• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Interlude: Future Shenanigans

Goku and Vegeta made their way back to Asgard, where Goku commented on all of the various training methods they knew and was trying to determine what they could do to reach the level of Beerus the Destroyer. Vegeta, on the other hand, was only half listening to his friend at the moment, because he was trying to determine what he was going to tell his parents and King Kai, when they returned to the city. He also knew that telling Rainbow and Applejack was the last thing he wanted to do at the moment, because then they would ask Chronoa about what he had seen and the entire situation had the potential to spiral out of control.

After a few minutes Goku decided to start asking Vegeta questions about Beerus, which were mostly focused on the moves the God used in battle and the various skills he used in battle, though despite what he knew, which wasn't as much as everyone thought it was, Vegeta really didn't have much to tell. When he had seen the God of Destruction practice, which had been years ago, he had been practicing against children, so his level of power and skills would be somewhat different when he was actually serious about battle. He knew that Kakarot wasn't happy with some of his answers, and he would have felt the same way if he were in the other Saiyan's shoes, but the answers he gave were the only ones he could offer... while at the same time keeping the fact that Rainbow and Applejack were Beerus' daughters a secret still.

Vegeta wasn't sure how Kakarot hadn't caught onto the fact that Beerus and the girls were related, especially with how he said that they couldn't tell the girls about the God of Destruction being here, but he was thankful that his friend was so focused on training... otherwise he was sure that Kakarot would have made the connection and would have been talking about how the girls never told them about their father.

When they returned to Asgard, and passed through the golden gates, they found that several of the scouts had been waiting near the gates, as they were eager to hear what they had seen in Hell and whether they needed to take some time off, if their minds were playing tricks on them. Vegeta told them that they had definitely seen something, though instead of outright telling them what they saw, however, he promised them that he was going to tell his parents, who would gather them all together and tell them what they had seen... if his father planned on doing that anyway. There was no telling how his father was going to react when he heard the news that Beerus had come to the Other World, Hell to be exact, and punished Cell for killing Applejack... by erasing his very existence.

It didn't take them long to reach the palace, though Goku did have to ask why they were coming here and not the Training Yard, to which Vegeta replied that this was where his father usually sent people out on missions and gathered their reports, back when Planet Vegeta was still around anyway. Vegeta's experience with his father proved to be correct, because when they entered the throne room area they spotted his father, his mother, and King Kai sitting at a table, no doubt discussing what was going on in the Other World and determining who was best for whatever mission happened to spring up... with the exception of Bardock, as he was responsible for Chilled.

King Vegeta looked up as his son and Goku entered the room, to which their discussion died as they waited for the news that they all had been waiting for; whether the scouts had seen Lord Beerus or if their eyes had been tricked.

"So what did you find in Hell?" King Vegeta asked, echoing the thoughts that his wife and King Kai were thinking, as they were all interested in hearing what the two Saiyans had discovered.

"The scouts were correct, Lord Beerus was in Hell visiting Cell." Vegeta replied, taking not of the shocked expressions that his mother, his father, and King Kai were wearing at the moment, "It appears that he found the area that Cell was calling home, and where he intended to build another fighting arena for himself, before Lord Beerus showed up and started fighting with him. From what I could tell it appears that the two of them fought for a few minutes before Lord Beerus, well, destroyed Cell completely... as in he erased Cell's very existence."

"H... he did?" King Kai commented, though it was clear that he was shocked by the news, as he would have fallen out of his chair had Goku not rushed over to catch him, "I thought Lord Beerus had been sleeping for the last twenty to thirty years... but if he's actually awake..."

"I don't think we'll be hearing from him for some time," Vegeta said, to which he started to unfold the grand lie he had been planning on telling both King Kai and Kakarot, because he wanted them to drop the issue before word reached Rainbow and Applejack of their discovery, "I know that Lord Beerus has spent the last twenty to thirty years asleep, thanks to the information I was told by his wife, but I believe that there is a simple answer to the situation we have discovered. During the fight with Cell, after her sister was killed in front of her, Rainbow's rage and anger allowed her to manifest the same style of attire that Lord Beerus was wearing and gave her the ability to command the same type of power that the God of Destruction uses. What I think happened was that Lord Beerus was sleeping soundly until he felt someone else tap into his power, to which he traced the disturbance back to Rainbow Dash... and then went after Cell for causing the problem in the first place."

