• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Majin: Buu's Awakening

The group quickly descended from the Fourth Stage and headed down to the level that Babidi was no doubt waiting on, though they were sure that Majin Buu's ball would be somewhere near him. None of them, including Shin for that matter, had any idea that Babidi had modified his ship to absorb the damage that warriors of pure heart took and convert it into the energy necessary to awaken the dreaded Majin. Shin felt annoyed, because despite all of his training and all of his planning he had pretty much allowed the creature that killed his fellow Kaioshin to awaken from his ancient slumber, which meant that the universe would suffer because of what he and the others did. At the same time he knew that Vegeta was no doubt kicking himself as well, because he was the only fighter in their group to actually take damage, but he had been caught off guard by the amount of power that Nappa commanded in his Super Saiyan 2 Majin form... a form that was nothing before the mighty Super Saiyan 3 form he and Goku could apparently use.

Shin mentally wondered would have happened to the Earth if he arrived shortly after Cell's defeat, and his destruction at Beerus' hands, and told the Z Warriors about Majin Buu after their celebration... but then he sighed and focused on the task at hand.

When the group finally arrived at their destination a few moments later, and made sure that everyone had enough room to land, they gazed upon the pulsing ball that was resting on the stand that Babidi was standing in front of, which told them that Nappa had been true to his word about Majin Buu getting ready to awaken. Red lightning pulsed around the surface of the sphere that they were staring at, though all of them could already feel the enormous evil ki that was starting to awaken. There was no doubt about what they were seeing, they had played into Babidi's hands and had given him the energy he needed to awaken the dread Majin Buu... which meant that they were in for the fight of their lives once the creature stepped out of his former prison.

"I welcome all of you here, to the level of my ship that I call home." Babidi commented, to which he turned around and looked at the group, though at the same time they could tell that he was smiling at Shin and happened to be ignoring everyone else, "And it is so nice to see you as well, Kaioshin, because now you have a front row seat to the revival of Majin Buu, who was conjured into creation by my father so many years ago."

"That is where you are wrong, Babidi," Shin replied, knowing that the evil clone of Bididi had no idea what he truly was and had made up his own story, though he had already told the others the truth about their opponent, "You are nothing more than one of Bibidi's doppelgangers, who simply gained the full power of Bididi when I struck him down and saved the universe from the dreaded Majin Buu."

"I see that you are full of lies and arrogance," Babidi said, glaring at Shin with all the anger he could muster, though at the same time the group readied themselves for whatever tricks the evil wizard had in store for them, "Did you honestly come here expecting to defeat me and Majin Buu? You are such a fool if you could believe that, because while you may be able to defeat me none of you have the power to stop Majin Buu... he's already beyond anything you can throw at him. Majin Buu will brutally kill each and every one of you once he awakens, and then we'll erase this pitiful world and pick up where my father left off."

"You haven't see either of us fight yet," Applejack commented, to which she draw Babidi's attention to her and Rainbow for a moment, though at the same time her sister was grinning at the thought of actually being able to fight something at long last, "so don't count your chickens before they hatch."

"I see that all of you are eager for a fight, so why don't we take this party to the surface." Babidi said, causing the assembled group to raise their eyebrows for a moment, to which the evil wizard chuckled at them for a few seconds, "When Majin Buu awakens he will do so with incredible force, one that could easily destroy my spaceship if we were to allow him to awaken here. Besides, you'll have more room to fight in, and to die in, up on the surface."

Before anyone could respond Babidi held up his hands, appeared to be concentrating on his own energies, before he used his magic on the room they were in, to which all of them watched as the area shifted until they were near the mountain peak that overlooked the entrance of Babidi's spaceship. The group looked around for a few seconds, just to be sure that they were actually in the area they thought they were in, before Goku spotted Krillin and Piccolo standing on the mountain peak. This time, however, neither one of them were statues, as Shin had disposed of Dabura earlier and had freed the two of them from their stone prisons... though as the two of them landed behind the group they knew that the situation was bad.

"You can update us on what happened later," Piccolo commented, though his eyes were on the pulsing sphere that was resting behind Babidi, as he knew that Majin Buu was resting inside the ball and was getting ready to come out.

While Rainbow was relieved to find that their friends were okay, thanks to Shin freeing them with Dabura's death, she was preoccupied with the fact that the sky had turned dark purple in the area around them, though that coloration stretched for miles in each direction. As she watched the sky, and took note of what she was feeling in the air, lightning started to flash all around them, but there was a sinister feeling to the lightning that only reminded her of when Cell was mimicking her attacks. That small bit of information told her everything she needed to know, as when she turned her attention back to the ball that Majin Buu was sealed inside she could see that the pulsing had picked up... indicating that they might be too late to stop the revival of Shin's ancient enemy.

