• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Interlude: Ponyville's Awakening

The Rainbow, Applejack, and the rest of their family from Universe 7 took the next few hours explaining everything to the Apple Family, as Big Mac had come to the main house after hearing the cries of Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Since there was a lot of history for them to go through, and they didn't want to waste everyone's time with each and every bit of the story, Chronoa had Rainbow and Applejack tell the two groups the highlights of their adventure, where they detailed their friendships, the training they went through, and their lives on Earth. From what Beerus and Chronoa could tell, from the facial expressions and reactions, the Apple Family were shocked by the fact that Applejack not only replicated their farm on Earth, but also by the fact that she had created a Tree of Life and that she was destined to become a Kaioshin one day. Of course they had to explain several terms to the two groups, such as what a Kaioshin was, but for the most part the ponies seemed to understand what they were saying.

Scootaloo, however, had to ask what the significance of Rainbow's transformed state was, because they had briefly covered it during the course of their story, to which Rainbow chuckled and said that she was destined to be the opposite of Applejack... a Destroyer God.

Beerus knew that these ponies had no idea that there were other universes out there, as the Gods of Destruction and their counterparts tried not to reveal that fact to anyone in their universe, unless such a thing was unavoidable, like if another Destroyer suddenly showed up out of nowhere and ruined their plans. It reminded him of when he, Whis, Shin, and Chronoa had started training Rainbow and Applejack all those years ago, when they were interrupted by Champa's unexpected arrival and were forced to stop for some time while he stated what he was doing on the planet of the God of Destruction for Universe 7. Beerus found it odd that most of the Gods of Destruction asked for permission before they entered another universe, but at the same time Champa was one of the few who pretty much disregarded that fact and invaded whenever he wanted to.

That thought alone made him wonder when he was going to see his brother again, as it had been quite some time since Champa had invaded his universe and come looking for him, but after a few seconds he knew that Champa would reveal himself in the near future and that he would find his brother when that happened.

"So, when are you two planning on coming back home?" Apple Bloom asked, because during the course of their conversation she had determined that her sister, and Rainbow Dash, were planning on moving back to Ponyville, but at the same time she had no idea when that was going to happen.

"We... haven't come to a decision on that yet," Rainbow replied, though at the same time she rubbed the back of her head, as this was something that she hadn't been expecting someone to ask them, "Applejack and I are still undergoing training on our father's planet, so it might be some time before we actually move back, but we're planning on visiting more than we have in the near future."

"So, can we ask Princess Twilight about whatever spell Sweetie Belle was talking about earlier?" Scootaloo inquired, though her tone indicated that she was overjoyed by the fact that Rainbow could harness the power inside her new body and fly without the use of wings, something that fascinated her to no end.

It was in that moment that Rainbow discovered that, by revealing their story to Scootaloo, she and Applejack had awoken a desire for change in the young filly, though the only way for them to cure that was to see how Discord and Twilight were coming with the spell they were apparently working on. She knew that someone should tell Scootaloo that such a thing was dangerous, especially since she was so young, but at the same time their story would have ignited the flames for adventure inside all three of the Crusaders. Despite the fact that Rarity, Sweetie Belle's older sister, was missing the young unicorn wanted to see if Twilight was capable of pulling off the spell in question and, if they weren't willing to find out, she and her friends would likely visit the mirror and enter it themselves.

In the end Rainbow sighed and decided that this time around they might as well let the Crusaders have their way, because it was better than losing them to some unknown planet that Discord may, or may not, be able to find before something happened to them.

"Sure, let's go see if Twilight's in her castle at the moment," Rainbow said, though she knew that Twilight might not want to be bothered at the moment, especially since Sunset had likely started the search for Tirek and could have asked Twilight to come up with a few lists of planets where he might have gone.

Scootaloo smiled and climbed out of the seat that she was sitting in, before she, along with her friends, charged out of the Apple Family house and headed towards the center of Ponyville, to which Rainbow and Applejack chuckled before they, and their family, followed after them. Instead of flying through the air, and collecting the three fillies at the same time, the group simply caught up with the Crusaders and walked alongside them, giving Beerus and the others a chance to observe the other buildings and the ponies that lived in them. Beerus could tell that this was a happy and lively place, based on how all of the ponies looked as he and the others passed by them, though what caught him by surprise was that no one questioned his appearance... to which Rainbow and Applejack revealed that this place had some pretty strange things happen before they entered the mirror, such as when Nightmare Moon left her prison or when Discord tried to take over Equestria.

That example required the girls to tell their parents and Whis that Discord had been reformed by them and their friends, though Fluttershy was the one that got things rolling when the rest of them were a little close minded on the entire matter.

