• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Cell: Preparations

The hour following Cell's announcement was one of sheer panic for the majority of the world, as the Z Warriors looked outside the Capsule Corp building and watched as people took their sky cars and flew off into the sky, apparently heading to some location where they would be safe from Cell. Those that didn't have the sky cars that were capable of flight, and were bound to the ground, tried to leave the city by taking the various roads that existed throughout the city, though at the same time with the sheer amount of people trying to leave it caused a traffic situation that prevented people from leaving. Some of them even tried to cut across to another road and ended up colliding with a sky car that was doing the same thing, where the two cars would explode and either injure their driver or the driver would escape before the explosion.

As they waited for the initial panic to die down, and open a path for them to use so they could get to the Lookout without having people bump into them, the television showed them that the same thing was pretty much happening across the entire world... as well as showing Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale that there were large dinosaur creatures that were also fleeing for their lives.

While they sat around the table, and continued going over their various plans on how to go about their training, Krillin mentioned that all of this was his fault, because if he had taken Android 18 away from the island they had been fighting on Cell wouldn't have been able to obtain his perfect form. Of course Trunks had to throw his two cents in and point all of the blame on Gale, considering that she was Cell's sister and could be secretly working with her brother, but most of the group ignored it, as they had heard the same time ever since Gale had first shown herself. Gale, at one point, snapped and proclaimed that if she was to be blamed for what had happened, for allowing Cell to transform into his perfect form, then Trunks was to shoulder some of the blame as well.

When asked why she felt like that Gale replied that it was because of Trunks' time machine that set this whole chain of events in motion to begin with, which was followed by Trunks sighing and deciding that now wasn't the best time for them to be arguing with each other... and making sure that Gale knew he planned on destroying her the moment she turned on them, as if he still believed that she was on Cell's side.

After the initial panic was over the group walked out to the sky car that Chi Chi and Roshi had used to traverse the distance from the small island Roshi lived on and the location of the Capsule Corp building. Those that couldn't fly, or wanted to relax some more like Krillin and Yamcha, piled into the sky car and took their seats, while Rainbow, Applejack, Gale, Vegeta, and Trunks decided to fly and cool their heads. Piccolo and Tien, on the other hand, took a moment to make their decision on the matter, to which the two of them stood outside the sky car and let the door close, indicating that they would be flying for the moment. Once everyone was inside the sky car, and had taken their various seats, they lifted themselves into the air and made their way towards the Lookout, to which those that were flying followed after them.

As they flew Applejack thought about what had happened in the last few days, where she brought up her various memories, those that involved Cell anyway, and tried to find some sort of weakness in Cell's armor, while wondering if his perfect form even had one to begin with. It wasn't the best idea in the world, considering that none of them could damage the Bio-Android without using Vegeta's Final Flash technique or Rainbow's Lightning Lance, but it was better than nothing at the moment. She figured that their brief fight with the perfect form of Cell might be able to shed some light on how they could damage their opponent and, ultimately, bring him down before he destroyed the entire world.

As Applejack thought about fighting Cell she remembered that Rainbow still hadn't shown off her third and final technique that she had created while they were training with their mother and Whis, the move that she had called the 'Wrath of the Thunder God' and packed quite the punch. It was a close second to the Lightning Lance in terms of destructive power, but it required some preparations before Rainbow could use it in battle, though even as that thought crossed her mind Applejack realized that they might be able to use that to their advantage. Cell had copied the Lightning Lance and was no doubt trying to understand the two that had been used against him earlier, so maybe they could fool Cell into allowing Rainbow to prepare her third technique and then unleash it on him when his guard was down.

It was one of the dirty tricks that had would ever consider using, but then she guessed that Cell might openly ask for the attack to be shown... so she kept her mouth closed and flew with the rest of the group, knowing that everyone else was no doubt thinking about Cell and the power he had used against them. She also knew that Rainbow was mentally planning out how she was going to smash Cell with her full power, if the look on her face was anything to go by, and she could tell that Gale was planning something as well. Applejack actually wondered what Gale could be planning at the moment, as she didn't know the second Bio-Android enough to understand what was going through her mind, but she knew that it would be something that involved Cell.

Applejack silently wondered if Gale was considering attacking her brother before the start of the Cell Games, in order to prevent the destruction of the world, but she wouldn't know until Gale either revealed her hand or told someone what she was planning... though she hoped that she would wait for the tournament to begin before fighting her brother, if that was the path she decided to take.

When they arrived at the Lookout they found Mr. Popo standing in front of the main building, with his hands crossed behind his back like usual, though it appeared that he wasn't too annoyed to see them, as if he had been expecting them to return and use the Hyperbolic Time Chamber again.

