• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Cell: Cool Down

Rainbow landed in the area that Vegeta and the others were standing in, where she recalled the last words that Cell had spoken to them before he had departed from the island they had been fighting on. She couldn't believe the gap between her own power and the power of Cell's perfect form, as not even her lance, which had been empowered with a full five minutes of charging, was enough to kill the Bio-Android. Nothing she or Applejack had come up with, along with the skills that Vegeta, Trunks, and Gale used in battle, were enough to do anything to Cell, as he just regenerated all the damage they dealt to him and then taunted them in the process. It was annoying to fight an enemy that they couldn't damage with ki based attacks, because of his annoying regeneration ability that was just an empowered version of Piccolo's ability... and that wasn't taking his ability to apparently read skills that were used against him into consideration.

At that thought Rainbow had to wonder if Cell had learned the secret to using the Lightning Lance, though if the answer was yes she knew that he would use it to his advantage against anyone that dared to oppose him... and destroy everything around him in the process.

"So, the fate of the planet is going to be determined in a martial arts tournament," Vegeta commented, though at the same time he looked into the sky for a few seconds, where Rainbow and Applejack wondered what he could be thinking about, "You know, all of the planets that Frieza conquered had their fates determined by simply taking out the planet's greatest warriors and claiming it for the tyrant... so this is going to be a first for me."

"Still, whose going to fight against Cell?" Krillin asked, to which he looked at the assembled group that had gathered around each other, along with Piccolo and Tien, who were interested in hearing what Cell had said before he had left the island, "At this point the one people who might be able to stand up to Cell are Goku and Gohan, who might have overcome that strange muscular form you used Trunks."

"We call that the Super Saiyan Third Grade," Trunks replied, to which he shook his head in shame, as he was disappointed in the fact that all of their training was for nothing, though he already knew who to blame for their current situation, "its just a more buffed up version of the form my father was using the entire time, which was call Super Saiyan Second Grade... though they are essentially more muscular versions of the Super Saiyan form. Honestly, I'm sure that Goku has already figured out how to overcome the wall that my father and I reached... as my mother once told me that he was some sort of fighting genius, or something like that."

"Once he and Gohan come out of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, and show us their new power, we should send another group in," Piccolo commented, as he was more than willing to throw his two cents into the conversation, and at the same time he wanted to test out this special room and increase his own power, "Cell is going to give us, at the very least, a week of time before the tournament is ready to begin, but there is no way of knowing that until he announces when the ring is complete. We have more than enough time for everyone to group up and have a turn inside the chamber, so we should be able to surprise Cell when the day of the tournament arrives."

"I wish to aid you in fighting Cell," a voice said, to which the group watched as the damaged Android 16 walked over to them, though at the same time Trunks growled at him, "Calm yourself, I do not wish to see this world destroyed. I would gladly give my life to save it... though doing so would require some fixing before I am ready for battle once more."

"Then we should take you to the Capsule Corp building and show you to Bulma," Krillin commented, to which he smiled at the Android, hoping that his smile was enough to offset Trunk's negative reaction to the Android, "I'm sure that she'll have you up and running at one hundred percent in a few days... once she's had enough time to study how Dr. Gero made you and fixes you up."

"Speaking of Dr. Gero's creations, where did Gale run off to?" Trunks asked, to which everyone looked around and found that she was no longer standing near them, which only made him worry that he had been right about her since the moment they had crossed paths.

"I'll go look for her," Piccolo said, to which he floated into the air and looked down at everyone, knowing that there wasn't much they could do until Goku and Gohan stepped out of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, "I'll be back when I find her and convince her to come back to the group."

As the others continued to talk among themselves, and try and convince Trunks that Gale had unfortunate timing when she hit her brother into the area where Android 18 had been hiding, Piccolo followed the other Bio-Android's ki around for a few seconds. It really didn't take him too long to figure out where Gale was hiding, as she was simply sitting on a ledge and was staring at the water, where she had to be lost in her thoughts at the moment. She didn't seem to notice that he had found her, or maybe she didn't care at this point, though he stood there for a few seconds before she seemed to move.

"What is it Piccolo?" Gale asked, though at the same time she simply remained looking at the water, as she didn't want to bother with Trunks and his constant blaming of her allowing Cell to become his perfect form.

"Everyone was wondering where you ran off to," Piccolo answered, though at the same time he walked up to where Gale was sitting and rested a hand on her shoulder, just to show that someone else, besides Rainbow and Applejack, was on her side, "I have been watching you since you first revealed yourself and let me tell you something... you aren't to blame for Cell acquiring his perfect form. You were just unlucky enough to hit Cell into the area where the Androids were, though I don't believe you should be blamed for what's happened."

