar around her neck, complete with a crescent moon in the center of it, as well as a black colored crown resting behind her horn. The other thing Beerus noticed was that the pony, in addition to possessing a horn like the first two people they had looked at, also possessed a pair of wings that allowed her to fly, as they had seen her landing on the ground near the others as they descended towards the ground.

The person that Beerus was most interested in, however, was the person that was standing next to the Angel of this universe, as while the person's form was the same as Rainbow and Applejack's, as well as the Angel and the Kaioshin, there was something different about her. The person that he was interested in, who was slightly shorter than her Angel and slightly taller than the Kaioshin, was wearing the attire of a God of Destruction, though her baggy pants were cyan blue colored, the belt she was wearing was blue colored, and she had a golden bracelet near both of her wrists. The sash she wore had the same diamonds that were on Beerus' own sash, only hers were all lavender colored, just like the lavender diamond that rested in the center of her collar, though the stripes her collar possessed were amber colored. The Destroyer God's skin was amber colored, while her hair and tail had two colors, a brilliant red color that had a light apple green color next to it... though Beerus could tell that her cyan colored eyes were focused on him at the moment.

Despite the fact that this God of Destruction wasn't channeling her destruction aura into the area around her, like he had done when he was fighting Goku, Vegeta, and his daughters earlier, he could tell that this person was incredibly powerful. Beerus maintained the stare as Whis finally touched the ground, to which the sphere that was surrounding them disappeared entirely, allowing him and the rest of their group to touch the ground. The two groups stood their ground, waiting for the two Gods of Destruction to make their move, before Beerus and the unnamed one stepped forward, putting some distance between them and their Angels until they came to a stop in front of each other. Beerus was surprised that there could be another God of Destruction whose sash bared the same markings as his own, but a part of him actually liked how this new god looked.

A few seconds later the unnamed Destroyer God held one of her hands, the right one to be exact, out towards Beerus, though at the same time he could tell that, despite the fact that he could see the power in her eyes, she was trying to be friendly towards their visitors.

"Beerus the Destroyer, God of Destruction for Universe 7," the unnamed Destroyer God said, while at the same time offering him a smile as he clasped his hand with hers, as he didn't want to appear to be a rude guest when he was visiting her universe, "its a pleasure to finally meet you in person."

"Its a pleasure to meet the newest God of Destruction," Beerus replied, though at the same time he wished that he and the others had found a name to use for her, because they knew nothing about the gods that were standing in front of them, "It appears that you have me at a disadvantage; you know my name, but I don't know yours."

"Allow me to fix that issue; I am Sunset Shimmer," the unnamed Destroyer God said, though at the same time her expression didn't change, indicating that she wasn't annoyed that they didn't know her name, before she glanced behind Beerus and her smile widened a bit, "I see Celestia wasn't kidding when she mentioned that you were bringing some company to our universe."

"Celestia?" Whis inquired, though at that point the rest of Beerus' group approached the pair of Destroyer Gods, who pulled their hands away from each other, but at the same time he was slightly curious as to which of the remaining three beings was the one Sunset had mentioned.

"That would be me." the Angel said, though at the same time she stepped forward and smiled at the group, to which Rainbow and Applejack gulped a little when they saw her looking at them, "I am Celestia, former princess of Equestria, though currently I am Sunset's attendant and teacher, while at the same time I raise and set the sun every day. This is my sister, Princess Luna, who rules all of Equestria from Canterlot and occasionally asks for my opinion on certain matters, while at the same time raising both the sun and the moon when I'm off planet."

"And I would love to have a new responsibility like yours so I could leave the courts behind," the strange pony, who had a pair of wings and a horn, said, to which she bowed her head towards Beerus a little bit, informing him that they had been told about him by someone else, "As my sister said, I am Princess Luna... or just Luna if you prefer. I raise and set the moon every day, and occasionally the sun when my sister leaves with Sunset to go investigate something, while also helping ponies get through nightmares."

"And I'm Twilight Sparkle, the newly appointed, um, Kaioshin for this universe," the final member of the group said, though at the same time she rubbed the back of her head, "I'm actually quite happy for a change in responsibilities, as I can learn about new worlds, find fascinating new knowledge, and even create new worlds... once one or two planets have been destroyed by Sunset anyway. Got to maintain balance in the universe."

