• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Universe 6: A Shocking Discovery

Goku and Botamo stared at each other for a few seconds before they leapt off of the edge of the platforms they were standing on and landed in the arena, where they walked up to where the announcer was standing and came to a stop when they were close to each other. Goku was still slightly surprised that Champa had chosen a big yellow bear as one of his fighters, though since he had next to no idea how strong any of their opponents were, without fighting them anyway, he kept his guard up and prepared himself for whatever tricks his opponent had in store for him. Botamo, on the other hand, simply continued to grin at him like this was his lucky day, as if he believed that this was going to be a simple fight and that he would walk away with the win. Goku mentally chuckled at the thought, because he was going to show the fighters from Universe 6 just how strong he actually was and make sure that his team walked away with the Super Dragon Balls... and, more importantly, with his planet staying in Universe 7.

A few seconds passed before Botamo started lightly bouncing on his feet, revealing that he was actually much lighter than he looked, which told Goku that he needed to be careful and not judge his opponents on how they looked... which, for some reason, reminded him of when he and the others fought Buu the first time around.

"Botamo, I see that you are light on your feet, despite the size of your body," Goku commented, though at the same time he raised his arms and entered his battle stance, because his senses told him that the battle would be starting soon and that his opponent was going to make the first move.

As Goku cautiously approached his opponent, while at the same time studying how he was moving at the moment, Botamo increased the pace of his bounces until he flung himself into the air, where he stayed for a few seconds before flinging himself at the arena floor in an attempt to crush Goku into a pancake. Goku immediately jumped backwards and kept his guard up, as something told him that there was more to this attack than what he was seeing, to which Botamo flung himself back into the air and attacked him for a different direction. Goku, however, continued to move out of the way of every attack that came at him, where he simply studied how Botamo was moving and how his body could be used against him, as he was sure that his opponent wasn't going to stand still long enough for him to actually do anything.

That was until Botamo came at him from the side and knocked Goku over to the edge of the arena, where he used his body and stopped himself from going over the edge, to which he turned back towards his opponent and got serious, as he had almost been knocked out without even throwing a punch.

"I heard from Lord Champa that you weren't anything special," Botamo declared, telling Goku the reason behind why he was so confident in his ability to win, because Champa underestimated how strong he and Vegeta were when he visited Beerus' temple, "but you're even worse than I imagined, Mr. universe 7. What's the matter, can't you fight me at all?"

"Oh, I can fight you alright," Goku replied, though at the same time his face got serious, because now that he knew that Champa was underestimating Universe 7, and had likely picked his team accordingly, it was time to show him just how wrong he actually was, "you just caught me off guard. Now that I know you can attack from the side like that, in addition to what you were doing earlier, you'll find that the same thing won't work twice on me."

"Is that so?" Botamo asked, though at the same time his attitude and expression remained the same, meaning that he didn't believe what Goku was saying and still believed that he had this in the bag, "Well then, let's continue from where we left off... with something completely different!"

True to his word Botamo started using a different tactic, shooting ki blasts from his mouth, to which Goku did the sensible thing and dodged the attacks by jumping out of the way and jogging around the arena so he could better study his opponent while he was preoccupied. The only thing Botamo did in addition to firing ki blasts from his mouth was that he turned his body so he could follow Goku, causing the announcer to move out of the way when Goku passed by him, where he was unharmed by their battle. As the seconds ticked by Goku simply picked up his speed, going slightly faster without revealing too much, before he came to a halt where he had been standing a few seconds ago and leapt over Botamo's head... though as the bear realized that he had done that, however, Goku landed some distance behind him, turned around, and blasted him with a Kamehameha, which ended up hitting Botamo in the chest.