When they arrived at the castle, however, they found that some guards were patrolling the area, though when they asked them about it the guards told them that Princess Luna had assigned some of them to watch over Ponyville, along with Celestia whenever she was around. That told the group that Luna was concerned about the possibility of someone using the mirror to teleport to a new world and gain a power unlike anything they could face, or maybe she wanted the guards there in case Tirek showed up looking to drain the entirety of Ponyville. Beerus noted that these guards were the 'Solar' guards he had heard a little bit about, as both Celestia and Luna had their own group of guards that watched over them and Canterlot... which meant that the Solar Guards watched the city during the day and the Lunar Guards did the same during the night.

Since the guards knew that they weren't a threat, and were friends of Twilight, Sunset, and Celestia, they stepped aside and allowed them to head into the castle... where they walked through the castle until they eventually found the area that Twilight was standing in, and noticed that Discord was with her. What interested them was that Princess Luna was in the room as well, which meant that her guards were likely guarding Canterlot while she put her faith in her sister's guards to keep Ponyville safe, though she was levitating a ring in front of her face. Twilight was the first one of the trio to notice that Rainbow, Applejack, and the rest of their group was even there, to which she turned away from the scroll she had been working on and faced them.

"Girls, I thought the two of you would have been connecting with your old lives," Twilight said, though at the same time Discord and Luna, upon hearing her talk, turned to face the group the moment they realized that they weren't alone anymore, before Twilight noticed the looks on their faces, "What, did something happen?"

"Oh, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo went into the Everfree Forest to search for Rarity inside the old castle," Rainbow commented, though at the same time she waved a hand towards Applejack for a few seconds, as she was sure that Twilight would like to hear what happened next, "Applejack 'convinced' the Timberwolves to back off when she approached them in her Avatar form, allowing us to rescue the girls and deliver them to safety. After that we told them a fair bit about our adventures and they decided that they wanted to ask you something important, so we came straight here so they could get it off their chests."

"Is that so?" Twilight asked, to which she turned to the Crusaders for a moment, while at the same time noticing that Luna and Discord were interested in what the girls had to say, "Okay then, what's the big question that you wanted to ask me and couldn't wait until later?"

"I heard that you and Starlight were trying to replicate Discord's transformation spell," Sweetie replied, though at the same time both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo nodded their heads in agreement, indicating that this was what they had come here for, "We were curious if you had completed the spell, because Scootaloo wants to be more like Rainbow now that she's seen what she's capable of doing in this new form."

"Is that all?" Twilight said, to which she chuckled for a few seconds, before she stood back up and walked over to the scroll she had been working on before their arrival, "Its true that Starlight and I have been working on a spell to do what you described, but after I managed to replicate the spell on the bracelet that I was given, when I first became the Kaioshin for this universe, I quickly realized that we don't actually need to spend hours creating a new spell... because the spell already exists. Discord created the original transformation spell, which I've been able to learn thanks to him, and we've been devising a way to disperse the spell over multiple ponies at once... without displacing any of them."

"Really?" Scootaloo asked, though at the same time she could barely contain her excitement, as this was exactly what she wanted to hear when she considered coming here in the first place.

Twilight opened her mouth to say more, but before she could even say anything a portal opened near where they were standing and the group turned to look at it, where they found someone walking towards them with a smile on their face. At first glance Beerus could tell that the figure was just like Rainbow and Applejack, meaning that whoever this was had to be another pony girl, though at the same time the color of the girl's hair, tail, and skin weren't like the other transformed ponies he and the others had come across. There was also the fact that this pony girl was wearing a robe of some kind, which was different than the clothing that Twilight, Celestia, and Sunset wore all the time, though that told him that someone had been experimenting with the spell that Discord had created.

Beerus also noticed that Luna seemed surprised by what she was seeing, and Discord looked amused for a few seconds, though Twilight smiled as she approached the other pony girl as the portal closed behind her.

"Welcome back Starlight," Twilight said, to which she and her student embraced each other for a few seconds, before they pulled away and looked each other dead in the eye, "How was your trip to the Polaris Galaxy?"

"Well, I surprised Ratchet when I showed up in my new form... and I can say that it is definitely permanent," Starlight replied, though at the same time she grinned, telling Beerus and the others that she actually enjoyed surprising her brother when she found wherever he was at the moment, before she turned towards the group, "So, I take it you told them about the spell?"

"And Scootaloo wants it performed on her," Twilight said, to which she turned back towards the group, causing all of them to stop staring at Starlight's new form and gave Twilight their full attention, "Fortunately I already considered the possibility that ponies might what to experience this new existence for themselves... which was why I sent out a survey a few days ago to everyone in Ponyville. The results say that nearly every single pony in Ponyville would like to try this out for themselves, provided we show them that the transformation process is painless and that there are no harmful lasting side effects... save for living the rest of their lives in their new form. And, as Discord has assured me several times since the surveys came back, the spell has been stripped of each and every harmful effect, which included the following; losing all of your memories, reverting in age to around four years old, being thrown to another part of the universe, and whatever else Discord had to take from it."