Beerus was impressed that Twilight, despite the fact that she had to find one of the terms for her new position, was so eager to do her job and actually understood what she needed to do, as he was sure that she had only been doing this since Sunset had ascended four years ago. He had to wonder just how many worlds Sunset Shimmer had destroyed so far, as he already knew that one had fallen since her ascension, but he determined that the only way to know would be to ask... and he had the feeling that such a thing wasn't the right thing to ask at the moment. Instead he went with a much safer option, introducing the rest of his group to the new gods.

"Allow me to introduce my attendant, Whis," Beerus said, waving a hand towards his attendant, who smiled and waved, before loving on down the list of people that had come with him, "my counterpart god, Shin, and the love of my life, Chronoa. These two are my newest friends, Son Goku and Vegeta, who came all the way from Earth to see the gods that keep this universe in balance."

"Its a pleasure to meet you," Goku and Vegeta said in unison, to which they both raised a fist above their hearts and bowed towards Sunset and her fellow gods, as they assumed that Luna was one in her own right if she could move the heavenly orbs, while at the same time using an ancient Saiyan gesture that Vegeta had taught his friend.

"And finally we have my daughters," Beerus said, coming to the end of the list, as he was sure that someone would have interrupted him if he started with them, before he gestured to the three pony girls that were standing to his immediate left, "Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Gale Wind."

Beerus immediately noticed a response from Twilight the moment he mentioned their names, to which she looked over at them and stared at them with a look of joy in her eyes, meaning that not only were they from this universe, but they must have been good friends with the God of Creation at some point in time. A few seconds later Twilight ran forward and threw her arms around Rainbow and Applejack, pulling the two of them into a hug while a look of confusion crossed his daughters' faces. it was in that moment that Beerus knew that some heartbreak would be involved in this meeting, because the young Kaioshin was likely going to hear that Rainbow and Applejack had no idea who she was and that they believed that they belonged in Universe 7, instead of Universe 13.

"Rainbow... Applejack... I'm so glad the two of you are safe," Twilight said, though while she hugged her friends she noticed something strange, neither one of them were responding to her embrace, to which she pulled back and stared at them, "What's wrong? Don't you girls recognize me?"

"Sorry, but I've never seen you before in my life," Applejack replied, though that statement weakened Twilight's hold, allowing her and Rainbow to pull back for a moment, before they stared at the group.

"Neither have I." Rainbow said, though at the same time she noticed Celestia and Luna, the sisters apparently, staring at the three of them with great interest, as if they found something amusing or interesting about them, "What? Did I say something funny?"

"No, its not about you, Applejack, or your sister Gale," Celestia replied, though even as she spoke she decided to have a word with Discord about the number of displaced ponies, as it appeared that there might be one more that he didn't tell them about, "A certain someone told us about what he had done and told us, in a certain amount of detail, the specifics behind what happened to everyone that walked through a certain crystal mirror."

"What she means is that Discord, the Spirit of Disharmony, intentionally shattered an anchor that connects a very special mirror to a world that is a parallel dimension to this one." Sunset explained, knowing that Celestia would have liked to beat around the bush and not address what Discord had done, but it would make them stand here for hours and she would prefer not to do so, to which she turned towards the other group, "If you would gather around us, we can teleport everyone to Twilight's castle and continue this conversation there... along with getting some refreshments."

Beerus had to wonder what Sunset was referring to, though at the same time he decided to trust what the god was telling her and his group gathered around hers, to which Celestia, Twilight, and Luna combined their magic for a moment before they shifted into what appeared to be a ballroom of a large castle. The movement they had gone through reminded him of what Shin and Whis could do with their own movement techniques, though at the same time he and the rest of his group looked around the large ballroom. He noticed that there were a fair number of tables and chairs already spread around the area, which meant that they had ever been expecting company or they had been discussing something with a large group and hadn't cleaned up yet.

