• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Majin: Day of the Tournament

A month had passed since the Z Warriors heard the news that Goku would be coming back to Earth for the World Martial Arts Tournament, while also receiving news that Nappa, the evil Saiyan that had landed on the planet with Vegeta all those years ago, had been revived a year ago. They had all gone through the training of their lives, making sure that they were well prepared for whatever sinister plan the evil Saiyan had in store for them this time around, as they were all sure that it meant the end of the world if he succeeded. Gohan, of course, had his training interrupted many times by Videl, who had insisted that he teach his how to fly, the basics on how to sense ki, and questioned him about his relationship with the pony girls that had fought against Cell seven years ago. He also suggested that Videl cut her hair shorter for when she was in the tournament, as it would prevent an opponent from easily turning the tide of the fight... to which he promptly found out that Videl didn't like being told what to do, despite the fact that she showed up the next day with shorter hair.

Rainbow and Applejack were fine with having Videl around, because she asked questions that Applejack could easily answer, about both her family and the people that had been with them when they fought Cell, though Rainbow liked to show how awesome she was by showing off her speed. Rainbow then challenged Videl to a race and purposely lowered her speed to match Videl's level, to which they flew around a track that Gohan and Applejack designed just for them... and ended up crossing the finish line at the same time, though that was followed by Videl accusing Rainbow of doing that in an attempt to not hurt her feelings. Despite Videl interrupting him, and giving him a chance to interact with something that wasn't one of the pony girls had had been around for years, Gohan was able to get some decent training down, thanks to his younger brother helping him.

During those four weeks the Z Warriors occasionally got together and talked about what they knew about their enemy, what his movements were, and got to work making a solid plan for when they arrived at the place that the tournament would be held in. Vegeta, Gohan, Goten, and Trunks all agreed not to turn Super Saiyan, as they were worried that someone might recognize them from the footage that had been taken during the Cell Games, though Rainbow and Applejack also stated that they wouldn't be entering the tournament as a whole. Sure, the two of them could hold their power back until they were on the level of the martial artists that were in the tournament, but seeing how Videl was able to recognize them, almost immediately they added, they knew that it was best if they didn't enter at all.

They were sure that someone would recognize them anyway, without them entering the tournament, but they were banking on the excitement of the matches to cover their existence... and give them time to scout the area and search for Nappa, before he put his plan into action.

Gale was excited to see her two best friends fight in the youth division of the tournament, as they had all determined that Goten and Trunks would be able to make it to the finals before they had to get serious. The reason she wasn't entering was because she had an unfair advantage, her elemental affinity that she still had trouble controlling, as she was bound to hurt someone on accident and didn't want that to happen. Besides, if she really wanted to fight Goten and Trunks they could always visit Asgard and fight there, or turn the tables on the adults and try their luck at beating one of the older Saiyans in battle.

Vegeta had also told the rest of the group that they would be expecting an old friend to show up before the start of the tournament, though everyone already knew that it couldn't be Goku, as he had been planning on coming before Gohan had said a word about it. When asked who this friend was, however, Vegeta told them that they would be able to spot him from a mile away, when he wanted to be seen anyway, and that he would gladly introduce them when he spotted where his friend was standing. Rainbow and Applejack suspected that it had to be Shin, along with his attendant Kibito, but they said nothing as Vegeta promised their friends that he would keep an eye out for his friend.

Just thinking about Shin made the girls wonder if they could get any news on their father, especially since they were getting close to the year that he was supposed to wake up in, but they kept their mouths shut about that as well... and the rest of the group had assumed the wrong thing when they told them that their father was sleeping, though they weren't in a hurry to correct them just yet. They hadn't even told the group that their mother was the Supreme Kai of Time, because they suspected that the majority of them wouldn't believe what they were telling them, so they saw no reason to reveal who their father was... yet anyway.

Over those four weeks Bulma, Chi Chi, Krillin, and Yamcha teased Gohan about his relationship with Videl, as Goten had revealed that Gohan had taught someone else how to fly at the same time that Goten had learned the skill. Word had already spread throughout the group that Videl was Mr. Satan's daughter, which increased some of the teasing that Gohan received, by the young man didn't seem that bothered by it... though he always blushed when someone mentioned him and Videl being boyfriend and girlfriend, which only made the majority of the group laugh in turn. It was clear that Gohan's priorities were to save the world from whatever Nappa was planning, go back to school, and get the degree that his mother wanted him to get... and then he would think about a wife and child after that.

