• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Interlude: Recovery

"I cannot believe that the fight is finally over." Krillin commented, though as he spoke he and the other Z Warriors floated over to where Gohan and Piccolo were resting, as they hadn't moved from where Gohan collapsed, "Though I am grateful that Cell has been defeated... and that there is no way for him to return this time."

"Personally, I would have been shocked if he survived that attack," Vegeta said, though that was when the others realized that he was trying to carry both Applejack and Rainbow, to which Yamcha walked over and gently lifted Applejack into his arms, "Cell had the power of six Saiyans, from both Earth and Asgard, arrayed against him, as well as the power of all of you attacking him from behind. If Cell had managed to survive that clash of powers... well, let's just say it's better to let that scenario remain in our imaginations."

Piccolo had to agree with Vegeta on that one, because despite all the power that they had thrown at Cell, in the last few seconds of the Bio-Android's life, he knew that if their opponent had survived that than most of them would have been unable to beat him. He was sure that Rainbow Dash, in whatever form that transformation had granted her, might have had the potential to defeat Cell if he had survived, especially since the pony girl had done something to the one Cell Junior and simply erased it from existence, or that was what he assumed had happened. He still wasn't sure what Rainbow's form was, but at the moment he was grateful that it had happened, because it allowed their friend to hold the Bio-Android back until Gohan was ready to unleash the plan his father had put together with him.

He also considered, for a few seconds, who the other Saiyans that Vegeta had mentioned were, but then he knew that, once he remembered that Asgard existed, it had to be the rest of Gohan's Saiyan family... though he was sure that Cell hadn't been expecting such power to be brought to bare against him.

"So, should we get going?" Krillin asked, causing the others to turn towards him once more, where they realized that he was carrying the unconscious form of Android 18, "Once the rest of the smoke clears I'm sure that Mr. Satan and his group will try to hound us into handing the credit for defeating Cell to Mr. Satan, so I think it might be best if we just leave and let him dig his own hole."

The group looked at each other for a few seconds, knowing that Krillin had to be right in thinking that Mr. Satan would try to steal the credit for the defeat of Cell, before they nodded their agreement and started heading away from the area that used to house the Cell Games arena. Krillin was the first to take off, carrying the sleeping form of Android 18, and he was followed by Yamcha, who was carrying Applejack's body, a few seconds later. Piccolo, who was carrying Gohan, and Tien, who was carrying Trunks, immediately followed them and started to head away from the arena, though as they did so they noticed that Vegeta hadn't moved yet.

Vegeta glanced over at the tomb that Cell had constructed for his sister, the one that had pissed Rainbow off when she noticed that it was resting there, and marveled at how it had survived all the fighting that had occurred around it. He knew that they were going to use the Dragon Balls soon, which meant that everyone Cell had killed would come back to life, but he guessed that the Eternal Dragon could simply move Gale to them. He then let out a sigh as he turned towards where his friends were heading and started following after them, making sure that nothing happened to Rainbow as he left the area that the arena had been built in.

As he flew behind the rest of the Z Warriors, who were excited about the defeat of Cell, he had time to think about the strangeness of what had happened after they had destroyed Cell. One second Rainbow had been wearing a set of godly attire that reminded him of Lord Beerus, which was understandable when he remembered who Rainbow and Applejack's parents were, and the following second she had been reduced to wearing her normal clothing. He knew that Rainbow was fast, especially with her speed, but even so he doubted that she could power down that quickly, in the span of a single second. That told him that someone godly must have come down to the area they had been fighting in and had to have stalled time for a few seconds, as there was no way for Rainbow to suddenly revert forms like that.

Vegeta knew that the only person that could have stalled time like that, if he was correct in his thinking anyway, was Chronoa, which would have meant that something terrible or interesting must have happened for her to use her powers. If the Supreme Kai of Time had come to Earth, and used her powers to make it impossible for them to see what had happened, it spoke volumes of what might have happened. This was a terrible thought, he knew that already, but he had to consider the fact that Chronoa might have come to Earth with the purpose of using her powers to prevent them from seeing Lord Beerus... which would devastate Rainbow and Applejack if they learned what he was thinking, especially when they told him that their father was sleeping at the moment.

