• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Battle: Return to Earth

Rainbow and Applejack were amazed by the sheer amount of power that had been put out during their father's battle with Sunset, as it was more than they had felt when they had fought him earlier that day and they now understood that their father had been holding back the entire time. There was no way that they could even beat their father, much less Sunset Shimmer, without more years of training with their various Avatar forms and spending some more time understanding what they had seen. From what they could tell Gale, Goku, and Vegeta were shocked by the sheer amount of power that had been on display in front of them, as all of them had been staring down at the planet as it was being torn apart, yet at the same time they could tell that the two Saiyans were more eager to continue their own training. The girls guessed that their friends were obsessed with defeating their father, which meant that they might ask Whis for additional training in the hopes of getting an upper hand in the process.

Personally, Rainbow thought that Goku and Vegeta were insane for thinking that they had a chance to defeat their father, but she wanted to do the same thing with Sunset, so she had to think that all four of them were a tad bit insane given what the two Gods of Destruction had done to the planet they had been fighting on.

A few seconds later, while she was interested in her thoughts, the Grand Priest floated over to where the other eleven Destroyer Gods were standing and gently lowered their father and Sunset into the waiting hands of their fellow gods, where Liquiir gently held onto Sunset while Champa, reluctantly, did the same for his brother. Once the two Destroyer Gods were back with the others, however, Whis and Celestia walked over to them and held their scepters out, allowing the healing rays to gather around Beerus and Sunset. Applejack remembered Whis telling her and Rainbow about this back when they were still kids, as this allowed an Angel to heal the wounds of their God of Destruction, which would allow both their father and Sunset to recover much faster.

As the two Destroyer Gods came to, despite the fact that they were exhausted beyond belief, the Grand Priest weaved his energy into the area around the stands before teleporting them back to Zeno-sama's palace, in the same area where the thirteen platforms had been earlier. Instead of returning to their platforms, however, they were all allowed to remain standing in the area that Sunset and her fellow gods had been standing in when they were introduced to the other gods and Zeno-sama. Thinking of the King of All, and the fact that he hadn't said anything so far, caused both Rainbow and Applejack to glance up at him, where they found that he was currently discussing something of great importance with the Grand Priest.

"I can't remember the last time I was this exhausted," Sunset weakly said, to which Twilight and Liquiir gently helped her into a sitting position, though at the same time she was actually surprised to find Liquiir standing near her.

"It has been a long time since something like this happened to me." Beerus commented, keeping his moaning to himself as Whis and Chronoa pulled him into a sitting position as well, while at the same time smiling at Sunset when he noticed that she appeared to have made a friend with another God of Destruction, or at least peaked Liquiir's interest.

"It appears that I was correct in my earlier decision," a voice said, to which the entire group of gods turned towards the one Destroyer God that was standing by himself, where they found Quitela grinning at something that he found to be humorous, "Sunset Shimmer, the 'God of Destruction' for Universe 13, is a weak individual that doesn't deserve such an important position at all."

"I would watch what you say, Quitela," Liquiir replied, though at the same time Beerus could hear the anger already rising in the fox god's voice, something that most of them felt when the mouse god started speaking, "You are already in hot water with Zeno-sama, so I wouldn't push your luck any further than you already have."

"And what do you mean that she's a 'weak individual' that 'doesn't deserve' her position?" Heles inquired, as that was something that was bugging her, though at the same time her fingers twitched, as she wanted to punch Quitela in the face with all her might, "Did you not see the battle that raged in front of us?"

"I did watch the fight, and Sunset failed to best Beerus," Quitela answered, though at the same time he smiled at all of them, indicating that he didn't care who liked him and who disliked him, "She failed to best one of the stronger Gods of Destruction, meaning that her power isn't up to par with what the rest of us can do."

"It seems that you need to get your eyes checked, because Sunset and Beerus tied in their match," Liquiir stated, to which he stood up and stared at the mouse god, though at the same time he was beginning to see why Beerus disliked Quitela as much as he did, "though you could always ask the Grand Priest and Zeno-sama to allow you to fight Sunset at some point in the future, once she's recovered from her fight with Beerus... I know that I'm thinking about doing just that in the future."

"We tied?" Sunset asked, as she remembered going to her fullest power against Beerus and then collapsed on the ground a few minutes later, though she didn't recall what happened after hitting the floor.