Eventually the day of the tournament arrived, so when the sun was fully in the sky the group, those that had gathered at the Capsule Corp building anyway, boarded one of Bulma's sky cars, took their seats, and allowed Bulma to get them headed on their way... to which they headed towards the location of the tournament grounds.

It took Bulma some time to reach the island that the tournament grounds had been built on, but it was rather easy to find the island thanks to all of the sky cars that were flying into the island, carrying all of the fighters and spectators that were coming to both fight in the tournament and watch their opponents carefully. The island itself was rather large, as there was even a city resting near the area that the grounds for the tournament had been built on, though there was some parts of the island that remained untapped. When they landed in the area that was designed for landing, and climbed out of the sky car they had been riding in, Bulma turned it back into a capsule and collected it, before the entire group walked into the area that surrounded the main tournament buildings.

"There is definitely a lot of people here today." Krillin commented, noticing the large number of people that were visiting all of the booths that had been set up around the tournament buildings, where the people were buying snacks and treats while they waited for the adult and junior divisions to begin.

"It sure is crowded," Bulma said, as she was looking around at the sheer number of people that were here, though she was more worried for the lives that could be lost if Nappa actually put his plan into action.

"You know, I wonder if Goku managed to show up even earlier than us," Yamcha stated, as he was looking around for their friend, as they had been told that he was going to be here today, and yet he didn't see him anywhere at all.

It was at that point that the majority of the people around them started running towards the landing area, shouting that Mr. Satan had arrived, to which the group chuckled to themselves. They all knew that the man wasn't the strongest in the world, in human terms anyway, but they were in no hurry to expose him either, as they didn't want the media on them all the time. From afar they watched as Mr. Satan stepped out of his sky car and posed for the press that had gathered around him, where he also exclaimed that he was sure to win the tournament, regardless of who entered the competition. Videl also walked out of the sky car, though when she was stopped by one of the reporters she promptly told him to shut up and leave her alone, before walking off on her own.

As they walked away from the landing area, however, Goten spotted Piccolo standing under a tree and allowing the shade to cover him, as he was sure that most of the people would remember his past and scream or something.

"It is good to see you again Piccolo," Gohan commented, allowing the Namekian to open his eyes and notice that Gohan was wearing the majority of his Great Saiyaman outfit, with the changes that had been provided when he heard the news from his father, "Have you seen my father yet?"

"It is nice to see you again as well Gohan," Piccolo replied, to which he nodded his hellos to the rest of the group that was standing behind him, before turning his attention back to the Saiyan in front of him, "I have been keeping my eyes open, but I haven't seen your father yet... though something tells me that he'll be here soon."

Just as Krillin was about to suggest that he go into the fighter changing room to search for Goku, in case he appeared ahead of them all and was already preparing himself, the wind around them shifted for the briefest of seconds... before Goku appeared out of thin air, complete with the halo above his head. Next to him floated Fortuneteller Baba, who was Master Roshi's older sister and a powerful witch in her own right, though she sat on top of her crystal ball, which was the cause of her floating around the area.

"What's up guys?" Goku asked, though at the same time he bent down and picked up Goten, who ran over to him the instant he showed up, before pulling his youngest son into a hug, something that he knew that Goten enjoyed.

"We're prepared for whatever Nappa brings to the table," Applejack commented, knowing that this was the reason they had all come here, to blend in with the rest of the crowd and try to find the evil Saiyan before he set whatever his plan was into motion.

"That is good to hear," Goku said, though even as he spoke his eyes glanced around the area, looking for any signs that might tell them were the evil Saiyan was hiding, but he smiled and continued to pay more attention to Goten.

"Goku, remember the twenty-four hour time limit," Fortuneteller Baba commented, causing the group to turn towards her for a moment, though they were aware of this rule thanks to her having brought back both of Vegeta's parents for his wedding with Bulma all those years ago, "Generally you are supposed to be allowed back to the planet you lived on one time, but you Saiyans have done so much for the Other World that the Grand Kai has, um, bent the rule a little bit... a thank you reward for your actions. I will return to you once the time limit is up."

Goku acknowledged what Baba said, to which she flew into the air and disappeared, though before they got serious about chatting with each other Piccolo suggested that they sign up now while they had the chance. Both Piccolo and Gohan, for their own reasons, would be using different names when they signed up, while both Trunks and Goten would be going into the youth division. Goku, Vegeta, Krillin, and 18 planned on signing up for the same division as Gohan and Piccolo, while the others intended to head to the stands and watch the matches, giving Rainbow and Applejack the chance to scout for Nappa.