Vegeta let out a sigh as he pushed that train of thought to the back of his mind, because without any evidence to support his thoughts he would cause the girls some heartache, especially since he had no way of knowing whether he was right or not. He wasn't even sure he wanted to ask Chronoa about this visit the next time she came down to Earth, to which he decided to focus on what they were doing and continued heading towards the Lookout... where they could undo everything that Cell had done during his time on Earth.

It didn't take the group too long to reach the location of the Lookout, as the floating building that served as Kami's home was at least ten to twenty minutes away if the Z Warriors flew at their maximum speeds, though at the same time they noticed that Yajirobe and Korin had remained on the tower that connected the Lookout to the ground below it. The two of them apparently had faith in the rest of the group, that they would defeat Cell and save the world, which was why they had remained here and were happy to receive the news that Cell had truly been defeated. They also didn't need to be told that the fight had cost Goku his life, as Korin had detected it as soon as it had happened, so once the news was dropped off Korin waved them up towards the Lookout... to which he smiled for a moment as the Z Warriors left him and Yajirobe to what they had been doing before their arrival.

When they reached the Lookout itself, however, they found that Dende and Mr. Popo were already waiting for their arrival, as the moment they landed Dende ran over so he could immediately begin healing both Gohan and Rainbow... though at the same time Vegeta noticed Mr. Popo staring at him and the body he was carrying.

"So, it seems that even Applejack fell in battle," Mr. Popo commented, looking at the pony girl that Vegeta was carrying, while at the same time he showed no concern for her death, which made some sense considering that this was her first time dying, "This should give the Eternal Dragon some extra motivation to do his job."

Vegeta knew better than to question someone like Mr. Popo, especially since he knew what Lord Beerus would have done if he had been awake during these events and also had no knowledge of what the strange man could even do, so he kept his mouth shut and let Dende work on both Gohan and Rainbow. A few moments passed before Gohan opened his eyes, to which Dende exclaimed that he was relieved to find that his friend's injuries weren't serious and could be healed with his own abilities. Once Gohan was back on his feet Dende moved on to Rainbow, where he mentioned that Rainbow had sustained some serious damage to her body during the fight and that, while he would be able to heal her to full health, this type of damage would leave some lingering sense of pain for a few weeks... though he did say that she would make a full recovery in time.

Vegeta, despite being consumed by pure rage over his future son's death, did remember seeing a dark purple aura surround Rainbow both before and after the transformation, leading him to wonder if she might have called on the same power her father used... though he put his thoughts to the side as Rainbow stirred.

"My whole body aches," Rainbow commented, though as she tried to rise the others gently helped her into a sitting position with her back against one of the building's pillars, to which she opened her eyes and noticed where she was, "Oh, we're back at the Lookout..."

"You honestly didn't think that we could stick around the area that Cell had built his arena in, especially after we defeated him, did you?" Krillin inquired, though at the same time he gently placed Android 18 on the ground and had Dende tend to her as well.

"Honestly, I had no idea where we were going to go after Cell was defeated," Rainbow replied, though as she spoke she glanced down at her hands and a small frown appeared on her face, as if she was looking for something and couldn't find it at the moment, "I guess whatever power I used to dominate Cell finally wore off once we destroyed our opponent... though my entire body still hurts from using it."

"Don't worry about whatever power you used," Vegeta commented, though at the same time he gently placed Applejack's body next to Trunks', before he walked over and placed a hand on her shoulder, "You gained access to that power so you could prevent other people from meeting their end at Cell's hands, because Cell killed someone that was close to your heart. Cell may have killed Applejack, for the moment anyway, but you repaid him in kind and made sure that he never came back to hurt anyone else. All of us, especially Gohan, were able to defeat the Bio-Android because you wanted the power to prevent someone from feeling the same pain that you felt... and you succeeded in stopped Cell from destroying the planet."