When the smoke cleared he discovered that there was a small indent where his attack had struck Botamo, who simply grinned and beckoned for Goku to come at him again, to which Goku merely charged forward and stuck him in the chest several more times... though it quickly became clear that Botamo's body seemed to absorb his attacks while nothing negative happened to him. As Botamo walked towards him Goku simply took a step back and continued his assault, adding in a few kicks as well, though while all this was happening he was studying his opponent's body and how it could be used against him. He actually already had an idea on how to defeat Botamo, but he wanted to be sure that his thoughts were correct before he bothered to use it, because he might find a weakness that would result in a win without him having to use his plan.

Eventually Goku decided that enough was enough and dropped down where Botamo couldn't see him, to which he latched onto his opponet's right leg and pulled with all of his might, where he toppled Botamo to the ground... though he followed that up by grabbing onto both of his opponent's legs and started to pull him towards the edge of the ring, where he avoided several more ki blasts before letting him go. Botamo took that chance to attack him from behind, but since Goku was expecting that he dodged the attack and grabbed onto his opponent's arm, where he tugged with all his might and threw Botamo out of the ring... though once his hit the ground the announcer declared Goku the winner.

Of course Champa was very upset about that and declared that Goku and Vegeta had to be cheaters because he lured them into a false sense of security when they first officially met each other, and even went as far as to claim that the Kamehameha was against the rules of the tournament in an attempt to salvage the first round. What he wasn't expecting, however, was the barrage of statements that erupted from those that lived on Earth, stating that it was within the rules of the tournament and that Botamo had done the same as well. Even the Old Kai got in on the action, stating that Champa was acting like a child because he lost his cool because the first warrior he selected lost within the first few minutes of the match even starting... to which Champa actually starting throwing a small temper tantrum on his platform, causing Beerus, Rainbow, and Applejack to sigh.

For a moment Beerus actually wondered what would have happened to Champa if Universe 6 had been the one his daughters had landed in, but at the same time he was thankful that they came to him... because they opened up his life and made everything that much better for everyone.

Vados spent all of a minute explaining to Champa that they didn't need to win every match, as they still had four more fighters to go, before the God of Destruction calmed down, which was followed by Botamo hiding behind the couch Champa had been sitting on and started crying about his misfortunes. The announcer, on the other hand, continued speaking as he declared that Frost, Frieza's lookalike, would be the next one to fight, where Frieza moved towards the edge of Beerus' platform and stared down at the arena. Goku knew what was going through Frieza's mind at the moment, he was curious as to which side Frost was allied to and watched to see him fight without relaxing, almost as if he expected something bad to happen. In that moment Goku knew to keep his guard up, because if Frieza expected something to happen, after everything that happened to him, he knew to trust the emperor's judgement and prepared himself for whatever was coming next.

"Greetings," Frost declared, surprising everyone by how similar his voice was to Frieza's, because it actually sounded like there were two people with the same voice at the moment, while at the same time he walked forward and held his hand out, "That was a nice fight. I am honored to fight against a warrior such as yourself. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise," Goku replied, to which he took Frost's hand and shook it, because he could tell that his new opponent was trying to impress everyone around him in some manner and decided to play along, as he knew that something was definitely going on this time around.

Frost then went on to walk behind Goku and spoke to the rest of Universe 7, where he claimed that it was unfortunate that they had been separated into allies and enemies, though at the same time he claimed that this was merely a martial arts tournament and that they were here to provide exciting fights for everyone. At the end of his short speech he simply bowed and brought his right hand over his chest, right where his heart was supposed to be, which told those that were familiar with the motion that he had to be allied with Universe 6's Saiyans. Frieza, however, still sensed that there was something amiss with Frost, to which he casually glanced over at Mizuna, who barely nodded her head, as she didn't want the others from Universe 6 to see what she was doing... to which he turned his attention back to the arena and focused on Frost once more.

Frieza thought it was odd that he and Mizuna, originally mortal enemies before they had been sent to the Other World, could ever agree on something, but this just proved that they had both changed... and he silently hoped that he feelings about Frost were correct.