"Has Kakarot and his son come out of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber yet?" Vegeta asked, though at the same time everyone knew who he was talking about, because they were so used to him calling Goku by his Saiyan name and had connected the two names together in their minds.

"No, they haven't let the chamber yet." Mr. Popo replied, to which he beckoned at the building for a few seconds, indicating that he was either keeping an eye on it through some unknown means or had just walked away from the door shortly before their arrival, "Though I can tell you that they should be leaving the chamber soon enough... and I'm sure that they'll have some new power to show you."

"You know, its a shame that we can only use the chamber for a total of forty-eight hours in out entire lifetime," Piccolo commented, once more drawing upon the knowledge that Kami had given him, though it had taken him and the spirit of the other Namekian a few seconds to find that information to begin with, "otherwise we could use the chamber more than that and really empower ourselves."

"What happens if you go over that time limit?" Applejack asked, though while she was glad that something like the Hyperbolic Time Chamber had such a limit, otherwise someone would have abused it at some point, she was shocked that not even their mother knew about it... to which she decided that Chronoa had to have known about the limit and that was why she had recommended that they train with the Saiyans the next time they wanted some intense training.

"The exit will disappear and you'll be locked in their without any way to escape," Mr. Popo replied, indicating that he knew more about the chamber than anyone else, save for Kami and Piccolo, "Its a great plan if you were planning on trapping someone outside this world, but no one has been stupid enough to test it out."

"Still, that means my father and I can train in there for another twenty-three hours without worrying about being trapped in there," Trunks said, indicating that he had kept track of how much time he and Vegeta had spent in the chamber the last time they had used it, which was followed by Vegeta smiling at him, "Though we won't be going first, as Piccolo and Gale have decided to step inside the chamber the moment Goku and Gohan come out... where we'll be heading to Asgard to see our training partners."

Rainbow started to open her mouth, so she could talk about how great it would be to fight against four Super Saiyans at the same time with her sister, but before she could utter a single word she felt two powerful ki signatures appear in the Lookout, to which she snapped her head towards the opening of the building they were standing near. She wasn't the only one that noticed the sudden change, as everyone was looking at the opening as they discovered that the two ki signatures they were feeling belonged to Goku and Gohan. Rainbow was surprised that their ki was as powerful as Cell's, which meant that they had done whatever they had been trying to achieve inside the chamber... though she patiently waited to see what was different about them.

When the two Saiyans stepped through the opening the group noticed that a good portion of their armor had been broken from their training, which was understandable considering how tough the training in the chamber was, though at the same time they discovered that both of their hair seemed to be locked in the Super Saiyan state. Applejack, however, could determine that Goku and Gohan must have trained in the Super Saiyan state like it was their natural form, because the intense aura wasn't present at the moment... which made her wonder if this could possibly be the 'fourth grade' of the Super Saiyan form, the 'power up' to the muscular 'third state'.

"Oh, everyone's already here." Goku commented, seeing all the familiar faces that were staring at him and Gohan, though at the same time it appeared that he was looking for someone else, "and it appears that I can still feel Cell's ki as well, which means that he's still alive. Something has definitely happened since we went into the chamber."

"Yeah, Cell absorbed Android 18 and ascended to his perfect form," Trunks stated, to which he glared at Gale again, who decided that now was the best time to ignore him at the moment, before he turned his attention back to Goku and Gohan, "Krillin was supposed to take the Android off the island we were fighting on, but thanks to Cell obliterating everything around the island it made it impossible for them to leave without Cell discovering them. We were actually overpowering Cell for a time, as he was in his semi-perfect form for the majority of the fight, but then Gale 'accidentally' struck her brother so hard that he actually landed near Android 18. Cell then, from what Krillin told us, held him hostage and forced Android 18 to hand herself over, to which she was absorbed into Cell's body and allowed him to take on his perfect form at long last.

We then discovered that all of our training was for nothing, as Cell used his new power to literally overpower everyone when we were fighting him with our fists... and he was able to shrug off the damage from both my father's Final Flash technique and Rainbow's Lightning Lance. Once he determine that we were a waste of time he left the island and apparently built a fighting ring where the fate of the world would be decided... though that was followed by him announcing, to the world as a whole, the creation of the Cell Games and when it was being held. The Cell Games, from what we were able to determine, is the same as the Tenkaichi Tournaments that you and the others have fought in, before the arrival of my father that is."