After signing up the group had to separate into two different groups, one that had to go to the stands and take their seats and one that had to go to the changing room to prepare, though instead of following the group that had to go find their seats both Rainbow and Applejack followed their friends to the changing room. They planned on following them there so they could see whether or not they were correct in their assumptions that Shin was the one that had come to Earth, and not someone else. Both of them were one hundred percent sure that it had to be Shin that was coming here, as there was no one else that it could be, but they patiently waited for whoever had come to Earth the show themselves.

They were halfway to the place where Vegeta and the others would have to go into when something, or rather someone, stopped them in their tracks... someone that Rainbow and Applejack immediately recognized the moment they laid eyes on him.

"SHIN?!" Rainbow and Applejack exclaimed the instant they spotted the Supreme Kai, who happened to be standing next to Kibito at the moment, to which they ran over to him.

"Rainbow! Applejack!" Shin replied in kind, opening his arms as the girls ran up to him and embraced him, despite the fact that they had to bend down to do so, "I had the feeling that I would see a familiar face here, at the World Martial Arts Tournament, but I honestly didn't think that I would bump into the two of you here. Just look at you two, you look so much older than the last time I saw you."

"That's understandable considering we haven't seen each other for thirty-four years," Applejack stated, silently counting the number of years in her mind, while at the same time noticing that Rainbow didn't seem to care too much about that fact, "Twenty-three years were, of course, spent in the enchanted sleep we asked our mother to put us in, so we could wake up when our father did. The remaining eleven years we have spent on Earth, battling the likes of Cell and training for whatever the future decides to throw at us."

"Still, the two of you look wonderful today," Shin commented, noting that both of the girls were wearing their gi, meaning that they were well prepared for what was going to happen today thanks to the warning that King Vegeta gave them and their friends, before he turned his attention to the rest of the group, "Sorry, I haven't seen either of them for a long time and got excited when I noticed them walking with the rest of you, though I should have approached you first, instead of letting these two sniff me out."

"It's not a problem, considering that you are a friend of their father's." Vegeta said, though at the same time he decided to allow Shin to reveal who he was, and decide when to do that as well, "Shin and Kibito, allow me to introduce Son Goku, his sons Gohan and Goten, my son Trunks, Krillin and his wife 18, and Piccolo..."

"And Videl!" a voice said, to which Videl caught up with the group and stopped beside Gohan, as she was the only person outside their immediate group that knew Gohan by his costume.

"Yes, and Videl," Vegeta continued, not really surprised that Mr. Satan's daughter had caught up with them, but at the same time he focused on the task at hand, "Guys, these are our friends Shin and Kibito... and they are close friends of Rainbow and Applejack's parents."

"You're kidding me," Goku said, staring at the smaller guy for a moment, who was no doubt Shin, and then the tall guy, which had to be Kibito, and knew that there was more to them than what he was seeing, so much so that he was reminded of his brief glance at the deity known as Beerus the Destroyer, "So, can you tell us anything about their father... or about yourselves for that matter?"

"I can tell you that their father is a great fighter, one of the strongest in the universe," Shin replied, knowing that the majority of the group, save for Videl and possibly 18, knew that the girls were from a different world, even though Shin and the others knew that they were actually from another universe, "as for myself... I am the Supreme Kai, the Kai above the Grand Kai, for the entire universe. Kibito, on the other hand, is both one of my closest friends and my bodyguard, which will come in handy considering what we're here to do."

"W... Wait a second, you are the Supreme Kai for our universe?" Piccolo asked, though at the same time his gaze shifted from Rainbow and Applejack, who weren't surprised by what Shin had said, over to Shin himself, who nodded his head for a moment, "No wonder I couldn't feel anything from you... you are on a completely different level than all of us."

Rainbow and Applejack were a little surprised that Shin pretty much revealed what he was without even a hint of hesitation on his part, which meant that he was hoping to gain their trust for whatever was going to happen soon. He had even said that he and Kibito were hear to complete some sort of task, though the two of them hoped that Shin was planning on including some of them in this task. That also worried the two of them, because when they fought Frieza one of them died and when they fought Cell the other one died, so it worried them that someone was going to die in the near future, but they were sure Shin would make sure the three of them survived whatever was coming.

"Shin, how can we be of service?" Vegeta asked, knowing that the Supreme Kai was bound to ask them to aid him in stopping whatever he was here for, because it was no doubt connected to what they were here to stop.

"I just need you all to go along with the tournament and wait for my signal," Shin replied, though as he turned to leave the area, with Kibito for that matter, he noticed that Rainbow and Applejack were staring at him, but he already knew that they were going to ask him what the problem was, "Vegeta, are there any Saiyan legends about Majin Buu?"

