• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Majin: Desperate Battle

Super Buu and Gotenks stared at each other for a few moments, each waiting for their opponent to do something before they started fighting each other, while at the same time Piccolo stood at the building and watched the two of them with a look of worry in his eyes. A few seconds later Gotenks charged though the air and slammed his fist into Super Buu's face, where he released a fury of punches that did nothing to Super Buu, expect make him irritated for a moment. He was actually disappointed in the first set of attacks his opponent used against him, as he had been told that this was the promised warrior and he was getting no excitement from this. A few seconds later he dropped out of his battle stance and simply stared at the 'fusion' warrior, because if his opponent didn't excite him soon enough he was going to demand that he battle the pony girls.

If anything fighting against the various abilities that Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale possessed would make for a more interesting fight, and he was positive that there was more to them than what they had already shown him.

"This is boring." Super Buu stated, stretching his neck for a moment, as that was his custom when he was standing still, while at the same time glaring at his opponent, "You aren't strong at all."

"Well, I wasn't being serious with those punches, so of course you would think that." Gotenks replied, though at the same time he was worried, because his base power should have done more damage to Super Buu, instead of doing absolutely nothing to him, "I'll show you what will happen when I mean business."

What that said Gotenks flew up into the air, spun around after reaching a certain point, and flew back down towards Super Buu, to which he called out 'Dynamite Kick' as he kicked Super Buu in his neck and forced him to take a few steps forward. A few moments later Super Buu spun his head around, leaving his body facing the way he had been looking moments ago, and grinned at Gotenks in a mocking way, to which the small fusion warrior charged forward and used his 'Dynamite Kick Boomerang' to kick his side and cause him to bend a tiny bit. That was rapidly followed by Super Buu detonating thanks to the two kicks that his opponent had delivered, though the explosion did nothing to him, allowing Super Buu to return his body to how it had looked moments ago.

"What was that just now?" Super Buu asked, though at the same time he couldn't help but sound bored, because so far he was having no fun and there was no excitement in this fight.

Gotenks growled and started spinning his right arm, while at the same time proclaiming that this was his 'Rolling Thunder Punch' as he charged at Super Buu, though not a few seconds later Super Buu glared down at the fusion warrior as his fist lightly touched his stomach area. Gotenks looked concerned for a moment, indicating that he was either shocked that his attack had done nothing or that he had been testing something and didn't like the results. Super Buu, on the other hand, was growing irritated with the warrior, because so far he wasn't what he had been promised and he felt like he was wasting his time... though he wanted to truly test Gotenks' powers out before calling it quits.

"Pay close attention," Super Buu commented, to which he raised his right hand up and tapped his chin, indicating where he wanted his opponent to hit him, almost as if he was teaching someone who had never been in a fight before, "you should be aiming for my chin, and not my stomach."

Gotenks growled and started spinning his right arm again, indicating that he intended to use the 'Rolling Thunder Punch' once more, despite its failure to hurt Super Buu, though this time he spun his arm a lot more than he had the last time he used this attack. Super Buu, on the other hand, simply stood there and waited, his chin and hand held out due to his demonstration, as he wondered if he'd actually get anywhere with his opponent. A few seconds later Gotenks lifted himself into the air, whether by his ki or by the spinning of his arm Super Buu didn't care to figure out, before he was leveled with Super Buu's face... where Gotenks released the attack and send Super Buu back a few steps.

When Gotenks landed on the ground, and stared at his opponent, Super Buu brought his head back up and grinned as his opponent, because he now suspected that this might be an exciting match if his opponent got serious... while at the same time Gotenks noticed something odd about Super Buu's eyes.

"Dude, your eyes turned red," Gotenks commented, though he had to wonder if that was a good thing or if that was a bad thing, as his eyes had been white before he used his attack for a second time.

"Really?" Super Buu asked, to which he walked back into the building that Piccolo was standing in and headed into what appeared to be a bathing area, where he noticed a mirror that revealed the change in his eyes color, before grinning as he returned to where Gotenks was standing.