"Really? A Tenkaichi style tournament?" Goku asked, indicating by how he was reacting that he was more excited to fight Cell now, even though he was going to have to wait some time before he could exchange blows with the Bio-Android, "He's thought of something interesting... though someone will have to explain the rules of Cell's tournament, just so I know exactly what to expect when it starts. And one other thing; Mr. Popo, what happened to my gi?"

"I cleaned and washed your clothing while you were in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber," Mr. Popo stated, though at the same time Rainbow and Applejack detected that he must have gone it for a reason that wasn't preparing it for when Goku stepped out of the chamber with his son, "It will be brought out in a few minutes."

"Thanks a bunch Mr. Popo." Goku said, to which he turned his attention back to the others, while at the same time casting a glance at his son, as if he was noticing something for the first time, "We're going to have to get your mother to make you a new gi as well... the gi we made for you when you went to Namek won't fit anymore. Chi Chi's not going to be happy when she hears that we'll need to make you a new set...""

"Actually, we won't have to do that," Gohan commented, to which he walked over to where Piccolo was standing for a moment, telling everyone else that he knew something about the Namekian that none of them knew about, though it was something they were going to learn about in a few seconds, "Mister Piccolo, is it okay if I ask you to make me a gi... one that resembles the gi you are constantly wearing?"

"Sure thing," Piccolo said, though the moment the words left his mouth, and Gohan stood beneath his outstretched hand, he gathered some of his energy and growled for a moment.

The instant that followed the growl was when Gohan was engulfed in a bright light as his clothing changed, though when the light finally faded everyone discovered that the younger Saiyan was now sporting a set of clothing that was an identical match to what Piccolo was wearing. It appeared that the only piece of clothing that was missing was the head piece, though at the same time Gohan didn't seem too phased by the fact that it was missing, as his attention was on the clothing he was actually wearing. Goku took a look at what his son was wearing now and smiled, indicating that he wasn't annoyed that Gohan was wearing Piccolo's clothing instead of the gi he was currently wearing... because Gohan had spent more time training with the Namekian than with him, so he was perfectly fine with the change in attire.

Before he could say anything, and start some conversation about what they were planning on doing about Cell at the moment, he noticed that Vegeta had taken a step towards him, but it was a step that was supposed to get his attention... which was followed by Goku turning to face his fellow Saiyan, as he was interested in hearing what Vegeta wanted to ask him and Gohan.

"Kakarot, be honest with us," Vegeta said, though his tone indicated that he was being serious about what he was going to say, which made Goku listen carefully to what was coming next, "do you think that you, or your son for that matter, have the power to defeat Cell now that he's reached his perfect form?"

"Honestly, I have no idea. Like you said, he's in his perfect form and I last saw him in his semi-perfect form," Goku replied, though at the same time he raised two of his fingers to his forehead for a moment, telling everyone that he intended to teleport to where Cell was standing so he could gauge his opponent's strength for himself, "though, now that you have asked the question, I'm curious to see what his power is like for myself."

Everyone stared at where Goku was standing for a moment with a calm expression on all of their faces, as none of them were surprised by that statement, before Goku vanished before their eyes, indicating that he was heading to the location of the arena that would house the Cell Games in nine days.

Cell stood in the middle of his arena and stared out at the wilderness around him, where he could have sworn that he noticed some of the wild animals staring at him in return. He guessed that it made sense, as they might be seeing him as the apex predator that was stepping into the middle of their various territories, which meant that they were scouting him out and seeing if he was a threat to them. He considered wiping them out to relieve some of his boredom, as the last time he had gotten bored he had created some additional spires, four of them to be exact, in the four corners of his stage. He also remembered flying along side a train to scare the passengers and tossing a car at them, where he was sure that he killed some of them in the process.

He let out a sigh as he cast a look around the area, as he quickly realized that he should have taken some magazines or some books from the city he had been in when he made his announcement... though before he could make up his mind, and head away from the area, he felt the air around him change. He also felt a new ki appear behind him, one that reminded him of Son Goku, to which he smiled as he determined that his boredom was over, because the Saiyan would be sure to take away some of his boredom.

"Hello Son Goku," Cell commented, knowing that the Saiyan wouldn't be too surprised by being discovered so quickly, though at the same time he wanted Goku's opinion on something, "So, what do you think? This is the arena that will decide the fate of the world... in nine days from now."

"Its an interesting ring," Goku replied, knowing that the Bio-Android would be annoyed if he said anything negative about the fighting arena, "but personally I don't think it will be the location where the Earth is destroyed."