When the battle started Frost flew at Goku and avoided the attack that was coming his way, where he used both of his legs to latch onto Goku's head, pulled him into the air, and spun around a few times before slamming him into the floor and landed nearby. Despite the fact that the attack was a complete surprise, as none of his other opponents had ever done such a thing to him in all the years he had been fighting, Goku picked himself up off the floor and turned towards Frost, who was standing where he had been when the match started. Goku knew that if he really was Frieza's lookalike, and likely had the same abilities that the emperor did, then this was his weakest form and he would be defeated in it unless he bothered to unseal his power.

"Is something the matter?" Frost asked, because he was staring at the expression that was on Goku's face and knew that something was wrong, but he did his best to not reveal anything to his opponent.

"Look, I know you're likely saving your energy for later fights," Goku stated, because he was actually doing the same thing at the moment, but at the same time he already knew that Frost would lose if he didn't transform, "but you should really transform into your final form... otherwise this match will be over before it ever got started."

"How... could you possibly know that?" Frost asked, as while he only transformed when it was necessary the only people that knew about it were those from his universe, which made him wonder how his opponent had learned of his ability to transform.

"Because I fought my universe's version of you once before, and he did the same thing," Goku replied, though as he spoke he didn't reveal the exact number of Frieza's transformations, as that would have given away one of their secrets to their opponents and it wasn't exactly his to reveal anyway, "He's way stronger in his Final Form, so I'm imagining that you would be close to that level if you released all of your power as well."

"I see now," Frost stated, to which he glanced up at the platform that the Universe 7 warriors were standing on and spotted Frieza staring at him, though that made him wonder just how strong his counterpart really was, "Very well then, I shall take your advice and go right to my final form."

With that said Frost surrounded himself in a light and dark purple colored aura as he summoned his power to the surface, though not a few seconds later he was engulfed in his own energy to prevent people from actually seeing him transform into his next form. When the energy disappeared Frost emerged and revealed his form to everyone, though when Frieza gazed upon it he had to contain the urge to chuckle, because it appeared that Frost was trying to play everyone into thinking that he was using all of his power. Frost's 'final form' was the same as his third form, the one he never got to use against Goku and the others back on Namek because they forced him to skip it and go right to his final form to prevent himself from dying... only Frost's third form was much shorter than his own third form was.

That was immediately followed by Goku and Frost going at each other, where they threw punches at their opponent while they literally bounced around the arena, much to the amusement of everyone that was watching them. Beerus found it funny that everyone from Universe 6, those that were watching anyway, were shocked by the fact that Goku was able to keep up with Frost and equal his power, though it was even more funny when he realized that they had no idea that Saiyans could get much stronger than this. He watched as Goku started to integrate ki blasts into the fight, loosing a storm of small ones at Frost before finally calling in the big gun, where Frost actually dived into the Kamehameha and tacked Goku to the floor... causing the announcer to say that this was an amazing fight to behold.

It was then that Universe 7 discovered that Frost's current form was his Assault Form, to which the announcer proclaimed that Frost led the Peacekeeping Forces and used this form when he was in war torn areas, has helped rebuild after the enemies were taken care of, and earned the same reward three times in a row... though despite all this information Frieza still held firm to his belief that there was something sinister about Frost, something that not even his own God of Destruction and Angel knew about.

When Frost knocked Goku back down to the arena floor, and opened fire on him with a bunch of Death Beams, it appeared that he thought the match was over, until the smoke cleared and Goku emerged... to which Goku insisted that Frost was holding back one more form and, to force Frost's hand, he pushed himself into his Super Saiyan form. Frieza knew that Goku wasn't about to show off Super Saiyan Blue, especially since his current opponent would be crushed under the weight of such attacks, but that made him interested in what Frost would do in return. The Gods of Universe 6 seemed surprised by the fact that Saiyans could transform and Champa even questioned the one that he brought with him, who assured his Destroyer God that he had no knowledge of Saiyans transforming... though at the same time Goku grinned as Frost finally took the fight seriously and surrounded himself in his aura once more.