"Wait, you've been planning on sharing this with others?" Applejack asked, though at the same time she knew that sooner or later something like this would have happened, but she was more interested in the fact that Twilight asked other ponies for their opinions instead of just casting the spell and being done with it.

"That's right," Twilight replied, to which she glanced at Starlight again, telling the group that there was one more piece of information that she needed from Starlight, "Did you tell Sunset and Celestia about what I have planned?"

"Yes, and they told me that they would be back on Equus in three days time," Starlight answered, indicating that she had seen the pair for a few minutes and had the chance to speak with them, which confirmed Beerus' thoughts on Sunset being busy trying to track down Tirek.

"That's good to hear," Twilight said, to which she turned towards Scootaloo and ran a hand through her mane, though that caused a smile to appear on the filly's face for a moment, as if she liked what she was hearing, "If you can wait three days you'll have the same type of body that Rainbow and Applejack have... along with the rest of Ponyville."

Scootaloo smile turned into a grin as Twilight told her that piece of information, though at the same time Rainbow couldn't help but chuckle, as it was nice to see Scootaloo so excited again, while Sweetie Belle and the others sighed as they waited to see what happened in three days time.

Rainbow and Applejack spent the next three days reforging their bonds with those around them, with both their friends and their family, while at the same time Beerus, Chronoa, and Whis observed what was going on with different levels of interest. Beerus was still surprised that the transformed state that Discord had imposed on Sunset, and everyone else that walked into the mirror after her, was so highly favored by the ponies of Ponyville, which made him wonder if they knew that the form granted them new abilities or if they were mostly interested in a new lifestyle. One thing that Whis had noticed, and pointed out to Beerus and Chronoa, was that there was a stage set up for when Twilight demonstrated the spell, as she was convinced that one was necessary to show the ponies what she was going to do to all of them. That made all three of them wonder who was going to volunteer for such a thing and made them more interested in today's events, since this might not be done anywhere else if everyone hated it.

Beerus also noticed Sunset standing close to where the stage was, though while she had a smile on her face, to show support to what was going on today, he could tell that she was angry at her inability to find Tirek, which meant that the centaur had a way to hide from an Angel's staff... though in order to take her mind off of what was going on he walked over to her and stood beside her.

"Nice day we're having," Beerus commented, though that was an observation, as Twilight had ensured that this event take place on a day where there wouldn't be a storm, which spoke volumes of her skill at planning things like this out.

"Indeed it is," Sunset said, to which she looked at the sky for a few seconds, before she let out a sigh and faced the stage once more, as she knew that this event was important for Twilight since she went through the effort to set everything up, "I'm surprised that you wanted to stick around and see the event for yourself, especially since Goku and Vegeta are likely getting bored without you and Whis to help with their godly training."

"Actually, this gives them some time to rest, relax, and spend some time with their families before Whis starts them on the next phase of their training," Beerus stated, though that made Sunset turn towards him, as they both knew a thing or two about training with their Angels, before they stared at the stage, "I bet you never thought that something like this was ever going to happen when you stepped through that mirror and started on the path to becoming a God of Destruction."

"Honestly, all I was thinking was grabbing Starlight and heading back through the portal," Sunset admitted, to which she held a hand out in front of her and let a small fraction of her aura appear for a few seconds, where Beerus noticed the flicker of their unique Destruction energy dance along her arm, before her aura disappeared, "and, as long as I'm telling the truth, I used to deny that I was a being that was capable of destroying cities, leveling continents, and blowing entire worlds to pieces. It took me some time to realize that my destiny had been something far greater than I originally thought it was, though when I realized that fact I came to terms with who and what I was... after beating all of the various fragments of myself anyway.

I never imagined that I would become a God of Destruction, never in my wildest dreams had I considered something like this, and yet here I stand as the Destroyer God for Universe 13... and Twilight, my counterpart god, is preparing to impart a gift to the ponies of Ponyville. The way I see it, fate works in mysterious ways and makes sure that someone's destiny is fulfilled... whatever that destiny might be."

For a moment Beerus actually considered asking Sunset if they could step to the side and tell her what Frieza had told him, before they heard that Tirek had escaped from his prison, because what Frieza had said continued to remain in his head despite his attempts to push it to the side and forget about it for a few days. He wanted to tell her that there might be a reason, a terrifying one at that, behind why her universe had two people who had the power of Destruction, and that her potential to grow even stronger was still there. At the same time, however, he couldn't go through with it because there was next to no evidence to suggest that one or more of the thirteen universes was in danger, if Frieza's tone was to be believed... to which he decided to keep his mouth shut and enjoyed what was happening in front of him.