"You see, Majin Buu is at full power and will soon be revived!" Babidi shouted, raising his hands to the sky, as if he was receiving some sort of divine gift, while at the same time chuckling as he stared at his enemies, "It doesn't matter how many of you come out to fight at this point, Majin Buu will kill all of you with his immense and extraordinary power!"

That was quickly followed by the small circular holes, which happened to be on the stand that the sphere was sitting on at the moment, opening up and allowing some sort of steam to rocket out of the stand, though the group suspected that it was actually coming from the sphere itself. The steam seemed to be gathering in a mass above the sphere for some odd reason, though the group started to wonder if there was anything they might be able to do to stop the revival of Majin Buu from happening.

"What will you do now, Kaioshin?" Babidi asked, though at the same time he laughed, as if he found something humorous about the current situation they were all in, "Will you run away, like the coward you truly are on the inside, or will you stand and fight, like the hero you're pretending to be? Either way you cannot stop Majin Buu's revival."

"There's no stopping Majin Buu from being revived, that much is true," Shin commented, though at the same time he dropped down into his battle stance and let his ki flicker all over his body, to which he started gathering it between his hands, "but maybe, just maybe, if we combine all of our powers we might be able to obliterate him before he has a chance to escape from his ball."

The rest of the group immediately understood what Shin was going to do, to which they spread out and lined up in a row so they were all facing the ball, though that caused Babidi to run the moment he saw what they were doing. Goku, Gohan, Goten, Vegeta, and Trunks ascended into their Super Saiyan forms as they gathered their energies, while the others merely pulled in as much power as they could in such a short amount of time. Soon a large amount of ki spheres were formed among the group, one for each fighter, and on Shin's command they all loosed them at the ball that Majin Buu was sealed inside... to which the individual beams merged into one massive supercharged beam and engulfed the sphere, resulting in a large explosion that rocked the area they were all in.

When the smoke cleared, however, they found that the sphere was merely wobbling one its stand for a few seconds, though when it went still once more it resumed letting out the same steam it had been spewing before they tried to attack it with their combined powers.

Shin growled and opened fire again, to which the rest of the group started launching attacks at the sphere and the stand that it was resting on, trying everything short of Rainbow and Applejack's devastating attacks that could wipe out the surrounding area. Rainbow also used the lightning in the air to their advantage, calling down the lightning that had been gathering in the clouds to strike the sphere with all the power she could pull from the sky, though she purposely restrained herself from using the Wrath. With how fast everything was going she knew that she didn't have the time required to build up the energy in the atmosphere to summon her second ultimate move, and she was also sure that she didn't have the time to charge up the lance... which meant that they were stuck with their current plan of action.

When the smoke from their barrage of attacks cleared the group wondered if they had been successful, though when they noticed that the ball was still standing they realized that they had done absolutely nothing to it... though that was followed by a wave of pink steam surging out from the middle of the ball, all along the surface of the sphere in a perfect circle, before the sphere separated into two halves and fell apart.

"Your foolishness knows no bounds, Kaioshin," Babidi shouted, once again laughing at the group as he waited for the smoke to clear, "You have done nothing but ensure Majin Buu's revival... and your reward shall be your death!"

The moment that the pink smoke finally cleared, and revealed what was inside the ball, brought ruin upon Babidi's emotions, as there appeared to be nothing inside the ball that Majin Buu was supposed to have been sealed inside. The group watched as he actually started whining about how unfair this was for him, as he had come so close to fulfilling his Bibidi's plans and securing his own revenge against Shin. At the same time, however, Shin and the others knew that the fight was far from over, as all of them could feel the terrible ki that was swelling up at the moment... to which they looked into the sky and noticed that the pink smoke they had seen had gathered into a massive cloud, which was where the terrible ki was coming from.

When Babidi finally noticed what was happening above them, and a look of happiness appeared on his face, the cloud of smoke started to condense itself, before a pair of arms and a pair of legs started to form from the smoke. A few moments later, as the arms and legs started to take shape, the mass of smoke pooled together and formed a large body, one that was definitely fat, before the smoke formed a round head. Majin Buu, for that was who had to be floating happily in the air above them, was wearing some sort of white pants with a black belt, which had the 'M' symbol that Babidi's minions wore, as well as a pair of yellow colored gloves and a pair of yellow colored boots. The group also noticed that Majin Buu was wearing some sort of chest piece, which reminded them of what Krillin's opponent had been wearing before they departed from the tournament grounds, as well as a purple colored cape.