Frieza raised an eyebrow when he gazed upon Frost's final form, because while it looked like his own final form, which was sleek and unimposing in appearance, Frost's arms and legs retained their previous coloring instead of being a unified color like Frieza's body did when he went into his final form... and Frost admitted that this form was hard to control, as he once killed an evil-doer on accident and kept this form sealed until today.

Frost surged down towards where Goku was standing and threw a punch at him, where Goku caught the fist and stopped him dead in his tracks, though he further surprised Universe 6 by punching Frost in the face and knocking him backwards. A few moments later Frost attacked Goku once more, intended to bypass the power that he was facing so he could score a win for his team, but Goku simply repeated the same movements he went through a few moments ago and knocked Frost away from him. The third time it happened, however, Goku let the Super Saiyan aura disappear as he stared at Frost, who was laying on the floor, and considered dropping him out of the arena as well, because it appeared that Frost had spent all his energy in transforming... or he was still holding back on purpose, which made the fight feel dull.

When Frost got back up he declared that he wouldn't give up, even if Goku had suggested such a thing, and stated that he wanted to eliminate war from his world, where he needed Champa's assistance in order to make the peace of his dream a reality... to which he leapt towards Goku and started punching him once more, where Goku simply blocked all of the attacks until he punched Frost in the chest, causing him to cough as he stumbled backwards. Frost stood there, looking like he was going to fall over at any moment, and declared that he was going to continue to fight for the children, before he charged at Goku once more. This time, however, when Goku blocked the attack that was coming his way he felt something poke the palm of his hand as Frost's fist touched his, though when Frost pulled his arm back Goku felt woozy and immediately knew that something was wrong.

That was when Frost, who took advantage of the situation, moved behind Goku and kicked him in the back, sending him flying from the arena until he hit the floor... which surprised everyone from Universe 6, while at the same time those from Universe 7 thought something was suspicious about the whole situation. To Frieza, however, this confirmed that there was something wrong with Frost, as there was no way for Goku to suddenly become woozy like that, which meant that a needle had to be involved... but without proof Champa would only throw a fit again and try to take control of the entire tournament, or something like that anyway.

Of course while he was thinking about what had happened, and everyone else was wondering what Frost had done to Goku, Chi Chi leapt off of where she and the others were sitting and landed on the arena floor, where she charged over to the other side of the ring and jumped down to where Goku was resting. When Chi Chi landed beside Goku as he woke up, where he wondered what was going on for a few seconds, before Frost jumped down to where they were and asked if Goku was alright from his attack. Goku admitted that he had no idea what sort of attack his opponent had used and congratulated Frost on a job well done, but as Frost said that he had no idea what had happened, since he was desperate to win, Goku did sense that something was wrong... but said nothing as he grabbed onto Chi Chi and flew over to where the rest of their friends were resting.

When Goku returned to Beerus' platform he immediately apologized for losing in the second match, to which Beerus waved a hand and said he did great in taking out one opponent while also weakening another, because that meant that he had done his fair share already... to which Goku grinned and turned towards Piccolo, who was stepping up to face Frost since he was up next. Of course Champa called out to Beerus and asked if he was nervous, as if he believed that Goku was Beerus' trump card, though Beerus simply stated that he wasn't nervous, because even with Goku eliminated he still had a strong list of fighters that could take out Frost and the remaining three fighters that Champa had brought with him.

"Goku, be honest with me for a moment," Piccolo commented, indicating that he wanted a few seconds before he jumped into the arena, because now that he knew what Frost's full power was like he knew that his chances were already pretty slim, "Do you think I have a chance at winning?"

"No, I'm afraid that your chances of winning are extremely small," Goku replied, though while he hated saying such a thing to Piccolo, right before his friend went into the arena to fight Frost, he wanted Piccolo to know his feelings since he had fought Frost... while at the same time smiling, indicating that people were cheering for him regardless.