The three magic users stopped channeling their spell the moment they noticed that the entire group was in the ballroom, though that was followed by Luna and Twilight walking into the nearby hallway as they said that they would be right back. Celestia had their visitors take some of the seats that surrounded them, though while they did that Sunset stood near one of the tables, where she glanced at Rainbow and Applejack for a few seconds before turning towards a chart that rested to her right. Beerus kept his eyes on Sunset, as he knew next to nothing about her and wanted to make sure that she wasn't going to try anything funny, though for some reason she seemed distracted by something else... and that something had to be the fact that his daughters weren't what she was expecting.

Something strange was going on here and he was going to get to the bottom of it, or at the very least do his best to understand why Twilight was so upset when Rainbow and Applejack told her that they had never seen her before.

A few minutes later Twilight and Luna walked back into the ballroom and levitated some drinks onto the tables that people were sitting at, while at the same time Twilight also set some snacks around for them to eat, before she and Luna took their seats near Sunset. From what Beerus could tell the snacks were mostly just fruits and vegetables, though he suspected that this was what they normally ate and that they hadn't gotten used to their new forms yet. He noticed that everyone else had taken some of the snacks and decided that he might as well do the same thing, but at the same time he kept his eyes and ears open, as what was going to come next was going to be very interesting.

"I imagine you are all curious as to why Twilight's reaction to seeing Rainbow and Applejack was to run forward and embrace them," Sunset finally spoke up, to which she turned towards the group, where she spotted several of them nodding their agreement to what she was saying.

"That's right," Vegeta replied, as he was curious as to why the Kaioshin of this universe would have the same type of reaction he would have had to the girls, if he hadn't seen them for years and was excited to see them again, "among other things anyway."

"That's because before they entered the crystal mirror they were some of my best friends," Twilight answered, to which she kept herself from wincing when she noticed the shocked expressions that were on Rainbow and Applejack's faces, though she followed that up by wrapping her magic into the area and summoning an image of the mirror into the area, "This mirror, like we said earlier, used to connect our world to a parallel world, one that Sunset used to live in for some time before she decided to come home. Long story short she was sent to another world and had to fight her way back home, while in the process becoming the second unicorn, in all of Equestria's history, to become an alicorn... and then from there she was tricked into entering the mirror again and was sent to another galaxy with my student, Starlight Glimmer."

"What's a, um, alicorn?" Gale asked, because she could tell that most of her group were confused by what Twilight had said, though it appeared that she was the only one that was brave enough to ask the question, "And where's this student of yours anyway?"

"The first question is easy," Luna replied, to which she unfurled her wings for a moment, allowing them to take in the sight for a few seconds, "an alicorn is a pony who possesses both a horn and a pair of wings, as well as a great deal of magical power. Essentially we have the strengths of all three pony tribes, meaning Earth ponies, Pegasi, and Unicorns, but our magic is somewhat... different... than the magic the three individual tribes possess on their own. My sister, Celestia, used to be an alicorn until she offered to become Sunset's Angel, and the same could be said for Twilight, as she used to be one before being chosen as the God of Creation... Sunset was, as we said, also an alicorn, but she had to go through some additional training and soul searching before she could become our God of Destruction."

"That's putting it nicely," Sunset commented, to which she noticed the group turn towards her again, where she sighed as she picked up where she left off, "Discord, the Spirit of Disharmony, discovered that I was destined to become the God of Destruction for this universe, but at the time I was supposed to originally ascend to that level I would have destroyed all of Equus in the process. In order to spare this world from that fate Discord turned his chaotic magic on the crystal mirror and shattered the connection between this world and its parallel world, meaning that whoever stepped through the mirror would be sent to an unknown world. He also wove a spell into the mirror that not only makes ponies lose their memories, but also turns them into children at the same time... so when Starlight and I walked through the mirror, or rather I chased an adventurous pony through the mirror, we wound up in another galaxy with no memories and we were four years old at the time.

There's also the fact that whoever enters the mirror is also teleported backwards through time, as Starlight and I had to relive most of our lives until we reached a point where Discord's magic wore off, allowing us to go home... though Orvus, our Supreme Kai of Time, managed to record the missing memories for the both of us and help us remember who we had been before we entered that mirror."

"Really?" Chronoa asked, though she supposed that such a method would work in the universe that the girls had originally come from, which made her somewhat happy, "So where is Starlight? And who is this Discord you keep mentioning every now and then?"