Oddly enough the group noticed that Majin Buu's eyes were closed, but it seemed that he could tell what was happening around him, which meant that his eyes had to be slightly cracked open for him to tell what was happening... and, in addition to his eyes, the group noticed that there was some sort of antenna on his head, which was curled towards his back.

"Shin, is that Majin Buu?" Applejack asked, though at the same time everyone in the group prepared themselves, because they knew that this was going to be one of the hardest fights in their entire lives.

"Yes... this is definitely Majin Buu." Shin replied, knowing that the information would cause Babidi to celebrate, but at the same time he prepared himself for what he and the others were going to do, "We either fight now or flee and come up with a better plan of action..."

"Hello there, Majin Buu," Babidi said, as while the Z Warriors were debating what to do he had taken it upon himself to walk over to the monster that his 'father' had created, "I am Babidi, the son of Bibidi, the one who created you. I revived you after you were trapped inside your ball for an incredible amount of time."

Majin Buu, instead of responding to what Babidi said, turned his back on everyone and seemed to shake for a few seconds, though when Babidi was close enough Buu turned around and made a funny face at the evil wizard, who freaked out in the process. As the evil wizard fell on his back, however, the group watched as Buu started to laugh at the person that had gone through the effort to revive him, making them wonder if this was one of the creature's tactics to make them lower their guard before he pounced on them. A few seconds later Buu looked around the area to see what else happened to be around him, to which he zeroed in on the group that was staring at him, though at the same time the group prepared themselves for what was coming next.

What happened next, however, was something that no one in the group could have expected, as it made them drop their guards for a few seconds in pure shock.

"Ponies!" Buu happily said, to which he hopped over to the group, switching between his legs as he did so, before he was a few steps away from them, though at the same time the majority of the group backed away and left Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale standing in front of the creature, "Buu's going to pet you!"

The three sisters stood still as Buu walked up to them and rubbed their heads by putting his hand in her hair, one at a time anyway, though at the same time it appeared that he was being friendly at the moment, which had to be annoying Babidi to no end. None of them were quite sure what to make of the situation, especially when they took into consideration what Shin had told them back at the tournament grounds, but they kept their guards up in case the situation changed on them. A few seconds later Buu pulled his hand away from them and stared at them, almost as if he was lost in thought for a moment, before thinking of something and letting a large grin appear on his face.

"I know, let's play a game!" Buu exclaimed, shocking the trio for a moment, but at the same time Gale nodded her head with a look of excitement on her face, to which her sisters did the same thing to remain on Buu's good side, "But what game should we play?"

"Hide and Seek?" Gale immediately suggested, causing Buu to look at her with a look of confusion on his face for a moment, indicating that he had no idea what she was even talking about, "We pick one of us as the counter, who closes their eyes and counts from one to ten, and while that person is counting the others hide in the surrounding area. Once the counter finishes counting to ten they start searching the surrounding area until they either find the people that were hiding, or surrender and ask the others to come out of hiding. When a round is completed the last person who was found becomes the counter and starts counting, thus allowing the others to hide and starting the whole process over again."

"Oh, that sounds like fun!" Buu said, sounding extremely happy about what he was hearing, where he bounced on his legs for a few seconds, but then he stopped and tilted his head as if something had occurred to him, "But who plays first?"

"Well, since I suggested it, why don't I be the first one to find you guys?" Gale asked, while at the same time she and her sisters found it odd that Buu wanted to play games with them, instead of fighting them like they originally planned, though when Buu nodded she smiled, "Okay then, I'm going to close my eyes and start counting to ten... though once I finish counting I'll start searching for all three of you."

As Gale closed her eyes and started counting Buu watched Rainbow and Applejack for a moment, seeing them head in different directions and hide behind some of the rocks that were scattered around the area, before he nodded his head and hide behind the strange white structure that was sticking out of the ground. He then poked his head out from his hiding spot as Gale finished counting and opened her eyes, to which she started looking around the area as she began the search for the three of them. Whenever Gale looked in his direction Buu ducked behind the structure he was hiding behind, though he smiled when she turned away and looked elsewhere for him and the others... to which he grinned when she found one of the other two, the rainbow haired one to be exact.