"Well, I thank you for being honest with me," Piccolo said, to which he smiled as well, because he already knew who was coming up after him and knew what would happen when Frieza battled with Frost, "I never thought my role in this tournament would be to weaken my opponent before being knocked out, but at least that means that the battle with Frost will be much easier for the one that comes after me."

Frieza honestly didn't want to fight Frost when he was severely weakened, but since this was how Lord Beerus had set up the teams he offered Piccolo a smile and nodded his head, to which the Namekian actually smiled at him as well before jumping into the arena... where he pulled off his weighted armor and dropped them on the ground before turning towards his opponent.

The moment the match was supposed to start Frost declared that he had already revealed the scope of his power and that he would be using his willpower from here on out, where he charged at Piccolo and tried to punch him, but Piccolo moved out of the way and floated in the air for a few moments, where he started charging his Special Beam Cannon. His plain was simple, charge the attack for long enough where he could knock Frost out, as he wanted to prove that he was better than what everyone else believed, but even if this failed he will have wasted a good fragment of Frost's remaining energy in the process. Frost, already determining the requirement for this technique, started firing Death Beams at Piccolo, who used his other hand to move him around while he danced around the air, though when he landed on the arena floor he switched to dancing around the arena as Frost fired at him repeatedly.

At one point Piccolo started firing weak beams of energy from his eyes in an attempt to stall Frost, though his opponent eventually scored a hit by blasting a small hole in his right leg, forcing him to land on the arena floor... but he refused to give up and continued charging his attack.

"Such concentration," Frost commented, though at the same time he already knew that he had won this match, because he could now knock out his opponent and move onto the next one in line, "but with that wound you won't be able to run around like you have anymore."

Piccolo grinned as he started creating copies of himself, which circled and surrounded the area that Frost was standing in, though he made sure to create enough of them were Frost would have to expand more of his energy in order to get rid of all of them, while also increasing the density of his attack to hide his face. Frost started to spin around and loosed a storm of blasts at the Piccolos that were standing around him, banishing the clones while he searched for the real one so he could end this fight. After a few seconds of doing that Frost decided to stop messing around and gathered his energy into his hands as he brought them up to his head, where he released a wave of energy that knocked out the clones and found the real one... where he loosed a barrage of punches at Piccolo as he slowly forced him back towards the edge of the arena, as if he intended to knock him out of the arena like he did with Goku.

That was, however, until Frost kicked Piccolo's wounded leg and forced him to dispel the energy he had been gathering, before he kicked him in the chest and knocked him back towards the middle of the arena... but then Piccolo surprised him by stretching his left arm until it wrapped around him and stopped himself from moving, where he started charging his attack again.

"Got you, Frost." Piccolo said, though he smiled as he worked, because even if this all still failed he will have weakened Frost to the point where Frieza could take him out, "Not only was I thinking about how best to store my ki, but also how I could hit you."

"I was distracted by your ki," Frost stated, though at the same time he remained still as he stared at Piccolo, where he considered everything that happened since their battle started, "I thought I had won when I forced your ki to disperse. I wonder though, did you purposely allow me to wound your leg in such a way, so you could create this situation?"

This time around, instead of saying anything, Piccolo simply nodded his head, to which a smile appeared on Frost's face as he chuckled, as he understood the situation that he was in at the moment.

"I've been deceived," Frost said, clearly stating that he understood what was going on and that he knew what was coming next, as he seemed to be accepting what was coming, "This was your trump card... meaning that a knockout blow is inevitable at this point."

"You didn't know my fighting style," Piccolo stated, as while he could have easily boasted that he was a strategist in Universe 7, he decided to tell Frost the reason why he had lost, though at the same time he felt Frost move his right hand into the area around his chest, "that's the main reason why you lost this fight."