A few seconds later the entirety of the area they were fighting in shifted, with the sky and the ground turning into what Super Buu suspected a glacier looked like, while mentally chuckling as he watched Gotenks pull his feet out of the frozen ground. Super Buu then watched as Gotenks charged at him, using what he called the 'Wild Boar Attack', though when he missed Gotenks grabbed onto the ground, slid for a few seconds so he could realign himself, and used his 'Power Tackle' against Super Buu's back. After that Super Buu pretty much let Gotenks go on the offensive, to which the fusion warrior started a barrage of attacks that had names that were clearly inspired by snack foods, while at the same time Super Buu wondered why he thought that this was going to be an exciting match.

Eventually Gotenks stopped when he had trouble remembering one of the names he had given to his attacks, though when he finally remembered it Super Buu waited for him to come closer before slapping him away with his left arm, as he was growing a little annoyed by his opponent once more. As Gotenks regained himself, and rubbed his cheek for a moment, he noticed that Piccolo had his palm of his face, to which he simply walked up to Super Buu, said that he needed a few seconds, and walked over to where Piccolo was standing.

"Pardon me, Piccolo," Gotenks said, while at the same time tugging on Piccolo's cape in order to get his attention, which he got a few seconds later, "but is it possible that you think that I'm losing?"

"Honestly, the difference in your powers is too great to ignore," Piccolo replied, though he crossed his arms as he thought about the situation that they were in, and the possibility that was waiting just outside the door, "however, we still have one last trump card; Raijack."

"But she'll ruin Super Buu in a matter of seconds!" Gotenks complained, because while he knew that the fusion between Rainbow and Applejack was strong, and he had seen her stop one of his attacks and crush it with her bare hands, he didn't want to call upon her aid unless it was truly necessary.

"Well, if you want to be the one that takes him out, than you had better start taking him seriously and ascend to your Super Saiyan state," Piccolo stated, though at the same time he let a little smirk appear on his face, because just mentioning Raijack was enough to get Gotenks to use his full power, "otherwise Raijack will have all the fun."

Gotenks glared at Piccolo for a moment, clearly weighing his options on the matter, before letting out a sigh and charged back into battle, though this time he simply landed in front of the direction that Super Buu was facing and prepared himself. A few moments later he shot some of his ki into the air and let it rain down like fireworks, while at the same time ascending to his Super Saiyan form and dropping back into his battle stance... and then immediately sat down as he had to decide which attack he wanted to use first. Both Super Buu and Piccolo were confused, and a little irritated, by Gotenks at the moment, though they were both relieved when he got back to his feet and raised a hand into the air... with a single finger pointing at the sky.

"Take this!" Gotenks shouted, to which his ki flickered for a moment as a small ball gathered around his finger, where he drew a circle in the air above him and then held his palm out to stabilize the energy, "Galactic Donuts!"

Gotenks threw the circle of ki energy at Super Buu and had it stop directly above him, where he then started to direct the attack with his hands, allowing it to expand as it lowered down until it was directly in the middle of Super Buu's body, though he stood there and stared at the attack with curiosity in his eyes. The sheer amount of power that the attack was generating caused the entire area around them to shake, while at the same time Piccolo silently cheered Gotenks on as cracks started to form in the pillars and hourglasses around him. When Gotenks brought his fists together, however, the circle of energy contracted until Super Buu was caught in the middle of it all, where he started struggling against the energy as Gotenks proclaimed that this was the end of their fight.

That went on for a few seconds, where Super Buu allowed Gotenks to believe that he had won this fight, before his eyes snapped open and he grinned at his opponent once more... to which a look of confusion appeared on Gotenks' face.

"Just kidding," Super Buu said, to which he braced himself as he flexed both his body and his ki, which was followed by the attack being shattered into fragments of ki that dissipated into nothingness, before he turned and looked at Gotenks, "Just you attacking isn't fun anymore... so now its my turn."