A few moments later Gale located the orange skinned pony girl, to which Buu grinned as he made sure that she didn't find him at all... though a few minutes passed before something tapped on his shoulder, to which he found Gale staring at him with a smile on her face.

"You hid pretty well for your first game," Gale said, smiling at Buu for a few seconds, knowing that if she showed him some sort of praise he might actually be nice to them and not do anything that Babidi commanded him to do, "Are you ready to try counting and searching for us?"

"Buu's having fun!" Buu replied, to which he pressed his head against the structure he had been hiding behind and smiled, indicating that he was truly having fun despite the fact that Babidi hated what was happening, "One... two... three..."

Gale smiled and beckoned for her sisters to hide somewhere that Buu would be able to easily find them, but not after spending a few seconds searching for them. Her guess was that if they got him angry, by being extremely hard to find, he would blow up and start blowing things up, to which they wanted his first round as the counter to go smoothly, while at the same time they needed to be aware of what Babidi was doing. When Buu stopped counting he looked around the area for a moment or two, as it was clear that he was searching for the three sisters, though he bounced around while he searched the area.

A few seconds passed before Buu spotted something that had multiple colors on it, though once he spotted that he happily walked over to where it was located and smiled as he found the rainbow haired pony girl crouching behind some rocks, to which he tapped the girl on the shoulder. Rainbow smiled at Buu, trying to appear as friendly as possible, before telling Buu that he had found her and that he needed to find her sisters, to which Buu nodded and continued looking around the area. Buu bounced around the area some more before finding something blue that was moving in the wind, to which he approached the item and found Gale hiding behind some rocks, who also seemed happy to be located by him. Once he found the two of them he continued searching for the final pony girl, who had hidden some distance behind where he had been counting... to which he clapped his hands as the three of them stood in front of him.

"That was fun!" Buu declared, to which he looked over at the last pony girl he had located, knowing exactly what she was going to do when they started the next round, "Your turn!"

Before Applejack could say anything, however, she and her sisters spotted Babidi walking over to where the four of them were standing, which meant that something bad was going to happen. Buu frowned for a moment as he noticed that they had spotted something, to which he turned his head towards Babidi and stared at the evil wizard as he approached the group.

"Majin Buu, as I was saying earlier I am the son of Bibidi," Babidi commented, to which the three sisters sighed, as they knew the truth and couldn't believe that he refused to accept what he really was, but the evil wizard kept his attention on the creature that had been sealed inside the ball, "and that makes me your new master."

Buu stared at Babidi for a moment, tilting his head for a few seconds, before he grinned and stuck his tongue out at Babidi again, once again showing that he didn't care for what the evil wizard was saying. After a few seconds of doing that Buu pulled his tongue back into his mouth and turned back towards the three pony girls, choosing to ignore Babidi.

"Why you..." Babidi growled, but then he remembered something very important, to which he grinned as he calmed down, though the girls didn't like the look on his face, "Fine, I can see that you don't want to follow my orders and prefer to act without a single shred of respect towards me... but I have seen my father's notes and committed them to memory. Majin Buu, I know the spell he used to seal you up inside your ball... and I can easily use it again on you, if you continue to ignore what I say."

The sisters watched Buu's face as he considered what Babidi had said, as he seemed to remember all of the years he had spent sealed away inside the ball and clearly wanted to remain in the open world, so he could explore and possibly do something fun. They could see that he was glancing over at the two halves of the ball he had been sealed inside, by Bibidi no less, and it was clear that he was already debating what to do, before some sort of idea sprung into his head. Buu raised a hand and patted the girls on the head once more, smiling at each of them for a few seconds, before turning around and walked over to Babidi... where he simply bowed to the evil wizard.

The girls had to wonder if Buu was planning on biding his time until he could take out Babidi and then live his life as he desired, though at the same time they prepared themselves for whatever was to come next.

"All right then," Babidi said, to which he grinned for a moment, as it seemed like he had everything under control now that Buu was willing to listen to his orders, where he reflected on using the ball as his threat to keep the creature in line, "Your first order is to kill everyone that's standing around us."

"No. Buu no fight ponies." Buu commented, causing Babidi to growl at the creature, while at the same time the sisters were a little confused as to why he would exclude them, but then guessed that being friendly had paid off, "Ponies are Buu's friends."

"Okay, okay, you don't have to fight them." Babidi replied, knowing that if he lost control of Majin Buu he could easily be destroyed in the process, to which he readied himself as he stared at the creature again, "Very well, your first order shall be to the everyone that isn't one of those three pony girls... and you can start by killing the Kaioshin."