"But shouldn't he have destroyed Rainbow instead?" Goku asked, as from what he could tell there was one flaw in his friend's logic, one that he was sure Vegeta knew about and didn't even bother to correct, "I mean, if Lord Beerus was woken up by someone tapping into his type of power than he should have gone after Rainbow... unless I overlooked something important."

"Lord Beerus generally doesn't destroy those who have the potential to become rivals," King Vegeta said, knowing where his son was going with his lie, though he decided to throw his own words in to aid the cause of misinforming Goku, "if young Rainbow Dash truly tapped into the power of Destruction, which it seems that she did, than Lord Beerus must have decided that she would make a worth opponent one day... though the same thing could happen to you if you increased your training."

Goku's eye lit up the moment King Vegeta mentioned training, to which he turned around and declared that he would be at the Training Yard for when Vegeta was ready to start, though he knew it would be some time before that happened considering he still needed to see Future Trunks off. King Kai sighed and followed after the hyperactive Saiyan, knowing that he would have to spend some of his time making sure Goku completed the training that was assigned to him, by either himself or by Vegeta. A few minutes later, when the three of them were alone once more, Vegeta, his father, and his mother each let out a sigh before they looked at each other again.

"I cannot believe that your lie worked so well." King Vegeta said, though while it annoyed him to lie to one of the greatest warriors their race had produced, which also included his own wife and son for that matter, he knew that such a measure had to be taken, "Son, why do you Lord Beerus came down here?"

"To kill Cell." Vegeta replied, already knowing the answer to that question, though he didn't fault his father for asking the question, as he could have given a completely different answer, "Cell killed Applejack in battle and that triggered a response in Rainbow... but she wasn't the only one affected by the death of her sister. This is a hunch, and it may not even be correct, but I believe that Lord Beerus might be watching over his daughters from somewhere else, though the death of Applejack must have really pissed him off. We won't know if I'm right or not until Lord Beerus decides to tell us... and that may be years away, considering that Rainbow and Applejack are counting down the years until they can be reunited with their father."

"I see." King Vegeta said, to which he let out one more sigh, before he pulled himself out of his chair and glanced over the table he had been sitting at, "I will have to tell the scouts that they were correct in what they saw, but I will also have to ask them not to repeat it to anyone else, especially the girls. I will do everything in my power to keep them from uncovering what we have discovered, despite the fact that it pains me to keep this information from them."

"It pains me to do this as well," Vegeta stated, though at the same time he pulled out the medallion and stared at it for a moment, to which he glanced up at his father, "I'll be returning to Earth so I can see the future version of my son off, along with the future version of Gale Wind... and then sometime after that I'll return to training with Kakarot."

King Vegeta nodded his head in understanding as Vegeta tapped the medallion, to which he disappeared and began the short journey back to Earth... where he suspected something else would be waiting for his son.

When Vegeta returned to the Capsule Corp building he found that most of the people who had been sleeping throughout the building were already awake, which made sense considering that he had been gone for an hour or two. It appeared that most of them had already finished their morning meal and were chatting with the others, no doubt talking about what they were going to do now that Cell had been defeated. He already knew that Gohan was going to go back to school, despite the fact that he was a fighter and should be spending some of his time making sure his skills don't fade away over time. Rainbow and Applejack, on the other hand, were likely going to stay in the house that Bulma had constructed for them, though until the new section of the building was complete she was offering them a place to stay.

Thinking about the girls made him realize that the younger Gale was with them, though this time she was awake and was eating the food that was put in front of her, while at the same time revealing that Bulma was making sure that the girls knew how to take care of a one year old infant... even if she was a powerful Bio-Android created by Dr. Gero.

When Vegeta thought about the future version of Gale, however, he found her sitting at a table and chatting with someone, though that someone turned out to be both Android 18 and the future version of his son. He guessed that the two of them had likely been discussing what they would do when they returned to the future and had been interrupted by Android 18, though he was happy to find that they weren't made at the Android. He also noticed that Krillin had returned to the table and took the seat that was next to Android 18, further validating everyone's beliefs that he and the Android were likely going to start dating at some point in the future.

"Welcome back Vegeta," Bulma said, almost immediately spotting him standing in the doorway, though at the same time she noticed that he seemed focused on something else, "Oh no... did something bad happen in the Other World?"