Super Buu dashed through the space between him and Gotenks and arrived him front of his opponent, choosing to do so in a slightly hunched over form and looking like a maniac, before he clapped his hands where Gotenks was standing, though his opponent had the smarts to move into the air before his attack reached him. As Gotenks proclaimed that he was in the clear, however, Super Buu decided to show him how wrong he was by flashing up to where Gotenks was and floated along side him in a standing position. That was followed by him kicking Gotenks in the stomach, sending him even higher into the air, though Super Buu waited for a few seconds before following after him again, but this time around he appeared in front of Gotenks, spun around in the air, and kicked him with enough force to send him hurling back down towards the ground.

When Gotenks corrected himself, however, Super Buu appeared near him and punched him in the face, sending him flying in the opposite direction that he had been heading in, to which he collided with the bathroom portion of the building and destroyed the tube area.

A few moments later, when Gotenks emerged from the building, Super Buu beckoned for him to come back to the battle and the two of them flew back into the air, where Super Buu blocked the punches and kicks that his opponent sent his way, before kicking him down towards the ground again. This time, when Super Buu followed him, Gotenks corrected himself and flew back up into the air, where the two of them had their heads collide with each other and daze the two of them for a few seconds. When the two of them landed, however, Gotenks proclaimed that Super Buu got what he deserved and that he was bringing an end to this fight, to which his ki flared up all around him and reverted the area back into the white void they had been standing in when Super Buu first stepped into this chamber.

After a few more seconds Gotenks dispelled his ki and started blowing an eerie white ball out of his mouth, as if he was blowing on bubble bum, before sending the ball into the air above him... to which the ball floated in the air for a few seconds before it decreased in size, sprouted what could have been arms, and pulled a head out, one that resembled Gotenks' head.

"Hi!" the white creature said, floating down until it was parallel with where Gotenks was standing, who had a smirk on his face, "Its a ghost!"

"This time, even your dead, Super Buu." Gotenks stated, knowing full well that this wasn't the same Buu that the others had been dealing with so far, as that was why he didn't call him 'Majin' Buu and went with 'Super' Buu, "This is my Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack... and your dead meat."

The ghost, apparently taking that as the command to attack, surged forward and charged towards where Super Buu was standing, who was slightly shocked by the type of attack that was being performed in front of him. When the ghost drew closer, however, Super Buu grinned as he swung his left arm and backhanded the ghost in the chin, which staggered the creature for a second. That was quickly followed by the ghost grinning at the last second as it detonated with enough force to consume the entire area around where Super Buu was standing, putting him at the center of the blast and forcing him to take all of the damage in the process.

When the smoke cleared Super Buu was a withering mess of his former self, along with the fact that his left hand was completely missing, though both Piccolo and Gotenks were pleased with the damage that had been caused to him so far... though Gotenks knew exactly what to do next.

As Super Buu suffered for a few moments Gotenks gathered his ki once more and proclaimed that he was preparing the same attack again, though this time he spat out ten white substances that quickly molded themselves into ten ghostly Gotenks'. At first it seemed like all ten of the ghosts had a different fragment of Gotenks' personality, or the personalities of the kids that had fused to create him, before he called out for the ghosts to get into formation. It was at that point that the ghosts started arguing with each other and nearly detonated all of them, though as Gotenks put out that fire Piccolo casually walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder... before pointing at his opponent.

Super Buu had, a few seconds after Gotenks had become distracted with forming his ghosts and getting them in order, reformed his body and had laid down for a moment, as he was now sipping on a refreshing creme soda, complete with a cheery on top, and was reading from a magazine... though Piccolo had no idea where the items had come from and Super Buu had taunted him by saying that revealing his secrets made no sense at all.

"You fool, you had better enjoy your creme sodas while you can," Gotenks growled, softly to himself for the moment, before he raised his voice for what he was about to say next, "Super Buu!"

"Hmm?" Super Buu commented, looking up from the magazine he had been reading the entire time, as it was slightly boring and wanted something better to do, "You ready yet?"