Cell waited for a few seconds, wondering if he should forsake the countdown and attack Son Goku now or wait nine more days like he had promised, but then he let out a smaller sigh and turned towards the Saiyan... where he discovered that Goku's hair was in the Super Saiyan state without the aura. The two of the stared at each other as the sky above their heads darkened, though that was followed by lightning made of ki danced around the arena, never touching the ground beneath their feet or around the arena itself. He was sure that there were some people that were looking at the sky at the moment and wondering what was happening to the world, but he was more interested in Son Goku at the moment.

"So that's your perfect form?" Goku commented, drawing attention away from the ring, as the arena beneath their feet wasn't why he had come here.

"That is correct." Cell replied, though his smile went to a frown, because he wanted to intimidate Son Goku and provoke a fight, as it was getting boring and he wanted some relief, "I gained this form from absorbing Android 17 and 18, which was thanks to all of your friends for not killing me when they had the chance to do so."

"Speaking of killing, I would request that you refrain from killing any innocent people." Goku stated, though at the same time he had the feeling that he was barking up the wrong tree, because Cell had killed people to gain the power to absorb Android 17, from the stories he had heard anyway, "Though I will tell you one thing; I will definitely be here when the tournament starts, because it seems like there will be some interesting matches."

Before Cell could reply, and ask how the other Z Warriors were doing, Goku vanished as quickly as he had appeared, which caused the Bio-Android to sigh as his boredom came back... to which he decided to see if there was any other fine quality stone around the area so he could create something as interesting as his ring. As he moved away from the arena, however, he noticed that the sky returned to normal, which made searching for his creative stones much more easier.

Goku let out a sigh as he returned to the Lookout, which was the signal he had returned for those that weren't actually aware of his speedy return, though he could tell that all of them were interested in hearing what he had to say about Cell and the power of his perfect form.

"So, what do you think about Cell's perfect form?" Trunks asked, as he was the first one to speak and the rest of the Z Warriors were willing to wait for Goku to speak his mind.

"Honestly, he was suppressing the majority of his power before I arrived," Goku replied, as they all knew how to suppress their ki so they could avoid detection, which meant that Cell must have learned the technique to avoid showing his hand to his opponents before the arena, "though this is where I would say something about being unable to guess our chances, but I won't say that. He did release some of his power in a staring contest with me, where we darkened the sky and caused some ki lightning to dance around the area around us, but I know that we won't know the truth until we actually fight him in battle."

"Well, we've determined the order of using the chamber," Piccolo stated, causing Goku and his son to look at him for a few seconds, as they were both interested in hearing what he had to say, "Rainbow and Applejack have decided to head to the Saiyan afterlife for the majority of the nine days, so they can train with the undead warriors that are there. Gale and I plan on going into the chamber first, though we haven't decided on whether we're going in for one day or for the maximum of two days. Once we're done, and have stepped out of the chamber, Vegeta and Trunks plan on heading back in to use up the rest of their time... so after them its open for anyone else to use."

"I plan on heading back to Earth and spending some of our time with Chi Chi," Goku said, to which Gohan nodded, indicating that they had planned on this at some point during their training inside the chamber, "I'll let you guys know whether or not we'll use the chamber again once everyone else is finished."

Before anyone could say anything Gohan walked over to where his father was standing and let Goku press a hand on his shoulder, which was followed by the two fingers reaching his forehead and the two of them disappearing from the Lookout thanks to his Instant Transmission. Vegeta sighed and pulled out his medallion, the one he used to head to the Saiyan afterlife, before he beckoned for the others to come over to him, where Rainbow, Applejack, and Trunks gathered around him. The moment they were all holding hands, or had a hand on someone's shoulder, he pressed the button on the medallion and all four of them vanished as well, leaving Piccolo, Tien, Krillin, and Gale standing with Mr. Popo. Tien and Krillin also departed from the Lookout, as they had their own training methods that didn't include going through one year of your life in a single day or training against some of the most powerful Saiyans that have graced the Other World.

Piccolo chuckled for a second, which caused Gale to look at him, because he wasn't surprised to find that they were the last two standing on the Lookout... especially since they were in a race against the clock and Cell was waiting to bring about the end of the world if they all lost.

"So Gale, are you ready to train in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber?" Piccolo asked, though he was pleased when Gale nodded her head immediately after he had asked the question, to which he started walking towards the door that would take them into the chamber, "Well then, we had better get started with our training... and maybe we can improve all of your elemental skills that you were using against your brother."

Gale smiled as she followed Piccolo to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, because she was interested in seeing the inside of the mysterious chamber and get her training underway... and gain the power to finally bring an end to her brother's schemes before he destroyed the world.

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