"Only that my father told us not to engage him if we ever found him," Vegeta said, though his eyes widened as he realized what was going on now, "No... that can't be..."

"Allow me to tell you the entire story, so that you know what we face," Shin said, knowing that they still had some time before the junior division started and, more importantly, before they were all required to do some sort of task to determine who would be fighting in the senior level of the tournament, "Long ago, back around the time when the people of Earth were just starting to learn how to walk on two legs, there was an evil warlock called Bibidi, who was located in deep space at the time. One day Bibidi accidentally conjured a creature of exceptional power and strength, one he determined was of his own creation and tried to control the monster... a monster called Majin Buu.

Now, Majin Buu was a creature that was incapable of feeling anything and there was no reason to anything that he did, though his entire existence revolved around destruction and savagery, as well as installing terror into all living things on the planets that he traveled to. In only a few years he was able to turn many hundreds of planets into worlds of death, usually leaving nothing of the planet behind as he sought out new places to attack. At the time that Majin Buu was running around the universe there existed five Kaioshin, five Gods of Creation that all had the power to defeat someone like Frieza with one blow, and yet Buu was able to kill all four of my friends... and I was left as the sole survivor, as Bibidi decided to temporarily seal Buu inside the ball that was used to transport him between planets and had it brought to Earth."

"Shin..." Applejack commented, as she and Rainbow had no idea that there had been four more Kaioshin living at some point in the past, nor had they realized that their friend was still plagued by what happened in the past, "I... I'm sorry to hear what happened to your friends. What happened to Majin Buu and Bibidi?"

"I... I struck Bibidi down while he was distracted and killed him before he could release Majin Buu," Shin explained, though at the same time he left out a sigh as he looked at his hands, as if he was remembering the day he killed Bibidi and stopped Buu from being released, "Bibidi was the only one that could release Majin Buu from the ball that he was locked inside and, in a moment when my mind was clouded by grief and anger, I struck him down without thinking, believing that his death would save the entire universe. To some extent I was right, because killing Bibidi made it impossible for Majin Buu to escape from the ball he was locked inside, though when the anger passed I remembered something terrible; Bibidi had created a doppelganger called Babidi, who possessed the information necessary to awaken Majin Buu."

"Then why didn't you come destroy this Majin Buu when you had the chance to?" 18 asked, because so far all she was able to determine was that the incoming crisis could have been completely avoided if Shin had blown Majin Buu away all those years ago.

"Attacking the ball would have only simulated Majin Buu, so I left it alone in a place where no human would be able to reach it, at least for thousands of years anyway," Shin replied, though at the same time he glanced up at the sky for a moment, knowing that he could have prevented all of this if he had asked one person to destroy Majin Buu all those years ago, "Besides, Babidi was on the other side of the universe and had no idea where the ball containing the dreaded Majin Buu was located, so I resolved to hunt Babidi down and finish what I started... only now he has come to Earth, and we fear that he may already have the ball in his possession."

"Shin, what can we do to help you?" Goku asked, because he had the feeling that Nappa was tied to Babidi, so if they went hunting for the warlock they would be able to find the evil Saiyan and stop both of their plans at the same time.

"Inside the tournament grounds you will find two men, one called Yamu and one called Spopovich," Kibito commented, causing the group to turn towards him for a moment, as he had been silent the entire time and was choosing now to speak, "both of them bare the Majin symbol, the one shaped like a 'M', on their foreheads, are more muscular than all of you, and seem to have veins bulging out of their now pale skin. They are the minions of Babidi and we suspect that they are here to gather energy for the resurrection of Majin Buu, though we also intend on using that fact against them. Son Gohan, we would like to ask you if you would aid us when the time is right... though we must see who will be fighting who before we reveal our entire plan to all of you, especially with so many people around us."

Rainbow and Applejack knew that Kibito was also referring to the fact that their friends all needed to actually be in the same rounds with the two men that had been mentioned, otherwise everything that Shin had planned on doing today could easily fall apart in a matter of seconds. Based on what Kibito said, and what he hadn't said, he and Shin hadn't even seen a trace of Nappa since he was resurrected, making the girls wonder if he had chosen to flee the planet instead of facing all of them in battle once more. They were now aware of something that could be more important than whatever Nappa was planning, but they intended to keep their eyes out for him as well... as they were both sure that he was somewhere on the island, though they had no idea where.

