• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Interlude: King Kai

When Applejack and Rainbow climbed onto the carpet they had no idea what they were expecting, as they guessed that they would disappear the moment they had taken their positions, though it appeared as if Mr. Popo wanted them to be ready for their first use of instantaneous teleportation. The moment they were ready, and had waved goodbye to Bulma, her father, and Piccolo, Mr. Popo activated the carpet's abilities and the world around them disappeared, leaving them in some sort of white area for a second or two, before reality snapped back into focus around them. The girls were used to traveling at a decent pace, thanks to how Whis was able to travel with their father and whoever else was with them at the time, but they had never experienced traveling at that speed before... and it made Rainbow a little jealous that she couldn't move that fast at the moment.

"Here we are," Mr. Popo said, though while he spoke his carpet descended towards the ground, giving the girls time to observe the planet they would be spending an untold amount of time on until it was time to depart for Namek, "the planet of King Kai."

When hearing the world planet the girls expected something like the planets that their father showed them, either for his own personal business or for them to train on, but that's not what they got with this planet. King Kai's planet contained nothing more than a grassy surface, which happened to cover the entirety of the planet, a half dozen or so trees, though to Applejack some of them appeared to bearing fruit at the moment. There was also a road that circumvented the entire planet, a building that both of the girls assumed was King Kai's house, a vehicle that they also guessed was King Kai's car, a well that rested to the side of the house, and some other small building.

"This is where the two of you will be training for the next six weeks," Mr. Popo explained, though at the same time his carpet finally stopped moving as it neared the ground, to which he stepped down onto the planet's surface and beckoned for them to join him, "I heard that he intends on teaching you how to harness your own innate abilities, such as your lance, while allowing you to pick up on some techniques along the way."

"Oh don't tell me the Saiyans killed you two as well!" a voice said, to which the girls discovered that Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu were standing nearby, though all three of them happened to have a glowing halo above their heads, but the girls were able to figure out that it was Yamcha that had spoken.

"Really? Are you blind?" Tien asked, causing Yamcha to turn towards him for a second, though at the same time Applejack noticed that his arm had been fully healed, "Just look at them; neither of them are dead because they're missing the halos that we have."

"Listen, we have important matters to get to and the questions can wait for another time," a new voice said, to which everyone turned towards it for a moment.

The speaker was a short man, who was between the height of Krillin and Goku, who wore a black robe of sorts that covered most of his body with a red undershirt that could only be seen on his arms, though his eyes were covered by a pair of black sunglasses. There was also the pair of cricket-like antennae that caught the girls' attention, though they could only assume that they had something to do with how he was able to speak to Goku while they were fighting Nappa. Rainbow and Applejack also noticed the kanji symbol that was on the front of his robes, though from their studies they remembered that the symbol meant 'world king', indicating that this had to be King Kai.

As the girls finally climbed off the carpet they noticed that the gravity was similar to Planet Vegeta's, which was roughly ten times Earth's gravity when Applejack calculated the exact amount, though that only meant that this was a perfect location for some training.

"Greetings Rainbow Dash and Applejack, I am King Kai," the man replied, though he gave them a short bow of respect, which the girls promptly repeated towards him, as they had been taught by Whis and Shin so long ago, "You know, I actually put forth my name to watch over you two while you slept, because I knew that you wouldn't have been ready to fight the Saiyans and would have needed training shortly after waking up."

"Their mother called in a favor and asked me to do it," Mr. Popo stated, though the air around him seemed to darken for a moment as he climbed back onto his carpet, "I will be back in seven days to check up on them..."

"Yes, I am fully aware of your schedule," King Kai said, though the girls noticed that it took all of his effort not to break down in front of Mr. Popo, leaving the girls to wonder if there was something about the man that they didn't know about, "I shall have them ready to go in six weeks time... where they can go to Namek if they desire."

Mr. Popo took one last look at King Kai before disappearing in a flash, indicating that he was gone and was leaving the girls to their training, which made them wonder what they were going to be learning.

"Thank the gods that he's gone," King Kai said, turning his attention back to Applejack and Rainbow, "Look, I'm not going to force any of you to tell jokes or anything to start my training, we just don't have the time for that at the moment. However, there is one thing I want to see before we start training."

"And what is that King Kai?" Yamcha said, interrupting the girls before they could say the same thing, though they held their tongues and waited for the answer to come.