Rainbow managed to smile as Dende rushed over to Android 18, who only started to stir once all of her missing ki had been restored and her body was functioning at one hundred percent. Android 18 seemed confused by what was going on, since the last thing she remembered was her being swallowed by Cell's tail and absorbed into the Bio-Android's body, so Krillin filled her in and explained what had happened. Everyone knew that the Android was going to be shocked by the news that Cell was dead, and the fact that some of the people she knew were also gone for the moment, but they were impressed that she was taking it so well... including the part where Gohan spoiled the fact that Krillin was in love with her, to which she chuckled, like a normal person, and put a small kiss on Krillin's cheek.

Once that was done she turned to the others and asked if anyone had seen her brother, Android 17, since if she was coughed out of Cell's body then there might be a chance that her brother had the same thing happen to him... to which she sighed as they told her that she had been the only one to be ejected from Cell's body. Krillin also told her not to worry about it, because they were going to summon the Eternal Dragon soon and they could wish back everyone that had been killed by Cell... and that included her brother.

Mr. Popo walked outside the building and placed the seven Dragon Balls on the ground, explaining that Goku had brought them here with the purpose of using them the moment Cell was defeated, though a few seconds later Shenron erupted from the seven spheres and ascended towards the sky... though the dragon wrapped around himself and assumed the position he took whenever someone summoned him, where he looked down at the group.

"I am the Eternal Dragon," Shenron stated, his voice filling the air around the group, though the dragon did notice several new people and decided not to say anything at the moment, "Speak your wish and I shall grant it, as long as it is in my power to do so."

"Could you bring everyone that Cell has killed back to life?" Yamcha asked, as that was the reason that they were summoning the Eternal Dragon to begin with, while at the same time he hoped that the wish would work.

"Your wish shall be granted." Shenron said, his voice echoing all around the Lookout as his eye lit up, indicating that he was using his power to fulfill the wish that they were asking of him.

The group watched as Trunks' body stirred for a moment, before he opened his eyes and gently pulled himself off the ground, much to the amazement and confusion of Android 18. As Krillin explained how the Dragon Balls and Shenron worked, so the Android could understand what they were doing, Applejack also stirred and awoke from the lifeless state she had been in. Rainbow, seeing her sister come back from the dead, suddenly found the energy to get up and charged over to Applejack, to which she wrapped her arms around her sister and cried tears of joy, while at the same time promising to explain what happened later. Unfortunately Android 17 didn't show up, which meant that he had likely been returned to live where Cell had died, but they decided that they would find him at some point in the future... if he wanted to be found that was.

A few seconds later the wind around the Lookout came to life as Gale Wind, in all her glory, was brought back to life and summoned to the area they were in, though she seemed surprised when she realized that she was alive once more... as she actually checked her pulse to be absolutely sure that what she was experiencing was real.

"I... I'm alive?!" Gale asked, slapping herself across the face to be absolutely sure that this was real and not something else, to which she smiled as she realized that she was no longer dead, "I'm alive! And Cell... is my brother... dead?"

"Cell is no more," Vegeta replied, though at the same time he threw an arm around the future version of his son, because he was happy to have him back again, "Even if the two of you weren't around to see Cell's defeat, because of him taking you out before your time, just know that the two of you completed your mission... indirectly anyway."

"That's good to hear," Trunks commented, though at the same time he let out a sigh as he glanced over at Gale, who was torn between feeling happy that the world had been saved and feeling sad that her brother had followed his mad quest for perfection to the bitter end, "Gale... I would like to apologize for doubting your commitment to the cause and for treating you so poorly while we were trying to stop Cell from absorbing both 17 and 18. I know I have disgraced the Saiyan name, for my actions against both you and the you from this timeline, and I know that, no matter what I do, I will never regain your trust."

"I wouldn't say never," Gale said, causing the future Saiyan to raise an eyebrow for a moment, to which Gale smiled at him and had to resist the urge to chuckle, "How about this; you and I will discuss what you can do to 'regain' my trust and then we'll move on from there... besides, there is someone else that should be arriving any moment now."