"No, my visit was quite peaceful." Vegeta replied, taking a seat at the table, to which he noticed that everyone had stopped what they were doing and was looking his way, indicating that they must have heard the reason why he had gone to Asgard in the first place, "In fact I just learned that my father was able to ascend to the rank of Super Saiyan while we were busy finishing off Cell... and that my mother was the first female Saiyan to achieve Super Saiyan 2, though she did so shortly after Cell's defeat."

"Both of your parents ascended at the same time?" Rainbow asked, because while she knew how strong King Vegeta and Mizuna were in their base forms, as that was all they had every time she and Applejack had visited Asgard, she knew that their strength must have increased thanks to their new forms.

"That is correct," Vegeta said, knowing that Rainbow was already thinking of fighting his parents in battle at some point in the future, as he was also thinking about it as well, "and the other bit of news is that Cell was causing problems while I was in Asgard, but some of the other Saiyans were assigned to take him down. Besides, if they need help calming Cell down they have Kakarot aiding them, so I think it is safe to say that this will be the last we have heard of the Bio-Android that nearly destroyed the world."

"That is good to hear," Future Trunks said, to which he and Future Gale pulled themselves from their seats, while at the same time informing everyone that the time has come, "though it is time for us to finally say goodbye."

Vegeta nodded, as he knew that this would be coming the moment he left Asgard, but he also knew that one of the other reasons that the future version of his son had come back was so he could learn the flaws in the Androids. With Gale on his side, and his recent power up thanks to being killed and revived by Shenron, Vegeta already knew that Future Trunks had the potential to save his world. The group let out a collective sigh, as they had been dreading this moment, but they all followed Future Trunks' movements and pulled themselves from their various chairs, to which they all walked outside so they could have enough room for what was to come next.

Once they were all outside Future Trunks reached into the container that contained the capsule his time machine was being held in and tossed it into the air, allowing the capsule to expand and set his machine down in front of him. As he made sure that the time machine was in working order, and could get him and Future Gale back to his timeline, the group waited as Chi Chi, Gohan, and the Ox King arrived... to which Chi Chi told Gale off for wearing her torn gi, as it was still ruined from when Cell had killed her, though the Bio-Android claimed that it was literally the only thing she had to wear and that it was better than nothing. Piccolo, who had been silently watching the entire exchange, approached the pair and tapped Gale's shoulder, reminding her of what he could do, before he held a hand towards her and granted Gale some new clothing... the same gi that he wore, without the shoulder pieces so she could fit into the machine better.

"Are you sure that the two of you can't stay for another day or two?" Bulma asked, knowing that it wasn't a good idea to have two versions of Trunks and Gale in the same time period for too long, but she still felt that they needed to celebrate their victory a little more.

"There are people awaiting my return in the future," Future Trunks replied, putting the finishing touches on the controls, which allowed the time machine to set the course back to his time period, with the future version of Gale as well, "You know, it still surprises me that our timelines can be so different, where in mine Androids 17 and 18 are heartless killers that are trying to destroy the world, yet in this timeline they are actually nice people and fight for the same thing that Saiyans do; justice. Maybe this time around Gale can get the ending she deserves... living with a brother who actually wants to be a family."

"We won't know that until we stop your evil Androids," Future Gale commented, to which she climbed into the time machine and gently placed herself in the back, where she spend a few minutes before they arrived at their destination.

Vegeta knew that Future Gale was hoping for the impossible, because he was sure that it would take some time to search the various timelines for a version of Cell that didn't hate her and want to kill her every time he looked at her. It was wrong for her to be the only one, out of everyone that was assembled here, to go without any happy endings that made her feel better. Sure, he knew that Future Gale was fine with going with Future Trunks and writing a new history with him, but Vegeta also thought it was unfair for her to get nothing for all of her hard work... though he didn't say anything as he approached the future version of his son.

"Trunks," Vegeta said, causing the future version of his son to turn towards him, almost as if he was shocked that he had something to say, but then his shock vanished.

"Yes father?" Future Trunks asked, as while he didn't know his know father all that well, as he had died fighting the Androids that had killed the rest of the Z Warriors, he was happy to get to spend time with another version of him.