Gotenks growled and ordered numbers one and two, the first two ghosts that had been created out of the ten, to charge at their opponent, though as they did so Super Buu finished his creme soda off as he stood up, as it would have been wasteful if he didn't consume the rest of it. When the two ghosts came close to him, however, he jumped into the air and let them collide with each other, allowing their charges to detonate as he stated that he never fell to the same trick twice... which caused Gotenks and his ghosts to huddle up as they came up with a new game plan.

Piccolo, on the other hand, silently moaned to himself, because he was seriously considering up blowing up the building now and saving the others the trouble of fighting Super Buu... to which he had to wonder what Goku was doing at that very moment.

Goku and Shin were sitting in front of a tree, watching Gohan receive the power up that the Old Kai had promised him in thanks for drawing the sword he had been trapped in from the plateau it had been put into, and then breaking the blade when they were testing its sharpness. When the five hours had eclipsed the Old Kai and Gohan sat down and began the second phase of the power up sequence, which meant that Gohan had to meditate while the Old Kai held both of his hands towards Gohan. The Old Kai had explained that as long as one hand was pointed towards Gohan he could still draw out the power hidden within him, as he occasionally did something with his right hand while they were doing the power up... which would have annoyed Gohan if he bothered to say anything. Gohan had decided to trust the Old Kai and was simply meditating as he had been instructed to do, allowing his father and Shin to talk about Buu and their plans.

Goku, on the other hand, was mostly silent as he wanted for Gohan's power up to be done, as some time ago, when Shin reported that all of the Earthlings had been killed by 'Super' Buu, he had felt the air change for a few seconds and could have sworn that he felt a bit of pure anger in the air. To the best of his knowledge there were only five people on the planet at the moment; Shin, who was sitting next to him, Gohan and the Old Kai, who were busy with drawing out Gohan's hidden power, Kibito, who was meditating behind the tree Shin was resting at, and himself. The anger, on the other hand, made him think that there was someone else on the planet, someone that was much stronger than anyone he had faced in his entire life.

For a moment Goku had to wonder if Beerus the Destroyer had been visiting Shin's world and was angry that his visit was being interrupted, though if that was the case Goku was sure that the god would have come and had a word with them while the Old Kai was working. After some time he felt the pressure of Super Buu's ki disappear, which concerned him and caused him to glance over at Shin, who either didn't know what was going on or had seen what happened and wasn't saying anything.

"Hey Shin, have you noticed it yet?" Goku commented, causing Shin to glance over at him, though at the same time Goku kept his eyes on Gohan while he spoke, "How Super Buu's ki suddenly disappeared a few minutes ago?"

"Yes, I did." Shin replied, as his training with Lord Beerus had allowed him to master several of the techniques that were a requirement for a Supreme Kai, such as being able to detect ki from a distant planet like Earth, along with another useful technique he had forgotten about, "Last I saw he was sparring with Rainbow and her sisters, before entering the Lookout... after that he suddenly disappeared from my eyes completely."

"Then is he dead?" Kibito asked, as he also couldn't feel the evil ki that belonged to Super Buu, but at the same time he worried that their opponent might have evolved once more, "Is the universe safe from his evil?"

"He hasn't fought Gotenks yet, as I don't feel his energy at all," Goku added, remembering the promise he had made to the original Majin Buu, which Super Buu would have acted on shortly after performing his first evil deed, "I wonder why their ki just up and vanished like that."

"Ah, that's because they are fight in a world that has a different dimension of time," the Old Kai stated, though he smiled for a moment, as it appeared that Gohan was deep in his meditation, because his voice didn't cause the young half-breed Saiyan to stir, "Do you have any idea what that means?"

Goku thought about what the Old Kai had said for a few seconds, about a world that had a different dimension of time, before he understood what the elderly Kai had said, though at the same time that raised more questions than it actually answered.

"Yeah, that's the Hyperbolic Time Chamber," Goku replied, not even noticing the nod that Shin was giving him at the moment, as he was too focused on what was going through his mind, "but why would they fight Super Buu there? It doesn't make any sense at all."