"That's simple enough for me to answer," King Kai stated, though while he spoke he stared right at Rainbow for a moment, "I want to see the Lance of Lightning in action."

"The what?" Tien asked, though it was clear that he had no idea what the man was talking about, which the girls knew was fine because he had died before Rainbow could show off her best attack.

"I guess he means my 'ultimate' attack," Rainbow commented, which earned her a nod from King Kai, "but what would I even be aiming at? There's nothing around here for me to target beside you and the others."

The moment the words left her mouth, and King Kai had a chance to hear them, he merely pointed towards the sky, causing all of them o turn their eyes upwards and find that there were some asteroid sized rocks floating around the small planet. As Rainbow stared at all of the rocks, amazed by how many there were, Applejack was able to determine that all of them happened to be distanced far enough so the small planet didn't get hit by the blast wave of Rainbow's attack. She had the feeling that King Kai had been watching the fight with the Saiyans from the moment Goku left the planet, which meant he wanted to feel the energy of the attack firsthand so he could determine how to begin their training.

All Rainbow had to do was summon the lance and blow one of the rocks to pieces, then they could get started on the real training that they were here for.

"Okay, I'll show you my lance," Rainbow said with a sigh, as she honestly didn't think that she would be using the attack again so soon, especially after using it twice in the same day, "Just give me some space... I don't want anyone getting hurt before it goes off."

King Kai and the others moved in the direction of his house for a moment, though they all stopped when he reached a certain point and turned to watch Rainbow, where she gently brought her hands together, to form the triangle that she could focus her ki into, before she started to weave the energy together. At least three minutes passed before she got the energy to where it normally was when she summoned the lance, but as she tried to press on she could feel her concentration slipping. She had to wonder if she was missing something this time, like the rage she had used whenever she had called upon her attack, though before she put too much stress on her body she yanked her hands apart and summoned a light blue lance.

The weapon crackled like the ones that came before it, though before anyone could say anything she grabbed it with her right hand, spun it around as she zeroed in on the furthest asteroid in the sky, and threw the ki weapon with all her might. The lance struck her target right in the center, igniting the sky in a flash of light that forced everyone, save for King Kai, to shield their their eyes as they were forced to look away. Since the asteroid was so far away there wasn't any tornadoes or gusts of wind created, which meant that King Kai's planet wouldn't suffer any damage if she kept aiming at them.

"Wha... what was that?" Yamcha asked, though the look on his face indicated that he was frightened by the power of the attack, though both Tien and Chiaotzu were shocked by what they had seen.

"That was Rainbow's ultimate attack, which she used to kill Nappa back on Earth," King Kai explained, stepping forward and observing the location that the asteroid had been located in, "I have been carefully watching you every time you used the lance, on both Earth and Planet Meka, which is in my quadrant of the universe, and until now you have only used the ki weapon when rage has blinded you. That is why the weapon always appeared to be red colored when you were training or when you were fighting against Nappa the first time; it was reacting to your rage and anger towards something. That is why you were able to charge it for five minutes during your fight with the bald Saiyan, because you were using your rage to focus your ki, instead of keeping a calm mind.

It is also why today was a lot harder for you to gather your ki and weave the weapon together, because you were calm and using your ki like most of the other warriors have done... and of course being calm influenced the coloration as well, in case you hadn't noticed the blue color the lance had."

"So your telling me... that I still haven't mastered... using my ki," Rainbow huffed, exhausted from the effort of using her lance, though for some reason she felt that King Kai was right.

"Oh, you are a long way away from being able to do that," King Kai replied, letting out a small chuckle as he stopped between the girls and the Z Warriors, "True control over your ki takes years, if not decades, of practice, and both you and your sister have barely scratched the surface of your true potential. I will be teaching you to harness a few of your abilities before you run off to Namek... though Rainbow, you will be using that lance every morning for the next six weeks."

"Please tell me your joking," Applejack said, noticing that Rainbow was shocked by the news as well, "She can barely withstand using the lance once per day, much less twice if a Senzu Bean is included in her training. Who knows what could happen if she uses it at the beginning of every morning before getting to our training."

"She'll use the time to develop her control over her ki and charge the lance either much faster or focus her energy better," King Kai stated, sounding like he had been planning this since the girls had woken up from their enchanted sleep, "During that time you will be training with Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu, to not only improve your existing skills but also adapt to the different types of opponents and develop additional skills you can use in battle. It will also allow them to boost their own skills, allowing them to survive battles in the future and prevent anyone from dying before their time... unless that someone is the person your fighting.