Mighty Mask, fully dressed up in his white colored clothing, with a pair of golden yellow boots and gloves, and his blue colored mask that only revealed his eyes and mouth, let out a sigh as he walked towards the building that the preliminaries of the tournament would be held in. Sure, he was excited to be back after his humiliating defeat during the last World Martial Arts Tournament, but he had seen some of the competitors while he was walking and knew that his chances of winning were already limited. He knew that he could easily turn away, take off his costume, and watch the tournament from the stands like everyone else, but he was here to redeem himself and prove that he wasn't a terrible martial artist... he just needed to make it passed the first round and he was sure that his confidence would return.

His thoughts were interrupted when someone large, likely another contestant that was trying to enter the tournament, bumped into him and accidentally knocked him to the ground... though as he started to get up, so he could give the guy a piece of his mind, he found an outstretched hand waiting for him.

"Sorry about that man," the person said, though Mighty Mask could tell that it was a man's voice, which matched the body in front of him, though he was smiling and was trying to be friendly to make up for what he had done, "This is my first time coming to one of the World Martial Arts Tournaments and I got so excited, by just being here, that I wasn't watching where I was going."

"No worries, it happens to everyone," Mighty Mask replied, to which he accepted the hand that was in front of him and found himself back on his feet in a matter of seconds, while at the same time noticing that none of the people around them had bothered to stop and stare at them, "Well, I had better get to the tournament building before they start whatever the preliminaries are this year... I wouldn't want to miss my chance at entering the tournament this year."

"I understand." the man said, to which he started to walk away for a few seconds, though before Mighty Mask could actually start walking away the man turned back around, "Hey, you wouldn't happen to be that Mighty Mask guy that I have heard so much about, would you?"

"Yeah, that's me," Mighty Mask answered, though at the same time he knew that he had better get going, otherwise he was bound to miss something important, but at the same time he noticed that the man had a strange 'M' shaped tattoo placed in the middle of his forehead.

"Good, because this makes things so much easier for me." the man said, though before Mighty Mask could question him, and determine what he was saying, he pulled something out of his pocket and quickly jabbed it into Mighty Mask's neck.

The man quickly pulled his arm back and caught Mighty Mask, to which he immediately played it off as the man feeling a little too excited and that he was helping him go outside for a few seconds to cool off before the start of the preliminaries, where he walked outside the main wall and found his two accomplices, Yamu and Spopovich, waiting for him. He quickly dropped the body on the ground and started stripping him of his costume, making sure that the boots and gloves fit over the black cuffs that were on his arms and legs. He was actually surprised that the main part of the costume fit over his own body, which would make it easier to play the part without too much loose clothing, and also smiled as the head piece fit his head perfectly... while also hiding his mustache quite well, as he was sure that it was much harder to see it now.

Once he was dressed up in the costume that Mighty Mask had worn, and had assumed the persona for now, he turned to his accomplices, who were eagerly awaiting his orders.

"Take his body and hide it in the cave we found earlier," the man declared, to which the two men nodded their understanding, which pleased him at the moment, before he beckoned to the tournament that would be starting soon, "oh, and if you want to ensure that he can't leave the cave when he wakes up, feel free to break a few of his bones in the process. The preliminaries will be starting soon and we had better not miss our chance to enter it."

"It will be as you say, Nappa-sama." Yamu said, to which he and his partner picked up the arms and legs of the man that was on the ground and flew off towards the cave in question.

Nappa grinned as he turned his attention back to the tournament that would soon be starting, because he had seen, out of the corner of his eye, the group that had been responsible for his death so many years ago. He had focused on three of them when he first spotted them, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and his dear friend Vegeta, because they were the ones who had formed the plan that had ended with his death. Once he knew that they were there, and hadn't noticed him yet, he knew that the Z Warriors would be looking in all the wrong places for him, allowing him and his accomplices to do what Babidi had tasked them to do.

Nappa had to resist the urge to chuckle as he imagined not just the destruction of this pitiful planet, but the total and complete destruction of the city known as Asgard... and the screams of agony that Vegeta would release when he took his people from him for a second time, only this time their existence would be terminated.

"Just you wait, Vegeta," Nappa said, his smile widening for a moment, which briefly betrayed his true intentions and his evil nature, before calming down for a few seconds, "Nappa's coming for you... and soon you will feel my wrath."

When Yamu and Spopovich returned to him the three of them entered the grounds and made their way to the area that the preliminaries would be held in, though all Nappa could think about was the torment that he would bestow upon Vegeta in a few days... though as he chuckled for a few moments his accomplices echoed his actions, before they grew serious and continued their walk. Soon he would have his revenge on Vegeta and the pony girls that he had chosen to ally himself with... and he would laugh as he unleashed the greatest evil the universe has ever known, to destroy everything and everyone that Vegeta cared about.

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