"Well, it appears that your Namekian friend let Super Buu into that room," the Old Kai commented, retelling everything that he had seen so far, while at the same time being vastly disappointed in Shin's inability to do anything right, "It appears that he has some sort of plan in mind, likely in case the fusion warrior fails to deal with Super Buu."

"Even if Gotenks were to fail, there's still the back up plan," Goku said, remembering what had happened when he and Vegeta showed their sons how to correctly perform the technique, and what had happened minutes later, "Raijack would be able to fight Super Buu, in the off chance that Gotenks failed to defeat him."

"Raijack?" Shin asked, because he was slightly familiar with the Fusion technique that Goku had taught to his son, but it sounded like the combination of Rainbow and Applejack's names.

"The fusion between Rainbow Dash and Applejack," Goku explained, turning his attention to Shin for a moment, knowing that he couldn't have seen the fighter for himself, "She possesses a speed that easily rivals, if not overpowers, the speed that Rainbow uses when she fights against someone, while at the same time possessing a strength that is the same as Applejack's when she's serious about a fight. Gotenks and Gogeta, the fusion between Vegeta and myself, tried to hurt her, but her speed made her nearly impossible to hit and she blocked every attack like they were nothing... and when Gotenks tried to hit her with a large ball of energy she caught it with one of her hands and, with some strange purple energy surrounding her hand, she shattered the ball like it was nothing.

That instant reminds me of what happened at the Cell Games, where Rainbow had that type of energy wrapped around her body and transformed her clothing into some sort of godly attire, which allowed her to fight on par with Cell and even obliterated one of his Juniors with a single word."

The Old Kai glanced down at the tree that Goku and Shin were sitting at, were they were having their conversation while they wondered what was happening with Super Buu and Gotenks, while he actually thought about what the Saiyan had said. Goku was claiming that there was someone in the universe that could use the same destruction energy that the God of Destruction, Beerus the Destroyer, commanded with an iron fist and used whenever someone really pissed him off. The Old Kai, however, knew that the Saiyan had to be joking, because if someone in their universe actually possessed an Avatar of Destruction, as that was the term that Beerus had attached to that form, the God of Destruction would have challenged them to a fight by now... so Goku had to be joking.

At the same time, however, the Old Kai had to wonder what was even going on with the Destroyer God, because he had been expecting Beerus to be asleep during such a crisis... and yet he was awake and was purposely allowing someone to deal with Super Buu in his place. Something had happened during the time since he had been sealed in the Z-Sword, something major that had made the God of Destruction change how he acted, and he intended to figure it out... to the best of his ability anyway.

After a few minutes of talking to his ghosts, and telling them the plan that they needed to go through so they could beat Super Buu, Gotenks finally declared that he was ready and snapped Super Buu out of his light nap, as he had fallen asleep for a few moments. Unfortunately two of the ghosts decided to clasp their 'hands' together and detonated, causing some chaos among their ranks and causing Super Buu to laugh at them, though while he was distracted Gotenks commanded that all but one ghost charge according to plan. Super Buu prepared himself for the ghosts, but when they came near him they veered off to his left and gathered around each other, pointing at someone that he couldn't see and were making a big deal about it.

Super Buu's curiosity got the best of him and he actually walked over to where the ghosts were gathered, to which he peered over their shoulders and asked them what they were staring at... to which the five ghosts latched onto his body and detonated, causing an explosion that mimicked the first one. As the smoke cleared, and Super Buu's extremely withered body revealed itself, Gotenks had the final ghost enter his body through his mouth, to which Super Buu's body expanded for a few seconds before his insides detonated and tore him apart. Fragments of Super Buu rained down all around them, indicating that part of him had survived the explosion, to which Gotenks and Piccolo started walking around the area and obliterated all of the fragments that they could find with their ki blasts.

"I guess that's the end of Super Buu," Gotenks commented, bringing down his foot on one of the charred fragments that he had burned, while at the same time sounding disappointed with how the battle ended.