"We can't even kill my brother," Gale replied, to which she let out a sigh as she stared at the water, while at the same time she wondered what Cell was doing at that moment, "As much as I hate to say it, and I really hate to say it, but it appears that the future that Trunks and I have been trying to prevent the creation of might come to pass... and might end up being worse this time around."

"Look, one of us will stop Cell," Piccolo said, though as he spoke he let out a sigh, because he was about to do something that would change how she looked at the Z Warriors, "Son Goku should be leaving the Hyperbolic Time Chamber sometime tomorrow with his son, though everyone is planning on taking some time to train for your brother's tournament. I was planning on training alone and use the multi-form technique, but let me ask you something... would you like to enter the time chamber with me and train for a day?"

Gale turned and looked at him for a moment, as if she was shocked that one of the Z Warriors would actually invite her to train with them like this, but instead of answering she merely nodded her head. With the deed done they returned to the others, where Vegeta had managed to calm Trunks' anger at Gale with the help of Rainbow and Applejack, before Piccolo stated that they should return to the Capsule Corp as a group. There they could all gather and wait for Goku and Gohan to leave the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, where they would be able to determine who went in there again and in what order the pairs entered the training area.

They all knew that they needed to be prepared for Cell's announcement, because there was no telling when he would find a decent spot to build his battleground and then announce the end of the world to everyone else.

When they finally arrived at the Capsule Corp building they found Bulma's parents waiting for them, as Bulma was still up on the Lookout for some reason and wouldn't be back for some time, though not a few seconds after their arrival Roshi, Chi Chi, and Yamcha flew in with their sky car. Seeing how Bulma wasn't there at the moment Krillin had to ask Dr. Brief if he would look at Android 16, determine what needed to be done in order to fix him up, and then repair him for the upcoming battle with Cell. During that time Mrs. Brief inquired as to what they were talking about, to which Roshi told them about the last three Tenkaichi Tournaments, the 21st tournament, the 22nd tournament, and the 23rd tournament.

Gale, Rainbow, Applejack, Vegeta, and Trunks were surprised to hear the Goku had lost two of those three important tournaments, though it was during the third one, the 23rd tournament, that he managed to beat the evil Piccolo and saved the world... as well as getting to marry Chi Chi.

While they were talking about the tournament, however, they got to talking about the rules and determined that Cell wouldn't be killing anyone due to one of the rules that came with the Tenkaichi style of tournaments, though that did little to help Gale and Trunks come to terms with what the Bio-Android had in mind. Chi Chi was, once again, completely against Gohan entering the tournament, despite the facts that were presented to her, but at the same time they already knew that, once Goku returned from his training, that she would be singing a different tune.

Once they were done talking about the tournaments, both the old ones and the new one that Cell would be holding, they got to determining the pairings that would go into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber once Goku and Gohan came out of it. Rainbow and Applejack had determined that they could be one of the last pairings to go into the chamber, as they wanted to test their new level of power against the Saiyans in Asgard and see what training Bardock and Mizuna had in mind for them. Vegeta and Trunks also intended to visit the Saiyan afterlife and train with both of the other Super Saiyans, as well as show off the move that Vegeta had created, which would be interesting when his mother saw it in action.

That meant that Gale and Piccolo would enter the Hyperbolic Time Chamber first, allowing the two of them to glimpse what the others had seen inside the chamber and bring out their full power against each other. One fortunate thing about them two of them fighting would be the fact that they could regenerate a good portion of their body, though Piccolo freely admitted that he had no idea as to how much damage he could heal before he was out of energy. He already knew that a hand was no problem, thanks to Nail's memories of when the Namekian fought Frieza, and he had experience healing an entire arm... but at the same time he had no idea how much further the regeneration ability went, to which he and Gale agreed that they would start small before they really went at each other.

During their discussion Krillin commented on what Cell could be doing at that moment, to which Gale took a sigh and said that her brother was likely building his arena... to which she clarified that she was sure that he had taken someone's land, leveled it out to a flat area, and then started construction of the arena itself. She only hoped that her brother didn't kill anyone while he was creating the area where the fate of the world would be determined... but at the same time she already knew that it was a foolish thing to hope for.

Cell had spent some time flying around the farmland area he had discovered a few hours after leaving his sister and the Z Warriors behind, where he spent some time studying the surrounding area and the materials that were around him. He suspected that the area had an untapped amount of fine material which, if processed correctly, could be used to create the perfect fighting arena for his tournament. The only problem he detected, from his two hours of searching, was that there was a farmer whose farm rested on the perfect patch of land, which meant that he would have to remove the farmer and his buildings before he could begin construction of his fighting stage.