There was a chance that Frieza was overreacting and that he would only cause chaos if he said anything, though Beerus decided to keep an eye out for this Tirek as well, just in case he ever figured out how to go from one universe to an entirely different one... though his thoughts turned to what was in front of him as Twilight took the stage, causing the audience to settle down.

"Thank you for coming everyone," Twilight said, though at the same time she smiled and waved to the ponies for a few moments, while Discord and the newly changed Starlight appeared on the stage as well, "As all of you know some of us have undergone extraordinary changes, changing from ordinary ponies and becoming something that's part pony and part human. Originally Discord designed this spell to work with one person in mind, but after multiple cases showing up, and hearing your responses to my survey, its clear that all of you wish to experience this new form for yourselves... and, at the same time, I know most of you are hesitant to try it without reassurances. A week ago I asked my student, Starlight Glimmer, if she would volunteer and help me test the spell, and now you can see that there are no harmful side effects involved with this spell... but, since I know you would need a demonstration, I have asked some special to help me out today; Princess Luna!"

In that instant Beerus knew exactly what Twilight was doing, because if the ponies saw one of their rulers go through with this process, and have no side effects once the process was over, than they would be more willing to accept the use of the spell and try a new lifestyle... and he had to admit that it was a genius move on her part.

Twilight and Luna exchanged some words for a few seconds, no doubt Twilight was assuring the Princess that this would work as she intended while Luna was telling Twilight that she had faith in her abilities, before they stood on the stage for the audience to see them. A few moments later Luna pulled something out of the pouch she was carrying around her next, the same ring that Beerus had seen her staring at three days ago, before it was levitated into the air above the stage and caused some eyes to follow it. Once it reached a certain point Twilight held a hand out and loosed a steady stream of energy at the ring, though as it made contact with the piece of jewelry Starlight and Discord added some of their magic into the mix... though as some of the ponies started to object, meaning that they still didn't quite trust the Spirit of Disharmony, one look from Luna told them that it was alright.

A few moments passed before the ring was engulfed in a sphere of swirling energy, to which Twilight approached Luna once more and made sure that she was ready, before backing away the instant the Princess told her that she was ready to go through with the process. The moment Twilight returned to where she had been standing a few seconds ago she, as well as Discord and Starlight, focused their efforts and the sphere of energy released a few bursts of magic down towards where Luna was standing. Beerus watched as the Lunar Princess was engulfed in the magic of the spell that was being used at the moment, but before any of the ponies in the crowd shouted they watched as the shadowy image of Luna appeared in the middle of the energy pillar... and started to change shape before their very eyes.

When the energy around her vanished Beerus noticed that Luna was definitely sporting the body that Rainbow, Applejack, and Sunset possessed, though at the same time she looked a tad bit older than they did, which made sense considering that she was way older than all of them. Luna happened to be wearing some sort of royal dress, though whether or not the magic provided it remained to be seen, while her royal jewelry had been modified to fit her new form, to which she spun around and waved to the group. The assembled ponies watched their transformed princess for a few minutes as she demonstrated how to move with this new body of hers, before they noticed that Celestia had the same type of body that her sister did. From there several more ponies volunteered to experience the transformation spell, to which Beerus watched as more pony girls, their skin color matching what their coats had been while keeping their hair color, started to fill the area around them.

Even the Cutie Mark Crusaders went through the process, though they were more Gale's size when the spell had finished working on them, to which Scootaloo charged over to Rainbow, somehow without tripping in her new form, and started asking Rainbow if they could start training in the near future.

Beerus had to chuckle as more ponies jumped at the chance to experience something new, as they didn't appear to be aware that, if they went through some training to defend themselves, they would awaken powers that were unlike anything they had ever seen. He was sure that the other species of Equus would hear about this event and either question it, or do something drastic to take the power out of Equestria's hands, but even then something told Beerus that the other species would see the light that emitted from the citizens of Ponyville. Equus was likely going to become an important planet in Universe 13, though it remained to be seen what that something was... especially with a certain someone running around like he owned the place.

Beerus let Sunset have this victory, because she was going to overcome everything that Tirek threw at her until she tracked him down and destroyed him... though at the same time Beerus knew that someone would be coming to Universe 7 in the very near future, so all he had to do was wait for Champa to make his move. That would give him time to train Rainbow and Applejack some more, as he was certain that the fights they would get into in the near future was going to require that they have a higher level of power than what they had at the moment... though he couldn't quite put his finger on what he was feeling at the moment, only that something dark and evil was waiting to rear its ugly head.

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