"Take care of your mother and the future you are fighting to preserve," Vegeta said, knowing that his son would have done that without him telling him that bit of information, though at the same time he beckoned to the Future Gale for a few seconds, who was looking at the sky at the moment, "and take care of Gale as well. The timelines have been cruel to her, in how she's been robbed of a happy ending like what we are getting, but maybe you can fix that."

Future Trunks blushed for a moment, indicating that he already knew what his father was talking about, before he agreed that Gale deserved more than what she was getting at the moment and that he would do his best to make things up to her. Even though Gale had been trying to stop her brother, from destroying all of humanity and the world, the one thing she desperately wanted was a family, and after spending this much time with her Trunks could see that now. Once he had thought of her as another one of Dr. Gero's creations, but deep inside she was true to her Saiyan cells and wanted nothing more than to be a family with her brother, yet fate had taken that away from her.

As Trunks climbed into the time machine he wrapped his arms around Gale, telling her that things would be different this time around, before settling into his seat and closing the lid. A few seconds later the time machine lifted into the air and gave the pair one last chance to wave at everyone before they disappeared... heading off to the future they had come from. Vegeta, seeing the time machine disappear, smiled as the two warriors from the future returned to the timeline that needed their help, as he knew that they would set things right... and maybe do more than stop the evil Androids and Cell.

A few moments passed before Trunks and Gale exited the time stream, to which the time machine appeared above a ruined form of the Capsule Corp building, as part of the side was missing, but Gale noticed that the building was still pretty much intact despite the damage. Trunks waited until the time machine was resting on the ground, and powered all of the systems down, before he popped open the lid and jumped out of his seat, to which he turned around and helped Gale out of her seat. Once they were both outside the time machine Trunks caused it to revert back to its capsule state and returned it to the container he kept it in, though once that was done he beckoned for Gale to follow him... to which he rounded the corner of the building and headed towards the secret basement entrance.

A few seconds later a smile appeared on Trunks' face as he stepped down the stairs and found that his mother was still fine, as she looked up from the book she was reading and noticed him standing there... though she was surprised when she spotted Gale standing behind him.

"Mother, I'm home." Trunks said, to which he took a few steps down towards the basement, while at the same time making sure that Gale was following him, "I also brought someone to help us... though she's actually from this timeline, only from a few more years in the future."

"Welcome back Trunks." Bulma replied, though at the same time she stared at Gale, remembering the people that she reminded her of, "I'm sure you hear this a lot, but you remind me of Rainbow and Applejack... they would have beaten those terrible Androids, if they hadn't been taken out at the same time as the rest of the Z Warriors."

"Don't worry, lot's of people have compared my appearance to both pony girls," Gale said, to which she offered Bulma a smile, indicating that she was friendly, "My name is Gale Wind."

"A pleasure to meet you," Bulma said, to which she let out a sigh as she beckoned to the table, indicating that she wanted to know what was going on, "I'll make us some tea... and then you two have to tell me everything that happened in the past, because it seems that something big happened."

For the next hour Gale and Trunks took turns informing Bulma of what happened since they had used the time machine to go back in time, where Gale had to explain how far in the future she was from and how she used the machine in question. That, in turn, made them tell Bulma that Gale was actually one of Dr. Gero's creations, though she had been given the chance to determine her own future and was nothing like the Androids that were attacking the world at the moment. Bulma was, of course, shocked when they reached the part about Cell, as the Bio-Android was something that she wasn't expecting, though she was even more shocked when she heard that he managed to kill both of them when they clashed with him. It also warmed her heart to hear that Vegeta had mourned Trunks' temporary death and immediately lashed out against Cell, to which he aided Gohan in stopping the Bio-Android... where Cell eventually bit the dust.

Despite everything she learned about Gale, and who her family was, Bulma eventually accepted that she was on Trunks' side of the war, to which she welcomed Gale with open arms... just as an emergency message started to play on the radio, informing them of what the Androids were doing. They listened as the announcer said that Android 17 and 18 were attacking Parsley City, to which Trunks and Gale set their cups down and pulled themselves from their seats.

"You ready for this Gale?" Trunks asked, though at the same time he removed his jacket and set it against his seat, giving his mother the chance to see the muscles he had developed since the last time she had seen him.

"I was born ready," Gale replied, to which she mentally sighed at what she said, before she refocused on what was going on and followed Trunks up the stairs.