That was immediately followed by his vision swimming as he lost control of his arm, allowing Frost to break free of his hold and he immediately pointed his attack at his target, where Frost surged towards him and blasted a small hole in his chest, avoiding his heart while Piccolo was forced to point his attack upwards as he flew backwards... where his attack blasted a hole in the top of the barrier above them, which Vados said that she would fix. Piccolo, however, hit the floor and remained there for a few moments, where the announcer declared that Frost was the winner of this match, much to the joy of Champa... but that was short lived as someone spoke up.

"Objection!" Jaco called out, though at the same time he stepped out onto the small part of the platform that the fighters jumped off of, where he stared down at Frost for a few seconds while everyone else turned towards him, "That was a foul play! Contestant Frost is using a weapon! And, if you don't believe me, then examine his right arm. He's concealing a needle of some kind."

That was met with an uproar from both Champa and the Universe 6 Saiyan, who insisted that Frost would never do something like that since the two of them had fought side by side on Planet Mayonnai, while at the same time proclaiming him to be a hero that would never cheat. What Champa didn't expect was that Vegeta, his mother, and Frieza state their agreement with Jaco's words, where Vegeta insisted that the referee perform a body check to be absolutely sure that they were right in their assumptions, while Champa moaned that Beerus' team was being a bunch of sore losers. Beerus, on the other hand, stated that he believed in his team's judgement and had them perform the body search, because if Frieza, who used to be the most terrifying tyrant in his universe, was agreeing to this then it had to be true.

The referee seemed unsure of Universe 7's accusations, but he carefully searched over Frost's body before finding a point where a needle could be extended from a hole on his right arm, where he touched it and felt woozy, exactly like Goku and Piccolo had been when they were fighting Frost... though once he calm to, since it was a small dose he recovered much faster, he immediately declared that Frost had the concealed needle. Frost, however, declared that this was no weapon like Jaco was suggesting and stated that it was a natural part of his body, though the referee stated that there was clearly some modifications made to it... declaring Piccolo as the winner and Frost as the loser, much to the shock of the Universe 6 Saiyan and Champa.

When the Universe 6 Saiyan stared down at Frost he demanded why someone was noble as Frost would have to resort to cheating in order to win this tournament, where Vados declared that it was in Frost's nature because he was the leader of the shadowy organization that attacked Planet Mayonnai. It was then that everyone discovered that Frost not only started all of the wars that he had fought in, as well as resolved them, but he also bought the war-ravaged lands at a low cost, only to fix them up and sell them at a higher price when everything was done. While Frost spoke Frieza felt his anger rising, because he had been under the assumption that, since the Universe 6 Saiyans seemed to have started as good guys while Goku and Vegeta's version turned to good of their own accord, there had been a slim chance that Frost would have been good, despite the sensations he felt earlier... but now it was clear that Frost had been like his old self.

It was in that moment that Piccolo chuckled and picked himself up off the floor, where he stated that he had fallen for Frost's tricks instead of Frost falling for what he had planned, though as he spoke he healed the wound on his chest... and Champa, outraged by Frost's shameful and humiliating actions, raised a hand to utterly destroy Frost where he was standing at that very moment.

"There's no need to destroy or disqualify Frost from the tournament," Piccolo said, surprising everyone from Universe 6, while at the same time he noticed Champa glare down at him while Frost turned to look at him with a look of confusion in his eyes, "Let Frost have his 'victory' for now, because the person that's up next will definitely make him pay for everything he's done and the lies he's told... and you should consider letting Goku back into the tournament, say after Vegeta, since he was cheated as well."