"That's right, I hit the ground not a few seconds after you did," Beerus replied, to which he looked at the other Gods of Destruction for a few seconds, knowing that they could have done something while he and Sunset were fighting and clearly hadn't done that, "You know, I'm kind of grateful that no one was betting on our match... because I think a tie would have annoyed the entirety, if not the vast majority, of anyone who bet on the match in the process."

"To be fair I would have bet against you," Champa commented, though that was followed by Beerus, and some of the other gods, to chuckle for a few seconds, causing him to raise an eyebrow in confusion, "What's so funny?"

That was immediately followed by Mosco beeping a few times, to which the group of gods remained quiet so Campari could hear what his God of Destruction was saying and accurately translate it to the rest of the group.

"Lord Mosco says that you are Beerus' twin brother, yet you would have bet on any of the gods beating him instead of putting your faith in him for once," Campari replied, to which Mosco nodded his head, or at least tried to thanks to how his body structure, to confirm that this was what he had said.

"Honestly, I knew that, even if you all did place some bets on our match, Champa would have bet against me," Beerus said, though this time around he wasn't pissed with his bother, because he had been expecting something like that to happen thanks to their history, "I'm used to that by now."

Champa was honestly surprised that his brother was so willing to not be angry at him over the fact that he had said that he would have bet against him, something that would have pissed him off about forty to fifty years ago, before the arrival of Rainbow and Applejack. He had to guess that those two girls had changed more than just his brother's anger issues, though at the same time he was already wondering what else had changed since the last time the two of them had been in the same area at the same time. Before he could say anything, and voice his opinion on what was happening to his brother, he noticed that the Grand Priest had finished speaking with Zeno-sama, to which he and the others separated from each other and stood in their thirteen groups to represent the other universes.

"Lord Zeno is pleased with the battle that the two of you put on, as he could accurately follow who was doing what without becoming confused as to what was happening at any given moment," the Grand Priest said, to which Beerus and Sunset smiled, as they hadn't known that they were supposed to be entertaining Zeno-sama at the moment and were pleased that he enjoyed the spectacle, "He even said that he might lift the taboo occasionally for another duel between two of you, though he is undecided on whether or not he should actually go along with it. He also told me that the summit of the gods is over, so you are free to either return to your home universes or socialize with each other in a location of your choosing."

"Th... that's it? This is the end of the summit?" Sidra asked, though at the same time the other Gods of Destruction could tell that he was slightly disappointed, telling Sunset and her group that the summits were supposed to go on for much longer than this one had.

"This summit was all about introducing Lady Sunset, Celestia, and Twilight Sparkle to all of you," the Grand Priest replied, not even taking offense to what Sidra had said, as he was fully aware that this was one of the shortest summits they had ever had, "Now that the gods from Universe 13 have been introduced, and Lord Beerus and Lady Sunset have entertained Lord Zeno with an excellent fight, the summit is officially over."

Sidra considered that piece of information for a few seconds, as if he was coming to terms with what they had been told, before he and the other gods nodded their understanding, to which the Grand Priest returned to Zeno-sama and the two of them disappeared before anyone could say anything. A few of the Gods of Destruction, namely Quitela, Champa, Sidra, and Belmod, departed a few moments after the Grand Priest left the area they were in, each claiming that they had some business they needed to finish up thanks to the summit being called. Mosco, Arack, Rumsshi, and Geene departed a few minutes after the previous group, each wishing Sunset well in her new role, while Heles mentioned she had some business to attend to back in her universe. Iwen stayed behind for a few more moments, to welcome Sunset to her new position, before departing from the palace as well... though Liquiir stayed with Beerus and Sunset until they were both ready to leave the palace.

Sunset was actually surprised when Liquiir asked if he, and his Angel Korn, could visit Universe 13 at some point in the future, especially since he was interested in see what sort of universe Sunset ruled over and getting to knew the three of them a little more... after Sunset had recovered from the match that she and Beerus had finished. Sunset was more than willing to agree with Liquiir's request, where she made sure that he knew to contact her ahead of time, as that was the custom between the Gods of Destruction. Beerus had to chuckle for a moment, where he explained that the only Destroyer God that didn't abide by that custom was his brother, as Champa loved to invade other universes when he was searching for something specific, which also served as a warning for Sunset to have her eye out for Beerus' brother.