"Trunks. Gale." Bulma said, causing the two of them to turn around and glance at her for a few seconds, to which she smiled at the two of them, Take care of yourselves... and take care of those Androids."

Both Trunks and Gale nodded before they headed outside, though before they got underway Trunks tapped into his Super Saiyan form before taking off, to which Gale followed after him as she allowed the wind to wrap around her. Gale let Trunks go in front of her, as she had actually never bothered to memorize the maps and had no idea where Parsley City was located, though she was glad that Trunks knew the way. It didn't take them long to reach the city that the Androids were attacking, as Gale could tell that it was the city due to the fact that parts of it were on fire and that someone was attacking something, if the explosions were any indication.

When they found the Androids they could see that 17 had a gun pointed at an old man that was half trapped in an overturned sky car, though Trunks fired a low level ki blast and forced the Android away from the man... to which he and Gale landed near the Androids, dominating their attention for the moment.

"Trunks?!" 17 stated, as he was shocked to find Trunks standing before them, though at the same time he glanced over at Gale, "And an unknown ally. This is an interesting turn of events... too bad the two of you are wasting your energy, because you'll both be dead in a matter of seconds."

"17, I'm going to take Trunks out myself." 18 commented, to which she turned and faced Trunks, while at the same time noticing that his companion was moving towards the side, "Though you can have the strange pony girl... especially since you enjoyed delivering the finishing blow to Rainbow and Applejack when we fought them."

Before 17 could say anything, and tell his sister that he was annoyed with her handing all of the pony girls to him, 18 raised her hand and fired a ki blast at Trunks and Gale, to which the two of them separated from each other and avoided the attack. Trunks appeared behind 18 and punched her right in the jaw, sending her flying into the rubble that was in front of her and crushed some of the old walls that had been standing up until this point. A few seconds later 18 surged out of the rubble and attacked Trunks again, though he dodged both the fist and the ki blast that came his way, before punching 18 and sending her flying back towards her brother... annoying both of them in the process.

"Seriously, If you can't hit him then I'll take him out," 17 commented, to which he dropped into his battle stance and raced towards Trunks, though before he could reach his target Gale appeared to his left and struck him with her foot, sending him into some of the rubble and separating him from his sister.

Trunks nodded to Gale for a moment, silently telling her that he was thankful for her stepping in to aid him, before he flew at 18, who started firing ki blasts at him with the intent to kill him. Instead of allowing the attacks to hit him, and hurt him in the process, Trunks slammed the base of his fist into the attacks and sent them flying away from him, surprising 18 in the process. Before the Android even had a chance to understand what was going on, and properly defend herself, Trunks appeared in front of her and thrust his hand forward, releasing a surge of ki energy that surged passed his target and consumed 18 in his attack... to which the area in front of him exploded, causing Gale to cover her eyes for a moment.

When the smoke cleared, however, Gale was pleased to find that this timeline's version of Android 18 had been destroyed, as that meant that they were one step closer to completing Trunks' original mission... though at the same time she turned towards the remaining Android.

"Im... impossible," 17 said, as he was too stunned to do anything at the moment, because his sister was strong and there was no way Trunks could have beaten her this easily.

Before 17 could do anything to avenge his sister, however, Gale appeared in front of him and slammed her fist into his jaw, knocking him to the ground for a moment, though as he tried to pick himself up she planted her hoof in the middle of his chest and pinned him to the ground. Gale then jumped into the air and gathered her ki around her, to which the wind surged around her body and gathered in the palm of her hand, though instead of using her ultimate attack she trapped the wind in a spinning sphere of ki energy. Once the attack was ready, and she was sure that 17 hadn't moved, Gale raced down to where her opponent was standing and slammed the sphere into his chest, allowing the ki energy to be released... causing a circle of damage to be carved into the Android's chest, while at the same time wrecking several of his internal organs and systems.

The moment the attack was done, and 17 was in too much pain to move, Gale leapt back into the air and leveled her palm with where the Android was resting, to which she released a large ki blast that destroyed the area around 17... though when the smoke cleared both she and Trunks discovered that 17 was gone as well.

"What was that?" Trunks asked, as he had never seen Gale use that move during their fight with Cell, but he assumed it was because she never had the chance to use it.