Applejack, you will be fighting Tien and Chiaotzu for now, while Rainbow will focus on training with Yamcha... though we will take a thirty minute break so you can regain some energy before we start."

Applejack had no idea why King Kai wanted them to fight against the Z Warriors that had died in the fight against Nappa, or how they managed to be here with them, but she decided to take a seat under one of the trees and started to meditate. She knew that Rainbow would likely grab a cloud and relax until they started training, and confuse everyone else with her ability to do something like that, though she ignored the sounds around her as she did her meditation.

The thirty minutes passed by quickly, as the moment it was time to move on King Kai came out of his house and told the girls that it was time for them to train... while at the same time indicating that if they wanted to fire attacks at something they were to aim at the asteroids that were floating about the place, as that was the reason they were there to begin with. Applejack let out a sigh and pulled herself to her feet, to which she and Tien moved over to the side for a little bit while Rainbow and Yamcha moved towards the right of King Kai's house.

"You know, I have no idea what I can offer you," Yamcha said, almost as if he was trying to make Rainbow become uninterested in fighting him, "you saw how worthless I was against the Saibamen that the Saiyans used against us... I couldn't even kill one of them before that bald bastard decided to take me out."

"Oh don't worry about that, Nappa has always been like that," Rainbow replied, letting out a sigh as she thought about the now dead Saiyan, satisfied that he was no long plaguing the universe, "and you shouldn't count yourself out just yet... I'm sure that you've got something that sets you apart from everyone else."

That was shortly followed by something colliding with Rainbow's back and knocking her forward, though when she flipped around and landed on her hooves she noticed that Yamcha had dropped into a fighting stance, telling her that he had struck her from behind.

"Sorry, but I know what I'm good at," Yamcha said, a smile appearing on his face as Rainbow dropped into a battle stance as well, to which he beckoned for her to come at him, "Come on, let's do this."

Rainbow charged at Yamcha and threw her fist at him, though she found that she hit nothing as he dodged her attack and appeared behind her, to which he slammed his fist into her back again and forced her back once more. She knew that she wasn't as great as her sister was about understanding what her enemies were capable of, save for the fact that she knew Nappa's abilities thanks to her previous fights with him, but she had the feeling that her partner was more speed oriented. Yamcha also seemed to have some tricks up his sleeve, which told her that she was going to have to adapt like her sister would and develop a way around her opponent's abilities.

Rainbow moved around her opponent and occasionally threw a fake punch at him, to which he would slip away with his speed and either hit her from behind or, if she was lucky, she would dodge and move away. She was reading his movements and seeing how he would fight her, because if she threw a serious punch Yamcha would pull away from her and strike her again, to which they would be back at square one. He was definitely moving faster than she was, which was no doubt to the fact that he was older and much more experienced than she was, but she was beginning to understand that this was about improving themselves... which she was sure that Applejack already understood at this point.

Every time Yamcha repeated his movements she would watch him carefully before he disappeared, though she would stand still and see if she could feel a breeze or something that would indicate which direction her opponent was coming from. The first ten times she tried to pinpoint where her opponent was, and intercept him before he could land, Yamcha would always change his position at the last second and she would hit nothing. Her miss would give her a smack on the back, or rather a fist that knocked her backwards, though she simply got back up, wiped any dirt from her face, and charged back into the battle once more.

As those two fought each other, and failed on Rainbow's part, Applejack and Tien stood side by side as they both stared up at all of the asteroids that King Kai had indicated that they could use for training.

"So, your sister has that... thing... as her ultimate attack," Tien commented, breaking the silence that had been lurking between them since they had ventured away from the house, "What's your final move like?"

"I wouldn't know," Applejack replied, her gaze locked on one of the asteroids, while she wondered what Tien was getting at, "I don't actually have a move like that in my arsenal... nor do I actually have a skill set like you or everyone else. All I have ever done is fire off small ki blasts, charge it into a small burst of energy, or kick and punch my opponents until I make them give up... nothing special about that."

"Really? From what I saw before I died you seemed to be the strategist, observing your opponent and finding weaknesses," Tien said, recalling Applejack's fight with her Saibaman, before Krillin killed them all and forced Nappa's hand, "You may not have an attack like Rainbow's, but that doesn't mean that you can't develop one for yourself... we just need to work on it and see what you can do. I'll show you something that I occasionally use and we'll see if we can get you to do something like it."