Once he had determined where to build the perfect fighting area, and had determined which materials to use, he landed on a nearly hill and stared at the farm... where he was surprised to find that the farmer walked out of his house and washed his face, as the man was unaware of the fact that he was even there.

"I hope he had a good life," Cell commented, to which he held his right hand out and gathered his ki, as he wanted to make sure that everything was blown to pieces in one swift motion, though at the same time he grinned for a few seconds, "because its about to end."

The moment he said that he released the ki energy he had been gathering, to which a horizontal line of energy appeared in front of him and went flying towards the farm that was resting in front of him. The instant it reached its destination the trees were cut down, the ground was broken up, the farm and all of its buildings were destroyed, and Cell was sure that the farmer was killed in the process. He really didn't care about the farmer he had just killed, because he was more interested in the fact that his line of ki energy had flattened the land as he had desired, which meant that he had to spent less time trying to make everything perfect. Cell also noted that the hill he had been standing on also shattered under the intensity of the ki he had released, to which he simply floated down to the leveled area he had created.

He looked around and immediately spotted a nearby chunk of earth that happened to be resting nearby, to which he used his telekinesis ability and lifted it into the air, before moving his fingers around and trimmed the chunk into the shape of a perfect cube. He was pleased to discover that he had been correct in thinking that the stone in the area was of a fine quality, to which he started moving his fingers again and started cutting lines into the cube, which he eventually separated into a large group of uniform stone slabs. With the slabs created he raised his hand and leveled it with the open area in front of him, to which the slabs went flying into the area and started placing themselves on the ground, where he eventually created a perfectly square fighting area.

Cell was impressed by his ability to create a perfect ring, with all four sides being the same size and having the same amount of tiles in every direction, but he spent a few seconds staring at his creation from the air with a smile on his face... before he decided that he could modify it later and went off to find a television station to announce his tournament to the entire world. As he floated above the fighting area he made a note of where it was for future reference, so he could accurately tell everyone where the fate of the world would be determined, before he truly got underway. As he flew towards the nearest settlement he already knew who would be participating in the tournament; there was Son Goku, his son Gohan, then Vegeta and his son Trunks, along with Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale.

As the last name came to mind he remembered his vast hatred for his sister and his promise to kill her once he had acquired his perfect form... but he had given her the chance to increase her power before fulfilling his promise to her, and he already knew that none of the Z Warriors could stop him from sealing his sister's fate.

Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale sat at a table as they listened to the television that was on at the moment, as they were sure that Cell would be using one of the stations to inform the world as to the existence of the tournament that would decide the fate of the entire world. There were some cups on the table, as they happened to be taking a break as they waited to see how much time they had before they needed to start training again, though at the same time the majority of the drinks belonged to Gale. Apparently Mrs. Brief heard that Gale was from the future, the same as Trunks, and that she had never experienced some of the various foods that existed in the timeline she was visiting... which was followed by her serving the three of them, along with Roshi, Chi Chi, and the others, a variety of treats to satisfy them until meal time.

Some of the treats and drinks Gale ended up liking, such as the red velvet cake that Mrs. Brief brought out to them, though she never told Bulma's mother about the ones that she disliked... because she didn't want to upset the lady and piss of the Trunks from her timeline.

While Gale enjoyed herself, however, she also spent some time discussing plans of attack with Rainbow and Applejack, though at the same time the girls suspected that once Gale had trained herself in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, and gained the power that would come with the training, that she would go after her brother and stop him before the day of the tournament. That was when Applejack glanced at Krillin and Chiaotzu, who were sitting in front of the television and had the controller in one of their hands, as they were currently flipping through all of the channels so they could find something interesting to watch. Sure, they were keeping an eye out for Cell's announcement, but they had also decided to watch something and show Gale what else she was missing... besides a variety of foods and drinks.

Rainbow, on the other hand, noticed that Vegeta was hanging with the others, though he had taken off his battle armor, took a shower, and changed into some casual clothing, where he was copied by Trunks. She was pleased that her friend was willing to bond with the future version of his son, especially taking some time to make sure that he didn't attack Gale whenever he was pissed off at her. Rainbow was surprised by the amount of time that Trunks spent being angry at Cell, as if he blamed the Bio-Android for allowing Cell to come back to this point in time, allowing him to escape her the first time they crossed paths, and allowing him to gain his perfect form. She wanted to tell him to knock it off and accept her help, as Gale wanted to stop her brother more than anything else in both her timeline and the current timeline, but every time she wanted to do so Gale simply shook her head.

It annoyed Rainbow to no end that Gale was so accepting of what Trunks said to her, as if she believed that she deserved all of his nasty remarks because of who her father was, while at the same time she had to wonder how Gale would be acting if Trunks wasn't this pissed off at her all the time.