"Starlight was called back to the Polaris Galaxy," Twilight replied, though at the same time she rubbed the back of her head, as she had been hoping to continue Starlight's lessons and she was constantly being called away for very specific reasons, "she should be back in the next day or two... if her schedule doesn't get screwed up again."

"And I am Discord!" a voice said, to which a chimera creature appeared in the middle of the ballroom, directly between both groups, while at the same time bowing to everyone.

Gale's eyes lit up as she stared at the creature in front of her, as the last time she had seen someone like this was when Majin Buu made the statue of the strange chimera creature... in fact they looked the exact same, as every single limb and oddly placed item was where it was when the statue had been made.

"Its you!" Gale exclaimed, to which everyone, from both of the groups, looked at her, while at the same time Discord raised an eyebrow at her, "You're that strange chimera creature that Buu made a statue of when he was waiting for me to come and play with him!"

"You know Majin Buu?!" Discord asked, to which Gale nodded her head, which in turn made Discord smile as he claimed a chair for himself and summoned a glass of what appeared to be chocolate milk, where he sipped a little and the glass, not the liquid, was what was lost, "You and I will have to talk about him later."

"Discord, can you please focus?" Sunset asked, because while she was somewhat thankful for the Spirit of Disharmony coming up with the idea that had spared her home world, she was still annoyed that he didn't tell her about it and caused all the problems that were happening so far, "As you can see Rainbow and Applejack have returned..."

"Yes, and that means I don't have to go sneaking around Universe 7 to check up on them anymore," Discord replied, though at the same time he glanced over at the group from the mentioned universe, "You would not believe the trouble and effort I went through to sneak into your universe, figure out where those two were located, and take possession of a statue, made in my own likeness, only to find that I had followed the trail to the wrong person. I still have no idea how Gale here possesses a similar energy signature to Rainbow and Applejack's own signatures, but I had to vacate the area when Evil Buu showed up... at least Kid Buu didn't make an appearance while I was present."

"Wait, you took possession of the statue?" Gale inquired, though at the same time she recalled the day when she saw the statue, where she remembered thinking that the statue was weird because it continued to follow her while she was playing games with Buu, "So that's why it's gaze was following me!"

Beerus nodded his head in understanding, because Chronoa and Whis had shown him exactly what had happened before Super Buu had made his appearance, where he got to watch the strange statue follow Gale around. It made sense that Discord would have found her instead of Rainbow and Applejack, as they had been hiding their energy while practicing the Fusion technique. Besides, this meant that no one from Universe 13 had any idea that Gale was actually a Bio-Android that had both Rainbow and Applejack's DNA, as well as their individual energies, inside her body. That was something better left unsaid, as there was no way of telling how these gods would react to that piece of news, though there was one interesting topic he wanted to discuss.

"You said that the mirror was designed to send ponies to other worlds," Beerus commented, causing the group to turn towards him, though at the same time Chronoa nodded, as she seemed to have caught onto what he was talking about as well, "yet you seemed a little unhappy when you saw Rainbow Dash and Applejack, which means that there are more of your citizens, and possibly friends, scattered across the stars. Just how many ponies are you missing?"

Sunset, instead of answering automatically, turned her gaze towards Discord once more, to which the Spirit of Disharmony snapped his claws and a fair number of screens phased into existence above his table, almost as if he was watching over the other ponies like Beerus had been watching over his daughters. When Beerus counted the screens he discovered that there were seven of them, though oddly enough a few screens had more that one pony inside them, or rather they had people that had the same form as his daughters. Sunset was also looking at the screens, though while her expression said that she knew who had been taken from this world he could tell that she hadn't see anything that was happening in front of her eyes... and neither had Celestia, Luna, or Twilight.

The first screen showed a pink skinned girl, with pony ears and a tail, driving through what appeared to be a desert in a strange vehicle, though next to her was some boy that had to be her brother, along with two creatures that looked like a cross between an otter and a weasel. The screen next to it showed two more girls, one with a light gray skin tone and another that looked like a griffon that would walk on two legs, flying through the air while they fought what appeared to be a large menacing mechanical owl. The third screen showed two girls that looked like Twilight, though one had an aquamarine color to her skin while the other had an azure color, fighting what appeared to be some sort of large demonic creature on a large ship of some kind, though Beerus noticed one girl looked more demonic than her friend was.