Before anyone could ask what Gale meant, and ask her to elaborate on what she knew, the wind kicked up and another person was brought to the Lookout, though the Z Warriors raised their eyebrows in shock as they looked upon a younger version of Gale. Rainbow and Applejack were taken aback for a moment, as they had forgotten that Trunks had attacked Dr. Gero's secret laboratory and destroyed everything that had been down there, including the infant versions of both Cell and Gale. It seemed strange to see Gale in this manner, especially since all of them were so used to dealing with the older version of her, but the future Gale caught the version of herself from this timeline before she stopped floating in the air... to which she smiled as she gently handed her over to Applejack.

"The first thing Trunks and I will be doing is getting the whole story on how my brother was beaten," Gale commented, though she smiled as this timeline's version of her let out a yawn and remained asleep, indicating that she was definitely alive and well, "and then, after a good nights sleep, we should depart for the future he came from, so we can put a stop to the evil Androids that were terrorizing his timeline."

"Are you sure that you want to come with me to my future?" Trunks asked, because he knew where the capsule with the second time machine was located and knew that Gale could use it to return to her own timeline.

"My brother basically killed everyone else in my timeline," Gale replied, to which she let out a sigh as she looked at the younger version of herself, to which Applejack noticed that the future Gale seemed a little jealous about something, "there's no one for me to go back to. At least this way I can help you deal with any threats that come your way... including my brother, if he decides to show himself."

"Um... is there another wish I can grant?" Shenron asked, causing everyone to look up at the Eternal Dragon, who seemed to be getting impatient by the fact that the group was ignoring him.

"Well, since Goku can't be brought back with our Dragon Balls, and everyone else has been revived, I have one other wish in mind," Krillin commented, though at the same time he glanced at the rest of the group, because he wanted their approval before he did anything, "Do you guys mind if I use the second wish?"

"Sure. Go right ahead," Piccolo said, to which the others nodded their agreement, because they had an idea what the wish might be and wanted to see if it was possible for Shenron to do it.

"Shenron!" Krillin called out, causing the Eternal Dragon to turn his gaze towards him, though at the same time a smile appeared on his face as he thought about the wish he wanted to make, "Can you remove the explosive devices that are located inside the chests of Android 17 and Android 18?"

"Your wish shall be granted." Shenron said, to which his eyes glowed once more, though once they dimmed 18 tapped her body a few times and determined that she felt a few pounds lighter, which caused Krillin to grin, "Farewell... until the next time you need me."

Applejack and Rainbow found it amusing that the Eternal Dragon knew that, at some point in the future, he would be called back to provide some aid to the Z Warriors, though they smiled at the dragon as he turned back into the energy that had created him and surged into the air... where he separated into the seven spheres, which went flying across the planet as the sky returned to normal. As the Dragon Balls scattered across the planet, and assumed their stony state once more, the group determined that it was time for them to head to their various homes so they could rest after the ordeal they had been through. Trunks stated that, because it was getting late already, that he and Gale would take the night to rest before they returned to his timeline to rid the future of the evil Androids and Cell... to which Vegeta smiled as he thought about giving Bulma the good news.

As Vegeta turned to leave the Lookout with his group, however, he noticed that Gohan was looking at him, which must have meant that Kakarot had something he wanted to pass on now that they were done with their wishes.

"Vegeta... my father wishes you well and is already eagerly awaiting the next time you visit Asgard," Gohan said, though his tone indicated that there was more he needed to say, to which Vegeta walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, "and... and he also told me that he suspects that the visit will be soon. Apparently something unexpected has happened to both your mother and your father... something having to do with the Super Saiyan transformation."

Vegeta chuckled and told Gohan that, if he was still communicating with his father, that he would travel to Asgard in the morning and see what was up with his parents. He could assume, by watching her grandchild die at the hands of Cell, that his mother might have awakened the Super Saiyan 2 state, though there was no way to tell for sure. He was eager to see what Kakarot was talking about, but due to all of the events that had happened during the Cell Games he wanted to rest and spend some time with his family on Earth. Gohan told him that his father understood the message and would be looking for him the following morning, to which the other Saiyan left the conversation and left his friends to their own devices... such as heading home and resting, as that was what Vegeta was planning on doing at the moment.