Liquiir promised that he would abide by the custom and ask Sunset for permission to enter her universe when he wanted to come for a visit, though once that was done he, his Angel, and his Kaioshin departed for Universe 8... leaving Beerus, Sunset, and their friends to do the same thing. Shin then assisted Twilight with the technique that would allow them to leave the palace, the same one that they used to reach the exterior, before they all departed from Zeno-sama's palace and reappeared in Universe 13. When they returned to the Great Clock they had Starlight and Discord join them, as the two had opted to remain at the Great Clock, before they traveled back to Equus, where the two groups separated from each other... though that was followed by Beerus and his group bidding Sunset's group farewell, for now anyway, before Whis got them moving towards their home universe.

It took some time for Beerus, his friends, and his daughters to return to their home universe and reappeared on Earth, where Beerus discovered that it had turned into the late evening, if not night time, and that Bulma's party was still going on despite the fact that several guests were missing. They all reappeared near the pool area, though a few seconds later they were found by Piccolo, who was pleased to find that they had returned, to which they followed him down to the party and let Bulma see that they had returned. That, of course, was when Chi Chi, Gohan, and Goten ran over to Goku while Trunks and Bulma did the same for Vegeta, though both of the Saiyans were pleased to see that their friends and family were just fine... and had been having some fun while they had been visiting Universe 13.

"So Beerus, tell us about the new God of Destruction." Bulma said, though that was after some of the party staff brought the god and his group something to eat and drink, as she suspected that none of them had even eaten since they had left for the other universe, "What's she like?"

"Well, her name is Sunset Shimmer and she's also a pony like Rainbow and Applejack," Beerus replied, though his words revealed the exact nature of Sunset's body to those that didn't know her, but while he talked he simply sipped on a drink while his family had something to eat from what was available, "Sunset's raw power is very impressive, because not only did she best Rainbow and Applejack in battle, while they were fused no less, she also managed to fight me to a tie while we were visiting Zeno-sama's palace for a summit."

"The two of you tied?" Piccolo commented, to which he noticed that the God of Destruction nodded his head, confirming what he had just heard, though that caused him to sweat for a moment, "I knew you were powerful, and that both Rainbow and Applejack are powerful... but its hard to imagine another Destroyer God that is as powerful as you are."

"I was expecting her to be strong, since she fought Rainbow and Applejack, but that didn't prepare me for what she had up her sleeves," Beerus said, to which he flexed his fingers for a moment, because the fight had been something that he would never forget, though at the same time he hoped that Quitela and the other gods that didn't care for Sunset learned that she wasn't to be messed with, "Besides, while we were visiting Universe 13 we managed to restore Rainbow and Applejack's missing memories, so they remember everything that happened to them before they walked through a certain crystal mirror and appeared in our universe."

"Really?" Krillin said, to which he glanced over at the girls for a moment, who nodded their heads for a few seconds, though that only caused him to wonder what was going to happen to them now, "And? What did the two of you find out about yourselves?"

"We found out that there's some sort of rivalry between the two of us, we aren't actually sisters, and we each have our own families and important ponies that are missing our presence," Applejack replied, to which she let out a sigh, as she knew that Apple Bloom was worried about her, just like Scootaloo was for Rainbow despite the fact that they actually weren't actual sisters, "In order to get our memories back, however, we battled Sunset and were actually besting her, until she brought out her full power for the briefest of seconds and we defused back into our separate states. We then went to the Great Clock, essentially the Universe 13 equivalent of our mother's Time Nest, and restored our memories, where we eventually decided that we would be moving back to Universe 13 at some point in the near future... and Gale has agreed to move to Universe 13 as well, to live with the two of us."

"What about our friendship?" Trunks asked, while at the same time Goten nodded his head, indicating that the two of them were more interested in what Gale was doing and weren't even interested in what Rainbow and Applejack were going through at the moment.

"Well, I guess I could ask Celestia, the Angel of Universe 13, or Twilight, the Kaioshin, to take me somewhere and then had Whis come pick me up if we arranged a day to hang out," Gale replied, as when she made the decision to move to Universe 13 with her sisters she hadn't considered what that would mean for her friends, though she was thankful that Buu was apparently sleeping at the moment, "or we can figure something out... just like we usually do."

"Sunset didn't specify when Rainbow and Applejack had to move into their old homes," Whis commented, knowing that the fact was more like a gesture so the girls could settle whatever problems they had and gather the belongings they wanted to take with them, "which means that she knows that they have some things they need to take care of before they even consider moving back to Universe 13. That means that they can stay here for another month or two, maybe three if we push it, before Twilight asks us to bring her best friends back to their home world."