Piccolo knew that he was pushing it, but at the same time the referee seemed to agree with his statement due to what Frost had done, so he was perfectly fine with allowing himself to take the loss, as his fight had revealed that Frost was cheating and allowed Goku back into the tournament... to which he chuckled softly for a moment and flew up to where Beerus' platform was resting, where Beerus congratulated him on getting Goku back in the game and for putting up a good fight against Frost. Piccolo was pleased that his team was happy with his progress, even if he couldn't beat Frost in a fair fight, but at the same time he turned towards Frieza and noticed the annoyed look on his face, which reminded him of what happened on Namek... before Frieza put a neutral expression on his face and jumped down into the arena when the announcer called for him to enter the arena.

"Ah, my counterpart from Universe 7," Frost commented, though he kept the smile on his face, indicating that he was extremely confident due to the fact that Piccolo had essentially forfeited and wasn't too annoyed that his secret had been revealed to everyone, "You know, allowing me to take the win like that means that your friend was extremely confident in the fact that you can beat me in a fight. I hope that you understand that your team might regret your friend's decision, because the needle you discovered isn't the only weapon in my arsenal... I have some special poison in my other arm, which I will use against you in this match."

"You know, I was hoping that you walked a different path than I used to," Frieza said, causing Frost to raise an eyebrow for a moment, indicating that he had no idea what Frieza was even talking about, but Frieza continued speaking anyway, "Our universes are twins, but where the Saiyans of my universe originally started out as warriors of evil, and eventually turned into champions of justice that defeated tyrants and evil-doers, your Saiyans started as heroes and remained that way. For the majority of my life I walked the path of evil, just like you are, but I was defeated on Planet Namek and was killed sometime later on Planet Earth, where I spent a good amount of time in the Other World and thought about my life. I won't bore you with the details, but I changed to the side of good and am working to changing my reputation with those I have wronged... and I'll start by making you pay for the lives you've taken in your universe!"

Before Frost could say anything Frieza surrounded himself in his purple aura and pushed himself right to his final form, as he intended to never use his second or third forms ever again, though when the smoke and his aura disappeared he emerged in his final form... where he stared at Frost with a frown on his face. Frost growled as Champa blasted the gong and started the match, where he charged forward and raced towards Frieza's position, as he hadn't moved since the match started. Frost swung his left arm at his opponent, as he intended to use the poison to cripple and defeat Frieza before he had a chance to do anything, but Frieza surprised him by jumping into the air and avoided the attack entirely, where he lashed out with his foot and struck Frost in the chest... knocking him into the floor of the arena and causing him to cough a few times.

Frieza landed nearby and stared at Frost, intending to at least give his opponent a few more minutes of fighting before he knocked him out of the arena, to which his opponent picked himself up off the floor and charged at him once more. Frieza then blocked the attacks that were coming at him and sometimes dodged them completely, as he didn't want to test his luck with the body numbing needle and the powerful poison that Frost was carrying, while at the same time he used his fists to strike Frost's chest in the process. It quickly became clear to him that Piccolo had done his job too well, as Frost was slowly exhausting what energy he had left, to which Frieza sighed and jumped away from where Frost was standing... to which he surrounded himself with his aura, dashed forward at a speed that was greater than what Frost was using at the moment, and delivered an uppercut to Frost's chin, sending him into the air.

In the process of his attack he knocked Frost into the barrier that surrounded the entirety of the tournament grounds and created a hole when Frost passed through it, to which Vados waved her scepter and fixed the hole... while at the same time returning Frost to the ground near the arena, where the referee declared that Frieza was the winner and that Frost had lost the match. Frieza felt better after knocking Frost out of the arena, because he and his team had revealed his true colors to Universe 6, which meant that the true authorities and warriors of justice would dispense their own justice on Frost when the tournament was over. Now all he had to do was continue fighting and make sure that Universe 7 won the tournament, so they could ensure that the Earth stayed in Universe 7... which meant that he and the others needed to go through three more opponents and the fighting would be over.

Frieza stared at the robot that would be his next opponent, Magetta as the referee called him, and wondered what sort of fighter he was going to be facing next... though he smiled for a few seconds, because he would find that out in the next couple of minutes.

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