He also invited Rainbow, Applejack, and this timeline's version of Gale to come over, as he was sure that the girls would no doubt ask Chronoa about the sleeping baby Bio-Android, and whether she could be raised as a younger sister... and he had the feeling that Bulma might make additions to the house she had given the girls four years ago. For a moment he wondered how the Supreme Kai of Time would react to suddenly having a third child to visit, but he chuckled as they made their way towards the Capsule Corp... because he had the feeling that Chronoa would be thrilled by the idea of having another child like Rainbow and Applejack.

Vegeta also knew that if the younger Gale became a younger sister to his best friends, like Rainbow and Applejack were hoping, she would likely become one of his son's best friends... though the thought made him smile as they headed away from the Lookout.

Chronoa smiled as she froze the image, where she and the others could see both Rainbow and Applejack smiling at the sleeping form of the younger Gale Wind, because it almost seemed like they already considered her to be a younger sister of some sort. She knew that Vegeta was likely considering what she would be thinking about, though while she could easily say that he was right about Gale, and what she wanted to do with her, she also knew that Vegeta had no idea that she had plans for the future versions of Trunks and Gale. She wanted to ask them something, once they had defeated both the evil Androids and the version of Cell that was lurking in Trunks' timeline anyway, so she was more than willing to wait for them to complete their mission.

After a few seconds she snapped her fingers and let the image resume, to which it caught up with the girls as their group headed in the direction of the Capsule Corp building... though at the same time she leaned back against her seat and smiled at Beerus, who seemed happy about what they were seeing at the moment. Unfortunately she knew the look on Beerus' face too well at this point, considering that she had known him for seventy-five million years and had spent some years actually getting to know the Destroyer God... including his expressions.

"Beerus, you mentioned that Rainbow had called upon something called the 'Avatar'." Chronoa commented, knowing that if she distracted him long enough, and made him forget what he was thinking, then they could stay here and not have him leave just yet, "What exactly did you mean by that?"

"That form is something Whis and I call the Avatar of Destruction," Beerus replied, though at the same time he took a sip from the drink he was holding, while noticing that Whis and Shin had turned towards him to concentrate on what they were talking about, "It is a form that allows us to see who has the potential to become a God of Destruction, though someone like Frieza will likely never manifest an Avatar of his own, despite the power that he commands. The Avatar essentially means that whoever manages to somehow manifest the appearance of a Destroyer God, just like Rainbow did after seeing her sister die in front of her, is destined to become a God of Destruction one day."

"The sudden appearance of Rainbow's Avatar does raise an interesting question," Whis said, though he levitated his scepter over to them and summoned the image of the area he was thinking of, to which Universe 13 phased into existence in the orb, "Is Rainbow Dash destined to be the God of Destruction for Universe 13, brought here with her sister to train with some of the greatest warriors we have and learn the duties of a Destroyer God from one of the existing Gods? Or is she supposed to be a replacement God of Destruction for one of the twelve official universes, just in case something happens to one of the existing Destroyer Gods?"

"It is too soon to say." Beerus stated, to which he let out a sigh as he stared at the crystal screen they had been watching, though his focus was on Rainbow, Applejack, and the younger Gale Wind, "We'll have to wait until she's older to see which universe she's supposed to be the God of Destruction for... though, while we wait for something interesting to happen, there is something I need to take care of."

Chronoa sighed as she realized that, despite her attempts to stop him, Beerus was still going to visit Hell and find Cell, just like he had done with Frieza shortly after his death. She already knew that the Bio-Android was no longer important to the timeline, not like the former tyrant was, so she was perfectly fine with her Destroyer God heading to where the villain was resting. She also knew that Beerus was going to likely destroy Cell for everything he had done so far, to she just out a sigh and looked at the screen in front of them, keeping her eyes on the girls and the new addition to the family... to which she let a smile grace her face.

Despite everything that had happened it appeared that the girls were ready for some relaxation, especially after all the training they had been through in the last few weeks... and she knew that Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale would be ready for the next threat when it decided to rear it's ugly head.

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