"Okay!" Buu replied, to which he started to bounce away from Babidi, as if he was getting some distance between them before he did anything else.

"Did... did we really become friends with Majin Buu?" Rainbow asked, as she wasn't sure if she was hallucinating the entire ordeal or if the world was playing some sort of strange joke on her and her sisters, "All from playing hide and seek?"

"It appears to be that way," Applejack replied, to which she pulled her sisters away from Babidi, so they could hopefully stop Buu before he actually killed one of their friends.

Buu, however, stopped when he had reached a good distance between him and Babidi, to which he looked over at the other large group that had been watching him and the pony girls for the last couple of minutes. He didn't recognize many of them, but there was one person, who happened to be standing at the head of the pack, that he could vaguely sort of recognize. The last time he had seen the person would have been seconds before Bibidi had sealed him inside the ball, which meant that the last time they had seen each other they had been fighting... which meant that he had an opportunity to finish what they started.

Buu grinned as he braced himself for a second, before flashing through the air and heading right towards where Shin and the others were standing.

Shin barely had any time to move or warn the others to get out of the way before Buu appeared in front of him, grabbed his head with one of his hands, and pulled him through the air as he pulled away from the group. That was followed by Buu lifting him into the air and spinning around for a few seconds, before throwing Shin at one of the rock walls that rested around the area they were in. As Shin collided with the rock, however, Gohan decided to play the hero and charged at Buu, as at the moment the creature hadn't shown any of its truly terrifying ki that he knew it had, but that was stopped when Buu flipped backwards, landed behind a stunned Gohan, and punched him so hard that he went flying through the air and collided with the ground, creating a decent sized crater in the process.

Shin took the opportunity that presented itself and flew up to where Buu was floating, though when he arrived he gathered his energy and unleashed an attack that blew a hole in Majin Buu's chest... but a few seconds later, when his attack was done, Buu simply looked down at the hole and flexed his chest, to which the hole sealed up and disappeared.

Buu's response to Shin's attack was to slam his fist into Shin's stomach, stunning him for a moment, before grabbing onto his head and throwing him at another one of the rock walls, though as Shin connected with Buu's target location Buu lowered himself to the ground. Shin stared at Buu as the creature landed close to where he was laying, though as he pulled himself free Shin started to gather his energy behind his eyes, though when Buu got really close to him he snapped them open and released a wave of energy that appeared to blow Buu backwards. What really happened was that Buu took the full force of the attack and stared at Shin for a moment, before his eyes snapped open and Shin was thrown backwards by his own attack.

Shin flew through the air for a few seconds before finally hitting the ground, though before he could actually do anything Buu landed on his back and pinned him to the ground, as if he was trying to crush him between the ground and the weight of his own body.

Buu grinned as he climbed off of his opponent and stared down at him, though as he considered what to do next Babidi ran over to them and started gloating about how this wasn't the Kaioshin's day, which annoyed Buu for a few seconds. Before he could do anything to the evil wizard, however, Gohan flashed through the air and kicked the side of Buu's face with his foot, sending Buu flying for a few seconds and causing Babidi to retreat for the moment. A few seconds later Buu picked himself off the ground and stood there for a few seconds, though it wasn't clear if he was annoyed or if he was interested in fighting Gohan now. As Buu's body started to correct the damage done to the side of his face he flipped though the air a few times, heading towards where Gohan was standing, until he was standing near both him and Shin once more.

"You're in the way," Buu commented, to which he grinned as he faced the person that wasn't his current opponent, though at the same time Gohan charged at him at the exact moment he chose to raise his hands up, "Get lost!"

The moment those words left Buu's mouth he loosed a large ball of energy that slammed into Gohan and, instead of detonating and potentially killing him, the ball forced Gohan into the air and pushed him away from the area that Buu and the others were in. Within seconds the ball had moved quite far away from where Buu was standing, though Shin raised his head used some of his power to break the ball, allowing Gohan to fall down to the ground and avoid being seen by Buu, but he had no idea if he was still alive or if he was dead. Buu, noticing the interruption, grabbed onto the back of Shin's head and tossed him into the nearest rock wall, before marching over to him and started punching him... where he silently worked while Babidi cheered him on.

Babidi may have seen him as a child and an easily controllable pawn, but Buu would show him the truth in due time... he just had to be patient and make the evil wizard lower his guard at the wrong moment, then he would be free to do whatever he wanted.