"The Spiral Sphere," Gale replied, to which she shook her head as she looked back at him, knowing that there was someone else they would have to take care of at some point in the future, "Come on, we should tell the others the good news and begin rebuilding everything that the Androids destroyed... because soon Cell will show his face, and then we can end this madness."

Trunks nodded and followed after Gale, knowing that she wanted nothing more than to finish her personal mission and try to convince her brother to turn to the side of good, because she knew that one of the timelines had to posses a version of Cell that believed in justice.

Three years had passed since Trunks and Gale had destroyed both Android 17 and Android 18, where the rest of the world's population could finally let out a sigh of relief and begin rebuilding everything that the evil Androids had destroyed during the time before their destruction. During that time both of them helped everyone move things around and aided in the rebuilding process, while also helping Bulma with any of the machines that she was busy fixing up, despite the fact that they were leaving the time machine alone. When asked why they weren't touching the machine, to go back and tell the Z Warriors in the past that they had succeeded in their mission, Trunks and Gale merely replied that there was too much work for them to do before they went back in time one last time.

In reality they were counting down the days until Cell woke up, because they knew he would be coming for the time machine the moment he was ready, so they wanted to be ready for him... or rather Trunks wanted Gale to be ready to confront another version of her brother. Bulma joked about how friendly the two of them acted towards each other, as if they had feelings for each other, though she was surprised when she caught them kissing in what was supposed to be the privacy of Trunks' room... to which she promised that she wouldn't bother them when they were doing that. Since the two of them knew what was coming next, however, they decided to wait before they went any further in their relationship... though once they heard the news that was related to Cell they knew what to do next.

The following day the both of them gathered their gear and enlisted Bulma's help in 'preparing' the time machine outside the Capsule Corp building, which had been one of the first few buildings to be repaired, though as they said their 'goodbyes' both Gale and Trunks sensed Cell's arrival... to which they sent her back inside the building.

"It can't be," Cell commented, ignoring the human that was running into the building and focusing on the person that was standing in front of him, because he refused to believe what he was seeing, "I killed you! I tore you from the container you were housed in and crushed you the moment I heard what our father said about you! So how can you be alive?"

"The how doesn't matter," Gale replied, to which she separated herself form Trunks, as they had agreed that this was her fight and that he would only interfere when she asked him to, "Cell... my brother... will you give up your evil ways and join the forces of justice? Will you accept my friendship?"

"NEVER!" Cell screamed, indicating to Gale that this version of her brother hated her just as much as her actual brother, though at the same time Cell charged at her.

"I see." Gale said, though at the same time she raised her arm and stopped Cell in his tracks, by grabbing the front of his head for a few seconds, "Well then, seeing how we're going to fight each other, we had best move out of the city."

Before Cell could say anything Gale flew into the air and flew out of the city, heading towards the plateau area that Trunks had pointed out to her some time ago, though when she reached the area she threw her brother down at the plateau and allowed the ground to collapse around him. Gale then landed near her brother, keeping her eyes on Cell the entire time, though she did feel Trunks land on the plateau that overlooked the entire area, as he intended on watching until he was either needed or Gale finished the fight herself. A few seconds later Cell gently pulled himself out of the crater he was in and glared at Gale, where she could see into the depths of his hatred towards her... to which she sighed as she entered her battle stance.

Cell flew through the air and threw his fist at Gale, who raised her right hand and blocked the attack in its tracked, before she lifted her right leg into the air and struck Cell in the chest, sending him backwards in the air. Gale then flashed behind Cell and kicked him in the back, sending him high into the air, before she flew ahead of him and prepared to hit him once more, though that was when Cell tossed a ki blast at her. Gale sighed and slammed her fist into the attack, knocking it to the side, before she slammed both of her fists into Cell's head and sent him down into the ground, to which she floated down to an area near him... though as she touched the ground Cell went flying into the air, where it was clear that he was going to try and fire a Kamehameha at her.

Gale sighed as she called upon her ki and held her right hand up until it was facing away from her body, where an orb of energy appeared above her palm as the wind wrapped around the sphere, swirling around it as four blades branched off from it. This was the same ultimate attack she had attempted to use against her version of her brother, but he had always stopped her from using the attack and cancelled it out every time she attempted to use it, though this time she knew that she had the upper hand. This Cell had never seen her fight, had no idea what type of skills she had access to, and had no idea how powerful she was, though she knew that this time Cell was as good as dead.