The next screen in the line up showed a trio of girls, who were no doubt sisters, standing beside an older guy who had lightning dancing around his arms while he stood on some sort of rectangular box, while the girls seemed to be wielding their own various elements as they fought beside the older guy. After the trio of sisters came a slightly older pony girl that had a horn that was twisted and curved in places, not like the horns Beerus had seen so far, though this one seemed to be fighting some undead creatures with weapons while wearing a suit of armor as she, and someone else, ran down a hallway of a large spaceship. The next screen revealed a white skinned pony girl, who purple colored hair, that happened to be visiting some sort of rundown shop, where the shopkeeper was some sort of cat that the girl apparently liked to talk to, if Beerus was reading her expression right.

The final screen showed something odd, as Beerus was expecting another pony girl like all of the others, but this time the person they were looking at was a male, though he was wearing some sort of robe and was looking out at a large circular city. The dark gray skinned person, whose hair was black and had a unicorn's horn on his forehead, stood beside a decent sized group of people, as there were a couple of other guys standing near him, along with one girl who seemed frightened and a black cat that the group appeared to be listening to. The man's robe was dull gray colored, almost like the color of iron, while he wore a small red collar around his neck, though his red eyes seemed to indicate that he might not be a good person... or pony, seeing what Beerus and the others were dealing with.

"That's a fair number of missing citizens," Chronoa commented, though based on what they had been told only Rainbow and Applejack had been sent to another universe, which meant that all of these people were somewhere across the vastness of Universe 13.

"Indeed it is," Sunset said, to which she turned towards Rainbow and Applejack once more, though at the same time she could see that they were more concerned about the others that had been taken to other worlds, as a few of them were in the middle of a fight for their lives, "there is so much more we need to go over, but the first order of business is to restore your memories and..."

"What if we don't want that?" Rainbow asked, though at the same time she leaned back in her chair as she spoke, to which Sunset raised an eyebrow as Twilight's ears went downwards for a moment, "What if we're fine with our 'new lives' and don't want to remember our 'old lives'?"

"You should at least let us give you your old memories," Sunset stated, though as she spoke she knew that this was likely what she was going to have to do with everyone that lost their memories, "then you can decide which life you want to continue living in Universe 7 or come back to Universe 13 and pick up where you left off, with your father having permission to come visit."

"Might I offer a suggestion?" Discord asked, to which he floated himself, and his chair, over to where Sunset was standing, though at the same time she barely looked at him, indicating that she was still slightly annoyed with him.

"Please." Applejack said, causing the group to look at her for a moment, because at the moment she didn't want to piss off the new God of Destruction and wanted to get on with their visit, even if that meant listening to the creature that, if she believed the new gods, caused them to leave this universe.

"What if we put a bet on you and Rainbow fighting Sunset Shimmer?" Discord asked, though at the same time Sunset raised an eyebrow, which meant that she was curious as to what he was going to suggest, "If the two of you beat our God of Destruction in a battle, then we'll drop the notion of restoring your memories and your free to call Universe 7 your home. If Sunset defeats you, however, we'll carefully restore your memories to what they had been before you walked through the mirror, though you'll be given the choice to choose which universe you want to call home."

"I don't know..." Applejack said, because while she could agree that a fight of some kind was a decent way for them to agree on something, she didn't like the idea of them fighting Sunset Shimmer, because something about this reeked of a trap that they could be walking into.

"Besides, our Destroyer God only has four years of experience backing her," Discord continued, while at the same time his chair floated over to where Rainbow was sitting, to which he smiled at them for a moment, "while you two have been training with one ever since you arrived in Universe 7. You should be able to hold your own against her and maybe even overpower her... but I'll leave the decision to..."

"We'll do it!" Rainbow stated, though at the same time she stood up and stared at Sunset, already imaging the battle they were going to have soon while a smile appeared on her face.

Applejack sighed, because it seemed that her sister had decided their fate for them, instead of them speaking to each other and determining what they should do with their parents offering them some suggestions... though she still worried that they could be walking into a trap of some kind, and Rainbow seemed more than willing to spring it.

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