Beerus, Whis, and Chronoa had been excited when they watched the fight between Vegeta and Nappa, though when the evil Saiyan had announced that he was going to literally wipe out the Saiyan race, both the living members and the long dead members, Beerus made a note to ask the Kais that were watching the Other World if he could obliterate Nappa where he stood. Truthfully Beerus had never liked Nappa since the day the two of them first crossed paths, as every time he visited Planet Vegeta with his daughters the bald Saiyan was always staring at him, as if he was plotting something, though now he knew the answer to that question. Besides, there was only so much of Nappa's insane ravings that he could listen to before he felt the urge to head to Earth and just obliterate the Saiyan where he stood, even if such an act would have annoyed Chronoa.

He was pleased when Vegeta finally destroyed Nappa and sent him back to Hell, but at the same time he still felt the need to permanently end the evil Saiyan's existence at some point in the future.

Once Nappa had been dealt with they got to see the awakening of Majin Buu, who actually took a liking to his daughters and acted like they were friends, which made Beerus laugh for a few seconds. Then everything started to go downhill as Babidi managed to 'convince' Buu to follow his orders, as Shin was, as he expected, Babidi's main target and Buu went along with it. Sure, Beerus was surprised to find that Gohan was so easily beaten by Buu, which could have been because he wasn't in perfect form due to his lack of consistent training, but what was painful to watch was Shin's fight with Buu... because despite their training Shin was getting dominated by the creature he had tried to stop the revival of.

It was so painful that Beerus could have sworn that he could feel the damage being done to Shin, or he was just imagining things in the heat of the 'battle' that was happening before their eyes... until he growled and got up from where he was sitting.

"Beerus, where are you going?" Chronoa asked, though at the same time she had the feeling that she knew exactly where the God of Destruction was planning on going.

"I'm heading to Earth," Beerus replied, walking around the couch he had been sitting on and was already heading towards the door, as if he expected Whis to follow after him so they could depart immediately, "I forced myself to watch as Frieza killed Rainbow while they were on Namek so many years ago, just like I forced myself to watch as Cell fought the Z Warriors and killed Applejack seven years ago... but I'm not about to sit idly by and watch Shin d..."

Whatever else Beerus was going to say was cut off as he suddenly felt an intense wave of pain, one that was unlike anything else he had felt before in his long life, pulse through his body and wreck havoc on him, to which he tumbled to the ground and collided with the floor.

"BEERUS!?" Chronoa and Whis shouted, to which the two of them dropped their drinks, causing the glasses to shatter when they hit the floor, as they jumped over the couch they had been sitting on and rushed to Beerus' side.

"What is it? A heart attack?" Chronoa asked, speaking to Whis while she checked Beerus' body, as she had never seen something like this happen to someone like Beerus and had no idea what to do.

"No... this is something else." Whis commented, though the angel actually sounded worried at the moment, which meant that he had grown to care for Beerus and was worried that he might not make it through this.

"What do you mean something else? What could possible do this..." Chronoa started to say, but then she remembered a key fact about the relationship that Beerus and Shin, one that she was sure that Whis had been referring to, "Of course, the life link."

"I'm sure that Goku and Vegeta will pull off some miracle and save Shin before it is too late," Whis said, to which he gently picked up the Destroyer God and carried him over to one of the couches, where he could have the entire seat to himself while they waited for the fight to be over.

Chronoa hoped that Whis was right, because the worst possible thing that could happen was Buu killing Shin, and by effect killing Beerus at the same time. That would mean that not only would she lose the love of her life, who she only recently discovered thanks to two special girls, but both Rainbow and Applejack would lose two of the people who had made them the warriors they were today, their father and one of his best friends. And if Beerus were to die than Whis would become inactive until the next God of Destruction was able to take control of the vacant throne that would have been left behind... and she would have withdrawn to the Time Nest to mourn her loss.

Even as that thought came to mind she had to wonder if she could step down as the Supreme Kai of Time and assume Shin's role before something happened to him, thereby preventing Beerus' death as well, but she had no idea if such a thing would even work. If such a thing was possible, and she had to sacrifice her position and powers, she knew that she would gladly take up Shin's position as the Supreme Kai of the universe and life link herself to Beerus. It was one of the few sacrifices she would be willing to make, but at the same time it was a last ditch effort that she hoped she would never have to use at any point in her life.

She could only pray that Whis was right to trust Goku and Vegeta with the fate of Shin and Beerus, to which she sighed as she sat beside Beerus and hoped for the best.

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