Tien brought his hands together, in a triangle like Rainbow had done, though instead of gathering ki in the center of the triangle he seemed to be focusing on something else. He held his hands towards the sky and locked onto one of the floating asteroids that were close to them, though at the same time Applejack noticed that whatever the attack was it cost a great deal of energy to perform. After a few seconds Tien said the word he had used when he had loosed the attack on Nappa, Kikoho she recalled, and a burst of energy shot out of his hands and struck the asteroid he had been targeting the entire time. The asteroid was disintegrated upon impact, which told Applejack that Tien might have put a little too much energy into his attack, but he simply smiled as he lowered his hands and looked over at her.

He took a few minutes to explain that there were other types of ki based attacks, where the user could channel their energy through their hands, in a manner like Goku did or like he just demonstrated, though he also mentioned that he had heard of other methods as well, where some ki users did some strange things. He said that at one time he wondered if there was a way for someone to channel their ki into their arms or legs, as if they were trying to enhance their physical abilities without using an aura ability like Goku had learned. When Applejack questioned how Tien knew about the Kaio-Ken, as he had been dead when it had been shown off, though her training partner revealed that King Kai had let them watch that point in the fight, before having them go to their own training... which happened to be before Rainbow had released the lance.

Applejack guessed that King Kai either wanted to show the Z Warriors what they were capable of, or simply wanted them to start training when Goku was bothering him, but she shook her head and cleared her mind. The two of them merely copied what Rainbow and Yamcha were doing, attacking each other without the tricks that Yamcha was throwing in, but Applejack could tell that Tien wanted her to push herself and try some of the techniques he had mentioned. While they exchanged blows, and she dodged her fair share of them, Applejack decided to try gathering her ki in her fists, though instead of doing so with the intent of releasing it in a wave like the Kamehameha she intended on keeping her energy where she gathered it.

She had no idea if her blows were doing any additional damage when she managed to hit Tien, but he never made a comment about it and simply smiled at her every time her fist connected with him.

After about an hour of training, and the girls continued to fight their respective opponents, Mr. Popo actually returned to the planet, though he only stuck around long enough to drop off Piccolo before disappearing as quickly as he had appeared. Tien, Chiaotzu, and Yamcha were surprised to see him here, like when they had spotted Rainbow and Applejack, but they all immediately knew that he was there to train along side them all.

"I hope you two weren't counting on using Nappa's pod in the future," Piccolo said, though at the same time he pulled off the white part of his clothing and placed it by one of the nearby trees.

"Bulma accidentally pressed the button to destroy the pod, didn't she?" Applejack asked, as the only reason Piccolo would have brought it up would be if it actually happened, but even if Nappa's pod was gone they had gotten all the information they needed from it.

"Yeah... and blew up part of the ground it had been placed around," Piccolo said, shrugging for a moment, as if it didn't matter where the pod had been located before its demise, "but she still has Kami's old ship to work on, so all is not lost for her, Krillin, and Gohan. The plan is simple; the three of them will depart from Earth once Bulma is sure that the old ship is ready, while at the same time we will train until they arrive on Namek, which should be in six weeks time if Mr. Popo is correct in his assumption."

"Oh trust me, Mr. Popo is never wrong when he guesses on something," King Kai commented, not bothering to welcome Piccolo to his planet at the moment, telling the girls that the two of them must have reached some sort of agreement with each other, "I will allow you to continue the training you are currently going through for the next three days, but then I will begin assigning specific tasks for all of you to complete in order to boost your skills. Who knows, you might actually pick up some decent moves and skills that one of your comrades use when they fight... or maybe you'll pick up something like the Kaio-Ken."

Applejack and Rainbow shared a look with each other before focusing on their opponent again, as the possibility of learning the Kaio-Ken still excited the both of them. They had seen Goku use the ability to great effect, during their fight with Nappa and his sparring match with Vegeta, so they already knew that it would be a worthwhile skill to learn in the long run. The fact that they had to wait three days before they got anywhere near King Kai's lessons was actually nice, because they could learn something from Yamcha, Tien, or even Piccolo before their attention was focused on whatever tests King Kai threw at them.

They had a lot of training to get done before they could even think about heading to Namek, though they only hoped that, once all of their training was complete, they would at least have the power to stand up to Frieza's forces and make them pay for everything they had done to all the worlds they had attacked... starting with Planet Vegeta.

Author's Note:

Prepare yourselves, for we start the Namek saga in the next chapter.

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