Gale flashed through the air and appeared behind her brother, though as Cell turned around to face her she raised her hand and slammed the attack into his back, to which his entire body went rigid as the energy surged into his body. The force of the attack propelled Cell through the air, sending his flying towards the ground with the central part of the sphere digging into his back. Once he reached the ground the ki energy in the sphere detonated, expanding into a large circular dome of energy that would have rivaled the damage that Rainbow's lance could cause, though at the same time the attack used the power of the wind itself to damage Cell's body... though after a few seconds of doing that the energy itself detonated and took the entire area out with it.

When the smoke cleared, however, Gale let out a sigh as she looked around the area, taking in the destruction her ultimate attack caused and found that her brother had not survived the assault of the power of the wind itself and the power of her own ki... to which she flew over to where Trunks was standing and landed beside him.

"I take it that the move you used was your ultimate attack?" Trunks asked, because he had seen the damage that both of Rainbow's ultimate attacks and Applejack's ultimate attack had caused during their fight with Cell.

"Yes. It's my Spiral Sphere: Wind Release," Gale replied, glancing back at the destruction she had caused, though at the same time she wondered what the others would have thought of the attack had they seen it in action.

"Gale, is something bothering you?" Trunks inquired, as he had spent the last three years getting to know the Bio-Android and was quite skilled in reading some of her emotions, to which he knew that she was bothered by what she had to do just now.

"He's gone," Gale said, though she knew that she sounded a little bit depressed, because she was hoping that this version of her brother would have seen the error of his ways and joined her side, but instead all she got was the same thing, "Trunks, do you think there's a version of my brother out there that actually fights on our side of a conflict, instead of trying to absorb the Androids and destroy the world?"

"Allow me to answer that question," a voice said, one that Trunks immediately recognized as Rainbow and Applejack's mother, though that was followed by Chronoa appearing on the plateau behind them, where she smiled at the two of them, "Gale Wind, daughter of the late Dr. Gero and sister of the Bio-Android known as Cell, the answer to your question is yes; there exists a timeline, one of many to be exact, where your brother is a warrior of justice. This version hails from a parallel timeline where you were the evil one and he had to stop you, by either convincing you to change your ways or kill you, mirroring what you were trying to accomplish with him."

"Really?" Gale asked, surprise crossing her face for a moment, as when she was expecting there to be a good version of Cell she had never suspected that their situation would be reversed in the timeline she was searching for, "Do... do you think its possible if the two of us could meet for a hour or two?"

"Sure, that's definitely possible." Chronoa replied, though before Gale said anything more she held up her hand and stopped both her and Trunks from speaking for a second, "I also have a question for the two of you. Seeing how the two of you are time warriors, thanks to using the time machine to go back in time and change the fate of the world, I was wondering if you would consider coming and working under me in my newly established Time Patrol. I won't lie to either of you, there is someone that is trying to manipulate the timelines and I can't stop all of it myself, so while I deal with the larger time distortions I need someone, or a group of someones, to take care of the other changes in history... and, as an added bonus, I have a list of potential allies that you can ask to join the cause."

"Is one of them the version of Cell you mentioned?" Trunks asked, knowing that if Gale had a definite answer to her question, and found a version of her brother that actually liked her instead of hated her guts, she would leap at the chance to meet him... and besides, he wanted her to be happy.

"He is indeed," Chronoa replied, though she noticed the happy look that was on Gale's face almost immediately, to which she smiled in return, "I take it that the two of you would like to join the Time Patrol and start bolstering our ranks?"

When the two of them nodded, however, Chronoa told them that they would begin working in the Time Patrol tomorrow, because they deserved some time to relax before she called on them, to which they nodded again and headed home... to which she smiled and headed back to the Time Nest. From there she could use her powers and head back to where her friends were waiting for her return in the present era, where they could resume watching the girls and see what trouble they got into with the younger Gale following them around... along with the Trunks of that timeline. It also made her worry about the next part of the era that was coming up, though she was sure that Rainbow, Applejack, Gale, and the other members of the Z Warriors would be able to handle themselves when the next threat revealed itself.

Chronoa smiled as she left the future behind for the moment, because she had finally given Gale the one thing that she desperately wanted... and it felt good knowing that she would soon have some allies that would help her keep the timelines in order, while also keeping Demigra locked away in his prison.

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