"You know, in the heat of all that happened, I forgot that fact," Goku said, to which he rubbed the back of his head, because he was used to thinking of the girls as Vegeta's best friend and now had another person to add to that list, "If I remember what Twilight said Rainbow and Applejack aren't the only friends of hers that were teleported to other worlds, all thanks to Discord messing with that strange crystal mirror."

"Discord?" Piccolo inquired, though at the same time he was curious as to what the group was talking about, as while they all knew the girls were from another world the news that they weren't the only displaced members of their kind made him worry that their new God of Destruction wasn't doing anything to get them back.

"The Spirit of Disharmony and Lord of Chaos... or more like the God of Chaos, since he was able to send us to another universe, instead of another world," Rainbow said, remembering the chimera creature that she and the others had encountered, as well as the brief amount of reality warping he had gone while they were there, "From what we saw, and what we remember, our home world of Equus is actually inhabited by three tribes of ponies, dragons that are different from Shenron and Porunga, griffons, and potentially even more races than what we saw."

"Don't forget the changelings," Applejack added, remembering the royal wedding that she and Rainbow had been invited to, the one that involved meeting the queen of the race and defending the city of Canterlot to the best of their ability, "and the Sirens... and the windigos as well I guess. It will take some time for the two of us to truly understand what our memories mean and what we can do with the information that we used to know, something that I am greatly looking forward to for the next couple of days."

"I'm more interested in getting back to our training, especially with the power that Sunset commands," Rainbow replied, knowing that her sister would be more interested on something that was different from what she wanted, even though she glanced over at their father for a few seconds, "Maybe one day we'll be able to best her in battle someday... or maybe we'll gain enough power to best our father one day in the near future."

"The day you beat me in battle will be the day I resign as the God of Destruction for Universe 7," Beerus stated, though he wasn't joking around, because Rainbow had the potential to become a strong God of Destruction when she finally reached the point where she ascended to that rank, which was a day he was eagerly awaiting for, "Though we should cease talking about our adventure in Universe 13, for the rest of the night anyway, and enjoy the rest of Bulma's birthday party... because she deserves to have the attention of her guests focused on her."

In reality Beerus just wanted some time to think about what they had seen, what they had learned, and understand what the other eleven Destroyer Gods had done while they were in the presence of Sunset Shimmer, who was an unusually powerful opponent. He knew that her raw power was more than enough to force him into a tie, and that with some additional training and experience, she might be able to best him one day, though that would take some centuries before such a thing happened. One thing he knew was that some of the Destroyer Gods had stated that they disliked Sunset, in the manner that they believed she was weak and wasn't deserving of such an important position, while others, such as Liquiir, were interested in learning about Sunset and her universe. He was still amazed that Liquiir, one of the more arrogant Destroyer Gods, had toned down his attitude and revealed that he was vastly interested in both Sunset and her universe... something that he couldn't stop thinking about.

He was beginning to suspect that the ponies of Equus possessed an innate gift to change some of the people that they encounter, because if he was able to change who he was, and become a vastly more likeable person to the other gods that helped keep his universe in working order... and briefly wondered if they could even do the same with Zeno-sama, but then tossed the thought to the side. It was more than enough that Rainbow and Applejack had changed him, when he used to be a terrifying God of Destruction that hated nearly everyone and treated them like trash, and he was thankful for them coming into his life like they had. His girls had also played a part in helping the Saiyans change their entire civilization and made them into warriors of good, and he was sure that he had player a small part in that as well, and they had changed everyone else around them... to which he smiled and simply enjoyed the rest of the party.

Sure enough Bulma and the others resumed the party after Beerus had said that they should stop talking about Universe 13, allowing Beerus' group to relax and enjoy themselves after everything they had been through since they left to visit the now official universe. During the remainder of the party Krillin asked Rainbow and Applejack what they were planning on doing once they got back home, to which the girls basically said that they were going to see what the immediate future held for them before they started packing for the one way trip to Universe 13. Beerus could tell that his daughters were still slightly sad about the fact that they had been born in Universe 13 instead of Universe 7, despite what their memories told them, but for the most part they seemed to understand what was going on.

He was sure that Rainbow and Applejack would come to enjoy reconnecting to their old loved ones and family members that had been missing them since they walked through that crystal mirror... and he was sure that meeting them would be interesting, once they picked a day to start moving back to Universe 13 anyway.

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