"You did extremely well in your fight," Piccolo replied, to which he glanced over at Gotenks, who was looking at all the charred fragments of Super Buu, "To be honest, I didn't think that you could accomplish all of this with your power... but I'm glad that you succeeded and that we didn't have to use any of our other plans to save the Earth."

Not a few seconds later the wind surged around them and the pink smoke, which had been coming off of the charred fragments of Super Buu, started to gather above their heads, to which Piccolo and Gotenks watched as Super Buu reformed above them... and he was a little pissed off at having his entire body blown apart like that. Gotenks, deciding to try and trick his opponent instead of revealing his other technique, feigned hopelessness in the face of Super Buu's power, to which Super Buu grabbed Gotenks with his antenna and started hurling him around the area. Piccolo watched all of this happen, with Gotenks being beaten up by Super Buu and even going the extra distance by pissing him off even more than he already was, before coming to a decision.

Piccolo gathered his ki for a few moments, making sure that he had enough power without being detected, before he launched a ki beam at the entrance and blew the entire structure, including the two large hourglasses, to pieces... stunning both Super Buu and Gotenks for a moment.

"This is the end for you, Super Buu." Piccolo commented, turning towards the combatants, who were staring at him at the moment, and offering them to calmest expression he could muster, "I've destroyed the only doorway between this world and the one that we were previously in. You are definitely strong, so much so that not even Gotenks here can beat you, but even with your strength you cannot hope to leave here for the rest of your life. You are, just like Gotenks and myself, trapped in this dimension for the rest of your existence."

"You mean we're trapped in here with the creature that killed every Earthling on the planet?" Gotenks said, sounding extremely disappointed in the fact that Piccolo had acted without telling him that such a plan had been in reserve, though when Piccolo nodded he let out a sigh of defeat, "Well, at least Raijack won't be able to battle Super Buu anymore."

"Raijack?" Super Buu asked, though while he was horrified by the fact that he was now separated from everything he cared about on the Earth, and annoyed by that at the same time, he had to wonder who this new warrior was.

"The fusion between Rainbow and Applejack," Gotenks explained, knowing that the sooner he finished telling Super Buu what he wanted to know the sooner he could force the creature to kill him and Piccolo, "Raijack is like me... only she's incredibly powerful and not to be messed with."

Super Buu was pissed off, more than he had ever been in his entire life, because he had been promised a warrior that would give him a battle unlike anything he had ever seen before, but while fighting with Gotenks had been interesting it wasn't as fun as he originally believed it to be. This Raijack, on the other hand, sounded like the type of warrior that would give him the excitement that he wanted without leaving him unsatisfied, though now the opportunity to fight her had been stolen from him. He couldn't stand what was happening to him, to which he growled as he walked towards the ruined structure, allowing his anger to build for a few moments before he focused his anger in the area in front of him, where he roared with all of his anger.

The resulting roar blasted what appeared to be a hole between dimensions, because on the other side of the hole he noticed the palace that he had been waiting in front of before Rainbow and her sisters had suggested he spar with them... to which he grinned as he charged towards the hole and leapt through it, leaving Piccolo and Gotenks behind.

Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale glanced up from where they were sitting, which was on the plateau they had been sparring on with Super Buu, as they felt a surge of energy that could only belong to Super Buu, indicating that he was emerging from the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. It also meant that Gotenks had failed to kill him and was either dead, or had been left broken in the chamber with Piccolo to tend to him, while also meaning that the last line of defense had fallen. Goku and Vegeta, in their Super Saiyan 3 forms, had failed to stop Buu when he was still Majin Buu, and now Gotenks had been bested by Super Buu, meaning that it was their time to shine... as Raijack was the last line of defense between salvation and destruction.

Rainbow mentally chuckled for a moment, as it appeared that Gohan wouldn't even get a chance to fight the villain this time around, which was a shame because she had been interested in seeing the results of his training... but now she and Applejack had to prepare for Super Buu's arrival, because he was going to be looking for someone to fight and they were the only warriors that could fight on his level at this point. Super Buu was going to be in for quite the surprise when he faced the power of Raijack, and she was looking forward to showing that power to him in their battle.

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