After a few minutes the door to the room opened and Bulma walked in with this timeline's version of Trunks, who seemed sad about something, and she walked over to where the future Trunks and Vegeta were standing. Once she was sitting next to them she inquired as to what happened with Cell, to which the two Saiyans explained how they had arrived to discover that Cell had been in his semi-perfect form when they arrived. They then told her how they joined Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale in a massive fight with the Bio-Android, where Gale accidentally allowed her brother to absorb Android 18... with the help of Krillin being used as a hostage by Cell, so he could get what he wanted.

When Bulma learned that Cell, in his perfect form, could stand up to all five of them, and lived through being hit by Rainbow's Lightning Lance, she was a little terrified for their chances, but then Piccolo commented that soon Goku and Gohan would come out of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and that they wouldn't have to worry. He was, of course, referring to Goku when he made the comment, as Gohan could potentially be the final back up plan if everyone else was beaten by Cell, but that didn't stop Chi Chi from screaming her head off about Gohan fighting against the monster that not even Applejack or Rainbow could beat. The girls knew that if they got some more training they might be able to stand up to Cell, but there was no telling what they would be able to do once they began fighting against the Saiyans of Asgard.

Her shouting eventually stopped when Roshi looked at the television, which had been changed when no one was looking and had no one paying attention to it at the moment, where he noticed Cell was rising out of the floor of the studio the station was on. Once he noticed it, and understood that this was what they had been waiting for, he pointed it out to everyone, where both tables turned their attention to the television, while those on the floor made sure to give everyone else a view of the screen. They watched as Cell made his way through the studio he was in and continued to tear his way through the ceiling, where they had to flip the channel a few times before the Bio-Android arrived at the floor he had been searching for the entire time.

When Cell reached his destination, however, he grabbed the man that happened to be sitting near the now destroyed table and tossed him to the side... though once the man was out of the way he turned back towards the camera that was centered on him and smiled, as if he was proud of everything that was happening at the moment.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen of the world!" Cell said, addressing the entire world at the same time, while at the same time telling the Z Warriors that this had to be the announcement that they had been waiting for since the Bio-Android had departed from the island, "My name is Cell. I am sure that many of you are aware of the various incidents where cities have been attacked and completely wiped out by a monster... I am that monster, only fully matured and evolved. I would like to thank the cities that contributed their life energy and allowed me to become what you see before you, though at the same time I can assure you that I will not require any more life energy from anyone else.

Now, onto the main reason why I have broken my way into this television station, destroyed countless rooms full of expensive equipment, and intruded upon whatever news that man was starting to tell you about; I have decided to hold a martial arts tournament, called the Cell Games. I have constructed a ring in an area that's northwest of this metropolis, at an area you call 28-KS-5, though you shouldn't be able to miss the large stone ring I have built. Now many of you are wondering if this will be like the old Tenkaichi tournaments you have held in the past, but allow me to clarify something; the Cell Games will be me verses one of your planet's greatest champions. For instance when one contender loses I shall simply move onto the next challenger until I am either victorious against all of them or defeated by the power they bring to bare against me.

Many of you are no doubt asking what will happen if all of your planet's champions lose and there are no one left to challenge me... though, instead of telling you, why don't I show you what will happen if I defeat all of my opponents."

With that said Cell raised his hand to the board behind him and pointed his palm at the image of the Earth that happened to rest on it, where he released a small ki blast that obliterated the fake Earth... while at the same time blasting apart the wall behind him, destroying the buildings on either side of it, and blasting a hole in the mountain it finally came into contact with.

"Now, you have nine days until the Cell Games start, so feel free to do whatever you want until then," Cell commented, to which he opened his wings as he backed up to the hole he had created in the building, while at the same time he continued to flash everyone his creepy smile, "I'll be looking forward to seeing how many challengers come to fight me."

The instant the words left his mouth Cell flew off into the distance and disappeared, to which the station he had attacked cut their feed and allowed terror to fill the majority of the world. At the same time the Z Warriors knew that it was time to head back to the Lookout and see if Goku and Gohan were done with their training so they could start sending everyone else back into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. They were also interested in seeing how much more powerful the two family members had gotten since they had entered the chamber, because they could potentially be the only line of defense against Cell... but that didn't stop everyone from wanting to train some more.

Rainbow grinned as she followed everyone out of the Capsule Corp building, because she still had her third newly created technique, the Wrath of the Thunder God, that she hadn't revealed to Cell yet... and she knew that, if she could successfully create it, the attack might bring about the end of Cell. She was excited for the Cell Games to start, though she remained calm as she followed her sister and their friends, as she was more than willing to patiently wait for nine days before showing Cell what they were made of.

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